When the alarm went off Jasmine wanted to scream. How was it already time for her to go to work and slave away?
"Switch off the alarm," Miles grumbled.
Jasmine rolled her eyes and she switched it off. She looked at him as he rolled over and tucked himself more into the blanket. She went to the bathroom took a quick shower and got dressed for her day job.
By the time she got back from her work, she knew that her other one was waiting for her. Miles wasn't yet at home which meant that he was out with his friends, he would make up the excuse of saying that he was doing a work project but when she offered to drop by he usually refused.
Jasmine sighed and she went to take a nap.
"Jasmine, where is my dinner?"
Jasmine jolted awake, she looked at the clock and wondered how she had slept through her alarm. She dashed out and went to change into her nightclothes.
"Don't tell me you didn't make anything." Miles groaned at her.
"Miles stop it. I am late, I was clearly tired and I slept through the alarm. You have hands why don't you use them for once?"
Jasmine saw that Miles seemed to be taken aback by her words. He didn't expect her to utter those words but she had done it.
When she was done getting dressed she headed out the door, no word whatsoever from Miles. He just stared at the television.
Jasmine couldn't believe the lack of sympathy that he didn't have for her. She was exhausted and all he cared about was his stupid supper. She worked like a dog, yet he couldn't see that.
When she got to the strip club, the manager was already on her case threatening to deduct her salary. She apologized and offered to work extra today. What else could she do? She couldn't manage to lose her job nor to quit.
She got on the stage and she did her thing. Jasmine danced and pretended that she was at a concert except for fans she had perverts who weren't happy with their wives at home. She felt sorry for the wives. She shuddered at the thought of Miles doing that.
Was he just like them? Did he go see other women? Jasmine brushed that off her mind, this wasn't the time and she couldn't afford to make a mistake.
When she was done dancing, she decided to go clear the VIP rooms. She didn't feel like smiling or entertaining people. She went to the one VIP room that was the most expensive and she closed the door.
Her manager rarely came here, she curled on the sofa and promised herself that she would take a five-minute nap.
"Let her sleep."
Jasmine could hear voices from a distance but she couldn't place the voice nor could she wake up. She felt a hand brush her hair softly. It felt nice to nurtured, she felt something warm cover her, and the scent was hypnotizing.
She drifted off into a slumber.
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