Chapter Twenty-one - Temptation
So far so good, my time here has been easy, I haven't had a drink since I came here, which surprisingly made me a little tense for some reason, Jared texts me like every 3 fucking hours, which is annoying as hell but I know he's just trying to look out.
I haven't heard from Jack in a while. Maybe I'll check on him later, but right now jet lag has gotten me by the neck, yesterday I didn't get much sleep, I don't know why but sleep just wasn't there.
As I'm about to fall asleep in a bed that feels like clouds my phone starts ringing on the drawer next to me.
" ughh, who the hell? "
As I looked at the phone to see who was calling me I'm meet with a devil emoji, all inches of sleep left my body, and all my energy suddenly came rushing back to me. It's Dianna.
I answer, but don't say a word, I'm scared that if I say something I might say the wrong thing, I have no control over anything when I'm talking to her and I absolutely lo-, I mean hate it.
" hello?, you there, Tylerrr? "
Dianna is the type of girl that hypnotises you, her voice just soothes every fucking muscle in your body, and when she looks into your eyes its like she sees your soul, when she kisses you with those lips, she puts you under a spell, you stop thinking, and everything around you fades and its just you and her.
I suddenly felt way calmer than I did a second ago, see this is what happens when I talk to her, this is just the first step of temptation.
" Yeah I'm here, what's up? "
" Nothingg, just wanted to hear that sexy voice of yours, what you doing? "
" I'm lying down, talking to you, what are you doing? "
I already know the answer, and she knows I know, it's 8:49 pm and I can hear slight music in the background, that means she's getting ready to open up the club. When 10:00 hits the music turns up, the people go in and the party starts.
" I'm setting up, and talking to you. Are you going to bed early tonight?"
" If your trying to ask me if she's around then no she's not, so I won't be pulling any gtg's on you during this call "
Every time Dianna calls me I'm hardly ever home, so if Diamond is close by or getting close by I always tell Dianna I have to go or that I was going to bed early, or some shit like that. So now every time I call her or she calls me she asks me if I'm going to bed early, aka is your girlfriend around?. We've created a 'system'.
" Where is she?"
" Wouldn't you like to know " I chuckle
" Ok then , Where are you? and no smart ass answers " I could picture her smiling on the other end of the line
" I'm everywhere, and no where"
" Tylerrr come on "
" Why do you wanna know so bad? "
" Because it's very rare that you and Diamond are separated, and you haven't hung up yet which means either you're really far away or she is, so where are you? "
" Fucking hell, detective Dianna on the case hahaha.., I'm in New York, happy now?"
"OMG TYLER!!!, are you serious right now? You're here?"
"Yes I'm here, for WORK, NOTHING ELSE! "
" Oh come on Ty, please you have to come to the club tonight, pleasee?"
Here we go, she's doing that thing with her voice, where the fuck is Jared's annoying text!
" Dianna I..., I can't "
" Why? Because you're scared something will happen? "
" I know somethings going to happen, you do to "
" Ok fine, how about we have one drink, just one and I promise I'll try my hardest not to do anything "
" It's not you I'm worried about, your just so-"
" Tempting? I'll try not to be, now come on, when you get here look for me at the bar byeee "
" Dianna wait no i never said"
Before i can finish the sentence she has already hanged up the phone
" Shit "
Well I tried to say no, but I guess I'm not strong enough for the forces of Dianna.
god what the fuck is wrong with me!?!?
I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't break Diamonds heart, but now I'm not so sure how to keep it, I try I really do but I can't have both, its either or. What I have with Dianna is lust at least I think it is, but what I have with Diamond is love. I know it, but what happens when love fades and lust takes over?