Jasmine was surprised to see Miles. What had made him come to her workplace for the first time in a long time. She got up, but before she could move she felt Julian grab her arm, "I didn't say you were done, Jasmine,"
Jasmine turned, she realized that she had forgotten all about Julian because she was so focused on Miles this whole time and him surprising her.
Jasmine turned to see Miles sitting on the chair and he had now leaned forward when he saw the way Julian had grabbed her arm. She didn't want this to end in a fight of any sort.
"Julian, I need to sort something out. I will be back, so sorry for the inconvenience," said Jasmine, she was pleading with him so that he would not cause a scene and let her sort out Miles fast.
Julian let her hand go, "Fine."
Jasmine went over to Miles and she was surprised when he pulled her onto his lap,
"Miles what's wrong with you? Why are you here?"
"You have been acting strange Mine."
He was calling her his usual nickname for her and she wondered what was going on with him,
"I was just tired, Miles."
"I don't believe that, is he the reason that you have been acting this way," Miles replied.
"No one has been making me act in any way Miles."
"So why is he looking at us that way?" Miles replied.
Jasmine turned and saw that Julian had a grim look on his face and he was glaring at them. She turned her focus back to Miles, "He is one of my clients and you interrupted one of our sessions, how do you think they will react?"
"Am I bothersome to you Mine?"
"Miles can we talk about this at home, I'm at work and without this job, it will be impossible for us to live the way we do. So please don't make this any harder than it is for me."
"Fine." Miles reluctantly pulled out his arm around her and Jasmine went back to Julian. She saw Miles leaving the room,
"Aren't you supposed to be looking at me, Jasmine?" Julian asked.
"I am,"
"No, you are looking at him," Julian replied.
"I wasn't okay." Jasmine snapped.
"Is he your client?" Julian replied.
"I don't discuss my clients with other clients."
Julian nodded, "I see,"
Jasmine carried on but she could hardly fake it or pick up her mood because of Miles. When the night was finished Jasmine went to the locker room and changed into jeans and a plain shirt.
She went outside, and an arm came around her. She turned to see that it was Miles. He was still here waiting for her, the next thing that surprised her as he kissed her deeply.
When he was done she opened her eyes and was surprised but she saw his gaze going somewhere far from hers and she followed his gaze.
Julian was standing at the front and he had seen them kiss. Jasmine didn't care that Julian had seen but she was more hurt at the fact that Miles wasn't sincerely kissing her because he wanted her but he was staking his claim.
He was showing Julian who really had her, and that hurt more than ever. She was glad to see Miles here and ready to take her home but he was just jealous.
At least after all this time, he cared for her in that way. Miles still had so much power to hurt her deeply. Miles intertwined their hands and they walked towards a cab they got in and she saw that Julian was watching intently.
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