Snapping twigs and leaves being stepped on were the only things giving away the group's position.
"Can you guys be a little bit quieter back there?" Asked a man quietly to the group.
Seeing some lights in the distance, the group quietly slows down to a stop.
"Sir, I think we're near Bej," whispers another man in the group.
"Send back some scouts to see if those dreaded dark warriors are still trying to follow us," replied a tall, thin man, most likely the leader of the group.
Seeing that the scouts finally left, the leader sits down on a stump.
He waits for many minutes until a sound disrupts the quietness.
"Draw your swords," says the leader as he stands.
After the group unsheathed their swords, everyone went quiet again waiting to defend against any attackers.
Then suddenly someone runs out of the darkness, an arrow sticking out of their stomach.
"It's one of our scouts," says a man as the scout falls to the ground.
"Get our healers over there; get him on his feet again!"
Said the leader, motioning for some men that were standing to the side.
After a good amount of time, one of the healers walks up to the leader.
"Sir, you'll have only a minute or two with him. He's not going to be on his feet again. I'm sorry sir," said the healer.
"It's fine, you did all you could and I respect that much," replied the leader as he walks over to the scout.
There were a couple of other healers still around the scout but the leader dismissed them.
"Can you talk? One of them said you could but I wanted to be sure," asked the leader.
"Yes," answered the scout.
"What happened Trey?"
"They attacked us from behind... We didn't even see them... They're coming... For the babies..." Answered Trey before coughing out some blood.
"Take some soldiers and a healer and bring him back to Letslon," said the leader to one of the men.
"Sir, what babies was Trey talking about?" Asked another one of the men.
Nothing you need to know of Seth", answered the leader.
"Sir, I respect that you wish not to tell me but I am family."
As fast as he could, the leader grabs Seth's arm and drags him near a tree away from the group.
"Seth, you really want to know don't you?" Asked the leader.
"Yes, sir," answered Seth.
"Ok then. It all began about a week ago in Letslon. I was in the middle of training some soldiers when the Lord's servant asked for me. So I stopped training and when I found the servant all he told me was to follow him. We went across the city to this nice house, but inside there was a married couple with three babies. The thing that shocked me most was that they had the marks, Seth. They are the Kings of Tryous."
How's that possible? It was only a myth when father told us about it," said Seth.
"Yes, but I guess some myths can end up true."
"They're the Kings!" Seth shouted.
"Seth! Be quiet would you?"
"Sorry, sir," replied Seth.
"It's alright. Just don't tell anyone though ok?" Asked the leader.
"Yes sir."
They regrouped with the group as the leader had some things to say.
"Alright men, we're to be at Bej by tomorrow if we don't have any disturbances. Once there I would like some of you to get us some supplies, nothing special just food, maybe even some horses. Afterward, we'll go to Gan village where our quest will end," said the leader.
"Yes sir!" Roared the group.
The leader smiled before the group broke apart. All of the men were gathering their things when one of the men noticed something land straight in front of him. He looked at it for several seconds before his eyes widened.
"Shields ready!" Yelled the man.
"Why are you ordering my men, soldier?" Asked the leader.
The man was so shocked that all he could do was point to the sky where there was a good amount of dots in the sky flying straight at them.
"Shields ready!" Yelled the leader while grabbing his own.
All that the leader could hear was the slight yells of men being hit or the sound of arrows hitting shields.
After all went quiet the leader moved his shield as he rose.
"Form together!" He yelled to his men.
All of the soldiers ran to where the leader was and formed into what looked like a square formation. I had the few scouts and archers in the middle with the remaining soldiers on the outside.
"We've got you surrounded, humans!" Yelled a deep, nasty voice.
"Don't underestimate us! You never know what could happen!" Yelled the leader.
"Well, I guess we'll find out humans!"
As the last words came, so did a bunch of warriors dressed in black armor. Some had bows and arrows, others with swords, daggers, and other sorts of weapons.
"Men, daggers ready," said the leader as he slides his dagger out of his boot.
"Wait for it," said the leader.
The dark warriors were getting closer.
"Wait for it!" Yelled the leader again.
As the dark warriors were only feet away from the square formation of men, things changed fast.
"Now!" Yelled the leader before throwing his dagger at the nearest enemy.
The rest of the men either crouched and jabbed their daggers into a warrior's stomach or threw theirs as the leader did.
"Lower!" Yelled the leader.
All of the men lay down until just the scouts and archers were standing.
"Fire!" Yelled one of the archers, letting his arrow fly.
The rest let theirs go too, hitting some of the ark warriors.
"Charge!" Yelled the leader as he stands up and unsheathes his sword.
As the men charged the dark warriors started to lessen as a whole because of the sudden change. As the leader ran into battle he had to duck automatically as a sword hovered over his head. Afterward, he drove his sword into the gut of the warrior then out and across another one.
He moved on quickly, elbow to the head, slice or jab with his sword, or just pushing out of the way. His goal was a warrior in black armor with a black cape. As he neared him the leader flipped a man over his shoulder.
"Glath!" Roared the leader, blood covering half of his body.
As the leader goes to swing his sword at the dark warrior, something deflects it.
"Hello Nate," said Glath.
Nate's eyes widen in concern but he quickly pulls himself together and brings his sword back before jabbing at Glath who sidesteps it. Nate then back steps and swings out again but this time he cuts Glaths' arm.
"You'll pay!" Yells Glath before attacking with more power.
