# I finally got myself up to draw the story's cover! I must say, I'm quite proud of it. :3
I asked Law not to talk about the incident back at home until we reached the Trafalgar estate. I really didn't want to talk about it yet and I knew I possibly wouldn't want to talk about it then either, but I'd have no choice. We were at least lucky enough that there were still seats left on the planes Law had already tickets for. We couldn't sit next to each other and the tickets weren't exactly cheap, but beggars couldn't be choosers, right?
The uneasy feeling I had on our way to Berlin had not reappeared since I had actually entered my home, but I still noticed feeling better the closer we got back to the estate. It was a sobering pain in my chest to know I felt better with every mile I was further away from home. Despite not wanting to talk about it, my mind still circled around the events and the big question 'why'. It did cross my mind at some point that the uneasy feeling was caused by the portal. That, for some reason, I was not considered to have traveled back home. The pledged item might have something to do with this. But was it possible even for the portal to erase someone's exsistence for certain people as the pledged item? What kind of power would this portal need to possess to do that? Though would it really be that surprising? It was a portal connecting two different worlds. Possibly two different universes. The pledged item system was already amazing enough for being able to take away certain character traits, as I had read. Being able to erase someone's existence, would be even more amazing... and scary.
Though it was said, that after someone traveled back through the portal, they realised what was missing, something inside me must have known about it. I couldn't explain that strong physical reaction against going home otherwise. Either way, one question remained: "What was I supposed to do now?".
As Law and I walked towards the exit of the Exeter Airport towards the parking lots, Carmilla already approached us. Her surprised look to see me was expected.
"Catherine, milady, what are you doing back here? Did something unexpected happen?", she asked with a concerned look on her face. I couldn't help but smile at her worry.
"Yeah, you could say that.", I answered briefly. Carmilla was very attentive and considerate. She understood, that I didn't want to talk about it at the moment. Simply nodding, she led us back to the car. It was the same blue sedan we had traveled with in the morning. "Then, I assume, I shall take you back to the estate as well?", she asked before unlocking the car. "That would be nice.", I said. I was a bit nervous about coming back uninvited, but I knew Lord Trafalgar was a kind man. He would most likely let me stay in the estate for a bit.
"I hope the flights have been pleasant?", Carmilla asked, while drving. Law and I told her about our little tour through Europe. Law and Carmilla struck a conversation about the differences between the two worlds. How different the developement in technology was and the kind of technology. One couldn't actually say the One Piece world was a lot less developed. Sure, they didn't have smartphones or cars, but they had different things. They had the telephone snails to communicate and some of them were able to transmit pictures, so they didn't really need TVs. They had some kind of bubble scooter instead of cars. And if you looked at Franky's inventions in the Sunny, then you could see, they definitely had the technology of engined vehicles. They were just not used regularly. Well, maybe Franky was just some technical genius like Dr. Vegapunk. In the end, Law concluded, that our world was interesting enough, especially the infrastructure was commendable, but he wouldn't want to miss his world. Despite the traveling possibilities for everyone, his world seemed kind of... more free. He couldn't explain it very well. Maybe one could say this world was a bit too civilized? There seemed to be so many responsibilities, he said. The One Piece world was more colourful, I thought. It was full of adventure.
Before I knew it, we arrived at the estate. Law and Carmilla had talked throughout the whole drive. It was clear to see, or hear, that the pirate was aching to get back to his own world.
"I see you have returned. Did you have a pleasant trip?", I heard the lord as Law got off the car. Once I got off as well, I saw two more surrpsied faces upon seeing me. The lord had his arms outstretched in a welcoming gesture, but let them fall once he saw me. I didn't expect it to be this uncomfortable to be the surprise guest. For a moment my mind put some nasty words in their mouths: "Oh no, she's back.", but I quickly ignored this little thorn. "Good evening, Lord Trafalgar. Mr. Sheffield.", I greeted them with a smile.
