Just how many men are there who are kidnapping me? There is the guy who drugged me and three other males here. I would run away right now except I’m moving. In a car. By myself with four males. I need to get out of this situation and fast! I am probably in a van since there was a lot of space. They just continue looking at me like I was an apple growing on a peach tree. Sitting up, I try to look around to find something to defend myself. The guy who kidnapped me, moves closer, and I immediately jerk away from him. I also hit my head on the back of the van, therefore causing more pain to shoot through my body. Great. The guy walks over to a bag and takes out an ice pack. I take it from him only because my head is throbbing with pain. Even though I don’t want to admit it, he’s not a mean kidnapper.
“My name is Jacob, and these are my… well… my companions. ” Then he started pointing and saying their names. “There’s Jeff, Tom, and over there driving is Sam.” he paused, “We saved you.”
You’ve got to be kidding me. So I’m stuck in a van with a bunch of guys, alone, who kidnapped me, and it turns out they have a god complex! I can’t help myself from laughing. “Saved me…? You’re insane! You kidnapped me!”
“No, I think you have it backwards. We saved you from a terrorist organization who was going to torture you for answers.” said the weird Tom dude.
I can’t control my body anymore and I walk towards the back doors ready to hurl myself out of the car, life or death. Jacob moves in front of the doors preventing me from leaving.
“Back away from the door please, I would like to leave.” I said. I tried nudging past him, but he stands still as if he is a giant stone.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do that.” he says, still standing by the doors looking down at me. “Look, I don’t want to be here either, but I have a mission, and I can’t let you leave. If you cooperate, then you can stay awake, but if you try to resist, we will have to inject you with more drugs.”
Scoffing, I turned back towards the bed. Who does he think I am? A quiet bunny who’s willing to cooperate with a bunch of wolves? No. I am the alpha and I’m not going to let my kidnapper boss me around. Out of the corner of my eye I see him walk away which signals the start to my escape plan. Run out of the van and find a tree or mountain to hide in until they leave. I turn and run for the door. He is there in a flash and grabs a hold of my wrists. I try to kick his leg, but he blocks me. Then Tom, the short one, comes over and whispers in Jacob’s ear. I could only make out one word, “easier”. They better not try to drug me up again! I have soccer tournaments in three weeks and I want to be able to participate. Surprisingly Jacob turns down the offer. He lets go of my wrists, and I scrape my nails on his face. If he was hurt, he didn’t show it. He grabs one of my wrists, and pulls me close enough to feel the heat radiating off his body. He smells good. It's like a musky scent from an expensive cologne bottle. I can’t help but stay wrapped up in his arms.
“I am trying to help you. I don’t want to have to drug you again. Please just stay still.” Then he picks me up and carries me over to the makeshift bed and lays me down.
“Stay, and we won’t have problems.”
Somehow I knew that he was telling me the truth. But where are they taking me? Looking out the window there is a long country road rolling past. If I tried to escape now, there would be no place to hide or call for help. I need to wait till we get to a city. I wish they would tell me why I am here. Instead of waiting, I ask “Why am I here?”
“You are very important to us.”Jacob said, who was obviously leaving something out.
“But why am I so important? And why haven't you killed me or something, because if I was taught anything in elementary school, it was that strangers usually hurt you if they kidnap you.” I exclaimed, “I deserve answers!”
They stop and stare except for Sam who is still driving. Jacob just sits there and smirks. Even though he is technically my second kidnapper and all, he is total hot man material. The way that his hoodie just sits on top of his muscles is so hot. He doesn’t have bodybuilder-muscles but he has just the right amount that signals he works out.
“What are you smiling about? I’m being serious!” I know I am pouting but I don’t care, I just need answers.
“Fine. You get one peice of information” Jacob said slightly frowning, ”It has something to do with your mother's death. But that is all I am going to tell you.”
Without realizing it, my mouth drops. I totally forgot about my mother’s death. Not in a bad way, but I was six when it happened so I don’t remember much. My father told me that it was from cancer, but I always knew that there was something else. A year before my mother died, she started going crazy, like super crazy. She muttered things like “throne” and “curse” but that was before I was old enough to know what it meant. The night that she died, she was laying on her bed and she grabbed my hand and told me that no matter what happened, I should never give up. Then her hand went limp, and her eyes closed. I screamed so loud that the neighbors called the police.
As I grasped my surroundings I was sobbing, and I couldn’t stop. My mother’s death was 10 years ago and I thought that I had gotten over it but the memory was too painful. Jacob whispered something to Tom. Tom walked around and got something that I couldn’t quite see yet. He passed it to Jacob.
“Come over here. I need to show you something important.” said Jacob.
Thinking that it has something to do with my mother, I walk to his back. He turns around and sighs. If I didn’t know any better, he looks almost sad. Then something stabs into my arm, and I can’t believe it. He drugged me. Again.
“As soon as I wake up, you better be ready for hell, Jacob. Because if karma’s a bitch then I will personally deliver it to you exactly on time like Amazon Prime!” Then I was out cold.