Nowadays, people always try to learn different languages. In schools, we are required to learn at least 2 languages. For example, I have to learn at least English and French. It might sound easy for those of you who can speak every language fluently the second that you are born, but for me, it's not so easy. Really, it's not necessary to make such a big deal out of how many languages you learn. In this rant, let's just ignore that fact that people can be employed based on the languages they speak. It is really impractical. We are all basically living in a place where learning a second language is not necessary. I mean, not everyone talks in two languages in every single sentence. At least, I don't. Unless you make your living translating or speaking different languages or being a teacher, there's really no use of learning another language. But seriously, after you learn the language, who is there to appreciate your hard work? Most of the time, we would stay home and go to school We probably wouldn't be going off into far off countries for the most part of the year. We, as language learners, don't have the opportunity to show off the new language we learnt because it is way more efficient to just speak the language you know from the beginning. can show off to your cat or your plants. Why spend extra effort to do something that would probably waste your brain energy and time? Also, stuttering really lowers your self-esteem because it seems like you don't know how to talk properly. There are thousands of reasons why we shouldn't learn a language. Cause it's boring. Cause it's hard. Cause it's useless. Cause it's not supposed to waste our energy. I just feel the need to express this: SECOND LANGUAGE SHOULD NOT BE MANDATORY!!