It was the late evening. The sun had already set some time ago and the only thing illuminating the way were a few lanterns around us. The chilly november air made our breaths visible.
The lord quickly regained his posture and approached me with a smile. He greeted me with a handshake and a smile of his own. Behind him, Mr. Sheffield shot a questioning look to Carmilla. She must have answered silently, as his gaze didn't stay with her for long. Though I couldn't see her reaction. "What happened?", Mr. Sheffield asked right after greeting me too. "Ah, well, something unexpected happened.", I started. As my thoughts tumbled back onto the topic, I felt a lump growing in my throat. "I hope it's alright I came back without further notice.", I gave after clearing my throat, but the lord smiled my worries away, as he led me into the house. "A friend of Law, is a friend of mine.", he said. Law caught my eyes, as I glanced over to him at this statement. "Would he consider me his friend?", I wondered. Then I asked myself if I would consider Law my friend. I wasn't sure.222Please respect copyright.PENANAXWeNR9bG1m
He had definitely helped out a lot. Even going out of his way to do that. He listened to my worries and comforted me back home. All things friends would do for another. But, what's important was why he did it. Did he do it out of goodwill? I didn't suspect him to have ulterior, malicious intentions, though he certainly did see the oppurtunity to get something in return when he first helped me. So you could also say it was a give and take. He helped me get back home and I translated those documents for him. "He did so much more for me, than I for him.", I noticed. He even had to put in energy so that I could give him something in return. Had he not taught me the local language, I could have never tanslated the documents for him. He even trained me for the time being, so I wouldn't be helpless without him. But he could have just done it because the situation forced him to. He wouldn't want me kidnapped another time, so he gave me some training. The time he comforted me, well I basically begged him for some comfort with the hug. He would have pushed me away if he wasn't alright with it, right? After all, he was confident enough to not back down against his will.
In the end I wouldn't be able to determine if he saw me as a friend or not, but he could have certainly just left me at some island if he didn't feel like helping me any more. One wouldn't need to be friends to help someone else out. Now to the question of whether I saw him as a friend or not, it actually depended on the way he saw me. I wouldn't want to call him a friend, if he didn't see me that way, since friendship was something mutual. Though of course, a person could consider someone a friend, even though the other didn't. I would definitely do the same thing for him, if I ever had the chance to. For he had helped me, that on it's own was reason enough.
"So? What happened, that you returned to us?", the lord asked me. The group of us had settled down in the lord's office. Mr. Sheffield sat on the couch next to the head of the house, opposite of Law and me. Rose had prepared some tea for us, which was waiting on the little table inbetween us. It's soft fragrance filled the well heated room.
Both men looked at me expectantly. I wasn't sure how to start. "Uhm, well, it was like... they were - I mean my family was - like-", my eyes were glued at the table in front of me, as I began to stumble over my own words. A lump fromed itself in my throat. I knew this moment would come, when I had to speak about it. When I had to say it. But the words just wouldn't come out. I couldn't say, that my family didn't take notice of me. That I seemed to be non-existent. That I no longer seemed to be part of the family. A stinging sensation warned me of my overflowing emotions. As to not let them gain the upper hand, I calmed myself down by closing my eyes and taking a breather. "Let me start again. Uhm, after I got back through the portal, I noticed an uneasy gut feeling, every time I thought about getting back home.", now that I had caught myself again, the lord and Mr. Sheffield seemed to focus anew. They sat comfortably at first, but now they both leaned forward, as to not lose a single word. "I thought I was simply nervous at first, as I had been away from home for nearly four months and now I was just going to reappear suddenly. But as we got closer and closer, that feeling intesified until I felt quite miserable, to be honest.", "Could you describe the way you felt a little bit more detailed?", Lord Trafalgar started to make notes. I tried describing it a bit more closer, but I was never really good at describing feelings. Though I could clearly remember my physical symptoms.
