"Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe"
- Arya Stark
The howls within the moon gratified within the sun rising, the dawn of break, was of an new age that would set itself as a greeting to satisfy the likeliness hood of the people who were yet to have known of elderly, neither one would have set sail to the adventure of the beyond. Though, they had gathered their resources and their own men to travel through the beyond.
Diana perched near the sunset, where her feet clasps down onto the snowy plains, "Do you think, it's possible for us to reach for tomorrow?" She inquired whilst holding onto her own arm, her breath was visible within the air that plastered round the atmosphere, "Do you believe father and mother would be proud of the new making of our era?" She peeked from behind her shoulder, to reveal a dragon. The beast peered to her in front, it's shade hues of white, blue, and gray lightened the murky, gloomy snowy day. "It's all in the sacrifice we have yet to make, neither blood, nor love will put this fate into the hands of our heart's content." It responded within a huff, "it's neither death, or a situational living, it is just a being of you and I, and us as one." It snarled, "Choose, you and I or everyone, as one big pile of corpses."
Slithering close to Diana, came the embodied figure of her mother, "It's now or never, Diana." Her piercing cold amethyst eyes glowered, She leaned in clasping a hand onto her shoulder as she whispered, "Show me how you really are." She eagerly awaited Diana's answer, Diana attacked her bottom lip, "I can't choose you, over my people." She said in return, averting her eyes away from the figure of her so-called mother, "If I would have chosen you, then all of this would be at stake for war, and you would understand that necessarily, if I chose you , the beast of a Fuxi and let you wander from within my body, your power wouldn't be contained easily, so don't ever, use someone I love to benefit yourself," Diana grumbled, her voice and tone boomed from within her mind, as the beast huffed, "Very well."
Diana opened her eyes, she was no longer in a trance nor inside of her mind speaking with the dragon again, instead what she had remembered was gathering resources and having Aspen heave her up onto the horse, "Diana, are you alright?" Aspen shuffled a bit onto the side to look back at Diana who held onto his waist, Diana's eyes glowered up towards Aspen's, as they were in contact, "What were we doing again?" Her headache worsened every time the horse trotted up and down, "You were grumbling and mumbling under your breath, did anything happen while you were in some sort of trance?" Diana wavered a hand close to her head, pressing her palm against it, "I was talking to my Fuxi." She told, sighing. Aspen's expression amalgamated from concerns or weariness, "Was your fuxi, telling you to hurry up and let the beast roam from inside of you?" He questioned.
Diana felt a bit surprised but at the same line of time, she nodded, "How did you know about the conversation?" Diana proceeded to peer up to Aspen, at a lost of some words but Aspen chuckled, "because you were mumbling the whole time under your breath while we left the depot of our base, it's been an hour since you have been in the trance-like state of yours, Diana." Diana sighed before viewing from the side of her, "I don't recall any memory of us leaving the depot." Diana replied, spectating with her eyes as the shadowed inkiness of the forest glowered from within the dark, "Well, Grand Marshall Kawan gathered his men, though, Your uncle gathered the rest of our troops, including Leon, who is peacefully asleep in front of the horse."
Diana peeked towards the front edge of the horse, where she had seen Leon peacefully asleep, his petite diminutive body facing towards King Elrik's, nestling his head underneath Aspen's fur coat, "He seems exhausted after all that running away from the rogues, it must've put a toll on him after finding out what had happened to his family." Diana retorted, Aspen deemed from behind as his visible breath fogged within the murky sky that had lined against the sun, "Did the dragon mention something, while you were in trance?" Aspen told, Diana noticed as her ears perked, her face fell into a abode of coldness to which she grappled onto her right arm, where she felt nothing but a heartache boiling within her body. She opened her mouth, but without words to explain, she shut it.
"Diana, do you even know how powerful the Serpent posse is?" He held onto the reigns, clutching it as his jaw gripped lightly, "Diana, your father and mother has had problems running into the villainous group, they barely made it out alive, and we don't know if I am able to take the responsibility of you going against the certain group-"
"Aspen, everything will be fine." Diana peered from behind as a worrisome sigh slipped from out in between his lips, where he proceeded to heave the reigns, maneuvering both the horse as he steered to a halt,"Diana, there are things where you will never know, you don't calculate how powerful they are by chance, you do it just for the sake of your people, but do you ever do it for the sake of your own self?" He bit his bottom lip, his brows furrowed as his nose crinkled, though King Elrik had already been half way onto the path to which he then steered to a halt, he heaved his own reigns to the left. "Is there anything wrong with the both of you in the back?" He boomed from afar, Marcellius had speculated the worrisome feature from Aspen.
