"Shit shit shit-" I'd think to myself "I am not about to be fucking late to the first meeting-"
I was desperately pearling my way to the coords of Techno's and Phil's cabin. Like I stated before- my headquarters are far away from everybody in the SMP. I was only a couple hundred blocks away from the cabin by now. I'd been travelling for about 2 hours now. My feet were aching and I had a major headache from the impact of both the pearls and my trident, but goddamnit was it worth it. I arrived just a minute before it was too late. I let out a sigh of relief as I caught my breath. I was greeted by Phil next to the pool of lava that lead to The Syndicate meeting room.
"Need a moment to catch yer breath?" Phil asked me, his accent a bit more prominent than usual. I shook my head in disagreement.
"No... I'm fine... Just need.. Water.." I replied. Phil shrugged his shoulders and handed me a bottled water. I chugged the water down. 516Please respect copyright.PENANAuAzvE7foc1
"Well- just like I already know- you know the drill," I nodded and jumped into the pool of lava, Phil following immediately after me. We both hopped into the same boat and made our way to the entrance to the meeting room, walking through the first door and stopping at a button on the wall. I watched as the button activated piston door shifted open. Phil and I looked at each other a moment before the door fully shifted open and nodded. We both walked silently down the staircase that leads to the slightly smaller staircase to the meeting table. In the room I saw Niki, Ranboo, and Technoblade.
"Poseidon has arrived-" Phil stated as he sat down in the seat with the sign that was plated "Zephyrus". Techno was sitting in a seat with a sign plated "Protesilaus".
"Sammieeeeee- ahem- uh- I- uh- I mean- Poseidon of course- wait- you guys all know, Samuel- we don't have to call each other by our code names in the meeting room, do we?" Techno asked, choking on his own words.
"Surely not-" Ranboo agreed with Technoblade.
"I honestly, Tech- think it might be smarter, just in case something does happen like a security issue and someone just so happens to end up eavesdropping," Phil replied.
"Fair enough- fair enough- well then- Poseidon- you're just on time," Techno stated.
"I'm shocked you weren't late, Protesilaus- you're late to almost everything, even if you're the host," I replied. Technoblade laughed.
"Or I just don't show up," He countered. I chuckled in response.
"That is true- very very true," I stated. "So- this meeting.. What's it about?"
"We were just getting to that actually, and then Zephyrus had told us he just got word from you saying you were right outside the base," Techno replied.
"Well I apologize for interrupting," I stated.
"Why are you two so damn serious?" Phil asked. Me and Techno immediately broke the tough act and burst out into laughter.
"It's a very serious topic, Zephyrus" Techno stated. I laughed and nodded in agreement.
"It is an extremely serious topic, isn't it, Protesilaus?" I asked for mock reassurance.
"Yes yes it is- anyways- uh- we were just about to discuss the uh- the Eggpire actually," Techno stated, immediately changing the mood of the room.
"Yeah- what the fuck is up with this egg, dude?" Phil asked.
"Oh shit the egg- that's right I forgot about that," I replied. "I don't spend much time in DSMP lands or anywhere near there for that matter, so It's easy to forget things like that"
"Yeah- I have no idea," Ranboo claimed.
"Actually me and Ranboo-" Techno began
"Actually no we do have an idea-" Ranboo fixed his sentence.
"Yeah we have kind of an idea- Ranboo and I- well I got like, dragged over and Ranboo followed. This guy- 'BadBoyHalo' " He paused for a moment and looked at Phil in the eye. "He's pretty sus, Zephyrus- I'm not gonna lie- he was like 'yeah you wanna come check out this egg in this van?' and I was like 'I don't know-' I don't- I don- it- it's like a cult or something? They're- they're saying they're part of the 'Eggpire'- I'm gonna be real, Zeph-" Techno paused again to breathe for a moment, "Sh- It- it- it smells like government in there, alright? It smells like government,"
"Yeah- it sounds like-" Phil began with a bit of a laugh. Everyone in the room pondered the idea of the Eggpire for a moment.
"I- I'm thinkin- ehh uh- I don't- I don't wanna- I don't wanna be crazy or anything, but like- I heard the egg like whisperin- there's something with that egg-" Techno stated, and immediately began getting cut off.
"What?! You heard it whispering?" I asked in shock.
"You heard the egg whispering?!" Phil questioned, sounding a bit concerned.