"Thank you. Then, please, go on.", the lord put the notepad and pen away again. I told them how my family didn't seem to take notice of me and Law. How we were perfectly fine to interact with anything and anyone else, but whatever we did, no one would show any reaction. I was able to call them, but they wouldn't hear me through the telephone. I also wouldn't forget to mention how I was able to touch them, but didn't feel any warmth. As if they were not alive. How I tried blocking my father's way, but to no avail. The only thing I didn't mention was the song that kept playing in my head. It was a strange occurence, but I didn't consider it anything more than a nasty earworm.
"It was as if... we were ghosts.", I finished my storytelling. "There must be some explanation. The library might hold some information about it, since it's clearly got to do with the portal. That's why I brought her back with me.", Law explained after a brief moment of silence. I hadn't expected him to step in and bluntly tell them that we had already been inside the library, but trying to play ignorance wasn't going to get us anywhere. On both sides. I supposed that was also why the lord simply nodded without comment, as if no secrecy was ever practiced about the portal on the estate. "I suppose it has to do with the pledged items. It's rather strange, that something was taken from Catherine-ya, since she originally came from this world, but that's the most likely explanation.", the pirate captain shared his thoughts on the topic. He probably had developed this idea since I had told him about the uneasy gut feeling, but simply wouldn't listen to him.
"That might not be that odd, considering that she most likely hadn't traveled through the portal to get to your world in the first place. Although we can't outrule the possibility, that the portal on the estate is not the only one on earth, from what I've heard, it's rather unlikely that you passed through one, right?", Mr. Sheffield looked at me. I nodded. I still couldn't remember what happened between walking back home while listening to some music and waking up inside the submarine. But it would be very strange if I somehow went through a portal and I also thought, that a portal in that area could not be hidden.
"So the only question is, what exactly was taken from me, to have such an effect. I suppose you should have gotten something back, right?", I concluded and asked Law, to which he simply nodded. Lord Trafalgar also nodded affirmative. Sometimes, their similarities in behaviour were as obvious as right now. I was curious as to what Law got back as a pledged item, but since he didn't mention it himself, I didn't press the matter. Might be something personal. "Do you have any idea, how the effect was also passed down on me, even though I got something back?", Law asked the lord. "Yes, I guess you didn't read about it. One researcher back in the days found out, that when multiple people traveled together, the portal could effectively take away multiple items per person. Take for example a group of four. The pledged item of person A is certain knowledge, as to prevent conflict between the worlds. And the pledged item of person B to D is a mighty weapon. Person B, C and D will also suffer from memory loss, to prevent the conflict. Otherwise, the rest of the group could tell person A about the lost knowledge.", the lord explained.
"Group effects, huh.", Law mumbled with a little frown. "So the group is considered as one being, but still as multiple ones?", I snorted, "Is there any fault in this portal? It seems too perfect."
"Right? That's why we also call it the archangel's egg. It's too perfect to be made by human hand.", Mr. Sheffield said. The lord added, that if one looked at what the different archangels stand for, it was apparently quite fitting to call a portal connecting two different worlds a product of their work. Therefor their egg.
"Either way, let's take a break. The tour must have been exhausting and we can just as well contnue this conversation tomorrow. It's quite late already.", Mr. Sheffield spoke after a look at his wristwatch. Lord Trafalgar agreed and everyone stood up simultaneously. "I'd like my nodachi back, before resting.", Law claimed, to which Lord Trafalgar pulled out a key from his pocket and gave to his friend. Mr. Sheffield asked Law to follow him and the two went outside. I was about to leave too and head for the guest rooms, as the head of the house asked me to stay for a bit longer. "There's something I wanted to ask you without my son in presence.", he said. I turned around and looked at him in surprise. "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I just wanted to ask if you have any idea of what you want to do now. After all, it seems that you can't go back home.", he started with a smile, but it faded as he got to the end of his question. His last remark was in a serious tone. I looked down, while I was thinking about an answer. I had no idea what to do now. I already knew I couldn't go back home, with things like they were now. But hearing him say it like that hurt.
