1) I love watching anime.
2) I hate weeaboos, contradicting to my first point but I cannot stand people who take anime culture and try too desperately to apply it to their lives.
3) I'm Singaporean and proud, we're located at Southeast Asia.
4) I tend to be abusive and more insulting if we are closer. But if we ever get close, you most probably won't mind.
5) I'm very open to be insulted and abused. If I can do it to you, you can do it to me.
6) I'm currently studying Molecular Biotechnology in a polytechnic.
7)I'm 17 this year but already feel like I want to go back in time.
8) I used to have social anxiety but I'm over it now.
9) My name is Hanan but I'm a boy. So I often get called Hana and people would treat me like a girl and bully me, but I grew used to it and don't mind being called Hana/Hannah/Hanna anymore
10) I used to be very happy and contended with my life. Used to be.
I know these aren't "facts" but I think its along the lines of what you're looking for. Was fun to list these down.