Homework is a waste of time. Have you ever thought about the passing away of time? Time is precious. When time passes, it never comes back. This is not even arguable. When today is gone, you will never be as young as you are right now. We have been taught by our parents and teachers to not waste our time doing things that are not worth the time doing. Do you think that homework is somethings that is worth hours of your life everyday? When we learn something in school, we learn it. But then homework is just extra work that is a repetition of what we learnt or will learn in class the next day. It's a shame how people think that homework helps us with our understanding. This is false. We are excluding the people who are confused, who don't know what to do because they need somebody to guide them. This is where teachers come in. Aren't teachers here to educate us? Then what is the purpose of their existence if we have to do homework every day? When we think about the confused people, doing homework will just confuse and frustrate them even more and maybe even lead to misunderstanding. It is unfair to judge and punish a person based on their homework just because they don't understand something as much as other people do. We need to widen our perspective and think about all those people who aren't geniuses. Homework, in another word, is useless repetition for some and pure confusion for others. We need a better system of education. Students need sleep too! We don't have all the free hours just to finish up homework. How does that improve society in any ways? No one is making any changes to the current world except for wasting led, ink, paper (trees), and electricity. It also uses up all our energy, either physically or mentally. When we talk about physically, people don't have time to sleep properly and will therefore wake up the next day feeling sad and grumpy. It is bad for our physical health. Is this the correct mood for learning? No! Homework also wastes our mental energy. It's not necessary to lower our self-esteem because the teachers aren't capable of teaching up and helping us remember the information. Also, we don't have extra brain energy left to think of any brilliant ideas that can change the world. Who knows? If we have the energy to do 1+1, why don't we spend some time thinking about how to cure cancer? Doing homework is not practical. Instead of homework, let's actually contribute to the world. Learning can be done in school. What we should do outside of school cannot be repetition and boring-ness. It should be discovery, and the real world application of what we learn in class. We need the time, the opportunity to use what we learn instead of just sitting at our desks and typing out useless reports that somebody else has probably already wrote about. Homework is bad. Homework is unfair. Homework is hindering growth in society. NO HOMEWORK ALLOWED PLEASE.
Hey peeps, feel free to argue back and write a whole lengthy speech about how I'm totally wrong. But my recommendation is that instead of doing all that work, just write 1 sentence in the comment section. Time is precious you know. Use your time wisely.
Jessica's out!