Magic. The word reverberated around in my brain.
"I don't think there's any way that we can conjure spells or anything, Aaron.." My eyes retreated to the floor.
"Well there's no harm in trying I guess." Vix said. "Try new things, remember?" I sighed.
"Fine. But if nothing works than oh well."
Aaron grinned and stood in front of us.
"Oh-kay then, I'll take that as a yes. You heard me talking about all the types of magic and stuff, right? Well everyone is different, but the method is the same for your first spell." He gestured towards the coffee table. "For instance, say I wanted to set this table on fire.."
"Aaron I don't think we need that much fire power!" I blurted out.
"Oh. Right. I'll be right back." Aaron ran off to the other side of the room and shifted through a couple of drawers. He looked a bit disappointed at the fact that he didn't get to burn his already scorched table. I still had my doubts about this guy in some ways.
"Aha!" Aaron exclaimed. "Found it." He carried over a bunch of objects over, a dusty book, a candle, lightbulb, a dead branch, and an empty glass.
"What is this, some sort of ritual?" Vix asked sarcastically.
"Not exactly." Aaron fiddled with the objects, not taking in Vix's sarcasm. "Okay, so the point of this is to find out what type of magic suits you best. For instance, if your fire just light the candle up. Just will the object to do what you want it to. That's all there is to it!" His eyes shimmered.
I stared hard at the candle. A minute of silence passed. I sighed.
"Aaron, I don't think this is going to work."
"Just try something else, like, bring that branch back to life or burn it or fill up that glass with water. Maybe even turn the light on!" He egged me on. I turned back to the objects. Nothing seemed to click for any of the objects. Gazing at the lightbulb, I asked politely if it would turn on- in my head of course. The light flickered dimly.
"Woah." I spoke. Aaron looked so exited I thought his head would rocket off to space!
"Excellent! Just like that! From that I can say that your magic is Light."
"Really?" I said. "Just from a broken lightbulb flickering slightly?" Aaron almost looked offended.
"Of course! I do plan on teaching in the future and identifying magic is one of the most important things to know. Try it again, make it shine!" This time when I faced the lightbulb I willed it to be bright. Another flicker, and then brightness! It shined like a firework, illuminating the little room for about 5 seconds. All lights came on. Aaron sprung to his feet, cheering. "That's how ya do it!" I laughed. This guy was too happy for his own good at times. I heard a gasp from behind me. I looked back.
"Vix?" Everything went pitch black, I couldn't see anything. A slicing sound ripped through the air. A single yell sent my mind blank.
"Vix?!" I called. No answer. A flame ball appeared where Aaron was.
"Sapphire! Vix! Are you guys alright?!" "I'm fine, where's Vix?" I took a step back into something liquid.
"Over here!" I called to Aaron. When the flame brought enough light to see hat was on the floor I almost vomited. Vix was lying on the floor, a huge gash across his chest. Blood spurted with every movement he made. Aaron knelt down and started wrapping him in a light purple light.
"Don't worry this is a healing spell I learned that will stop the bleeding." His hands worked fast.
"What the hell happened?" I tried to catch my breath. Aaron remained silent. "Aaron? Answer me. What. The. Hell. Happened!" I demanded.
"Something I thought wouldn't." He said gravely.
Once his hands slowed, Vix's breathing started to normalize itself.
"He'll be okay." Aaron's hands were covered in blood. He sighed. "I didn't think he would do that. It could've been any other type. Why this one?" I moved closer to Aaron.
"What do you mean other type?" Aaron hesitated. "I have a hunch that Vix's magic isn't a kind to be messed with. Sapphire, I think Vix is a user of Dark magic. Dark magic often turns itself against its user, making these kind of things happen. That's how Lloyd's domain originated too. Those who's magic they couldn't control were banished to be outsiders, it's no wonder they've turned on us." I sat next to Aaron.
"We'll get it sorted out soon. Maybe we just need some sleep, I know Vix does." Aaron nodded.
"Go ahead. I'll keep watch just in case." I lied down on the couch. I knew it was a bit early, but I trusted Aaron still. I closed my eyes and before I knew it I drifted into a dreamless sleep.