1. I will not give out my true name, as it is extremely uncommon, but my full pseudonym is Monos Delainy Ophion Alba. Monos is Attic Greek for ‘One (Alone)’. Delainy is varied, meaning ‘dark, defiance, challenger’ in Irish, or ‘from the Elder Tree grove’. Ophion is Greek for Snake. Finally, Alba as a surname can either mean Elf in Germanic languages or Scotland in Gaelic languages. I wanted a penname that stood out and I did it.
2. When I was younger, I had this habit of telling my older sister when she couldn’t do something. She would ask our Mother about something, to which I would calmly reply “No, [Sister], no.” She would get incredibly angry and whine “Mooooom, [Monos] said no!” To which Mom would frustratingly reply “Why are you listening to them? They’re not the boss!” Mom has shared with me that she was always trying not to laugh when this happened, since it would piss off my sister more. I still occasionally do it to her.
3. I had never thought to be a writer until Highschool, in which a Language Arts class gave me the idea to pursue it as a potential career. I thought to be a poet, since they were shorter and I loved to play with words, but then started writing stories and articles, which I found to be much more fun.
4. I love writing on 2nd Person. Homestuck was the primary inspiration. After writing in it for a paper and receiving a good mark, I decided to stick with it. I think it gives a unique view to most stories, and isn’t the point of fiction to put us in another’s perspective? Lately, I have branched out to other POVs, but I still consider myself a 2nd Person Writer by default.
5. My sense of humour can be considered cute and lighthearted, as in my story, Marama Dal, or it can stray into darker tastes, such as my one-shot, Loving Yourself.
6. Co-Writing and group projects can be… difficult for me. I’ve joined up in groups before, but most of the time… they tend to die off, without any progress being made. It’s gotten to the point where I shy away from collaborations or quit them soon after joining if things get too slow. It has gotten better for me, as I now volunteer for Project Canada and trusts one other person to collaborate with in terms or writing or art.
7. Human Morality is always an interesting topic to me. There’s something so inspiring and happily toyable with the concept that everyone sees themselves not just as their own protagonist, but also can rationalise that they are ‘Good’ and ‘Heroic’, no matter what they do.
8. I had a Trolling phase when I was younger. Although it was mostly in real life, I can’t say that my time on the internet is squeaky clean. While I am trying to keep my current name Monos respectful, I can’t say that I’m not tempted when someone starts causing trouble...
9. In other news! I’m an amateur Parkourist. While I have yet to do anything flashy, like flips, I know basic moves such as wall running, vaulting, and tuck and rolling. There are not a lot of places to practice in the area, but I try to make do with what I have.
10. My favourite animal would have to be snakes. I always loved watching something on them on TV or reading about them in books. There’s something very interesting in how they are viewed throughout different mythologies and history. Also because I tend to hiss a bit when I speak, although that’s primarily due to the gap in my teeth.
BONUS FACT: 11. I am deeply in love with Senpai and I would do anything to have him! I plan to confess my feelings to him on Friday and no one will get in my way!