Jasmine woke up when her alarm went off and she knew it was time to go to her second job. She got dressed, she heard the door opening and knew that Miles was back from college.
He came in and she knew what came next,
"You won't believe the day that I had Jasmine."
"Yes?" She replied as she carried on putting on her make up. She took out her earrings and put them on.
"The lecturer kept on dragging on and on so Mitch and I decided to toss objects at him."
Jasmine couldn't believe she was working herself to the bone for him to not take serious what he was supposed to do at lectures.
"You should be paying attention in class Miles."
"I know, I know but I don't need you to nag me for it, Jasmine, you are not mother,"
"I know I am not your mother but I do pay for your tuition and everything."
"What do you mean by that?"
Jasmine sighed, "All I ask from you is to take your education seriously, I also need to get back to college so I can finish my degree,
"I can't believe you would say that Jasmine, you don't know how hard college is, the assignments, loads of tests, exams and practicals that one has to do."
"I never said that college wasn't difficult but you have to work hard for it. I am tired of working day in and day out."
"Why do you always make everything about you Jasmine? I was just telling you about the rough day that I had at work and you have to turn this about you all the time. You can't feel sorry for me and what I go through."
"Actually everything is about you Miles, I go to work for you. Everything I do revolves around you! All I do it's for you and you can't see how tired I am."
Miles nodded, "I know okay. I am trying my best and it hurts that it's not good enough for you,"
"I am not saying that it's not good enough, I just want you to try harder, is that too much to ask for Miles? I also want a break, I am endlessly tired."
"I know Jasmine, you tell me every day. You don't let me forget, remember?"
"How can I not Miles?"
"Aren't you late for work?"
Jasmine knew what Miles meant, he was dismissed, he wanted her to leave because she was supposedly was nagging him.
She wondered what would happen if she gave it all up this whole stripping business.
"What if I stopped Miles?"
"Stopped what now?"
"That's ridiculous Jasmine we don't have any other means."
"I think you should also get a job."
"How can I study and also get a job? That is just a ridiculous suggestion."
"Some students do it Miles, or I can quit the day job. I'm too tired."
"We will talk about it later. Right now is not the time, you are late and I'm tired. we need to discuss this when we both are in the right state of mind."
"I'm in the right state of mind Miles."
"I don't think I am Jasmine okay. Let's just drop it okay."
"Drop it for how long?"
"I don't know! "
"All I want is for us to discuss the possibilities, it's been long maybe you..."
"No Jasmine, end of discussion."
"You didn't even hear what I have to say"
"I will Jasmine, we have plenty of time to do that."
"When Miles, our times usually overlap and I am working on little sleep. I get home and you are sleeping soundly and then we have to get up at the same time or I have to go earlier when you don't lectures."
"I know Jasmine."
"No, you don't. I have to work throughout, why don't you get at least a holiday job rather than going to your family."
"Then when would I see them?"
"December. How do you think I feel."
"You are running late for work, you need to go."
Jasmine knew that she was dismissed again, she took her bag and headed out to Mizzles. She got there and she put her belongings at the back.
Jasmine got on the stage and she danced with all the passion that was pent up inside of her.
Julian POV:
"Who is she, the girl on the stage?"
"That's Jasmine Sir."
A/N: Hey guys early access to chapters: www.patreon.com/taniashava