Alright, I’ve been here, and as the name suggests there’s gotta be something to do with hell. The bridge gained its name because it is said that if you drive on the bridge then turn around the road behind you will look like the fiery depths of hell. Many years ago a young couple lost their lives on the bridge. It is stated if you stop on this bridge at night and turn off your light a member of the young couple will get into your vehicle and leave a wet spot on your seat. Supposedly the water filters (OR DISSIPATE) fast into the seat, leaving evidence of the presence of the couple that had lost control of their car and drowned in the water. If what the lore said is true, if water filters into the seats of a non-lit, stationary vehicle on this bridge this couple may have more of a story to tell. This bridge is quite old and is rusting the cement blocks that prevent cars from passing through it for safety reasons since it is so old I do not think that if a car drove on it. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to test this lore as the blocks make it impossible to drive a car onto the bridge to witness whether the water filters onto the seat from the dearly departed or not. I remember going here with my mom and aunt. another piece of lore that's kind of circulated around this is that if you turn off your headlights and leave your interior lights on the man that died will beat on your window and scream at you. and the woman will be setting on the edge of the bridge crying with a baby in her arms. She will approach your window and ask for help because her husband was trying to drown her and the baby. See the one that we experienced was the second piece of lore. It wasn't that scary it was honestly cool. The bridge was shut down a while ago because It was deemed unsafe.