Soon after I started to trek through the forest, I realized that I wasn't well equipped for this at all. It all looked the same.
That was it. I was doomed. After about ten minutes or so I turned to look behind me. More trees. The village was far out of my sights... I decided to check my map, but that was no use. I was clearly in Matekanai, but how was I supposed to know which way was north?
I started to panic a bit inside to myself, but kept it together on the outside.
Yup, there was no doubt about it. I was completely and utterly lost.
With nothing but trees and small animals around me, I had no way of knowing which way I'd come from, or if I was even going the right way in the first place. I mean, I'd been going straight the entire time right? So, that means I was going north? Yeah... has to.
Just looking ahead was so discouraging. I had a long way to go.
I don't think the reality of traveling actually hit me until later on though.
My feet were absolutely killing me, and the sun, which was already mostly hidden by the trees as is, was going down. The world around me was getting darker and darker. I had assumed the forest would be much cooler than this. I wasn't seeing much variety in the animals, mostly just squirrels and different types of birds.
Both are lucky. The squirrel finds safety in the trees, while birds can simply fly high in the air, far, far away, from this place.
Me: "Looks like I'll need to set up camp soon."
I groaned after realizing that I didn't have a tent or anything, so I would have to find a nice log to sleep in or something. If... there were any logs.
I had a major dilemma on my hands. If I changed direction to go and search for a good spot, I might not have remembered which way I was going when the morning came. So, I decided to just sit down by the nearest tree and eat. I was starving.
A ham sandwich was enough for me. When I was good and full I'd decided to lie down and look up at the sky.
My hair got all dirty while laying there, but that's all a part of being a traveler. I looked up at the stars, trying to make up constellation, despite the tree leaves blocking most of the sky.
As I stared, loneliness had begun settling in.
"If the road gets tough, just remember... she's always watching over you."
I imagine mother's face in the stars. Smiling down at me.
But it didn't fill the void I felt in that moment. In fact, I was already starting to doubt myself when my journey had hardly begun. I can't argue with fate though, this is my destiny, I could feel it still despite everything else.
Suddenly, right before my eyes, small green lights started to flutter through the air. I sit up and catch one in my hand. I'd never seen a bug like this before. It was a little round beetle with a green light on it's butt like a firefly, but at the same time looked totally different.
"They're called glowbugs."
I flinch out of fright and the bug flies away. The low voice had startled me. My eyes followed the green glow to the hands of... A man?
He was tall, tan, and fit. With strange tattoos and long jet-black hair that went down his back, the top half of his hair pulled back into a bun. The green glow around him lit up his hazel eyes, brown with a splash of green in the center.
He held a spear in one hand. Wait- could it be? Is he one of the natives? The strange outfit he was wearing told me so, a decorated skirt, with sandals, and a feather earring, but I couldn't believe my eyes.
I stared at him in silence. He smiled gently at me.
Man: "You look like you just saw a ghost. I'm not a ghost I swear."
He laughs a bit, approches, then crouches down in front of me. I was still speechless.
Man: "They're nocturnal little creatures. They sleep all day, and come out to play when nightfall arrives. It is said that every glowbug bears the soul of someone who passed right here in this very forest, and there are millions of them. All around us in this very moment."
Speak you idiot! Stop just gawking at him! I'd thought to myself, and yet I just kept on staring the guy in the eyes as if he hadn't said anything at all.
Man: "I'm sorry, am I too close?"
Gah-! You're gonna make him leave!
Me: N-no not at all, you're just um... really attractive heheheh-
I feel my face heat up, and instantly regret what I just said-
I thought for sure I had scared him away. Surprisingly, that wasn't the case.
Man: "Oh, haha."
He scratches his head.
Man: "I've been observing you for a while. I take it you've never been in the forest before? You're far too pale to be from a tribe."
He sits down across from me, letting the little glowbug fly away. Looks like I missed my chance for good conversation.
Me: "Is it that obvious?"
I scratch my head, embarrassed.
Man: "Yes, very."
Me: "What the- you're not just supposed to say it outright like that!"
Man: "I apologize. I was just answering the question."
He chuckles awkwardly.
Man: "My name is Matto, Matto Whitefeather. I belong to the Whitefeather tribe. Just in case it isn't obvious by the name."