Glath started getting his turn on Nate by hitting him with the hilt of his sword then elbowing him. All Nate could do was wait for the next blow or until an opening appeared. Then, when Glath raised his long black sword over his head Nate flicked his wrist and drove his sword into the stomach of Glath.
"Those babies... Will die, Nate..." Said Glath before falling over.
"We did it, men! Now finish them!" Yelled Nate to the group, raising his sword in victory.
But as Nate saw shadows and trees shaking randomly around the, he knew what was going to happen. He glanced down at Glath while lowering his sword. As he looked through the black helmet to Glaths face, he saw a smile come across the dying man's lips.
"FIRE!" Yelled Glath with all of the remaining energy he had.
All of Nate's men stopped when they heard the words. They looked around expecting arrows and that's exactly what they got.
The men tried their best to get their shields up or to get behind something so they wouldn't get hit. Seth pulled his shield up just in time but as he looked around he noticed a few men still standing there.
Nate was one of them.
Seth's eyes widened as he watched his brother smile with no fear in his eyes. As the arrows were hitting metal Seth watched as his brother was hit with multiple arrows.
After the arrows were done showering over the men, they pulled their shields away and charged to the side from which the arrows came.
But when Seth pulled his shield away, he ran to where Nate was lying. He slides next to him, crying as any brother would. After what seemed like a long period of time, Seth stood up and grabbed Nate's sword.
He held it with his own in his other hand. When he turned to where Glath was laying he became frustrated as the only thing there was a ripped piece of black cloth and some blood.
"Seth, your brother is gone. I'm sorry but you have to be the new leader," said one of the men.
"I will not accept nor make any decision until our arrival at Bej," replied Seth.
"Alright Seth," finished the man before walking away.
The men arrived at Bej later on that day. All of them were either injured, covered in mud or blood, or were tired. But when they walked into the village, almost all of the men smiled. They stopped in front of the village keep.
"Ok men, go to the nearest inn and get some rest. Tomorrow I will have a talk with all of you," said Seth before walking away from the men.
He kept on walking until a man on a covered wagon almost ran over him.
"Hey, could you watch where you're going?" Asked Seth.
"Oh, sorry I was looking for a group of men but they haven't shown. In a rush to get out of here though," answered the man as he kept riding forward.
Seth keeps walking, looking at a market or glancing at the people that walk past him. He notices a couple of the men from the group running.
"Hey, where are you rushing off to?"
"Oh, that wagon is for you! We need to catch it before it leaves!" Answered the man before he runs off again.
Seth wonders to himself a moment before remembering the babies.
"Men catch that wagon!" Yelled Seth, turning and sprinting down the road himself.
He finds a couple of horses to the side and quickly jumps on one, hurrying it towards where the men were running. Pushing the horse to the limits as he passed the men he thought for sure the horse was going to pass out, that is of course until he caught up to the wagon.
"Hey! Stop!" Yelled out Seth to the man on the wagon.
As the wagon stops, Seth jumps off the horse and walks up to the side of the wagon.
"Yes?" Asked the man.
"If I am correct, you have the babies with you," replied Seth pointing to the wagon.
The man puts a finger up to his mouth as to tell Seth to be quiet.
"Why don't you tell the whole land?" Said the man, obviously aggravated now.
Seth waits a couple of seconds before the man stands up and walks to the back of the wagon. He picks up one of the boxes gently and carries it over to the side where Seth is standing.
"Grab it and treat it carefully," said the man to Seth, handing the box to him.
As Seth grabbed the box, the wagon was already rolling away.
"Everything's inside it, good luck," he heard the man say.
Seth then walked back into the village; a couple of people were staring at him though so he walked into the woods. He kept walking until he found a stump to set the box on.
After all of the events of that day, he was too tired to move. But he eventually decided he wanted to make sure the babies were still there. Soon after the lid to the box was off, there laid three babies and two letters.
The first letter had "Nate" written in big letters. The second one said 'Jimmy and Anne' on it.
Seth picked up the first one and unfolded it. After he read the letter he figured out a couple of things about the babies. Like two were born on the same day but they weren't twins and the other one was one year older.
Another was that they all had the same birthmark. A ragged outline that would form the letter 'T'.
"It says you lads have some magic put on you that helps with the whole food and water thing until we get to Gan, that's good. Now let's get you guys, home," said Seth to himself before putting the lid back on the box and walking out of the woods.
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The next morning all of the men were up and ready to go. They all gathered together waiting for Seth to tell them what he had to say,
Seth walked to the front of the group ready as anyone could be.
"Men, we have been through all sorts of crap in these past couple of weeks. I ask of you to travel with me to Gan and back on home to our families. I accept the offer of being your leader, so will you all me to?" Finished Seth, listening to the roar of men in agreement.
Two days later they were going around the village Therly and two days after that they were approaching Gan.
The men burst into joy as they walked into the village. Seth was still smiling when he pointed up to a house sitting on a tiny hill just up the road.
They got up there eventually and Seth brought out the box. He got one of the men to knock on the door as his hands were full. When the door creaked open he heard someone whisper something.
"Who is it?" Asked a voice quietly from behind the door.
"I am Seth and this is my group of men. We have traveled a long distance just to meet you here and give you this," answered Seth setting the box in front of the door.
"What is it?" Asked another voice from behind the door.
"Jimmy and Anne correct? There are special things in there; along with them you will find two letters that will explain everything. And one more thing, please be careful with them," finished Seth before turning and walking back down the hill.
"Sir, now what?" Asked one of the men.
"Now we go home," answered Seth.
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