2. I used to spell my name like Katie uptill last year, before I suddenly changed it to Katy due to me liking the Y variation better than the IE
3. Once I like something it's really easy to get me obsessed
4. I love to make lists of my characters, complete with detailed traits and sketches of how I want them to look. Whether I can find it again in all the notebooks I own is a mystery itself.
5. As a child I hated to read, due to my terrible dyslexia. Now I love anything with a good story and great characters.
6. I love to draw. And do my teachers know. Each page of notes has at least one small doodle on it. Normally they aren't to happy about it.
7. I've never been at a school longer than three years. This has nothing to do with expulsion, terrible performance or moving.
8. Every time I punch something into a microwave it has to an eight on the end. 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 1:08... You get the drill.
9. Many people are surprised when I tell them that I don't use tumblr for whatever reason.
10. My top eight favorite songs are: unaligned by Natewantstobattle, Handclap by Fitz and tantrums, Getta Ban Ban from Pokemon XY, Balloons by Mandopony, Panda Eyes and terminate, Blueberry's Megalovania( underswap sans is Blueberry), City of Glass by Linkin Park and Professor Layton's theme from Professor Layton.