I woke up in a room. The room was familiar to me. As I observed the room I began to recognize it. I was in Techno's room. I slowly sat up and suddenly heard a voice next to me.
"You're up-"
I jumped slightly and quickly turned my head. I saw a boy with reddish fur. He wore a mostly black outfit and a hat. Fundy. It took my brain a moment to process my surroundings. My memory was foggy, but I could still somewhat remember what happened. How Tommy was dead.. My brain had often tried to get me to forget traumatic or upsetting moments in my life.
"F-Fundy..?" I asked. I was confused as to why Fundy was here, considering I had barely talked to him since Wilbur died.
"Hey da- Sam," Fundy said. Hearing Fundy call me by my name hurt. Fundy hadn't called me by my name in years- I'd been Wilbur's boyfriend for a few years now, so he got used to calling me dad. I didn't blame him though. I didn't really talk to Fundy when Wilbur died. I became so focused on bringing him back and my own grief that I almost completely forgot about him.
"I'm so sorry.. Fundy I'm so fucking sorry.. I was so caught up in his death and- and- I didn't realize how much you'd probably need me and then- I- I just- I was so consumed by grief that I just never checked on you- and and I know none of this is an excuse, but Fundy I'm so fucking sorry- I.." I immediately began apologizing to Fundy. I was a shit stepdad- or whatever the fuck you'd call me. I wasn't there for him the way I should've been.
"Hey- Sam it's okay- well- no it isn't okay, but I forgive you, alright? You're right- it is no excuse, but you're here now- well technically I'm here.." Fundy paused, trying to think of something to say. "It doesn't matter- I'm here because now you're grieving over two people. I know Tommy recently passed and you're still getting over dad- I am too,"
Fundy was still trying to process everything going on. It was confusing most definitely.
"Look.. Sam.. We both need each other more than ever right now. When you fell asleep in Ranboo's arms yesterday he immediately contacted me. He didn't know what to do and since I'm the closest thing to family you have other than Techno he contacted me. That's why I'm here. I know you kind of abandoned me when dad died, but we're both here right now and that's what matters," Fundy said. There were tears coming down my face as I looked at Fundy. "God- come here-" Fundy held his arms out and moved closer to me so I could hug him. I allowed him to pull me into a hug. I missed Fundy. He was a bundle of joy since he was a little kid. Always fun to be around. I miss the days where I would push him on the swing set.
"I miss him so much," I said, referring to Wilbur.
"Me too, Sam.. Me too," Fundy replied. We sat there for a few more minutes before Fundy spoke up. "Come on- let's go out for a bit- catch up, hm?" I nodded as Fundy helped me stand up. We both left the cabin together. Fundy and I both walked to the DSMP. I hadn't been there in a while so seeing everything around me was strange. There was a lot of new things going on, not to mention the spread of the egg. As we both walked around, we visited the blown up L'Manberg site.
"It's insane," I stated. Fundy looked at me curiously.
"What?" He asked.
"How all of this went down," I replied. Fundy switched his attention to the ground as he walked.
"Hm.. It's a shame- L'Manberg could've been something," Fundy stated, "But then all of the tyranny and democracy.. It destroyed it," I let out a loud, disappointed sigh.
"It was created for freedom and it ended up being the opposite of what it was created for," I replied, agreeing with Fundy. We both walked in silence for a moment. "Do you remember that trampoline Wilbur and I built for you when you were a little kid?"
"Yeah- I never used it because with dad's L'Manberg shit I never had the chance," Fundy replied.
"I still have all of the parts to it," I stated. Fundy stopped walking and looked at me.
"You kept it?" He asked in disbelief, to which I nodded in response.
"Couldn't bare to get rid of it," I admitted.
"Bullshit- proof or you're lying," Fundy said. I paused to think for a moment. Absolutely nobody knew where I lived. It'd be a risk to bring Fundy there, but it seemed to be the only way I knew I could gain his trust back.
"I could take you to my home?" I said. Fundy's eyes widened. It was obvious he knew the risky play I was making, showing him where I lived. He nodded and I began walking in a different direction, waving for him to follow. "Come with me then,"
Fundy and I walked, pearled, and boated our way to my house. It took about an hour with the multiple different ways of transportation we used, but if you just walked, or ran, it'd take about five. We arrived at a cozy, cottage-core house. It was surrounded by flowers and parts of it were covered in vines. On the outside there were unlit lanterns and there was a pond with a bridge over it and a bench next to it. There was a stone and gravel pathway leading to the front door and the bridge over the pond. It was quite comfortable, indeed. Fundy just stared at the home in awe.
"Come on- the parts are over here," I said as I walked to the fence gate. I lead Fundy to a shed in my backyard. The backyard was rather big and had an even bigger pond than the one in the front for fish and frogs. There was a Wisteria tree that looked like it was almost glowing. It provided a lot of shade. Under the tree there was a bench with little mushroom stools around it. The whole home was like a fairy-tale. I opened the shed as Fundy continued to observe the backyard. I went into the shed and pulled out each part individually. "Here,"
Fundy looked at the parts in shock. His eyes began to water, though he hid it well. He smiled and then looked at me.
"You actually kept them," Fundy stated. I nodded.
"Wil wanted to get rid of them, but I didn't let him," I replied. I was always a bit attached to Fundy, watching him grow up. It was surprising to everyone when they noticed I was becoming distant from him since I was always with the kid. I looked up at Fundy. "Wanna help me build it?"
The red furred boy's eyes lit up as a wide smile appeared on his face. His facial expression warmed my heart and I immediately realized that this kid is no ordinary kid. This kid is my kid. My son. Wilbur's son. This kid had grown up being known as the kid of the guy who blew up his own nation. And somehow just somehow.. He was nothing like us. He was innocent compared to us. He deserved more than he got.
"Come on-" I said as I picked up the parts and started leaving the backyard. "We'll put it out front," Fundy followed close behind me, visible impatience in his step. I set the parts down and immediately got to work. While we built the trampoline we laughed together and joked together. We caught up on things we'd missed since Wil died. By the time we finished building the trampoline it was 6:30 and the sun was setting. We both sat on the trampoline and watched as the sun set.
"I missed you, dad-" Fundy said. My smile widened when I heard Fundy call me dad.
"I missed you too, kid," I replied and ruffled his hair. He laughed and watched the sunset. "I'm glad I got to watch you grow up. Wouldn't trade the chance I got to be your dad for anything in the world,"
"What about dad?" Fundy asked. I just shook my head.
"Fundy- I love your dad. You know this, obviously, but.. Nothing's more fulfilling than getting to watch a kid who calls you dad grow up. Someone who looks up to you. That feeling is amazing," I replied, "So no.. I wouldn't even trade you out for, Wil,"
Fundy smiled and we both continued to watch the sunset.
"Don't tell Ghostbur I said that, though-" I immediately said with a bit of panic in my voice. We both laughed and continued to bond for the rest of the day.
OHMYGOD IT TOOK SO LONG I'M SO SORRY!!! I couldn't figure out where I wanted to go with this chapter since I didn't even get to Wil's revival in the lore(I finally got to it btw) so I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do, but as soon as I mentioned that trampoline I had an idea of how I could fit some father, son bonding in there. Anygays- thank you all for reading! Manifesting that you all stay tuned for the next chapter!
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