Knock knock knock.
A faint knocking lingered in the back of my mind. I rolled over and tried to block it out. The knocking only grew louder, until I got fed up with it and sat up with a jolt. I glanced over to my right, and couldn't help sneaking a small smile. Aaron had fallen asleep, barely holding his head in place. His blue locks had fallen across his eyes and he carried a relaxed look upon his face. The knocking came again. This time Aaron woke with a start.
"What..?" He spoke blearily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Aaron looked out the peephole, and froze in terror. "Sapphire. Hide Vix, now." I nodded, and leapt to it. Dragging Vix onto the couch I wrapped him in a blanket, covering his wounds well from view.
"Is this good?" I called. Aaron's eyebrow raised.
"I guess.. We'll just say he had a wee bit too much to drink." I quickly sat down in the small spot available on the couch and tried to look relaxed. Aaron gave me a nod, and opened the door.
"We are here on patrol, may we come in?"
"Of course, gents, make yourselves at home." Aaron showed the two men inside. Each were dressed in a suit of armor with a strange symbol engraved atop the heart. They marched around, searching.
"May I ask what brings you two here? Normally there isn't a patrol in this end of town." Aaron leaned against the wall.
"There was a report of dark magic sometime last night, around here. All we were told to do was make sure no shifty people are hanging around." One of the soldiers pointed at Vix.
"Is that lad all right?" Aaron waved it off.
"He's a heavy sleeper, like you wouldn't believe. Adding in the fact that we had a little get together celebration last night..." He shook his head. "Doesn't go well with liquor, poor guy." The soldiers both chuckled.
"Well, sorry to bother you this early, we'll be off then." Aaron waved.
"Oh, and good luck with your exam, professor!" They both laughed heartily.
"Now nothing's been decided yet, boys." A last wave and Aaron shut the door, fake smile turning to a scowl.
He paced over to a dresser, pulling it open and starting to search through it.
"Aaron? What's going on? What did those guys mean by morning patrol?" I asked. He grumbled to himself.
"We need to move. Now. They weren't any of Lloyd's men, if that makes you feel any better, though it only makes me feel worse. Soldiers only patrol the rich districts, they never go into town..." I walked over to him.
"We can't just go anywhere without Vix! He's still out cold, if you haven't noticed."
"Not for long." Behind me I heard Vix groan and sit up. He turned around, looking at us through ruby red eyes.
"What happened?" I sighed, and sat down beside Vix to tell him everything. Afterwards, he just sat there for a moment.
"So I have powers too."
"But they can kill you if you push yourself too far." Aaron pitched in from across the room.
"Was it powerful?"
"For a first time, yes." Aaron answered.
"Kind of ironic, you're dark and I'm light." I said. Vix held out his hands, pretending to be a ghost.
"Whoooo, I'm so spooky with my daaaark maaagic!" I couldn't help but laugh, even in the face of things.
"And what? I'm a pure angel from the heavens?" We both cackled at that.
"All right, love birds lets go." Aaron rolled his eyes at us. I felt myself blush.
"Woah, what? We're not, no. Just no."
"Oh? What a shame, guess she's all mine." Aaron grabbed me by the arm and dragged me towards the door. I shrieked with laughter.
"I'll take myself, thanks." I said, after my laughter had died down. We walked out of the door, Aaron with a rather small bag. Once he locked the door I couldn't help staring at it.
"It took you that long to pack something so little?" I inquired. Aaron waggled a finger at me.
"Bigger on the inside."
"Is that even possible?"
"Sapphire, if creating fire from the palm of my hand is possible, then I'm pretty sure a bottomless bag is." I let that sink in for a moment, then after a couple minutes of walking, I got curious again.
"Aaron, where are we going?"
"To the mountains."