Letters at the Door Part Six End of Chapter Two
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I may not remember that drunk night but she made sure my body recalled everything. Even as I lay here next to her I vividly recall everything that happened last night, our dinner was something else. We didn't even pay attention to the movie playing in some ways I did wanna go slow but my body reacts to her in a way that makes resisting difficult. But it's not like we can't still go slow but I do need to find out what happened with Erin. She was never this in control and it's driving me crazy.
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Erin; " Enjoying the view."
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I hadn't realized she was awake I just got so absorbed in my thoughts. Brushing my fingers against her cheek bringer her attention to me fully.
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Kayla; " Views are priceless you know, hard to pass them up."
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Erin; " At least you didn't sneak out again."
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I tried to not react to that comment but she's right I shouldn't have done that. She slowly got up to get woken up, she had work today and I had school. We made light conversation but something was lingering unsaid between us I just couldn't put a finger on it.
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Erin; " Are you okay with last night.?"
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That's what was lingering unsaid and she asked directly like she knew it needed to be said. But I take a moment to think but everything just says yes, I'm not sure why I'm hesitant still. But I moved into her space giving her a kiss softly hoping this says everything I can't find words to. When we finally parted ways I somehow thought it was a good idea to visit Amy again but just to ask about Erin, this shift in her is worrying me. After I got my school work done and classes all taken care of I set off for Amy's place, but First I had to check on Tommy.
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I found him at the usual spot by the tree we often waited for the other, sleeping like usual waiting for me. Still surprised he isn't furious with me but I guess being childhood friends trumps heartbreak for him, or I hope that's the case. When I approached him I poked at his cheek several times till he stirred awake. We sat and talked for a little before he had to head home so we said our goodbye, which leads me towards Amy's place next. For more reasons than I thought possible I didn't wanna go there because of what she and I did, I can't say I wasn't attracted to her dominance. I think that was what drew me in most even if I thought she was terrifying at first.
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When I knocked I didn't hear anyone moving around so I figured she wasn't home. But as I walked off she opened the door looking half-awake dressed in a barely buttoned top and this is what I feared being near her. I couldn't control my gaze as well as I thought but I tried desperately.
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Amy; " What are you doing here I thought you and Erin were good now... Some people enjoy sleeping after all."
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Kayla; " Uhh... I came here to talk to you about Erin. She's acting different so I wanted to ask you-"
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Amy; " God Kayla I'm not your marriage counselor or your inside scoop on Erin. If your gonna come to me at least do it without an ulterior motive that serves yourself... Come on in Jesus."
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I followed her in but she was right and I had to bite my tongue because I was in the wrong no matter what I tried to say. I shouldn't come here just to find an easy way forward with Erin it's wrong but I'm afraid of messing things up still so I can't help my desperation. I feel helpless far too often like the way I watch her hips as she walks inside half of me wants her shirt to ride up so I could see. God control yourself, Kayla. Thankfully we sat on the sofa which meant my eyes had to adjust which wasn't a good thing since her breasts had been on display. I turned my head away as I tried to find words to say regarding my issue.
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Amy; " We'll you woke me up, certainly it wasn't just to stare at the goods... So?"
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Of course, she saw me stating I was far too obvious but damn I felt so defensive it was pathetic.
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Kayla; " I wasn't staring... I mean I was but because I... Anyway so Erin has been acting strange, and well she kind of is more assertive... Flirty? Aggressive? I can't tell but it doesn't feel like her you know.?'
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I felt her eyes on me but she didn't speak we just sat in silence I finally looked at her to ask if she heard me. But she had opened her short up fully and my mouth went dry as I stared at her chest.
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Amy; " That is what she saw in you, Erin has a special gift I guess you could say. But it's not a good thing at all...It's her defense mechanism against people she doesn't trust, she becomes the person they want without complaint. Waiting for the inevitable outcome she expects or wants... Erin's a girl of layers, I'm good at reading people sure... But she's better and I had no idea how bad she fooled me, but to her credit, I was a shitty person wanting too much control..."
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Her words drew my eyes to her and whatever about her naked body that captivated me was broken. Because I was now feeling horrible and everything she said made sense. Erin was good at her defenses and if she put more up just to prepare herself for a fallout, then I must have screwed up much worse. We sat in silence before I found what I wanted to know most about this side of Erin.
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Kayla; "So Erin is acting this way because she thinks I'm...a sex needy person?"
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Amy; " Haha... Dear God Kayla, we call that Nymphos. Yes and to be fair you are, I'm not sure if you had been sexually pleasured properly by a man... But that one night with you told me everything, you never once felt that good with your boyfriend. I'm sure she picked up on it."
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I was angry at her but mostly myself I didn't wanna call myself that but she did, and that irritated me. But she wasn't wrong even now I feel sexually aroused by a woman I had sex with not long ago. My body recalls everything we did and unfortunately, Tommy never awoke such a feeling inside of me.
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Kayla; " How do I control it..."
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Amy; " Become aware of it and learn ways to cope with it. I'm not an expert Kayla, we all have Vices in life. Luckily for you though, your only sexually aroused by me and Erin so you don't have much to worry about."
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That didn't make it any better to hear but I had to accept it as she escorted me back out of her apartment. With everything I learned I didn't know what to do with it because it just brought more questions. I was supposed to meet Erin tonight but now I'm not so sure I can, what do I even say to her. I still went to her place but I was mute afraid of saying the wrong thing. When I walked into her place she sat down but I just stood there not sure what to do or say.
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Erin; " What's wrong Kayla..."
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Kayla; " I don't know how to explain this properly... Like I wanna tell you but I don't know-how."
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Erin; " Breath and let the words free..."
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That was a piece of her story she wrote, but that advice is sound. I just need to speak and let my words free, because she needs to know.
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Kayla; " So I went to see Amy about something and we talked, and I found out that... Well, I like uhh sex a lot... And apparently, I'm only attracted to you two and I'm not saying I like her more than you but I'm just saying that apparently, I have something wrong with me. And I'm sorry and -"
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Erin; " Jesus you ramble a lot... But it's okay nothing's wrong with you, I mean you slept with her so it makes sense. Besides I can vouch that she's not easy to look away from, she just has that kind of body..."
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I finally looked at her but I was still waiting on her sentence to finish, she had something else to say but she just stared. What is going through her head, I needed to know.