The air was crisp. It reminded me of fall. When leaves are falling and spicy smells are everywhere. Then I realized that I am actually really cold.
As I roll around in bed I can’t help but partially squint at my surroundings. Maybe someone left my window open. I always told them not to do that but my mom would come in and open it anyways.
I don’t have white sheets. I mean come one, I have a german shepherd dog. I can’t really afford to buy new white sheets every time he jumps on my bed.
Looking around even more I start to get a huge headache. As I wince I notice that there are four people in the room with me. Then I remember that night.
Speaking of which, “What day is it? Is it still 2019?” I ask.
“Finally sleeping beauty decided to wake up. It’s actually 2024, and you were in a coma for four years.” said Ryan smirking.
“Ugh Ryan come on! I’m serious. How long was I out?” I look around at everyone else.
Finally Evan speaks up and tells me that I slept for two days. Nice. I at least made them wait for it. Ha Ha kidnappers!! Don’t underestimate my sleeping abilities.
“Ok well where am I?”
“You are at our pack house in the middle of Nevada.” said Theo.
“What the hell is a pack house, and why am I in Nevada if I live in Ohio?”
“Well,” said Ryan.
“It's a long story,” said Theo.
“Do you want the long version,” asked Xander
“Or the short one?” asked Evan.
I wonder how long it took them to synchronize that perfectly? Probably both days I was out.
“Give me the short version then the long version.” I want to know what I am dealing with first, and then why.
Xander started talking first, telling me about weird myths and supernatural creatures, and I just rolled my eyes.
“We are all werewolves.” he said bluntly.
Haha. Great. Lunatics.
“Ok. Well I will tell my mermaid best friend that you called, ok? Bye now!” I got up and tried running for the door but they all sped around me. How can someone be that fast??
Wait! I've read plenty of Wattpads. This actually explained a lot. I mean I never doubted aliens and I guess I had always hoped that there was something more out there. Their unusual size and demeanor. The way they got into my house without anyone noticing. Their speed. And of course their “holier-than-thou” god bodies.
First I need to test them because if I blindly agree with them, then I look like a fool who just got played.
“If you're actually werewolves, which I highly doubt, then show me.” Look at me, all smart and demanding.
“Fine, but only one of us will because there is a lot to take in.” said Evan.
Right then and there I heard a crack.
Ryan was… bending, no, that's not the right word. He was.. well breaking bones spontaneously all at once. Before I could blink, he was a dog. Well wolf.
He was huge. His body came all the way up to my mid stomach and his fur was a cream blonde with spots of sable and tan. He was gorgeous.
With all the weird supernatural stuff happening right in front of me, I can't help but think of how much money he would make me if I sold him like a dog. I mean my dog was expensive but him… wow. Big Bucks.
Back to the supernatural.
“Wow. Ok. That really just happened… right here on the floor. In front of me.” I said. I don’t think my mouth could hang any lower.
“Ok, don’t freak out. Right now, his wolf is in control. It's kind of like his werewolf alter ego, and for reasons that I will explain later, he loves you and wants you to pet him.” said Theo.
I walked over to the wolf and started to pet his head. His fur was so soft and his head leaned into my hand. I started scratching behind his ears and all the places that my dog likes. Soon the wolf started backing away and I got up. Confusion was clear all over my face.
“He is going to change back so you might want to turn around. He will be naked when he changes.” said Xander.
Turning around I asked, “so what does all of this have to do with me?”
“Well… you're our mate. Shortened for soulmate, each werewolf only has one. Well supposed to have one. You are our mate. All of ours.” Xander continued, “We were placed here on earth by the moon goddess who split our soul into two parts and put each part inside us and our mate. This ensured that hopefully the species would fight less because of the natural and immediate love they found for each other. While it worked for a while, nowadays it doesn’t turn out like that all the time. You can turn around now.”
Turning around I asked why it doesn’t work.
As Xander continued he told me that some wolves reject their mate and live alone. Apparently if your mate rejects you, it feels worse than death. He also told me that I was the first human mate and the first person with multiple mates. Great. Setting standards even while I am kidnapped. Some of the things they told me about history sounded a lot like a couple werewolf books I read online, although I was always more interested in vampires.
“So, are there other supernatural creatures or is it just you?” I asked.
“There are millions more species that can fuel your fantasy about fantasy, however most of them live on different planets.” said Ryan.
At this point I had sat back down on my bed.
“But, I knew most of you. Why did you get super buff all of a sudden.”
“Well the werewolf gene is activated around the 18th birthday, some sooner or later. That is when our full werewolf genes get activated and when we can start looking for our mate.” said Theo.
Oh. I guess that makes sense. This was a lot to take in, but Wattpad novels really prepared me more than I thought. I laughed at myself.
I looked out the window and it was dark now. I guess I woke up late and time passes easily.
“If you guys don’t mind, can we talk more about mates and all of this tomorrow. I'm surprisingly tired from today, and I really need to shower.”
“Yeah the shower is just over there,” Evan said pointing, “and we will put clean clothes on your bed.”
After taking the hottest shower ever, I felt more refreshed and I got changed into the pajamas they put on my bed. They weren’t really pj’s and more a big shirt and sweats from one of the guys.
As I climbed into bed, I felt surprisingly lonely. No matter how little I knew them, they had crept up on me today. I didn’t know if it was because of this weird bond or because I have history with most of them, but I just felt safe here. Which was the best and weirdest thing about the whole day.
As I dozed off, I felt the bed dip and the guys jumped in to sleep. (mind you the bed is huge, bigger than king sized). I was too tired and worn out to protest so I didn’t. I even might have snuggled closer to them and with that I fell asleep.