"Aspen, even when that day happens, both you and I will still be living on." Diana tugged onto the back of his thin lining of wool clothing, "Promise me, Aspen both you and I will survive this crucial peace treaty." She pressed her forehead, resting it against his back, "Even when thinking about it Aspen, i'm scared yet painfully hurt from the inside." Diana could have felt the warmth coming from his back, the sent of black licorice overwhelming her nose, Even when peeping a gaze towards his back then his neck, she had realized Aspen is no longer the boy she had gotten comfortable nor used to, Aspen was a man now.
"I can't keep promises, that we may never know may happen within the future, Diana." His husked up voice murked against his throat, as his deep tone had soon been silenced with his mouth shut, those words had given the generosity of fear yet determination that had welt up within Diana, though as Aspen held onto the reigns, he steered the old foul horse onto the left, where they both had soon intertwined the formation with the group, Marcellius stood near the right side of both Diana including Aspen. Aspen caught the eyes of Marcellius' yet he avoided them quickly after viewing Marcellius' sour expression.
The visual of both of his expressions were just as sour as usual, from within the back of Aspen's thoughts he could solemnly hear the words, 'You're just a disgrace if you go against, falling for the princess.' proceeding to view Marcellius, as he spat onto the side. Aspen's expression grimaced.
As the dawn broke the sky, soon as the night fell, the stars had began preciously perch themselves within their positions, as their adventure proceeded to last them the whole winter as they head up towards the north.
"Does it take that woman long enough to just fly her way in her dragon form just to get here?" Klaus felt impatient, his jaw gripped tightly as he grappled tightly onto the ledge arm rest of his own chair, the fire crackled from within his fireplace, He stood near the window, spectating the knight's training as he cleared his throat, "It's feeling as if I had already lost the throne to my brother." he tapped the back of his heel, drinking the left over of his own handmade whiskey, "If she doesn't enter this building right now, I will end up visiting a brothel to suffice my satisfaction."
No longer gripping onto the arm rest of his chair, he then gently rested his elbow against the rest, pressing his temple with both his pointer and middle. "Klaus, the message you had requested is gone." Though Klaus had already felt tension built up within his boiling blood, he continuing gripping onto the back of his maulers, where Alred could have already envision the anger from him, "What do you mean it's gone, Alred?" Alred clattered a glass of whiskey, as both the ice had clung against the sides of his visible cup, "The bird messenger, when I had done my own work, I had felt something struck onto my side, so it must be as though something had struck against the side of the bird, as if to strike it down, there had also been reports of the people of north, their were no lasting survivors, and there were rogues that had already planted their territory as one inside of the village." Alred proceeded to branch near Klaus, "What shall I do to send the message?"
"Alred, aren't you one of the most loyal bird clans within this nation, May I perhaps recall, Calysus?" Klaus said, Alred felt a subtle suspicion welt up within him as he cleared his throat, acknowledging the ice that wriggled from around his cup of whiskey, though the ice had been complimenting the pieces of ice, He gulped down the set of whiskey left within the cup, before pouring himself another ounce of whiskey, "Yes, I didn't know you would recall such thing." He took several sips, his ears perked as Klaus requested, "Then, aren't your people able to turn into birds and take flight immediately?" Aspen choked a bit on his drink, instead of spitting his drink out instantly, he drank up the rest as he pats his chest roughly yet gently with his right hand, "Klaus, I don't believe we are able to do that currently-" He cleared his throat as Klaus gave a hard cold stare, "I've read books, those who possess the blood of the clan, can manifest into any animal they desire, whilst those who are half-blooded can only turn into an animal that can only limit their mana."
Alred sighed, "Though, I can manifest into a bird, my limit is only 7 days to search for the princess, before I collapse out of exhaustion." Klaus held out a quill, to which he wrote onto a piece of paper, "Then that's enough time." Alred held back his exhausted expression, just then was he able to facepalm as he cursed under his breath about his big ass mouth. Alred sauntered at the edge of the arm rest near Klaus' comfortable chair, as he sulked a bit. "Halva defra escro jesch na bres descha" to which was soon translated to; "Winter is there to accomplish it's own step into the start of spring, yet you aren't here." Alred had read the phrase, to which he gave a subtle scratch to the head, "Alred, send this message to the princess, make sure you find the rest of the men I had sent out to help retrieve the young princess." Klaus demanded, as he left the rolled up note onto the counter.
Alred had given a firm nod, "Of course." He gave a small leap off his feet, as a whisk of miniature white smoke formed from around his aura like stubby young born clouds covering the morning sun, his cries morphed from his beak, as his talons bore, he flapped his wings, solemnly flying over towards the counter to retrieve the note with his large beak, He squawked as Klaus held out his arm for Alred to stand onto, though as Klaus trotted at the end of the window pane where he tugged it opened, he muttered the words of warnings, "Alred, there has been several reports of rogues running around outside of the nation's walls, report back immediately after." Alred confirmed with a nod as he flapped his wings with strength, taking off from Klaus' hands and into the air, where he had soon become a small dot, then disappearing into the mask of clouds into the dreary evening.
