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Jazlynn sat in her gaming desk chair cross legged wearing her L.E.D. gaming headset. In her hands was a wireless gaming controller and hanging from her mouth was a strip of red twizzlers pull and peal candy. Lying on her computer desk was all sorts of different candies. There were Nerds Rope, packs of gushers, and rolls of fruit by the foot. Sitting on a coaster to the side of her mouse and keyboard was a tall bottle of mountain dew that was sweating profusely. Her fingers viciously were inputing commands into the controller as she swayed back and forth religiously humming to herself. 250Please respect copyright.PENANAPBCeh4Gk7c
A sudden voice echoed in her ears as is said, “Are you kidding me? This chick shot me through the god damn wall. She must be hacking.”250Please respect copyright.PENANArgZoaD3ZA0
Jazlynn laughed and said in return, “I’m not cheating you’re just bad. You can’t hide behind a wooden wall from a fifty cal.”250Please respect copyright.PENANAzuCEZrfEIY
Without hesitation, the voice said, “Hiding behind your fifty cal with one hit kills makes you a loser.”250Please respect copyright.PENANARPhISyXCMB
A fire burned behind Jazlynn’s eyes upon being called a loser. “I’m no loser,” she whispered under her breath as she pulled out a bag of spicy beef jerky and bit a piece of it in half while leaning closer to the screen.250Please respect copyright.PENANAFC7VLUk85y
After a few minutes the voice chimed in again. “Oh my god. This time she ran all the way up to me and knifed me. What the hell is going on with this cheater250Please respect copyright.PENANAdhNIjmmJjT
While trying to stop herself from laughing Jazlynn replied, “If you think I’m cheating go ahead and report me and let the admins sort it out. Until then I advise you get better.” As she spun around in her seat celebrating her revenge for being called a loser, she noticed on her television behind her the news was showing footage from downtown of Hikari and Sukudo fighting their scythe wielding attacker. She leapt out of her chair and ran out the door to Ashlynn’s room. 250Please respect copyright.PENANApVwqHXh0h4
After bursting through the door, she asked, “Ash, where’s Chloe? I need her to tele—”250Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0SW7Lc7ZX
Ashlynn immediately interrupted her sister and said, “She’s not here right now,” as she turned the page in the book she was reading. She was laying on her perfectly made bed reading one of her favorite books.250Please respect copyright.PENANAq9ZQssjAgb
Jazlynn asked, “Do you know where she—”250Please respect copyright.PENANA1X9rZdDRIc
Ashlynn interrupted her with her response, “Nope. She didn’t tell me.”250Please respect copyright.PENANALSLEl7hU1N
After standing there for a moment Jazlynn dashed backed to her room and swiped a set of keys that was sitting next to her mountain dew and ran off down the hallway.250Please respect copyright.PENANADq4AKznFcC
Ashlynn laid there for a moment and closed her book before rolling over onto her back. With her arms stretched out above her head holding her cell phone, she scrolled through her contacts until she got to Chloe’s name. As she typed a message and sent her a text, a smile slowly came across her face.250Please respect copyright.PENANA0b8L89YTid
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Lightning split the sky while rain heavily fell atop the ambulance Sukudo and Hikari were sitting in. Sukudo sat in silence while Hikari wrapped his wounds with a bandage. Hikari’s arms had been cut up from the shrapnel from exploding cars and trees during their battle with the floating, scythe wielding little girl. Sukudo’s injuries were minor and didn’t acquire any medical attention. The ambulance was parked in the middle of the intersection as the intersection was being blocked off by arriving policemen. Fire trucks were pulling up while firemen jumped off the side rails to assist in cleaning up debris off the road from the previous battle.
As Sukudo watched firemen putting out a car that was on fire, Hikari said, “I’m glad everyone is okay.” He Looked over at a nearby ambulance that Liam was standing outside of. Even though the rain was now a torrential downpour, Liam stood there waiting as the paramedics were inside attending to the girl that they had saved. Hikari called out to Liam, “Yo, Liam! Standing out in the rain isn’t going to do you any good. Why don’t you come sit with us over here?” Liam looked over at Hikari then looked back to the ambulance in front of him without saying anything. Hikari waited a moment before saying, “Alright, if getting sick is your goal you’re doing a fantastic job at it.”