"It whispered?" Niki asked. Everyone in the room became consumed by the thoughts of the egg, all extremely confused and concerned about it.
"The egg-"
"Yeah yeah yeah- Ranboo- Ranboo- You were there-" Techno stated.
"Mhm- yeah-" Ranboo replied.
"Yeah the egg can talk-" Techno stated once again, "Yeah it's uh- uh- not English, but-"
"Yeah- the egg tries to get in your head end everything, but um- I already have a lot of stuff in there, so it did not have enough space-" Ranboo stated.
"Yeah same-" Techno agreed. Phil began to laugh at Ranboo's statement, mine and Niki's laughter following soon after.
"So it just kinda- yeah it- it was pushed out" Ranboo said.
"Yeah- the egg tried to get in and it saw like 'In queue- 775 people are ahead of you in the queue-' and uh- yeah- kinda got bored waitin-" Me, Niki, and Phil were laughing at both Techno's and Ranboo's comments.
"So, what I'm hearing is this is possibly something that needs to be resolved?" Phil asked, but made his question almost sound like a statement.
"Yeah I'm gonna- I'm gonna do some more investigation- I'm gonna talk to some more people that aren't directly part of the Eggpire, but like know about it- see what's goin' on there- that- that seems like that's gonna be a problem at some point," Techno stated, still occasionally getting cut off by other member's input.
"it definitely seems like it's gonna be a problem-" Phil agreed.
"If they're gonna be doin' like a- server takeover or something- that's gonna be- you know- you know how us anarchists feel about HUGE GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER WOOO- yeah- yeah we're slightly- we're moderately opposed to that kinda thing, ya know? A- A slight preference against it-" Techno stated again. He always seemed to talk a lot when it came to anarchy, and everybody and everything could see how passionate he was about the subject. It was bizarre how passionate a person could be about something to the point where'd they go to extremes of risking their every life they have just to watch it succeed and grow/expand.
"I'm guessing at some point we're gonna have to make an omelette-" Phil said. I immediately burst into laughter at Phil's joke. What can I say? I'm a sucker for dad-jokes-.
"An omelette?!" I asked, still laughing my ass off.
"I- Yeah- an omelette-" Phil replied.
"I- I think that's what we're gonna have to do, Phil- I mean, Zephyrus," Techno stated. I began laughing even more and Phil started laughing quickly after. Once we both calmed down, Phil looked around the room at each member of the organization that had been built solely on anarchy.
"Any other concerns that anyone has about things that are happening?" Phil asked.
"Well I have actually, been hearin' rumors of uhh- I've been hearin' rumors that there's a new nation bein' formed in the snowy forests of the west of L'Manberg? I haven't - I haven't seen it myself- but I've- I've heard about it-" Niki began to cut Techno off as he spoke.
"I have seen it- I have been there- there is definitely a nation forming- and I think we should- we should check that out at some point- I don't know much about it-" Niki stated as she cut Techno off.
"Yeah I've been there a few times as well-" I stated.
"Yeah we should probably- probably investigate that-" Techno replied. "Make sure it's not like- some sorta like- tyrannical government formin' there- ya know? Ya know? I mean- whatev- whatever this nation is- I'm sure it's ruled by the most confident of individuals-"
The group of anarchists all began to laugh a bit at Techno's comments.
"Yeah- such a confident individual-" I mocked. We all joked around a bit instead of being serious. I mean- to be fair- Techno did refer to us as 'just a book club' at times- we didn't always have to be serious. I mean- within the past few weeks we've been discussing the Syndicate before our first meeting, it was almost never serious- we all just kind of joking around. That would be just me, Techno, and Phil of course, considering the fact that Niki and Ranboo weren't recruited until the day of the first meeting.
"Oh- so uh- on more of a serious note though- so like- Tech- Protesilaus you've been asleep the past few weeks and uh- Zephyrus you've been-" Ranboo began.
"I've been stuck in the blizzard- poking Protesilaus every couple a days to make sure he's still breathin-" Phil replied.
"And Niki, Poseidon- you've been-?" Ranboo asked.
"I've been underground-" Niki stated.
"I've just been working on new designs for my home- gathering materials and weaponry for the Syndicate- keeping my entire distance from the DSMP and stuff-" I replied.
"You've been underground and you've been away from the DSMP-?" Ranboo asked again, to which Niki and I both nodded. "Well uh- I didn't really wanna be the one to re-lay the message, but uh- um.. So like ya remember uh- Tommy- Tommy, right?"