Aspen nor Diana had taken their time to talk each other after the situation that remained awkward from time to time, Aspen held his breath before releasing it, Diana could sense the atmosphere of aggravation and worrisome feelings from Aspen. Though, Leon had awoken from his resting slumber, he wiped the dreariness from his eyes, to where he had finally felt the feeling of his wakening. "You awake now, son?" King Elrik muttered, as Leon shot up and straightened himself onto the horse, he cleared his throat as he ruffled his own hair, "Yes, sir, I have." King Elrik chuckled at the sudden name calling of; "Sir" He chuckled, kneading Leon's hair, "Though you know son, you remind me of my own boy." His soft smile etched from the corners of his own mouth to where Leon could have felt the tranquility of his own likeliness. "You had a son?" Leon muttered as his eyes appeared to express themselves, widening with surprise. "I did, He was a young man, every time I would try to send him off, he would automatically be embarrassed by his old man, yet he's in another place."
His smile proceeded to etch onto his face before appearing to become as though he wasn't ready to have said anything in the first place, yet he was suspecting those words to come straight out of his mouth, "Where is he now?" Leon inquired, holding back his pain King Elrik held his choked up words with a smile that was yet to reveal both painful words and worthwhile hurt, "He's with his mother, they both passed during the war with the red adversaries, he was foolish enough to join without my permission, yet his mother begged onto her knees to stop him, instead he grabbed his old man's sword and shouted, 'it's now or never, it's either we lose everyone, or lose dad' and that was when his mother realized, how much regret he held within herself." He clanked onto the reigns as Leon peered up to watch King Elrik continue his own story.
"His name was Olsren, the last time I heard from him, was the time I held him into my arms, as he was murdered in front of me." Leon felt his heart boil, "The only thing I could have done, was to hold my boy, one more time." King Elrik proceeded to smile like the rest of his days were never over, though, Leon could have heard the choked back words of the old man, "what happened next or what did he look like?" His last question felt like he had opened the wound a little, though King Elrik had already been immune to the sudden questions he had gotten from the boy, "Well, Olsren, had a dream of becoming one of the men, those men that had a subtle heart to the nation, sacrificing everything including their life, neither would those men lack on their jobs, they were ambitious. They'd set a certain of those goals into something much more delightful for them all, including their family." Leon had a welt of choked back words, "Your son, sounds like someone who would become a hero amongst heroes, though I am far different from your son, sir."
King Elrik clicked his tongue as he once again ruffled Leon's hair roughly, "It doesn't matter either hero nor not, in the end we all have lived up our best into proceeding to live, when we had no way of predicting our own future in the past or present." King Elrik heard the clattering of footsteps onto a plain of soft melting snow, "Halt." King Elrik held his hand up from the reigns, He twisted his body a bit to face Aspen and Diana, as both have been signaled to stay put near the right side. Aspen held onto the grip of his sword, as he leisurely trotted his horse towards the area, soon backing up a bit to give a gap of space for something to counter attack.
The clattering of tree branches came from around every corner, with a single leap, a deer had straightened it's neck to visualize the group towering over it, "It seems it as a false alarm, everyone back into formation-" A short arrow had trimmed the end of King Elrik's cheek, missing the side of his head by an inch, as it sticks itself into the tree from behind, "Everyone, get down!" He shouted, as he clutched onto his arrow from his own quiver and his bow. He had seen lean figures dressed in inkiness colored cloaks perched onto the tree branches, their arrows drawn back as they hit one of the men "They have an advantage of us, on high ground! Everyone get ready to dodge the arrows!" He shouted once more before drawing back another set of his arrows, extending it to it's length as he aimed at the ledge of the tree branches. Their horses ran from each part, frolicking through the plains as Aspen drew an arrow back, striking down one of the lean figures.
Yet what Diana had done, was to devise a plan before they had struck one of them, proceeding to contemplate, An arrow pitched itself as it continued flying towards Diana, aiming for her head.
Marcellius ran at the edge as he quickly equipped his sword, swinging it as he slices the arrow in half, "Diana, watch what side you're poking your head at!" He muffled his yelling with the sound of his sword, to which he had given another swing to dodge the many arrows that had been struck, "Thank you Marcellius!" As Diana watched from behind, trying to spot as opportunity for her to strike, as if killing two birds with one stone.557Please respect copyright.PENANAP4cWJon3TX
but with every thought she's trying to think of, she's stuck in a mess.557Please respect copyright.PENANABDrf0RpQAd
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