Me: "Matto, got it. This is super awesome!"
Matto: "Awesome?"
Me: "I really wanted to meet a native out here! I can't believe it!"
He blankly stares at me. Tone it down, Aiji.
Me: "S-sorry. So um, you were observing me?"
He nods. Nice save.
Matto: "We do not get visitors often. As I was out, taking my daily stroll around the area, I noticed you looking around as if you were confused. So I took it upon myself to follow you."
Me: "F-follow me?! You mean you've been nearby all day and haven't said anything?!"
He nods again, as if what he just said was completely normal.
Matto: "Does that make you uncomfortable?"
I didn't know how to respond to that. He's a good-looking guy and I don't want to ruin my chances at a "friendship" here, but... that is a little odd.
Matto: "I will take your silence as a yes. I would've felt guilty leaving you with no supervision. You looked like a lost cub."
Me: "I'm not a cub! I'm a whole bear! RAWR!"
You're embarrassing yourself again.
Matto: "Then I suppose you do not need my help."
He gets up and starts walking away just like that.
I hear birds fly out of the trees.
Matto: "I have hardly taken ten steps. Must you disturb the birds' slumber?"
Me: "S- sorry."
He turns around and looks down at me.
Matto: "Well mighty Bear? What is it that a terrifying beast like you could need from a simple man like me?"
I don't see why he sounded ready to laugh.
Me: "I..."
I look up at him.
Me: "I don't know what to do!"
I burst into tears. I don't know why. I'm not usually someone who shows my emotions to strangers, but I guess at the time it was starting to weigh down on me.
Ashamed, I turn away, so that I can gather myself. Then I feel a hand placed atop my head.
Matto: "It's alright mighty Bear. You have all the strength of three Whitefeather men, a full 10 of those soldiers. Nothing can stop you, let no one stand in your way."
The comfort of the hand fades. I hear footsteps in the distance. He... he can't be serious right? Was he just leaving vulnerable me behind?!
I turn back around and he's far off. Quickly, I sling my bag over my shoulder, and run after him.
I tackled him after that. Why? Oh because I had an idea!
I was going to bring him with me.
I was now on his back, because surprisingly (or not), he didn't fall when I tackled him.
Matto: "... I've never met someone so strange..."
I couldn't see his facial expression, or tell what he was thinking really.
Matto: "Alright cub, if you can agree to keep your pride at bay, then I will aid you in your quest, whatever it may be."
Me: "R-really?"
Matto: "Yes."
I hop down and run in front of him.
Me: "So you'll come with me to Old Miovel?"
Matto: "I will follow you to the ends of the universe, cub. Otherwise... you will most likely get lost and die somewhere."
Way to give it to me straight...
Matto: "Tell me cub, what do you hope to find in Miovel?"
It was then I told him everything as he taught me how to make a fire using branches that had fallen from the trees. I told him every last detail up until the very moment we met each other.
He stared at me from the other side of the fire in silence at first. Gathering his words I assumed.
But the silence went on for a while. Until...
Matto: "I have heard of this legend."
Me: "Y-you have?!"
He nods, staring at the ground, deep in thought it appeared.
Matto: "It is the duty of a Whitefeather to protect his land, his people, and his spirit."
He rises from where he sat across from me, and looks up at the stars for a moment. Then down at me.
Matto: "I told you before, I'd follow you to the end of the universe, cub. I meant that."
Me: "...?"
Was he gonna leave me again?
Matto: "I will be your partner, and aid you. 'Til death do us part. If you'll accept me, that is."
... My heart started pounding. Was he talking about marriage?! I don't mind moving fast I guess but woah!
He stared at me intently, an expression of determination on his face, and with the reflection of fire in his eyes.
I've always thought 16 was a bit young for marriage, but in my village it is the age of adulthood... so hey, why not?
You see this mom? I'm about to get married!
Me: "'Til death do us part."
I smile. Uh.. I could be totally wrong here, but if I ask what he means... that'll ruin the moment.
Matto: "Then when our journey ends, we will return to this very forest, and while the glowbugs flutter all around, we shall hold a ceremony for all to behold."
That's not really helping the whole marriage thing going on in my head.
