Maybe it was selfish of Faith, taking Sheena to Happy Scoops with her even after what happened last week, but maybe her own safety was worth a little selfishness. Sheena hadn't sounded very thrilled this time around about going, but she agreed nonetheless.
When Faith had asked how she and Aaron were doing during the drive, her friend had replied with a sigh, "We're fine now, I guess. He got really defensive when I asked him if that girl last week was someone he was seeing, but...he finally told me some things, and claimed he came from an adoptive family but that they haven't really spoken for years, except when his sister came storming into his office that one night. He wouldn't really explain anything further than that, like why she did that in the first place. I mean, he said that girl was his sister you think he's lying to me, Faith?"
While the exchange she'd heard between him and the girl named Nayla told her that they definitely weren't lovers, there was still the question of whether Tracy was anything more to Aaron than simply an associate. "About that specifically, no, I don't think so. But...if he ever does act in a way that makes you suspicious or even anxious, you shouldn't stick around."
Faith saw Sheena make a slight wince at her from the corner of her eye. "Um...that was kind of random, but okay? Thanks, I guess."
"I just mean if he does," Faith reiterated.
"Well either way, I'm mostly over it now," Sheena shrugged. "I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for right now." Whatever disagreement they may have had, it must not have been bad enough for Sheena to want to leave him.
After hurrying but not quite running inside, they saw that Aaron was waiting for them at the front this time, with Levi behind the counter awkwardly pretending to look busy as he normally did. Tracy must have figured Sheena would be here again, as she was nowhere in sight. Faith wasn't sure how Aaron felt about her habitually bringing his girlfriend to a place like this, but knowing him, he likely wouldn't care as long as his interest got to him safely and his cover didn't get blown to the general public.
She glanced between Aaron and her friend, finally getting a chance to see an example of what their dynamics with one another were like--after a disagreement, no less. At first they merely stared at one another, with Sheena being the one to finally break the silence with a mere "Hi..."
"Hey." Aaron nodded to the both of them before stepping over and giving Sheena a brief kiss on the lips, followed by a smile that Faith had never thought he could be physically capable of making--it looked...almost sweet. Of course it was likely an act, but it was a strange thing to see nonetheless.
"How's the forehead?" Sheena asked with consternation, gingerly brushing her finger over a bandage Aaron now had on the left side of his head that Faith hadn't noticed at first. "You seem to get a lot of these, Aaron."
"Don't worry about it, it's healin' up." He didn't appear to want to elaborate. "'re bein' Faith's bodyguard again tonight, or what?" He laughed when he said it initially, but when he glanced in Faith's direction, the smile left his face.
"Yeah," Sheena laughed in return, seating herself at one of the tables and not seeing the look he'd given to Faith. "I told you, it's just to make her feel more comfortable. I know you said some of your customers can get crazy, but I don't mind. How crazy can it really get in an ice cream store?"
"That's what I thought when I first bought the place. 'How hard can it be, right?' But on a serious note, Sheena, I nearly got my whole office trashed last week. It wasn't the first time that's happened, and chances are it won't be the last."
Faith was about to pull the money out and make some excuse for why she needed to leave early, but before she could find an opportunity to cut into the conversation, Aaron continued, "I need to tell Faith some things regarding the money she borrowed. As for you, I'm gonna have Levi call Keith to take you home, back where it's safe."
Sheena made a pouty expression, blissfully ignorant as ever. Shaking her head and pointing in Aaron's direction, she gave Faith a half-hearted smile. "Sorry. My boyfriend's at it again with his excessiveness. Guess I'll see you later sometime."
Excessiveness? Faith's mouth had gone dry at this point. Aaron was gesturing for Faith to go with him. She hoped he would go on ahead in front of her so she could at least have some control over the situation, but there was no such luck. "Ladies first."
It's okay. You haven't even finished paying him back yet, and plus Sheena is still in the building--she would hear it if he tried to hurt you. Your parents always told you you were an exceptionally loud screamer. She hugged her purse to herself during that walk down the hallway. It felt much longer than it should have.
At the end of the hall, Faith held her breath as Aaron reached past her to open the door, and she quickly glanced around the room for any third parties once they'd both entered the office. "Go on, sit down," Aaron mumbled as he closed the door behind them. "Put the money on the desk."
Faith tried to keep a poker face as she did what he said, watching him walk back across the room to sit at his desk. He began by counting the amount she'd brought him to make sure it was right before finally returning his attention to her.
"So as you probably guessed, I didn't wanna talk about the money itself. You're doin' fine with that. There is however, the issue of you bringing Sheena here every week. I thought about allowing it at first, but between her possibly seeing or hearing something she shouldn't be, and how dangerous it generally is around this area, it's just not safe for her." He must have noticed the look of surprise on Faith's face at his apparent display of empathy for someone else, because he shook his head confusedly and asked, "What?"
