This is just bullshit I wrote like what the fuck ever I have actually explored this place nothing weird goes on. the signs are just creepy as fuck with some of the things they say. But like nobody knows how the fuck the newer ones got there.
W.C Rice Crosses garden
This may not be haunted, but it's pretty damn creepy. Rice started the makeshift memorial to his mother in 1976. What has grown from it is an eerie collection of white crosses and hand-painted Bible scripture signs that tell anyone who reads them how they’re most likely going to hell, Welp I guess I'm gonna burn in hell, my friends. There are signs that say You WILL DIE and hell is HOT HOT HOT. Wait, is that what that one song’s about…? Sorry, you probably don’t know what I’m talking about. Honestly, Alabama is HOT HOT HOT too, even after the sun goes down I know from experience. On one side of the road is the “Chapel” which is a run-down building shack that has biblical graffiti. In the back is a hole in a hill labeled “The tomb of Jesus” And There are hundreds of crosses, As we soak it all in, a couple of kids appear. They ask: "Do you want to talk to grandpa? He talks to everyone." William C. Rice was relaxing in a folding chair, under a tree [We were lucky enough to see him before he passed away in 2004]. Rice is wearing a crucifix around his neck -- the kind normally found on a wall. His short-sleeved blue shirt is decorated with cross symbols, applied with a permanent magic marker. A black dog lopes back and forth among the crosses, half-delirious from the heat.Rice agrees to an interview but warns: "I get on one thing like it's a river. I can't answer all these questions, I tell people. I try to keep my mind on one thing while I answer the question. Like the ocean, too big. You just ask me the question and I'll try to answer the question you know cause I ain't no educated man, I ain't no smart man, I got my college degree, it's the greatest degree of all, from God, Jesus and the Holy GIT DOWN, ROCKY! GIT DOWN!" I think that's enough for right now. I didn't interview him cause he died before I could make it. so I had to get this from a site where someone interviewed him. Well, at least the interview part everything else is my writing. But I wish I could've I have so many questions.
If you have any from your state that you want me to cover with humor and checking to see if they're real dm me. or put it in the comments