Next thing Rook knew was that he sat around a makeshift fire for its warmth.
His two new buddies, the ferocious Knifejaw and Callisto had joined him. Rook told them stories about himself, and they equally shared their own. It was mostly Callisto however, especially after the conversation Knifejaw and himself had. “I remember my good days, racing other people at high speed.”
Knifejaw nodded, and Rook just looked confused. “You were a racer? I didn’t think they’d let someone with mechanical prosthetics in.”
Callisto shook her head. “I got mechanical prosthetics because I crashed, Rook. You’re right regardless; I can’t take part in racing with any mechanical prosthetics, otherwise I’d have an advantage over the others with it being attached neutrally to my brain.”
Rook nodded once, to show he understood. “Very handy in combat, those neural networks.”
Knifejaw pulled her hood down. “True, very true. I use one of them to help track and destroy my enemies.”
The gentle strands of brown fell into her eyes, and Rook had to stop himself from moving them. He barely had the capacity to, however; it was just his nature, his kind nature. Callisto seemed unfazed, continuing to tell her numerous stories, most of which were racing and defeating her foes. “So that’s how it goes, really. I’m a celebrity.”
Knifejaw nodded. “If google still existed, you’d find her on it.”
Rook tilted his head. “What’s google?”
Knifejaw just face palmed, sighing. “A thing that somehow has existed for one millennia. Don’t question me on it; it’s been so long since I’ve used it I almost forgot what it was. It’s a browser you can type questions into.”
“Oh. That doesn’t sound very fun.” Rook almost looked disappointed, and Callisto glared.
“WHAT?! Social media was brilliant!”
Knifejaw chuckled, before speaking. “Alright, calm yourselves down.”
This stopped the debate before it even started. Both humans nodded, before continuing their chat. “Anyways, what about you Rook? Tell us more.”
Rook shrugged. Callisto added to what Knifejaw had just said. “Yeah Rookie! Tell us more about your dad, he seems pretty awesome!”
“Seemed,” Rook corrected. “And that’s in the past.”
Callisto caught on to what Rook was suggesting, and so did Knifejaw. They both looked at each other as Rook looked at his own feet. He sighed.
Knifejaw felt the urge not to press anymore, that’s the only thing that stopped her. It felt strange, that’s all she could say. She wouldn’t feel that with any other person, so why this random guy she had only just met?
She couldn’t make sense of it as she remained silent. To try and stop herself from doing anything stupid, she thought of Cutlass and sighed.
That caused Rook to look up. “Knifejaw, are you alright?”
Knifejaw snapped out of it, the memories of childhood slipping away. “What? I’m fine.” She hadn’t meant to snap but she did.
Callisto looked at Rook. “You turned a little pale, lost some of your colour.”
Knifejaw nodded vigorously no. “I’m absolutely fine, don’t you worry about me.”
She mumbled a sorry, then put her head in her hand. “Leave Knifejaw alone, stranger. I don’t trust you.”
The sudden voice of the armoured man broke their silence, coming forward from behind loads of crates. He grabbed Rook by the neck part of the hood, pulling him up with reasonable strength.
Things were about to go down.
Knifejaw bolted upright, and Callisto was still processing the situation that Rook was in. Knifejaw pointed a single finger with a glare that could kill at the other man, whilst Rook was pressed against a wall.
Headfirst, might be added. Rook felt a wave of pain, originating from the back and bash through his head. He let out a cry of anger, as he looked for weak spots on his enemy. He didn’t hesitate, and to his enemies surprise, bit the man’s wrist and did a whole lot of damage.
Blood dripped, the man let out his own cry, reeling his hand back. Rook slid between the man’s legs, the man himself to engrossed in the injury he struggled to react. Rook then stood up, turning around.
But he was grabbed by Callisto, as Knifejaw stepped between both men.
The man let out a grunt of frustration as he turned around, only to be met with Knifejaw’s menacing glare. If she followed her thoughts, she would’ve punched the man straight in the face.
But she didn’t. She had better control than that.
“What were you even thinking?! If he was a threat, he’d be dead by now!” Knifejaw yelled, her fists clenched in rage. The man recoiled ever so slightly.
“He’s obviously a spy! What else could he be?!” He spat at Knifejaw, who reacted by kicking him where it hurts.
Rook felt dazed, clung onto Callisto and not the other way around. Callisto was almost being dragged to the ground as a result, and the poor woman felt sorry for Rook. “Lay down, I fear you are hurt.”
Rook did so, almost falling in the process. Callisto quickly grabbed a medical bag, running back over as Knifejaw’s confrontation drew to a close.
Knifejaw had a knife pulled to the man’s throat, until Rook realised… that was his knife?!
His knife was no longer in his hand and instead in Knifejaw’s, who was using it to intimidate the man more than anything else.
She was waiting until the man was calm, Rook thought. Sly woman. “You’re in emotion mind, you are not using logic.”
Her voice became calm, an effort to hide her inner fury and also to help calm him down. She had lost her façade in all the chaos.
Chase began scouring Rook for injuries, and saw blood from a wound opened at the head. She found herself reaching in for a gauze pad, which she used to hold against the wound fearing Rook had suffered brain damage. She always assumed the worst, hoped for the best. Yet another clever movement.
As Knifejaw waited for the man to calm, Rook felt the world begin to close around him. He felt a feeling of deep regret he had never felt before as his feelings blended to one and faded to nonexistence.
The last thing he saw was Knifejaw beg for him to stay awake.
“Stay alive, Rook!”