I had a dream; it was the most memorable dream I had ever had. There was a large, open field, filled with sweet smelling flowers and the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. The hot sun beamed down on her tanned, glowing skin, and her brown eyes seems to glimmer in the sunlight. She looked relaxed. Her body was spread out in the long, green grass. Lying down next to her, I closed my eyes. I felt calm, the first time in a while. She turned to face me, a small smile playing on her lips. She took my hand and whispered in my ear.
I had another dream. There was another girl; she wasn’t so beautiful this time. Her fearful eyes were filled with tears and her crimson blood smeared the once pretty, bright flowers. She smiled. Grimaced maybe. She wasn’t happy, had she ever been happy? She looked frightened. I oddly felt her pain, her heartbreak. I felt it in the tips of my toes and up to my confused brain. Her eyes seemed dull in the pale moonlight; her translucent skin lacked warmth.
Her agony, her anger. It seemed familiar. Almost too familiar. Her limp body was surrounded in the grey grass; the night sky was too dark, the cool air too cool. Her body was too small.
“Help me” she cried. She cried and cried. I saw her eyes; did she know who she was?
I knew this girl.
I knew this girl.