"Honestly I don't see the need for hardcore Math!" Vix said, annoyed.
"You're just stuck on question 3 is all." I replied.
"Says the one on the last page..." I rolled my eyes.
"Can't you just give me the answer this one time Sapphire?" He asked.
"Nope. You gotta figure it out for yourself." He groaned. A couple days had passed since we first arrived at Ackley's, and things had been going pretty well. The school work isn't too bad and Vix is pretty cool. Right now we were in our Math block, which Vix has a long time grudge against.
"Hey you remember at the welcoming thing when they were talking about all the rules?" Vix suddenly asked.
"Uh.. yeah, why?" I said, a bit taken aback.
"Remember that room that's forbidden?" He hinted.
"Room 13? Now why would the guy who doesn't believe in ghost stories be asking about a forbidden room which could possibly have a ghost story attached to it now, hmm?" I questioned mockingly.
"Oh shut up, I was just thinking about it the other night."
"Like what?"
"Like maybe we should check it out. And soon." He turned a more serious tone. I sighed.
"I want to check it out too but they'd probably catch us anyway."
"So you think we should check it out then." He half smiled. "I never said that you twat. I only thought it would be interesting to see but we'll get caught!"
"But you still think we should take a look." I sighed.
"Ugh... Yes, fine."
"Tonight!" He repeated excitedly.
"Vix, we just got here a couple of days ago! Like hell I'm going to risk getting thrown out!"
"We won't get thrown out!"
"How do you know?" I retorted.
"Duh, I have a plan. The teachers patrol the hallways, right? I've caught glimpses from where they spy out, a lot of them hang by the staff room for coffee." Vix answered.
"I still think that if this 'Room 13' thing is as big as their letting on they would have someone guarding it or something." I stated.
"Which is exactly why we'll make a distraction, sneak in, and then be gone before anyone gets back. Smack, dab and done!" I twirled the end of my hair on my finger.
"It's a bit sketchy, Vix..." He sighed.
"I know, but it's all we got if we want to know what's in there." I looked at him.
"You really want to go?"
"Yeah." I smiled.
"For question 3. The answer is 73."
It had to be close to 11:30 now. Vix said to meet him just outside the girls dorm, I hope he didn't get in trouble or anything for doing this. But soon enough just as I stepped outside I was greeted by a sharp whisper.
"Psst! Sapphire, over here." Hidden in the shadows were a familiar pair of red eyes. Well I'll be damned, he made it. I scurried over to where he was.
"So what's the plan, genius?"
"Okay, first we gotta get to the hallway right next to Room 13, I'll throw this smoke bomb-"
"Where the hell did you get a smoke bomb?!" I questioned, amazed.
"Nicked it. Anyway, once I set it off we'll backtrack and go inside. I even got a lock-pick just in case."
"Ready for anything are we? Still I don't understand where would you get a smoke bomb..." Vix rolled his eyes.
"Earlier I got sent to the teachers office, while they went out to get a file or something I snooped a bit and found this bad boy."
"Whatever." I said. "Let's just get this sneaking around over with, I feel paranoid." We made our way to the hallway in question without very much trouble. There was one incident where we almost got caught but we hid in the janitor's closet briefly. Vix rustled around in his pocket and pulled out the smoke bomb.
"All right then, ready to run?" I took a deep breath.
"Just do it." With a brief grin he threw it into the middle of the hallway. All I heard was a big *POOF* in the distance as we ran for our lives. There it was! We saw the door to the forbidden room. Vix crept towards it first and looked around.
"Clear!" He said and motioned for me to follow. He grabbed the doorknob and twisted. It was unlocked. That's a bit fishy... I thought, but shook it off. We closed the door behind us. Catching our breath gave us the time to be aware of our surroundings. There was nothing aside from the centerpiece in the room. An archway. It looked fairly old, and had some weird letter markings on the top, and I swore I could feel some sort of aura coming from it, but otherwise just an archway in an empty room.
"This is the secret?" I said. "Doesn't look like much."
"Maybe that's how it's supposed to look.." Vix said thoughtfully. "We should go through the Arch-thing."
"What? Through there?" I looked at it suspiciously. "Nobody just puts an Archway in the middle of a room, closes the door and says that the room is forbidden!"
"Which is exactly why we should go through it. We didn't come all the way here to just marvel at some old piece of stone, did we?" He pointed out.
"All right, fine. But only if we both go through."
I stepped in front of the Archway.
"Are you sure?" I asked Vix.
"Positive." He replied. "And, hey. I'll see you on the other side." He joked. I giggled.
"Guess so." The moment my body passed through I felt everything go dead quiet.
"Vix?" My voice echoed across walls of nothing. No answer. I turned back. The Archway was gone. I was starting to panic now. "Vix?! If this is a joke it isn't funny!" I had a feeling this was no joke, however. I picked up my pace and started to run. "Hey! Vix! Can you hear-" I tripped into a giant chasm, screaming. The last thing I remembered feeling was myself falling through an endless sky of black.