As I walked in, the girl dropped her jaw and seemed to be checking me out? No she was probably just surprised. She kept asking if I was going to save her. I didn’t feel like responding. It was important that the less she knew about me, the better. As long as I could complete my mission, I didn’t care what the girl thought about me. I could not deny her beautiful features which showed through the bruising and blood surrounding the table. Her long blonde hair sparkled in dim lighting and her eyes were a deeper blue than the ocean. She didn’t even move or try to scream for help. She just laid there, paralyzed. As I make my way up to her table, I pull out the syringe. This girl continues to surprise me. She doesn't even flinch with the sight of the drugs. I tried to put the needle in her arm but it is a lot harder than Master made it out to be. She lets out a cute little squeal like a baby pig but becomes silent. She has this stare that makes me want to tell her it is ok. It's as if she is now bound to my soul by fate and I can't help but watch her eyes close as the drugs take into effect. I tell myself that I’m helping, but I still feel horrible. The straps that bind her are merely small handcuffs. Once I break the cuffs, I go to her ankles, and I notice all the blood on her leg. I’m acutely aware of all the pain that she had felt since she woke. I rip off a bit of my undershirt and wrap it around the wound. Then I break the restrictions and lift her into my arms. I need to get her to a hospital before she loses too much blood. I leave the room to leave the way I came, through a hallway filled with horrid orange wallpaper and white floors. Then into an empty room, with 3 doors. One leads out, one leads to a pit, and one leads to the bad guy headquarters. I went through the one on the right. Luckily it was the door that led out. Once I got out I ran as fast as I could to my beat up white van, that looks like I kidnap children in it. My friends and I traveled here on a mission to find and rescue the princess of a planet called Fornax. That was where Ellen came in however her real name is Ejona Deseree Merigold and she is the princess. Once I got in the van all of my friends greeted me. There are three of them, Jeff, Sam, and Tom. Jeff is really tall, has a messy brown hair cut, and glasses. Sam is average height, has a slick back black haircut, and thinks that he is a bad boy. Finally, there is Tom. He is short, chubby, has blonde hair, and is softer than he looks. Jeff took Ellen from my arms and placed her on a bed that we created from five scrunched up blankets.
“Did anyone see you?” says Sam. I didn’t actually check if there was anyone in the hallways, or spare rooms, but since there isn’t anyone shooting at us, no one was there.
“No. But start the van. Let’s get out of here because they should be checking on her sometime soon.” I say, kneeling down next to her.
“Tom, can you come over here and check out her leg. When I unstrapped her, there was a huge wound that I am assuming she got when they captured her. She has already lost too much blood as it is.” Tom taught himself a lot of medical procedures before he got here. He wants to be a medic when he gets out of the royal guard.
“Ok. Let me get my supplies first.” says Tom as he gets up and reaches for his medical supplies.
Sam starts the van, and we exit the parking lot. We would be driving down a straight, long road for a couple hours, and she would wake up. We need to form an excuse so that she doesn’t try to leave the car, or do something stupid. As I look at her, I notice how her hair slightly curves at the bottom in comparison from the top of her head where her hair was straight. Tom is finishing the last stitch on her wound and Sam is still driving the car. Jeff is watching her as well. “ She really is beautiful, like the legends.”
“ Yeah” I smirk. Just as Tom puts away his tools, I see Ellen stirr. That means that the drugs wore off, and now she’s just sleeping. I walk to Tom, and silently wave Jeff over.
“The drugs have worn off, so we need to be quiet.”
“Ok, well go tell that to Sam, because he looks like he is tired of the quiet.” said Jeff.
“Ok.” I whisper while walking over towards Sam, “Sam, be quiet because the drugs wore off, and we don’t want her to go psycho on us.”
Tom walks over and pulls Ellen’s blanket onto her shoulder and she rolls her head back. We all get quiet incase she wakes up, but she doesn’t. After that, we all were very cautious, because we didn’t want her to wake. Ten minutes later, Sam runs over a dead racoon, and Ellen sits up.