Matto: "Tomorrow, I must tell my tribe about our partnership and my departure, receive my mother's blessing, then I should probably pack a few things."
He thinks for a bit.
His... mother's blessing? You know what Aiji... you're looking too far into this.
As the night carried on, we talked about random things having to do with the forest while star-gazing, and I guess I fell asleep at some point. It felt like I blinked and it was morning. No dream whatsoever.
I was expecting my back to hurt or something, but I felt very comfy.
It was like I was laying on a cushion or something but- how?
I sit up abruptly and look around. I didn't see Matto anywhere, but I was safe. Somehow, I had ended up in a large tent, almost like a small house in a way, but a tent... someone's things were here at least- Clothes, food, etc.
No way...
It had dawned on me that I was in Matto's tent. Meaning I must've been in his tribe's settlement. Did he really carry me all the way to his home? With my backpack and all? Those abs really don't lie...
My backpack was sitting next to the spear he'd been carrying the night before.
I grabbed my journal from it and started to draw and write. "Surely he'll come and get me," I thought as I wrote.
But time went on and on, and I'd finished writing about yesterday's events. So, I decided to snoop around. I didn't end up finding anything of interest and was startled by the tent suddenly opening. It was Matto, finally.
Matto: "You haven't eaten?"
Me: "Ah, goodmorning! Didn't realize the food was for me."
Matto: "Hmm, it seems I forgot to leave you a note."
He comes in and grabs the food, sitting it across from me.
Matto: "Eat up, the bath is waiting."
Me: "So are the clothes for me too?"
He nodded and I started eating. He laughed as I scarfed down the food.
Matto: "You eat like a chieftain, I will have to hunt like a madman to satisfy your appetite."
Me: "Wh-art ish that shupposed to mean?"
I say with my mouth full of food. He laughs at me again.
Matto: "I am not insulting you. Don't worry."
Matto is a strange guy.
After I ate, Matto had me grab my clothes, and he grabbed his spear. We were going to go to my bath. As we walked through the settlement and people stared at me I noticed something...
The clothes I was holding... I only saw women wearing similar things.
It could've just been a coincidence. Or at least that's what I thought. Until I started to listen to the whispers around the tents.
"So she will be Matto's wife?"
"Wow she's really cute!"
"He did well for himself, what a beauty!"
"Don't you think she dresses a bit strange for a girl?"
"That's just how villagers of Heiwa dress you uncultured swine!"
I froze. No way. I look nothing like a girl! And you mean to tell me I was actually right about the marriage thing?!
Matto notices I'm not following him anymore, so he stops then comes back to me.
Matto: "Are you alright?"
He looks around, but as he looks at the other Whitefeather natives, they turn away as if they hadn't been staring and whispering at all.
Me: "Y-yeah... um let's just hurry and get there I need to talk to you alone."
"Wow she's eager... they haven't even married yet..."
"Shh! They'll hear you! And stop thinking like that gramps!"
Matto looks surprised for a bit, but nods and we go to the bath tent.
In this tent, There was a large tub of steamy water with a washcloth and towel, hanging nearby. He ties the tent shut.
Matto: "You wanted to talk about something?"
He starts undressing. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!
I felt my face heat up and quickly turned away.
Me: "Y-you're bathing with me?!"
Matto: "It is normal for partners to bathe together, and it saves time."
...No freakin' way. If someone would've told me that this would be happening on my first day out in the world, I would've laughed in their face...
My nerves were starting to get the best of me. We just met yesterday and were about to bathe together?! "I mean... I did say till death do us par- No I just need to ask him what the hell is going on."
Me: "I um... I overheard some of the villagers and-"
Matto: "Do not worry about them. Since I am one of the chieftain's sons, my people have always wondered who I would marry."
Matto: "My older brother found his wife recently, so all eyes have been on me as of late."
S-so I was RIGHT?!
Matto: "In our tribe, it is unusual for the woman to chase the man, especially when it comes to a cheiftain's sons. But you did not care for customs. You'd caught my eye before then, but in the moment you ran after me, I knew you could've been the one. After hearing your story, it all had become clear. It was fate for us to marry."
... He... he thinks I'm a girl too?
That was sweet and all but it's weird thinking about the fact that he's naked behind me, saying all that. Siiigh I should've known this was too good to be true.
