Hi. My name is Raven and I think I’m addicted to coffee. I drink coffee at least three times a day, and it's all from my favorite shop, Creamy Cup. Every morning, lunch break, and 2 am wake up call, coffee has been there for me. It's delicious. Walking into the store everyday just takes a weight off my heart. The same boring people, the same rich scents combining, and the same annoying barista, Kim. Kim is the only thing that I would get rid of in this perfect coffee ritual. Kim, a man, constantly tells me the same thing everytime I order coffee.
“You're so young! Get outside and find love” or “You and your petty generation don’t know anything about the world” and “Don’t you do anything other than drink coffee all day! Back in my day we actually had to work for a living!”
It's always the same nagging mouth. I actually am impressed with how much he continues to nag. It's been 5 years since he was recruited and everytime I walk into the store, he goes at it. It's almost impressive.
Today was different. Yeah I know, difference. Great change of pace Raven. Get out there and experience something other than the same boring coffee routine. NO! I don't want to.
However today I was quite shocked as someone other than the normal old lady entered the line right behind me, well four new somebodys. Towering over me at massive heights, four hot and godly people stood right behind me. I know three of them and immediately turn away. It's impossible. Maybe I don’t know them. I mean, I saw them no more than four months ago. They couldn’t have gotten that tall and mouth wateringly fit since then!
As I look back again, all four are looking down at me. Oh gosh. This is uncomfortable!
“Wait, Ryan, Evan, and Theo. That's you guys right?”
“And me, I’m Xander.” Mystery dude reached his hand out and I shook it.
“Yup, it’s us. You surprised?” Ryan said with this cocky little smirk on his face. I can’t give into him after what emotional rollercoaster he put me through.
“No. Just checking my facts. I haven’t seen you in a while so I was refreshing my memory.” I can’t help but roll my eyes. It just so happened that I also got the last word since I was up next to order. As I got my drink, I went to sit in my usual window seat and write a couple of pots down for my hobby. See I'm only 16. Turned last month, and I don’t have a job technically but I love writing stories and drawing for them.
Looking up, the boys are still looking at me and Ryan is scowling. Serves him right. I can’t help but continue looking at them. They look so out of place here. Four huge beastly guys in this quaint coffee shop. When they get their coffee and leave, I just continue to write and draw paying them no mind. However for the rest of the day, I can’t help but subconsciously think about them. I mean I don’t know about Xander, but Ryan, Theo, and Evan, are two years older than me, and when I saw them in school before summer break, they looked… well normal. Scrawny highschool kids who were about to graduate. Theo was my height, Ryan had acne, and Evan was thinner than me. I don’t even wanna know what kind of steroids they are on.
When I leave the cafe and finally stop writing, it is sunset. I always stay for longer than I intend to but since I live so close, my parents are ok with me spending lots of time here.
When I walk home, something feels off. No one is here. My neighborhood is pretty secluded but even then, there is always someone walking their dog or riding a bike. But tonight, no one. It freaks me out a little. It reminds me of a super dystopian world where everyone died from a disease and there's just loads of empty houses. Shells of what once was. When I get to my house everything seems normal. My mom is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and my dad is on a conference call. My brother is outside playing with our dog. After we get together and eat dinner, I go up into my room and start watching Netflix. By the time I look at my clock, it's already 2am. I figure it's time to go to sleep, so I turn out my light and start to lean into my pillow. I won’t be able to sleep for a while because I can’t stop thinking about the guys.
By the time I finally start closing my eyes, I get a wave of dizziness. Something’s wrong.