From around the side of the ambulance Sukudo and Hikari were sitting in, emerged a man in a black hat and jacket that both had the word detective imprinted on them. Once in front of them he stopped walking and with a deep voice said, “Hello, I’m a detective with the metro area police department and I would like to ask some questions about what took place here. I understand if you aren’t comfortable answering any questions here, I can escort all of you down to the station so we can get out of the rain.”
“It’s alright,” Hikari said, “We can answer whatever questions you have. I’d like to stick around and see what becomes of that girl anyway.” He pointed over to the other ambulance Liam was standing in front of and continued to explain to the detective the events that had taken place earlier. While Hikari began answering questions the detective had for him, Sukudo was staring up and out into the distant clouds above them. It was difficult to make out because of the rain but something caught her eye. A Bolt of lightning illuminated the sky well enough for her to see that something. Whatever that something was it was heading towards them with an unfathomable speed. Sukudo began to choke on her words from suddenly being out of breath as she tried to interrupt Hikari and the Detective. From what was just a mere glint in the sky miles away nanoseconds ago was now hurling at them with such a speed that there was no longer time to say anything.
With both her hands still practically down at her sides from sitting inside the back of the ambulance, Sukudo blasted a gust of wind out of her hands blowing Hikari, herself, and the detective out of and away from the ambulance as a giant wide bladed great sword came tearing through the ambulance destroying it completely and causing it to explode. Policemen and Firemen were yelling while the rain continued to pour, and lightning tore apart the sky. Sukudo was lying flat on her back looking into the clouds while a small figure became visible as it descended out of the clouds and down towards her. Scrambling to get to her feet, Sukudo stood up and noticed Hikari was helping the detective up meters away. She turned in the direction of where Liam had been standing and noticed he was crouched down behind the other ambulance watching the figure descend from the sky.
The figure’s identity became clear as their feet began to touch the ground. It was the girl from before but this time the hood of her cloak was down revealing her face. Her hair was in pigtails, and it was a pinkish whitelike blonde. Her eyes were glowing with an orange aura similar to the aura that embraced her scythe earlier. She began to speak but her voice wasn’t as childlike this time. Her voice had a sinister and fierce tone to it as she said, “I only have one chance left so I can’t run away this time. I have to bring back the specimen, no exceptions.” She outstretched her hand in front of her and with an orange glow the giant great sword came flying out of the ambulance’s wreckage and into her hand. She held the sword in one hand as if it were weightless. The sword was at least four times the height of her and continued to glow with her orange aura. “You destroyed my favorite toy,” she said as she pointed the sword in Liam’s direction. “I’m going to make you pay for that.”
Hikari Shouted angrily, “You little brat haven’t you cause enough havoc? Regardless of your appearance you’re going to have to pay for what you’ve done! Where the hell are your parents?”
“My parents are dead,” the girl said bitterly as the sword flew out of her hand and in the direction of Liam. A fierce gust of wind bellowed out from Sukudo and caused the sword to diverge from its course and crash into a building behind the ambulance.
“Liam! Grab the girl and run!” Hikari shouted out as he blasted a bright beam of energy at the girl who threw the sword. Once again, in an orange shield like glow of light, she deflected the beam of energy but instead of deflecting it into the sky she redirected it towards the ambulance near Liam. With no hesitation Liam reached down to the ground and within a second a pillar made from the ground shot up in a gold hue in time to block the blast. The beam dissipated as the pillar of ground burst into hundreds of pieces saving the ambulance and the occupants inside. With the quickness of a flash, Sukudo was behind the girl slashing one of her katanas at her. The girl spun around and from underneath her cloak pulled out two sickles, one in each hand and blocked Sukudo’s attack. After blocking the attack, the girl swung one of her sickles at one of Sukudo’s legs barely missing it as Sukudo pulled away just in time. Sukudo was caught off guard while the girl finished her swing and continued into an acrobatic side flip swinging her other sickle at Sukudo’s head. Even though she appeared to be no older than thirteen, Sukudo knew she wasn’t an innocent little girl but a ravenous killer. Each one of her swings were precise with the intent and precision to kill.
Before the sickle could reach her face, Sukudo drew her second katana and grinded its blade across the blade of the girl’s sickle causing a fountain of sparks to erupt upon the impact. Debris around them began to lift off the ground in an orange aura and started to shoot toward Sukudo as she Jumped backwards in a series of flips trying to evade the oncoming debris. Hikari advanced on the girl while she was controlling various piles of flaming debris and hurling them at Sukudo. Once he was close enough, he spun around with a round house kick and tried to land a blow on her. To his surprise his shoe started to glow with an orange aura as he felt his leg being redirected away from the girl. Within a second, he was flown off the ground and into a nearby building by a swift force as the girl outstretched one of her hands still holding a sickle at him. Police began to flood the area with various firearms pointed at the girl.
