"What?! Tech are you goddamn insane?!" I screamed.
"Shhh! No, Sam I am not insane. I think it's a good idea, Phil thinks it's a good idea-" Technoblade began,
"Techno... You could get killed- end up dead- Phil could end up dead- He's on his last life for fucks sake! I can't lose you two the way I lost-" I took a deep breath as I almost began to say the name of my lost lover. I looked away from Techno.
"Sam.. This is important to me- please if you would just-" Technoblade was cut off again by my words.
"No.. I-I can't- you guys can't-" I paused. "What if something goes wrong?"
Technoblade sighed.
"We have to try," Technoblade stated. He was correct- I knew that. This was our last option. I sighed.
"I'm in," I stated. Techno opened his mouth as if he were about to say something, but I cut him off, "however- if the two of you start to get too reckless- I'm out. I wont watch you two go down,"
Technoblade smirked and laughed a bit.
"Oh come on Sammie- Technoblade never dies," He said.
I couldn't help but smile at his comment. His famous quote. He knew exactly how to get me to break- I mean of course he did- he was my best friend. I've never really been one to choose sides. I've always kind of just been- well- in between I guess. I was friends with everyone; Sam, Tommy, Techno, Karl, Quackity, Tubbo- even Dream at one point. Until he went goddamn insane that is-. This however- didn't stop me from becoming leverage. The amount of times I've been held hostage and used as leverage against Techno and Wilbur is ridiculous. My lives have been threatened so many times during wars- it's insane. I'm down to 5 more left. One lost to a fight against Dream when he found out I began life with 10 lives, another lost to my pure idiocy, and the last 3 during wars where I was used as leverage. I've been running from the government ever since people discovered I had 10 lives. They all think I somehow managed to cast a spell or some shit to get more lives, but no- I was born with them. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm part ender-dragon.
I'll never forget the life I lost to Schlatt during Wilbur's and Tommy's ban from L'manberg, though. Despite the fact that I wasn't banned- everyone was still aware of my value to Wilbur, considering the fact that I was his boyfriend, so one day when Wilbur was caught on L'manberg land, I was taken hostage soon after he left. Hostage In the land that I lived in! Nearing a week later- Wilbur had heard no word from me. He began to get worried, so he set foot in L'manberg once again. This- of course was planned by Schlatt- Quackity unaware of my situation. Wilbur had gone to my house to find not only that I wasn't there, but that there was a book in the chest next to my bed. When he opened the book it read-
"Wilbur Soot- we have taken your boyfriend hostage, seeing as you have continuously broken the law of your banishment. We knew you'd come back once you hadn't heard word from him, so we ask that you come to Manberg by 2:00 PM next week, Wednesday for your public execution. Your permanent execution. If you don't arrive by then- we will publicly execute Samuel permanently. We hope to see you then. Signed- Jschlatt from Manberg"
The two weeks I spent in hostage I was tortured. They attempted to pry me of information. Though they got nothing out of me- it was my personal hell. It felt like I was there for months. I lost track of time, so when the Wednesday of mine or Wilbur's execution arrived I didn't know what was going on. I quickly realized what day it was. I was terrified. I knew exactly what choice Wilbur would make. I didn't care if I was tortured for the rest of my lives if it meant Wilbur would live. When I was brought out to the podium, we were surrounded by people. I stared at them all with hatred, anger, fear. So many emotions. I could see Niki in the back with tears in her eyes- afraid she'd lose one of her best friends today. When 2:00 PM neared, I watched as Wilbur walked up to the podium. Tears fell from my eyes as I watched him surrender. Of course- Tommy wouldn't stand for this though. Just as Schlatt was about to execute Wilbur, Tommy stepped in. Wilbur and Tommy got away, but that didn't stop Schlatt from taking my 5th life before they could get to me. He slit my throat open with a wooden sword, making the death painful as hell.
That day was traumatizing for me. It was so traumatizing that even though I wasn't banished from L'Manberg, I still moved out of L'Manberg. I currently don't live anywhere near everybody else. I live in my own house, far away from the DSMP, Snowchester, and what's left of L'Manberg. Of course- nobody knows where I live outside of Techno and Phil for safety precautions.
"Sam- you're zoning out. You good?" Techno asked- interrupting my thoughts. I shook my head slightly and snapped back into reality.
"Yeah I'm fine- had a flashback-" I stated, still a bit shaken up from the flashback. Techno shrugged his shoulders.
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"Alright," He replied. "So we're gonna call you Poseidon when we talk about The Syndicate- sound good?" I nodded in agreement- not admitting I liked the code-name. "The first meeting is gonna be on the 6th of March- you don't even have to show up if you don't want to- you could just not have any part of anything in The Syndicate and still be a part of it. I'll- I'll just have you read this book to fill you in," Techno then handed me a book titled "The Syndicate". The book read,519Please respect copyright.PENANAAyzYXEpb3H
"This syndicate is formed to serve as a network for fellow Anarchists to meet, exchange information and cooperate in the mutual pursuit of Anarchy and the fight against Tyranny.
We shall have no Leader; no Member shall be compelled to act against their will."
I read the first page out loud, so Techno knew I was actually reading it. He wouldn't have minded if I didn't read it out loud, and I knew this because he trusted me with all of his being, but it felt wrong not to read it out loud, so I did so anyway. The second page of the book read,
"No member shall reveal information about the Syndicate to others.519Please respect copyright.PENANA0VeamWlp0g
Technoblade shall serve as the Recruiter to induce new Members into the Syndicate with Approval from a majority of Members."519Please respect copyright.PENANA5FzZ9kJnKH
I nodded after I finished reading the book. I looked up at Techno.519Please respect copyright.PENANAcP3SOTVgKb
"And you're absolutely sure you want to do this?" I asked. Techno nodded.
"The meeting room, logo, symbol, saying, and basically all the branding's already been taken care of- there's no backing out of this now, Sam," Techno replied. I let out a loud stressed sigh.
"Alright- fuck it- let's do this," I stated. Techno grinned a cocky grin.
"Never thought I'd actually consider an orphan a friend- let alone even like it," Techno stated. I rolled my eyes.
"Techno- I'm technically not an orphan anymore and haven't been an orphan for a decent- say idk- 10 YEARS-" I stated with a bit of aggression towards the end of my sentence. Technoblade laughed.
"Yeah I know- I know- I'm just messin' with ya Sammie," Technoblade replied.
I hope the first part was alright at least- it took a while of no motivation to get it on the right track. Writers/creative block really sucks. I'm gonna be working extra hard the next month to try and get some stuff out. The next part of this story is planned to be the day of the first meeting for The Syndicate. Stay tuned and keep your heads up for the next part! Thanks for reading!
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