Chapter 16~ The Mutiny
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20 hours left…
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The hardest part was keeping it all down. They were all so eager to break through and finally have a say in the plan. Every minute that passed by fell hard like boulders in my stomach. At times, I felt sick and had to rest. I kept looking to Reyes for some sort of confirmation that things were going to plan and there would be nothing to worry about. In a strange way, it seemed this whole bloody scheme had fallen out of my hands and into those of an eleven-year-old lad. And part of me longed for more time with him. I never would’ve even looked at a boy like him if it weren’t for our situation. And I couldn’t help but feel so proud that he wasn’t me. He was so much stronger. He was so much better.
I sat on an old barrel behind Kidd’s cabin, facing out at the sea. It was just an hour or so past sunrise. Behind me, Madagascar was fast approaching. Perhaps only miles away. The dark, blackish-blue color of the ocean had begun its gradual change to that of a clear spring blue. Many creatures such as dolphins and rays could occasionally be spotted below. It amused Constantine for hours.
“Hey,” said a voice behind me.
I pulled the canteen of water from my lips and turned to see Reyes. He looked the same as always. But, I could imagine the twenty weapons he had hidden in different places on his body.
“How do you feel?” he asked, referring to my paler-than-normal face.
“Better now. I must be anxious or tense. Don’t know.”
Reyes raised his eyebrow and looked me down. “What is there to be nervous? You have fought piratas, no?”
“I have…But, it’s different this time.” I sighed and took a swig of the last bit of water. “Before, it didn’t matter.”
“What did not matter?”
“Whether I lived or died.”
Reyes’s shoulders fell. I remember how sore a spot death was for him. He tried to say something, but I stopped him short.
“Before, I knew Constantine was on her own path that had to be followed through to the very end. I was just a piece of her journey. I could help her, but only she could find out the truth. I didn’t value my life as much then as I do now. Now…Now, Reyes, I have a child. I have a chance to be more than a sailor or a traitor. Just the thought of losin’ that…It kills me even before the guns have been loaded. I’ve given her my estate, but what if that isn’t enough? What if somethin’ does happen to me and she can’t…and I can’t…”
I suddenly felt the thick, hot tears spilling from my eyes. God, my chest ached so much! I held onto it and tried desperately to breathe. Reyes hushed me with maternal shushes and a hand across my back. I fiercely wiped them away with the clean side of my hand, but they just kept coming and coming.
“Edmūnd,” he started, “you cannot let your mind go there. No one knows things may happen in war. If you write the end now, you will not ever have chance to turn new page.”
I smiled to myself. “Wow, that’s wonderful. Who said that?”
“I did. I am wise and good. You are débil y tonto. ¿Lo entiendes? Do you know what they say of me back on the old ship?”
I stayed quiet.
He continued in a fiercer tone, “They say I come from nothing, so I am nothing. They say I am just child and know nothing about the world.”
I watched his deep, brown eyes, suddenly alight with power and drive. His voice was strong and resonated well within me like a voice in my own head. He wouldn’t allow me to break our gaze and held on.
“But, I see more real world than men see in their lives. No one is just child. If I say to the men, ‘I am what you say I am and nothing else’, then I am no better than these piratas sin integridad to their names. I wait to write my end. I have let my life be led by men like these before.”
He spat the next words out with more force and determination than I’d ever seen in anyone.
“They do not last. We last.”
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His words echoed in my head for days. All at once, everything seemed to make perfect sense while still being completely scattered. The air was so warm everywhere we went. But, it was thick and humid from the afternoon rain shower. Every breath I took was hot, heavy, and slowly strangled me. I felt I might die in my sleep from it all. As it turned out, that wasn’t so much of a problem as I could hardly shut my eyes that night. I kept my hand on the hidden pistol in my trouser pocket and held my body as stiff as a board. I could only wonder, was anyone else feeling the same way?
A quick jostle of a hand on my arm woke me from the point of near-unconsciousness. My eyes shot open and struggled to find any shape in the pitch-black darkness. All I could sense was silent movement and warm bodies. It was time.