One of the policemen called out, “If you don’t surrender immediately, we will open fire!” Behind the policemen the girl’s great sword broke itself away from the building where it had been stuck and hurled itself in the direction of the police. The sword was simply too large and traveling to fast to evade in time as it simultaneously spun like a boomerang slicing each policeman in half that had their weapons drawn. Blood sprayed the ground and all the surrounding area as corpses fell into multiple pieces and littered the ground. After tearing through the last body, the sword spun itself downward and into the ground with its handle pointed upward toward the sky.
Sukudo watched in horror as the girl turned around and looked in the direction of the ambulance once more and started to step in its direction. Sukudo’s hands were shaking while she gripped the handles of her katanas more firmly. She couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed. The little girl murdered those policemen within an instant with no hesitation. Even with how firmly she was holding her weapons her body trembled in fear as she watched the girl step closer to the ambulance. Liam stood in the way blocking the path between the girl and the ambulance. In his hand he held a piece of shrapnel and debris. The expression on the girl’s face didn’t change as she continued to approach him. The piece of shrapnel began to glow in a gold aura as it quickly transformed into an identical looking scythe as the one the girl had threw at him earlier. The girl stopped briefly as she stared at the scythe Liam was now holding. An imminent rage over came her as she suddenly burst into a bright orange like flame and was soaring through the air at him.
Liam took a defensive stance while the girl swung one of her sickles at his head. He raised the scythe quick enough to meet her blade but within in instance she reconfigured herself midair and drop-kicked him in the abdomen which sent him backwards about three meters. The blow to hiss abdomen was devastating and painful but he didn’t break his defensive stance. After the drop kick the girl retreated backwards in a flip and landed on her feet while Liam came to a halt from sliding backwards. The rain was beating down against his face and his glasses were becoming too hard to see out of. A sharp pain ran across his lower body from the last attack as Liam coughed up a small amount of blood. The girl violently lunged at him again but this time she spun in the air with her sickles outstretched in her arms. Her weapons hit his with such a force he had no choice but to let go as his scythe went flying out of his hands and he dropped to the ground to avoid the fury of on-going attacks. Liam pressed his hands against the ground and another pillar quickly rose towards the sky striking the girl out of the air. Her sickles went flying out of her hands in opposite directions as her body went crashing into the ground a few meters away.
Hikari struggled to lift his head off the ground while his broken sunglasses fell off his face into a puddle of water and blood. The impact with the building rocked him good. So good that he was hearing a ringing in his ears and his vision seemed to be blurred. He still managed to say out to Liam, “Bro, get that girl out of here before that harlot gets up!” He struggled for a moment but managed to stand on his feet. A door on the ambulance flew open as two paramedics came running out and bolted down the street. Liam got to his feet and charged for the ambulance door shutting it behind him once he was inside. He saw the black-haired girl still unconscious laying on a gurney but her wound from earlier looked as if it has been properly stitched up. He made a dash to the driver seat and saw the keys were still in the ignition and started the engine. He undid the parking brake and began to drive the ambulance away from the area.
The girl was still laying on the ground motionless for the time being as Hikari picked up his broken sunglasses and put them back on his face. With a limp and a stagger to his step he forced him self to walk in the direction of the girl who was still face first in the ground. Even though his vision was blurry he could make out the silhouette of a man approaching him. While his vision continued to swell, he called out with a weak voice to the man, “Sir, it’s not safe here. You need to get to—,” just then as the man passed by him, he punched Hikari in the stomach and threw him to the ground.
As the man continued to walk past him he said, “Get the hell out of my way.” He was approaching the girl who was still motionless. He towered above her body and with a shrill voice told her to get up. There was no response. Growing angry the man kicked her body causing it to roll over from the force. She opened her eyes, and the man began to furiously shout at her. “That was your last fucking chance and once again you failed. And now I have to kill all these people and clean up your mess once again.” The man looked around and took in his surroundings. He saw the bodies of the policemen littering the ground and noticed there were still some firemen lingering about hidden in the shadows. The observation that mattered the most was that the girl with black hair was nowhere to be seen. He grew even more upset as he continuously began to kick the girl on the ground. “How could you let her get away!?” He shouted as he continued to kick her. Suddenly he stopped. “Get to your feet,” he demanded. The girl weakly attempted to get up.