Curse this short body and baby-face! He's never gonna talk to me again once I undress for this bath... should I tell him or just show him...
I turn around, without looking down(and putting myself in an even worse and more awkward situation).
Me: "Matto... I think you've made a mistake."
Matto: "No, I have already declared our partnershi-"
I drop my pants.
He completely stops talking. He stares... and it starts making me uncomfortable and ashamed after a bit but then I think he caught himself doing it, and stopped.
Matto: "Well, finish undressing, you don't want the bath to get cold."
We end up getting in the bath, but I was still very confused(and not looking down either).
Me: "So... d-did you know or...?"
Matto: "Yes."
Me: "But you said it's unusual for women to-"
Matto: "Well, you are small like a woman, so I can't help thinking of you as being feminine. I apologize for the misunderstanding."
Me: "Pfft- I'm as manly as it gets!"
Matto: "I thought you were going to stop being so prideful."
He looks disappointed in me, so I give it up and I sigh.
He ended up telling me that despite me actually being a guy, his mother still gave him her blessing, and that the people thinking I'm a female was completely random. And the clothes were all he could get his hands on at the time, which didn't help my case.
But he found the whole thing pretty funny in the end, so we're just not going to tell them about my actual gender.
After our bath, we gathered our things, and the natives wished us luck. Matto's brother, the soon-to-be chief was a little cautious of me since I'm not one of them, but he was super nice still, and treated Matto like a child. I thought it was heartwarming and wholesome.
He also has a little sister. She told us that she was going to work day-in and day-out to make me a beautiful dress for when we returned. I just went with because eh, why not?
After all of the goodlucks and goodbyes, we departed.
All Matto brought was his spear, a bow with some arrows, and a small satchel full of random things that were supposed to be good luck. I got to save a lot of the food from my village because Matto went to hunt for me every time I got hungry. He's really good with his weapons.
Two days had gone by, and we still weren't out of the forest yet. On the third night, I started to wonder...
Matto said before, that he knew the legend, but he never went into detail about what he knew about it. So I decided to ask him after we packed up camp that morning. Oh right I forgot to mention, I have a tent in my bag. How it managed to fit? I haven't the slightest idea, but it made the nights much easier. I'm no good at putting it up though. I just let Matto handle all of that.
He definitely knows his stuff about surviving.
Where was I again? Oh right-
So I planned to ask Matto about what he knew.
Matto: "Old Miovel should not be too far off from here. You'll know we're close when the trees become less and less, and a giant clock pierces the sky."
A giant clock? I'll ask about that later.
Me: "Matto, can I ask you something?"
Matto: "Of course."
Me: "The legend of the orb, what exactly do you know about it? Anything more than what I told you?"
He nods.
Matto: "The orange forest is no where to be found on any map. Meaning those who run Ukerra, are keeping it hidden on purpose. I would assume."
Me: "Huh... really..."
My voice trails off.
Matto: "I do not know whether or not they know where the ruins are, or if they know about the orb in the first place. But, they do not want normal people to find that forest. One can only speculate what the reason could actually be."
Me: "That scares me... That means we could be breaking a law if we found it and went inside huh?"
Matto: "From the poem your mother would read, I don't believe everyone is able to see the ruins in the first place, but something tells me she's been there. Either way, I don't think they can arrest us if we pretend we were lost and stumbled upon the forest."
They definitely could.
That's right though... They probably can't see the ruins...
"Guarded by the ruins, that nobody sees..."
Me: "So what if we can't see the ruins?"
Matto: "I don't think she would send you there if you couldn't. Just have hope that it will all work out in the end."
If they didn't know about the orb... or the ruins... Why in the world would they hide the forest? I checked my map. He was right. There was definitely no orange forest.
I guess everything will become clear eventually.
But if mom really has been there before... Why didn't she make the wish?
Matto: "There, do you see it?"
I look up at what he was looking at. A giant clock-tower.
Matto: "I do not know everything about the world, but when I was young my father, brother, and mother would always tell me that if I saw that clock, then I'd wandered too far."
Me: "So this'll be your first time there too?"
He nodded.
Matto: "I never thought I'd see the day..."
Another night passed, but it didn't take long the next morning for us to make it...
...To the entrance of Old Miovel Town.