The group sat around big rectangular table of solid wood that almost perfectly matched the floor it stood on. The chairs were framed with the same colored wood and filled with red leather that was aesthetically bolted down with golden studs that were rounded on the outside. A matching red satin tablecloth was spread across the table and hung down the sides, it shined in waves from the chandelier above. The cloth cascading around their knees as they sat down in the comfy leather chairs.
Five plain white china saucers with folded cloth napkins just like how you would find in fancy restaurants, sat on the plates. A fork and knife were stationed beside every plate along with tulip shaped, crystal clear wine glasses that sparkled and gleamed underneath the heavenly white light of the miniature chandelier that hung above the table and boasted three layers of skinny octangular rule shaped pieces of thinly cut diamonds. The formation of the chandelier was like a layer cake made of diamonds, the base layer was thick and round, the second was a bit smaller, and the final layer was thinner and ended in a cone shape that ended in a point.
On each side of the table there were spinning plates that were installed into the table and held a pepper shaker, salt shaker, a shaker that contained flakes of exotic peppers that were colored any number of warm and fiery colors like a burning cardinal color or a dry golden color like the bricks of the pyramids of Giza being beaten by an intense yellow sun in a tan desert and anything in between, and to satisfy the sweetest of sweet teeth, sugar was kept in a glass rectangular bottle with a nozzle that looked like a bent exhaust pipe.
In between the two wooden rotating saucers was a European feast a king could appreciate. One glass platter of parmesan lasagna that was smothered in rich tomato puree sauce, one large pepperoni pizza baked in house, sweet yellow garlic bread cut form baguettes that were garnished with chives and other spices, a platter of salty looking fish battered in peanut oil and crispy chips, and to top it al off, two dark green bottles of imported champagne.
Everyone was seated around the table. Jimmy had already tucked the cloth napkin not his collar and sat up with meticulously perfect and proper posture as he took out his iPhone and set it face down next to his plate. He clasped his hands together in front of him with a faint smile on his face. It was enough of a smile that showed he was in a good mood but not such a smile that advertised that he was particularly ecstatic to be there.
The moonlight from the skylight that the chandelier was chained to and curved upward in an arch shape highlighted Jimmy's trimmed face that was animated yet still astoundingly calm and expressionless, except for the faint trace of pleasantness. It was remarkable, how Jimmy had gone to so many client held dinners, galas, fundraisers with fine wines, and any other formal meals that one could attend. He'd gone to so many that this was all protocol at this point, for he had developed the ideal formal etiquette, not only that, but by the looks of it; Jimmy had honed it down to a masterful art form, honed like an obsessively sharpened it like the Katanas of feudal Japan: Beautiful, admirable, perfect, and most importantly: deadly.
Matt sat directly across form Jimmy. Matt was enamored with something on his Window's phone, which was by far inferior to Jimmy's iPhone, laughing while nearly choking on a piece of half eaten garlic bread he had prematurely swiped from the platter.
He was wearing one of his Miami Dolphins jerseys with a shirt that emulated the cover of Drake's hit album "what a time to be alive", and jeans on his legs. "What a time to be alive" was matt's favorite Drake album because it debuted his favorite Drake song, "Jumpman" which he constantly and incessantly hummed and sang along with obsessively, passionately, and even spontaneously.
Sara, who sat immediately to Matt's left on the end of the table glared at Matt, scorning his impolite and animalistic improperness.
Matt noticed and quickly silenced his phone before shoving it quickly into his pocket, and put down the scrumptious toasted piece of garlic bread down on his plate. Sara dissolved her scornful stare as Matt sat quietly with his cheeks stuffed like that of a chipmunk's, his diamond studs twinkled like two little stars on his earlobes, and crumbs infested the collar of his jersey.
It never failed to stupefy Jimmy, that despite Sara and Matt not being in any sort of romantic affair with each other, and only being an ever-growing fantasy of Matt's that he knew better than any other was unobtainable, how much influence Sara had over Matt. It was actually kind of sad and tragic, both he fact that Sara having man near omnipotent power over Matt like a witch alluring a poor and foolish peasant into servitude, and the fact that Matt still had a glimmer of hope that there was a slight one percent chance of winning Sara's heart if he could devise a scheme to impress her or mold himself to Sara's accordance. When, in reality, there wasn't any chance; no one did know why Matt couldn't get that through his fat head.
"It's quite ok Sara, to each his own." said Jimmy with a playful smirk.
Sara despised Jimmy's smile of pure white quartz, which she knew were his best asset in negotiations and convincing. There's nothing the human brain trusts more than a kind and perfect smile. Sara ignored Jimmy's chuckle and continued to wait patiently with her arms crossed.
Meanwhile, Eddie who was sitting directly to Jimmy's right and on the same side of the table, was surprised at this formal side of Jimmy was newfound to him. Even though he knew this act was all cow crap. Eddie would forever remember Jimmy for his true self, a socialite and total badass who would party all day and night every week if he could.
Eddie was sitting there trying to emulate Jimmy's aloof swagger.
"Spaghetti ready!" said Darya as she danced into the dining room from the adjoining Kitchen. They had decided to dine in the other kitchen of the house where they could at least mask the horrible smell the dead zombie emitted from the same pores that were still oozing with raven blood. She swayed her hips joyfully as she scooped mounds of spaghetti noodles, red sauce, and meatballs onto everyone's plates. Subsequently, she poured herself, Jimmy, and Eddie pale and bubbly champagne in their glasses. She cracked open two Coca-Cola's and poured them in Matt and Sara's glasses, the soda was brown and bubbly; "edible poison for the masses" was what Jimmy referred soda as. Matt and Sara had strictly sworn against alcohol from childhood.
Darya sat down across from Sara on the other side of the table. She began to twirl the noodles around her sterling silver fork after flipping her golden blonde hair over her shoulder.
"So now we have nice dinner, “started Darya as she looked up from her impressively made spaghetti. "Let’s talk plan. I have way out of here," the rest of the group listened intently as they slurped noodles and forked lasagna, eager to hear the plan. "I have private jet waiting for me at Belane Airfield at bottom of valley. Trusted pilot, will not leave without my personal consent." She said in her more evident than ever-Russian accent, she rolled her R's like a jungle cat.
Eddie released his grip on the fork and set it down on the edge of the plate, "Ok, that's great and all, but how are we gonna get down to the valley? We are on a mountain."
"I am n-" Darya started.
"I think we should go back to my cabin," interrupted Jimmy, "from there we can follow the road back down to the valley."
Sara entered the conversation after a forkful of lasagna, "Ok. But what're we driving?"
Matt entered in, not even taking the time to finish chewing, "Yo. You're kiddin' right?" he said, spitting breadcrumbs every which way. "I'm thinking Lamborghini's. Eh? Eh?" he continued while nodding at Jimmy with a ridiculous smile that would fit the painted face of a jester well.
Jimmy returned the smile much to Matt's gratitude. "Yes, but..."
"But, what?" spurted out Matt, with an obvious sense of him preparing himself for disappointment.
"Someone's gonna have to a take the Escalade, so we can take more supplies with us." Jimmy said sounding as technical as he could; Matt returned a face of sadness. "I'll take the Escalade." reassured Matt with a smile, matt returned an even wider smile.
Sara Just noticed that James and Kylie had stayed quiet during the whole time. That's a first, thought Sara, Wait, continued Sara's train of thought, where are they? Throughout the whole dinner, no one had even noticed that James and Kylie were gone, without a trace.