Sukudo watched still frozen in fear from the carnage as she heard the man yell, “Get up damn it!” As the girl got to her knees Sukudo could tell she was shaking in a fear greater than her own. “It never ceases to amaze me that time and time again you can’t even carry out a simple task without failing.” The man drew a sword from its sheath on his belt and held it against the girl’s neck as he continued to say, “I’m going to do the boss a favor and dispose of his little failure of a moppet.” He began to slowly raise his sword as the girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes. She was too terrified to speak as tears streamed down her face and onto the ground. “I’ll just tell him you perished in whatever the hell mess you created.”
As he rose his sword above his head the girl closed her eyes as she choked and managed to sputter out the words, “Mom, Dad, I’m sorry.” The man’s blade sliced through the air and rain as blood painted the ground in front of her. She opened her eyes surprised to see Hikari was standing in front of her holding the blade of the man’s sword back with his bare hands.
Blood was running down Hikari’s hands and arms as he said, “You bastard, she’s your comrade and you’re trying to kill her? She might be my enemy but she’s still a child. What the hell is wrong with you?” While still holding the blade of the man’s sword he used one leg to kick the man which sent him backwards a few feet.
The man laughed and said, “You should have stayed down. I didn’t plan on killing you first but if you’re trying to volunteer, I won’t pass up your offer. Sukudo forced herself to take one step in the direction of the man and Hikari. The man said with a smile, “Well now, the coward wants to die as well. I’ll just kill both of you.” He adjusted his stance and raised his sword in front of him as he were about to strike.
He lunged forward at Hikari as Sukudo shouted out, “Hikari take this!” In a blast of air, she shot her katana Asmodeus to Hikari who snatched it out of the air and was able to block the man’s oncoming attack just in time. Hikari continued to block and evade each of the man’s oncoming strikes, but each clash of their weapons was sending a bone rattling shock throughout his body. Hikari was becoming uncertain if he would be able to continue to hold on to the katana as the man continued to rain down a fury of strikes. The man was surprisingly irritated at how well Hikari was able to keep up with his attacks. His anger began to dictate his movements as he continued to hack and slash at Hikari. Suddenly Sukudo was at his side stabbing inward towards the man’s chest. Before Sukudo could move any closer she felt a sudden pain as the man’s foot shot into her stomach from a kick. His leg was long enough and Sukudo was close enough that his kicked stopped her in her tracks and took her breath away. In the same instant the man spun off the ground from his other leg and kicked her again sending her backwards into the wreckage of the first ambulance. Hikari tried to slash at the man, but he was to quick and nimbly dodged the attack while thrusting his sword at Hikari’s chest. Hikari barely managed to stop the man’s blade, but an unexpected, unexplained force blasted Hikari backwards into the girl still on her knees. Their bodies collided and went sailing backwards into the building behind them. This time the force of their crash was so powerful the building had a small crater imprinted into it from their bodies.
Using her sword to support her weight, Sukudo slowly stood up to her feet. Her head was bleeding, and the blood was running into one of her eyes as she started to say, “I’m not done with you yet.” She lost her balance and was able to catch herself by using her sword to support her weight again before she would have hit the ground.
The man laughed and cried out, “Seriously? You stood there in fear and couldn’t do shit, and now you’re still trying to stand and fight me? I can’t tell if you’re stupid or if you have guts after all. Either way it will be over soon and you won’t have to worry anymore.” Before the man made a move, Sukudo noticed in the shadows behind some debris was a man with a television camera and a woman hiding with him. She didn’t know how long they had been there but a sudden realization of dread set in as she thought that they were most likely with a news team broadcasting the carnage live and her death might be broadcasted on live television. She was determined to prolong her death so it wouldn’t be broadcasted to the world but her current state of pain and dizziness was providing to be a challenge for her.
Without warning a 49c.c. Moped came flying through the air and smashed into the man rocketing him off his feet and twenty or so feet away into a damaged car parked on the side of the street. In her surprise Sukudo turned in the direction the moped came from and saw Jazlynn standing there wearing a flashy bright pink helmet with a smile on her face.250Please respect copyright.PENANAm1BTWZ0KR7