"I don't know yet.", I answered him truthfully. I honestly didn't want to think about it, but I couldn't run away from it either. After all, I couldn't stay at this estate forever, could I? Now that I couldn't go back to my family anymore, where was I supposed to go? Where was home now?
"The pledged item will only be returned once you go back through the portal. As far as we know it is also supposed to ensure, that everyone visiting another world goes back to their own.", the lord said. Was that a possibility? Go back to the One Piece world? Find the way I supposedly got into that world before and return home in the same way? If that was possible anyways. Would Law let me stay on his submarine or would I need to find another place to stay? "It seems to me, that your ties with your family have been cut completely. I don't think it would be good for you to return back. There might be friends or other family members you can still interact with, but I imagine it awfully painful to be close to your family without being able to talk with them. And, I'm sorry, but we'd need to ask you to keep the portal a secret, so you couldn't even explain what the situation is.", he added.
"So you're saying I should go back through the portal?", I asked him. I couldn't help but feel like he was trying to persuade me. But the lord shook his head: "No, I cannot make that decision for you. I was just saying that might be a possibility worth considering. You would get your connection to your family back, if you went back through. On the other hand, you could spare your parents the pain of loosing you to uncertainty if you decided to stay.".
"But where am I supposed to go if I can't go back home?", the idea of sparing my family this pain was appealing. I wouldn't want them to have to go through it. But would that be the right decision? I would have to endure this on my own. The lord's next words made my mind go blank for a second: "You could always stay here with us. Maybe there actually is a way to get your pledged item back without going through the portal. In exchange for loosing the ability to go through the portal at all or something. Who knows?"
What did he just say? I could stay here? For real? To look for a way to get my connection back without having to leave this world? "That- A-Are you sure? I could stay here? Even if I don't find a way to return home?", I asked in disbelief. I knew the lord was a kind man, but to this extent? "Sure. We would appreciate a helping hand in the research on the portal. As someone who has experienced the travel between worlds, you would be a valuable help.", he said, smiling at me softly.
"Wow. Thank you. Thank you so much. That- I'll think about it. Uhm, I was just wondering one more thing, if I may ask?", I asked a bit hesitantly. "Go on, what is it?", he said.
"Why did you want to speak to me alone about this? I mean, sure, as the head of the house you can decide on your own who may stay at your estate and who may not. But thinking about the possibility of going back through the portal, Law's thoughts on that matter would be important, since I would need to stay on his submarine at least until the next island. So why didn't you ask when he was still here?", it had bugged me before too. When he talked about leaving this world again, why did he not want Law to hear it?
"Ah, to be honest,", he began in a bit of a sheepish tone, "I didn't want my son to hear this. You obviously found the portal already so it would be useless to try and hide it from you still, but I want to try and talk with him again. I can't help but hope he decides to stay here with us.", he said. His expression held hints of sorrow. He was his father after all. "I understand. Although I don't think he would want to stay here, I won't talk to him about returning through the portal for now. Oh, and it's nothing personal. At least I think he's just not able to warm up to this world."
"Thank you.", Lord Trafalgar said softly.
The lord accompanied me to my guest room, the same I had before, as Rose suddenly rushed through the hallway. She stopped in front of the lord. "My lord, there is a visitor in the lobby.", she said in a nervous tone. What happened? "At this hour? Who would come at a rude time like this?", he said, clearly unpleased.
Rose mentioned a name. Some Mr. Grolan. The moment the lord heard that name, he tensed up. "I'm sorry Catherine, but I'm afraid I can't escort you to your room any further. Please excuse me.", he said and walked off towards the entrance with Rose. I stood in the hallway a bit stunned. Who was that guy to receive such a reaction from the lord? I was curious, but my gut told me to not meet that man, if possible. So I returned to my room alone, as I had just learned anew to trust my instincts.