The procession led easy and war-like. We knew our positions and our roles to play in all of this. Samvel’s men led groups down to the sailor’s cabins to raid storage for as many weapons as they could find before seizing them all hostage. Another group was posted at all points of the ship to barricade any escapes. Samvel, Reyes, Constantine, and I were headed towards the belly of the beast—Kidd’s quarters. We prayed that his guards might be asleep this time, though I had no idea just how vigilant they might be. We crawled out from below the ship’s hull and into the fresh night air. The heat had mostly simmered away and left behind a thin film of fog all around the sea’s surface. The moon beamed as bright as the sun and lit up the ship’s surface. And it was a strange sound to hear—only the soft lapping of waves upon the wooden hull. I was used to the shanties and the crashing of foamy sea waves. This was so unfamiliar, so calm, so terrifying. We spread out across the main deck, taking either end of the staircase. Reyes kept a small pistol in his hand while Constantine and Samvel were equipped with daggers. In hushed steps, we climbed the staircase to the upper deck where Kidd’s quarters lied. And just as we’d hoped, two guards were snoring away, fast asleep. But, we never let our cover drop. Instead, Constantine and Samvel stayed to keep watch.
“Look,” Reyes whispered to us. He stretched an arm up into the sky and pointed to the very top of the mast. In the crow’s nest, a blood-red makeshift flag of a coat tied to a broomstick was being waved vigorously in the night sky. And I realized just how Reyes planned to get the other ships to mutiny alongside us. I turned to his prideful, beaming face.
“Reyes,” I whispered, “that’s genius.”
“Yes, it is.”
We couldn’t wait another moment to admire the moment drawing near. Reyes and I crept silently into his quarters. But, from there, I wasn’t too sure what to do next. Just two or three months ago, Reyes and I had been in the very same spot, planning our own little mutiny. We walked straight into the room and lost all power. I was shaken to my very core by the thought that history might repeat itself. We hovered about the room, drawing closer and closer to his bed. I listened closely for the hum of sleeping breaths. But, it was so quiet. My body stiffened. I turned to Reyes.
“Wait—” I started. A sudden, short gasp blew through Reyes’s lips. He nearly turned to stone and let his pistol hit the floor. I looked to the shadow behind him and heard a low, familiar growl, “Why, haven’t I told you two before? I knife in the back is just fucking child’s play.”
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We were deathly still. Not one of us made any movements except slow, controlled breaths. But, every muscle in my body quivered, and I kept my pistol pointed straight at Kidd’s shadowy figure. I tried not to meet Reyes’s panicked eyes. It would do me no good. It was time to cut out the bullshit.
“It’s over, Kidd.” I recited, “We have men surroundin’ this ship who’d burn it straight to hell if I so asked.”
Kidd grinned and squeezed a hand tight around Reyes’s thin neck. His rings glittered like black pearls in the darkness.
“I am many things, lad, but I am no fool. You didn’t think I would know when my own crew was mutinying against me?” He huffed a laugh and continued, “This is not your time to act the hero and free everyone. This is quite a long time coming—before you and your worthless crewmen even set foot on this ship.”
My mind went back to that first day I met Kidd and how his crew treated him. They threatened him with mutiny.
“If you knew this was comin’,” I pushed, “why did you sit and do nothin’?”
Kidd looked down to the frozen-stiff Reyes. “Well, I’d say I’m doing something about it now.”
Reyes spoke up under struggling stiffness, “Do not listen. Kill him dead like you said.”
“Put away your weapon, son,” Kidd hissed.
I met Reyes’s eyes. Something in my chest burned and ached at the same time, and I forced myself to lower and retract my gun back into my jacket. Reyes tried to protest, but Kidd pushed the sharp edge of his knife closer towards his back. I kept deadly eye contact with Kidd. I had never loathed him more than in that very moment. He was a hollowed-out snake—not even resembling a man anymore. No amount of compassion or understanding could ever bring him back.
“Let’s take a walk, now, shall we?”
