I couldn't help but cry, I felt happy, shocked and confused, all at the same time, I got what Tyler was trying to say, he liked me but he has to make sure it's what he really wanted.
Tyler has had a few girlfriends in his life that just either didn't work out or just left him heartbroken, so I got it. I, on the other hand, has had a few boyfriends as well, but my heart always belonged to Tyler, I always came back to Ty.
"I... I never knew you felt that way about me, I always thought, you thought of me as kind of your sister, but I feel the same way about you. Tyler I have always wanted you, I always liked you. Loved you, and I understand that you want time to think about this whole thing, I get that, so take as much time as you need, just know that I will be here for you no matter what, no matter what you decide, no matter how you feel, I will be here for you. But promise me this, no matter what happens we will always be best friends."
Tyler's face was filled with relief, joy, and sadness, but I'm glad we talked about this, its time we got our feelings sorted out.
God, I am so happy this conversation went like how I hoped it would, every word that was spoken out of her mouth tonight was downloaded in my brain, I felt automatic relief when she said she felt the same way!
"I promise, and umm... I'm going to need some time by my self for a while, you know... to think, clear my head..."
And that was the truth, I needed time to gather up my feelings, just to be sure. I don't want what we have to be damaged, a wave of sadness came over me, but I knew that this was the right thing to do!
"Can I try something real quick?" I said, seeing confusion grow on D's face.
"Umm.. sure I guess, it's a free country isn't it?" Both laughing at the joke, I walk towards Diamond close enough to feel her breath on my face, the wind had blown a strand of hair in her face as if signaling me to the perfect motion. I lifted my hand and gently slide the hair behind her ear, her skin is so soft, her eyes are so vibrant, I lean in and kiss her...
At that moment the world was at our feet.
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter of 'The love He Took' stay tuned to find out what happens next, be sure to like, comment, and follow me. LOVE YA!!!