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I woke up the next morning at 9:00. I stretched and then grabbed my phone that happened to be on the other side of my room on the wobbly nightstand. I opened my texts, and there was only one, from Laura. It read:
“Hey! I just wanted to let you know that Stiles and I will pick you up at the coffee place (where you beat up Brett) at 9:45. We are going to have a binge party and we need to start now!!!!”
I groaned. As much as I didn’t feel like socializing, I did, really want to watch Harry Potter. Eventually, I made myself get out of bed and put on the same clothes I’d had the day before. I really only had three pairs of clothes and these were the closest. I put my phone in my pocket and started walking toward the coffee shop around 9:15.
It took me ten minutes to get there so I still had a little bit before Laura and Stiles came. I walked over to the side of the coffee shop and sat on the ground. I leaned back against the wall and just looked up at the clouds as I waited. Then my bad day from yesterday just had to continue. I saw that jerk that was messing with Laura and Stiles. I stayed still hoping he was like a t-rex and if I didn’t move he wouldn’t see me. I noticed slight bruises on his face, but nothing compared to Stiles’ and Laura’s. Suddenly, I watch as he trips over literally nothing, and fall right onto the ground in front of me. He looked up.
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“Hey.” He said with a sheepish smile on his face.
“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” I gave him no response. He clearly didn't recognize me and I did not feel like talking to him. After clearly being rejected, he responded with,
“Cause it sure hurt when I did.” And just stood up and walked away.
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What just happened?
I was so confused and weirded out. I checked my phone and realized Laura and Stiles would be here any moment. I got up and walked out a bit in front of the shop so I would see them when they pulled up. I hopped in the car.
“Is that Brett?” Laura immediately asked.
“Uhh, yeah,” I replied, my voice a bit higher-pitched than normal. I was still a bit weirded out by whatever had happened.
“Why is your voice so high?” Stiles asked, confused at my behavior.
“Stiles! You can’t just ask that sort of question.” Laura exclaimed.
“Why not?! I mean-” I interrupted before he finished.
“Nothing, okay? Everything’s fine.” my voice was back to normal now.
“Yeah, sure.” Laura sighed.
I knew she could see through my lies. I honestly didn’t understand why. She barely knew me and yet she knew exactly when I wasn’t telling the complete truth. It was so strange to me but I could see through her lies too. I guess that wasn’t too strange on my end because I’m good at seeing through them.
“I just ran into him and he said something….weird. I don’t get it, honestly.” I replied cautiously.
“Well, what did he say?” Stiles ventured, casting a glance at Laura as he asked the question. She didn’t interrupt him or say anything so I figured she wanted the answer too.
“I don’t remember exactly but it was about like falling from heaven? I don’t know. It was just weird.” I stated. Then the both of them burst out laughing and Lydia joined in too. I didn’t understand what was funny.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as I looked out the window.
“You...you are so...you are so innocent!” Lydia choked through laughter.
“What are your guys’ problems? I don’t understand what’s funny.” I muttered.
“He hit on you! Oh my gosh, he actually hit on you and you were oblivious!” Stiles laughed.
“He's a jerk, and you probably damaged his ego, so props to you.” Laura told me as she giggled.
“You all are so annoying.” I huffed. Laura handed me a cup of coffee.
“We are not! It is simply hilarious that you were completely clueless and now you’re getting all frustrated about it. I mean your face even turned red.” Lydia teased as she stopped at a red light.
“It is not!” I snapped however I felt my face get warmer. I didn’t understand why. This was ridiculous. This whole thing was ridiculous.
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Laura shushed the other two and tried to stop laughing, but I could still hear their quiet chuckles. I didn’t say another word for the remainder of the car ride. I did silently thank Laura though. At least she’d tried. I took a big swig of the coffee, trying to take attention away from myself.
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After a little bit, I realized we weren’t heading toward Laura’s house. Nothing looked familiar. “Where are we going?” I asked as I looked out the windows, trying to figure out where I was.
“We’ve got to stop by my house before we go to Lydia’s.”
“Wait, aren’t we supposed to be going to your house?” I asked, feeling a little panic. I didn’t like not knowing things. I did not like being in the dark. Why hadn’t they told me? Hadn’t she said we were going to her house? Maybe I assumed that?
“I um-”
Stiles shot Laura a look.
“We have to drop Lydia off first.” Stiles quickly interrupted. Lydia went to contradict, but Stiles quickly shot her a look too.
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We pull up to the house, and Laura and Lydia get out of the car.
“I’ll only be gone a couple of minutes!” Laura said, slamming the car door. Stiles got out too, to get in the front seat.
“Soooooooooo,” I said, looking over at Stiles.
“What….?” He dragged out too.
“What is it with you and Laura?” I continued, watching his face as I asked the question.
“I don't- I can’t- what are you talking about?” He asked, flustered.
I smiled a bit at how flustered he was. “I was just curious about your guys’ relationship. I mean it’s obvious there’s something.”
“I don’t really know to be honest.” he laughed, looking at his hands.
“Don’t know how she feels or don’t know how you feel? Honestly, it’s so blaringly obvious that it’s absolute torture watching you two clueless idiots.” I stated. I immediately looked at him with a bit of apology. I hadn’t meant to be rude.
“Oh my god.” he laughed
Laura walked back from the house, rubbing tears from her eyes.
“Just start driving.” she stated.
“What’s the matter?” I asked her, looking in the rearview mirror. I could see the concern in my eyes and it surprised me. She pulled back her hair, making her black eye more visible. It was a little red. Someone had removed the makeup that concealed it.
“It doesn’t really matter.”
“Yeah, it does. What happened?” I pressed. I wanted to know. I didn’t understand why, but I didn’t like seeing Laura upset.
“I don’t want to talk.”
“I can respect that but when you want to, I’ll listen.” I told her. As the silence filled the car, I started to feel tired. I didn’t get it. It was coming so fast, like hitting a wall. My head fell to the side against the window beside me and black spots started appearing in front of my eyes.
“Laura,” I mumbled. Panic was in my voice and I was struggling to stay awake.
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