We proceeded out of his quarters, me leading ahead with him and Reyes following behind. We stepped out to find Samvel and Constantine waiting. I met her eyes and she knew. She stepped back and watched Kidd with furious uneasiness. No one blocked our way. Kidd walked us down the stairs to the main deck where we were now in full view of many of our allies. I jumped when Kidd raised his voice high and loud for all to hear.
“Listen up, you shit-faced traitors! I have given you all the opportunities in the world to rise above and prove your loyalty. However, many of you falter! I have done justice towards this crew in every sense, but if you choose to join this band of arrogant buffoons, I will have no choice but to kill each and every one of you. And what a cold, unforgiving death that shall be!”
Kidd reached into his coat and retrieved a flashy, silver pistol. He reached his hand with the knife around to Reyes’s throat. Reyes gripped Kidd’s arm, digging nails into his skin. But, it made no difference. He swung the pistol around to me. I could feel the pounding of my heart in my chest. From the upper deck, Constantine screamed out and was held back by Samvel. I pierced my eyes into Kidd.
“You don’t have to do this, Kidd.”
He kept a dark, straight face.
“It’s such a shame, lad. You were such a bright one, perhaps too bright. I am quite impressed with you, though. The way you deciphered that letter and pulled together this fiasco…You might’ve been a spectacular captain yourself.”
All was still and quiet besides the struggling cries of Constantine. She seemed a million miles away.
“And I believe I promised you the whereabouts of your sister, though you won’t have much use for it,” he said, grinning wickedly. “After we ported in the South of Africa, we remained at an inn in Cape Town for a few weeks. I’d purchased a cabin there many months prior and there she remains to this day. Right on the back of the lion’s head. And perhaps once I get my hands on Every’s fortune and find my way back, I can end her suffering, too.”
The click of the safety being pulled sounded, and I looked at Constantine for the last time.
“Stop!” she screamed, tearing away from Samvel with all her might and racing to the deck’s railing, “Spare his life and I’ll give you the location of my father, here and now.”
My eyes widened. Kidd’s gaze went up to Constantine. God, I could’ve just crawled out of my skin! What was she doing?!
But, Kidd’s brow raised just enough for a bit of hope to return and flush color back to my face.
“Oh, will you now, stowaway?”
“Spare them both and you’ll get your treasure.”
“Tsk, tsk, that wasn’t your offer, lass.”
She gripped the railing tight and kept my gaze.
“Spare them both and I’ll take you to the treasure myself.”
I couldn’t help it. “Constantine, no!”
Kidd roared in anger and kicked me straight in the stomach. A numbing pain seared through my abdomen and I doubled over. Constantine raced down the steps to the main deck and fell to my side.
“That sounds like quite the deal. They’re yours.” He released Reyes and pushed him down next to me. “And, you’re mine.” Then, his grimy tanned hand latched onto Constantine and lifted her away from me.
I cried out, grasping at the space she was once at. It was falling apart. The whole plan was falling apart!
Suddenly, a gunshot struck out from one of Kidd’s ships, then another and another. It was starting. Reyes tried his best to help me up as Kidd whisked Constantine away to the bottom of the ship. As the crowds of Kidd’s crew could be heard starting their battles, the mass of crewmen flooded out from their quarters. In mere seconds, the main deck was overturned by the battle between the crews of Kidd’s and The Quedagh Merchant’s.
I scrambled to my feet, feeling the fear crawling right up my spine. I turned, looked everywhere! But, they were gone—she was gone.
“Reyes…” I started, but what could I say.
The boy pulled out his pistol and yanked out mine from my jacket pocket, shoving it into my hands.
“We must go now!”
“Reyes…” It was no use. He took my arm across his shoulder and pulled me to the safer part of the upper deck. I couldn’t focus my eyes. The fog of the cool sea air clouded my vision, and I tried convincing myself I was still dead asleep. But, this was much too real to be a dream. Kidd had my whole world in the palm of his hand. How could I be so stupid?! I turned to Reyes and knew. After all, the only way to get through hell was to walk through a little fire.