"It's just...I really didn't mean to put Sheena in any danger or um, make her see anything she wasn't supposed to, last week or this week. I just didn't want to be by myself, and Sheena's the only friend I have that wouldn't ask questions. And also...when you said Keith would be taking her home a minute ago, that's all that you really meant, right? That wasn't a euphemism of some sort for anything?"
"Of course that's all I meant, Faith. What else would it mean?" he replied in an almost ridiculing manner. He then paused, giving Faith a gaze that contained a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "Faith, listen, I don't hurt anybody unless they give me a reason to. And, in case you're wonderin' about this..." He reached up to move some strands of hair out of the way and pointed at the same forehead wound Sheena had commented on earlier. "...The other guy struck first. Happened this past Wednesday. Tried to accuse me of lyin' to him about interest. I mean, how can I lie about something that I wasn't even asked about?" He gave a shrug and laughed, as if he'd just told a joke.
Faith kept him in her sight as always, but no longer met his eyes. This guy was impossible to figure out, which was likely how he wanted it with his customers. She only hoped that she'd asked all the right questions, for her own sake.
"So..." he exhaled, changing the subject and clapping his hands together. "You don't have any other friends--anyone at all--that can come here with you that you don't think would complicate things?"
Faith shook her head. "No one. And I would just let you come by the house, but if Rowan found out he'd probably go crazy. I don't think either you or I wanna deal with that."
"Nope," Aaron muttered. "So, I wasn't gonna suggest this at first, since I don't just hand these out, but I guess there's no harm in it since you're someone I know personally." He opened one of his desk drawers and pulled out a large piece of paper reading "I Love Happy Scoops," with a heart in place of the word 'love'.
Faith was as confused as ever, so Aaron explained, "It's a decal. You put this in the top front of your car window, and I can almost guarantee nobody'll mess with you once they see it. If ya' don't believe me, ask Tracy or Levi. Even Keith has one, for when he's using his civilian car."
"And what if some maniac decides to just shoot without checking for one of these?"
"These days, they check. Put it this way--if anyone around here sees that logo, they think of me. Anyone else, like from your neighborhood, will probably just assume you're helping support some little-known local business. Which, technically you are," he said with a wink.
That didn't exactly make her feel better, but what other choice did she really have? "Okay. I'll use it, but how easy is it to remove once I'm done with it?"
"Why'd you wanna remove it? I thought I made 'em look fairly nice."
"You know what I mean. For me that sticker will be a temporary tool, not some decoration to flaunt around."
"It's no different from other decals Faith, relax. It ain't like puttin' a tattoo on your skin. But I wouldn't remove it any time soon." With that, he slid the large sticker in her direction.
"So...that means we're good, then?"
"Yeah. We're good. Levi can help you with the sticker. Just show it to him on your way out."
Before Faith could think of any other potential questions she might need to ask, a knock sounded at the door. "Melanie's here," Tracy announced from outside. "Should I make her wait or are you almost done?"
"Nah, we're done. Bring 'er in."
Faith quickly took the hint and rose from her chair, giving Aaron a brief nod as she picked up the car sticker and her purse. As she was leaving his office, she got a glimpse of the next individual that he was apparently expecting tonight. She appeared to be somewhere between her and Levi's age, and looked like she had seen better days.
Melanie gave Faith a sad smile as their eyes met for a second, and Faith quickened her steps toward the front of the building. That smile, that red hair, those freckles, that aura of vulnerability...she almost reminded her of Rowan.
Faith clenched her fists. She couldn't let that protective instinct kick in now. There may not have been anything she could do for this girl, but she was more determined than ever now to keep Rowan out of danger.
It didn't help that the more she talked to Aaron, the more she felt the need to try to understand him somewhat. It wasn't the smartest way to think, she knew, but it was the easiest way, given that he was someone she had to be around every week. She'd found herself wondering more than once if he was ever a "Rowan" or a "Melanie" before life somehow turned him into what he was now. Once their transaction was through however, she could go back to seeing him as the soulless criminal he most likely was and pretend none of this had ever happened. Just a couple more weeks, and it would be over.
"Oh, so the boss gave you one of those too?" Levi asked as she entered the front of the building, jerking her out of her thoughts. Faith wasn't sure, but she thought his eyes had widened at the sight of it, like he was surprised at something.
"Yeah--he said you'd go out there with me and help put it on."
"Sure..." Levi nodded his head, a bit slowly for Faith's liking. It wasn't always a matter of what was said around here, but rather body language and how it was said.
"Levi, is there something I should know?"
"Oh...nothing really. It sounds like you and Mr. Galanos talked over everything, in terms of how these work."
"Well, we talked over everything he was willing to tell me, at least."
Ignoring her comment, Levi's apparent doubt had now seemingly turned to full approval mode. "I just need to go call Tracy in here. She can keep a lookout while we apply it. You'll be a lot safer with one of these once we're done--trust me."
This better be worth Rowan not finding out. If--or more like when--Rowan saw that imposing sticker and asked what Happy Scoops was, she would just have to make something up. She was becoming rather good at that anyway.