"Oh yeah- we hated that guy-" Techno claimed, to which I gave him a dirty look. "I mean- well i hated that guy"
"Yeah- well uh- he got trapped in the uh- prison with uh- dream and uh-.." Ranboo paused for a moment to process the sentence he was about to finish. "He's dead.."
The room went silent for a second.
"Nahh-" Said Phil.
"What?!" Niki asked in shock.
"There is no fucking way Tommy is dead-" I asked in disbelief, sounding more like a statement.
"Nahh- nah you're jokin'-" Phil claimed.
"Have you seen his body?" Techno asked.
"Tommy can't die- no Tommy can't die-" Niki said.
"Have you seen his body, Ranboo?" Techno asked, repeating the question he asked just moments ago.
"Sam- Sam told me- Sam told me outside of the prison that Tommy was dead- I mean- if you look at- he hasn't- he hasn't been here for a while- I mean- it's only supposed to last- like- seven days- I think? But- Yeah no- he- he hasn't been out for like- eleven and Sam said that he died," Ranboo replied.
"How did he die? Did- do you know?" Niki asked.
"Uh Dream uh- I was talking to Sam- Dream beat him to death, actually-" Ranboo stated in response to Niki's question.
"Yoo- that's a pog- alright well- movin' on- hated that guy anyways alright-" Techno said.
"Woahh- Techno-" Phil said to Techno, in attempt to cut him off, fully aware that I was in the room. The room burst into a loud commotion.
"I-I need a minute-" I said, just barely noticed by anyone in the room, due to how loud it was. I walked out of the room and Ranboo followed behind me.
"Sam-" Ranboo said as he followed me. I couldn't hold the tears in my eyes back. I leaned my back up against a wall and just cried it out. Tommy was just a kid.. Just a kid- he was only 16.. He didn't deserve to die so young.. Did he..? Wilbur fucking loved that kid- he treated him like a brother, talked to him like a brother- sometimes even acted like he was his father, despite the kid never even having parents, or a family for that matter. Does he see Wilbur now? Does he get to speak to Wilbur? I pondered the idea as all the stages of grief took over my body, mind, heart, and soul. I was in shock, and denial, all while I was sad and angry. I wanted to hurt Sam for not helping him. I was mad at Dream for killing him. I wanted to kill Dream. I hadn't felt this conflicted since the day Techno blew up L'Manberg. Since the day Wilbur died all because of Techno's actions. I learned to accept that it would've happened regardless. After Phil explained what happened between him and his son. His son.. Holy shit his son.. Wilbur was his son- I forgot about Wilbur's son- My stepson- shit, Fundy- I haven't talked to Fundy basically since Wil died-
My thoughts were interrupted by Ranboo calling out to me
"Samuel?!" Ranboo asked. "Are you alright?" I looked up at the tall Ender with tears welled up in my eyes. "Ohmygod, Sam-" Ranboo pulled me into a hug.
"H-He was just a kid-" I hicced.
"I know- I know.. It's gonna be alright.. Everything's gonna be fine." Ranboo said as he rubbed my back. I knew he was lying to me and he knew that I knew he was lying. That didn't matter though, because even though I was fully aware of the lies I was being fed, it still managed to comfort me in the moment.
"I want him dead, Ranboo. As soon as we bring back Wilbur, I want him fucking dead," I stated out of anger and grief.
"Shh- I know you do, Samuel- believe me I know.." Ranboo said. "We'll get there someday, but right now- baby steps.. We're taking baby steps," I cried in Ranboo's arms for what felt like forever until I finally fell asleep. Everything slowly faded to black. My surroundings disappeared, along with any noises around me. It was silent. Absolutely silent.. It felt like time was frozen.. But only for a moment.
I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Like I said in the last one- I've really been cramming stuff together since I had writers/creative block, so now that I actually have motivation, here I am, awake at almost 2:00 AM to try and get something out for you guys, so once again, thank you so much for reading! I'd love for you all to give a bit of extra support by following my Penana account, along with my Twitter @_Xanthic and liking my Penana stories. I work really hard to write and get things out in a timely manner, so some extra support would be nice, however of course- any kind of support is nice and even just seeing you guys read my stories makes my day. But yeah- keep your heads up and stay tuned for the next chapter!