It was a dark and stormy night. A tall male was walking home from the bar, his light-brown hair was moving everytime he placed another foot on the pavement. His green eyes kept blinking in a hope the wind would stop any moment from now. Scars ran down his legs and arms from a previous encounter with a beast, his health wasn't the best either. His breathing was rather quick, he had succeeded in killing the beast but in the process he almost died. His muscles were aching all over, he just wanted to rest on a nice comfy bed tonight. It didn't seem like he would be, people would never open the door for a demon like him. As he moved down the street his feet slowed down for a car, his thumb went up, but the car ignored it like he wasn't even there. He sighed and walked further into a small community, the lamps were lit on the sidewalk. Running his fingers through his hair he stopped in front of the first house, he didn't like disturbing others this late. But he just needed to rest, he was determined to get some. Fixing his hair he walked up to the door, he wasn't nervous at all this reminded him when he was asking his crush to prom. Before his hand to touch the door, someone had opened it.
The male was smaller, his black hair was back into a ponytail. He seemed to be in college, the demon was surprised but stepped back a little.
" oh, I'm sorry did you want something " he asked putting his black hair behind his ears
The demon paused, he collected this thoughts before he spoke. " I was just wondering if i could rest some place, no one really lets a scary man like me into their home " he tried to smile at the other.
" well then I know I won't mind, but why do you ask don't you have a home or something " the male asked pretty worried for the demon
" no, you see they kicked me out and I don't know where to turn " he lied as he shifted his feet on the wood paneling.
" come on, I'll get some coffee on " the male smiled and walk into the kitchen
The demon paused before walking in, the home was well kept. Things were in boxes that held documents and files of cases the male worked on. The furniture was nice as well, it probably was really expensive. He walked into the kitchen, not making a word he looked around it.
" I didn't get your name, what is it " the younger male asked handing the demon a cup of coffee
" oh, right. Its.... Jay " he muttered
" I'm Carter, nice to meet you " Carter smiled sipping at his 'momma's boy' mug
Jay chuckled and took a look at his, 'best son ever' mug. Carter laughed as well before showing the demon to his guest bedroom. It was a good size, but he didn't need a bedroom to sleep in. He thought a couch would be better, Carter disagreed. Carter had also given the demon something to sleep in, this was more then enough to make him happy. Doesn't he notice anything about me thats different. He set the extra pair of clothing on the bed and walked out, Carter was in his office working.
" don't you see something different about me " Jay asked
Carter turned his chair to look at him and didn't have an answer, " what do you mean " he shook his head and was confused
Rolling his eyes, black wings spread across his back. Carters eyes were widened in amazement and horror. The younger male stood up and walked around the demon, Jay tried to make a small smile for the male but didn't make a good one. Carter stopped in front of him and placed his hands on his waist, his eyes rolled back as a smirk spread across his lips.
" so your not scared, I've killed many people before. " he questioned
" your still a person, who's walking and talking like everyone else. Even though you probably have killed people I believe you won't kill me " Carter nodded his head
" didn't think humans were this nice " he chukcled
" heh, I can be an ass if I want to. What are you anyway " he asked going straight to the point
" I'm a demon, and the home I was talking about was well not pleasant. Ever so often a demon is aloud to come to the surface to find love. So far my luck has run out " he sulked and rubbed the back of his neck
" a demon, well I haven't seen any for a while. I actually fell in love with one once, but that was a bad idea since I got my wings taken away " he muttered
" wait, were you an angel once. Farus? " he questioned
" h-how do you know my real name " he asked kind of surprised
" haha idiot " he laughed and ruffled the males black hair
" don't tell me, your the demon I fell in love with " he gave a moniton voice making it obvious he forgot how he looked liked
" long time no see, I almost didn't recognize you that time " he placed a hand around the others waist, making the other embarrassed.
Farus blushed and crossed his arms, Jay laughed and kissed the males cheek before going into his room and closing the door behind him. Farus sighed and smiled as he walked to his own bedroom and went to sleep. Jay didn't want to stay, once the male was asleep he wrote a note and left in the pitch of the morning.
Once Farus woke up, he found the note and started to cry.
Hey Farus,
I have some unfinished business to take care of, I don't think I'll come back anytime soon. I'm sorry I did't tell you, but I don't want you forced to be in my life and then ruined by who ever try to stop me. But it was nice seeing you again, I hope maybe I can see you later on. Probably once this so called war is over with.
With all my love,
Farus clenched his fists together, holding a small box in his hands. Even though they needed to catch up he wanted to ask the older male of something, something Jay could only do once. And he missed his chance.