Yo, what's goin' on peeps!? This blog entry is going to be a real short one, just expressing some of my thoughts.
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I was recently in an online conversation which forced me to have personal look over my own weirdness, and the weirdness of others. That's right, weirdness.
There are so many people out there that assign that label, whether it be of themselves or whether it be of others, and I'm constantly finding the line between weird and just plain different blurred. Maybe there is no difference. But let me tell you what I think the difference is.
When one is different, it is but the manifestation of one's individuality. It's in one's speech, one's movement and one's emotions. Honestly, I find the concept of differentiation amongst humans to be not only moot but hypocritical. Humans have constantly and consistently developed differences in order to adapt to the world that they were ever-changing. The concept where differences where singled out comes from a time when humanity started to not only grasp the concept of Darwinian evolution loosely, but also came from the weak fearing their replacement. They were the top of the food chain, and the intrinsic fear of relinquishing that title was no longer transferred to other animals, who did not posses our adaptive tools, but to other humans; humans who were different. This is when the weak would seek equal footing among the strong, both physical and mental strength. And thousands of years later is born our society, with overriding concepts of equality and justice, which have no place within the base operation of the rest of the animal kingdom. The result of this is that, although strength becomes more pronounced due to status and power being more difficult to attain without resistance, weaknesses also manifest clearer, as those weaknesses mean less and less the possibility of destruction. The very law of all countries ensure this. Be sure, however, that I do not count myself amongst the strong. My weaknesses, the weaknesses of my parents, have become more pronounced in me than ever. Where I was meant to improve upon those that come before me, I have only mitigated progress.
I went a bit on a tangent there. Back on topic.
Then there's weirdness. Within all humans there is a certain aspect to the tool which evolves at an incredible rate in lieu of our bodies, the tool that has brought humanity so far: our brains. This aspect is insanity. The ability to overcome natural or artificial conditioning. This is true for morals as well as instinct. This is where I believe true weirdness lies. There is a bit of insanity in all of us, and the mother that society systematically suppresses it, the more it releases itself in often destructive ways. Insanity can be the key to new ways of thought that, when utilised properly, has the ability to create otherworldly things. Weirdness is the extent to which one allows insanity to reveal itself, because it needs to be suppressed. Because the environment that all of us live in now is not conducive to radical change.
To all the weird people out there, and I've seen more than my fare share of those people on here, all expressing their insanity through words, as a translation of the voices in their heads, I say this: Don't ever let somebody define you as such, and NEVER be ashamed or scared of it. Although there is madness within all of us, there is also this little feeling that tells us if what we are doing is right or wrong. It isn't in your head. It's somewhere much, much more complicated and scary. Going against that feeling can be exhilarating and liberating, but if you can't live with yourself afterwards, live with all of yourselves, then it isn't worth it. Because let's face it, who is the only person that we have to live with for the rest of our lives? If we can't trust them, then death is a better alternative.
I'm not saying commit suicide though. I absolutely detest suicide. Living isn't about success or happiness, it isn't even about death, it's about the experiences that you have with the person that accompanies you from the beginning to the end.
They may wear different masks and say different things, and a lot of the time there's a bunch of them, but hell, if that isn't the greatest group of friends to have then maybe you're looking for friends in the wrong place.
Also, don't take advice from strangers on the internet, or assume what they say is the truth.
See you next time, I hope.