Jake jumps up as his brothers' walk into the house.
"You guys need to quit slamming the door when you come in," said Jake, pushing a hand through his rough blonde hair.
"Why's that? So you can sleep all day?" Asked Derk sarcastically.
Jake looked up at Derk and their older brother Kelric.
"Guys, knock it off. You should be looking for a Master to apprentice under," said Kelric as he changes his clothes.
"What about you?" Asked Derk.
"Yeah, don't you only have a few days before your eighteen? We don't want you stuck as a market owner somewhere," said Jake curiously.
"Yes I do only have a few days that's why I'm going to talk to Master Morst today."
Derk and Jake stared at each other for a little until Jake broke the stare down.
"Isn't that the assassin though?"
"Yes, and I will do anything to be one," answered Kelric as he walks out.
Well, I'm out of luck," said Derk as he sits down.
"Master Resk and Master Laxx, bow master and huntsman."
"Who's Master Laxx? And I'm not really interested in being a bowman," replied Derk.
"Master Laxx lives somewhere in the woods, great huntsman I heard. You should give him a shot," said Jake.
Well, what about you?" Asked Derk.
"Eh, I'm not sure right now. I might try something difficult like Master Aslex," replied Jake as he slides a shirt on
"Isn't that the magician Master?"
"I believe so," answered Jake.
"Well then, good luck brother," said Derk as Jake walks out of the house.
"Time to find Laxx," whispers Derk to himself.
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As he goes down a path towards the market, Jake notices a shadow right behind him. As quick as possible he spins around, nothing there.
Relief sweeps over him as he goes to walk towards the market again until he realizes an arm reaching in front of him that was dressed in armor.
"Whoever you are, let me go!" Said Jake, frustrated and fear taking over him.
"I said let go!" He roared again, this time his eyes changed colors for some odd reason.
They turned full bright blue from a dull brown; there were no longer white spots in his eyes just blue.
"Vralen," spoke Jake, which completely smashed and disintegrated the arm that was now around his neck.
As he got away he turned to his attacker, it was a man in black armor.
"Darsk," spoke Jake in his odd tongue again.
This time a rock-like ball flew from the ground and followed Jakes' hand movement, which let the ball to on top of the black-armored man. Jake stood there for a minute until his eyes went back to normal.
As he tried to take a step forward he fell over on his back, letting everything go black around him.
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As Kelric strode through the marketplace he kept an eye out for anyone that might be able to point him towards Master Morst. He listened to everyone as he walked by them.
"Get your vegetables here!"
"Got your fresh meats over here!"
"Come and get your clothes over here!"
It just went on and on until finally, he came to where most people of Gan spent their time. The Roaring Lion was a pub in the middle of the market, it was also always full of people and if you had a question about something or if you wanted to hear rumors then that's where you would go.
Kelric walked into the pub, swerving to make sure he doesn't run into anyone. The first thing he noticed as he looked around was the bunch of people with hoods over their heads.
One of them was most noticeable through them all. It wasn't the black hood that was noticeable; it was the hand with the dagger ring spun around the person's finger. Kelric quit his swerving as he headed straight towards the person, bumping into other people along the way.
As he came close, the person turned around and grabbed Kelrics' hand. Whoever it was had pulled him up some stairs and into one of the inn's bedrooms.
As the door closed behind them the person threw off their hood.
"My name's Sarah," said the woman.
Kelric refused to say anything just so he could stare at her beautiful eyes; her dark hair was another one of his favorites.
"Snap out of it," said Sarah while snapping in front of Kelrics' face.
"You're so... Wait, why'd you bring me in here? Are you going to kill me or something?" Asked Kelric while finally coming to his senses.
"No, I was to wait until I found you to deliver a message. Kelric, Master Morst wants to apprentice you. He for some reason thinks you might have the skills of becoming his next best-trained assassin. But first, you have to complete a quest," answered Sarah.
"What quest? And how did you know my name?"
"You ask too many questions, I'll tell you one thing though. I've been admiring you ever since Morst told me to keep an eye on you. Your built and just probably one of the most handsome men in this village," said Sarah before putting her hand on his chest.
"Plus I think we'd get along fine if you are apprenticed. A parting gift for now though," before Kelric could say anything she kissed him on the cheek and departed.
"A beautiful admirer?" Kelric questioned himself.
He looked down and saw a piece of paper slid halfway into his shirt, after pulling it out he began to read.
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Derk decided to spend his day walking to the castle courtyard to hear Duke Norads speech. As he walked in through the gates he glimpsed two figures running around the castle walls.
"Must be children," Derk told himself.
Once he entered the courtyard he turned left and climbed up some stairs which led to where the soldiers held a perimeter of the castle walls. Before he reached the top he turned around and sat on one of the lower stairs.
"We, as the people are some of the greatest fighters, farmers, and mothers and fathers alive. So come and join me, offer gold, bronze, or silver to the castle so we can pay our soldiers and so we can upgrade our castle and our village in the name of Gan!" Said Duke Norad while admiring the roars of the crowd.
People started to leave, but as Derk stood up he noticed two people grab the Duke with knives to his throat.
Derk tensed.
He turned around and yanked a bow and two arrows from a soldier that was guarding the wall. He then strung the bow and notched an arrow. As he aimed he hesitated and lowered the bow so he could notch the other arrow. He pulled back again and aimed, and then he let them loose.
One hit the left man right above the heart while the other hit the man to the right on his thigh. Everyone in the courtyard stopped and looked at the Duke, who was now staring at Derk.
"Boy! Come inside!" Yelled the Duke over the chattering of the crowd.
Derk lowered and dropped the bow at the same time. Then he rushed down the stairs and into the castle, the crowd watching him do so.
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As Kelric arrives back at the house, he goes to put his newly received letter into the letter drawer of a dresser before noticing two very old letters buried beneath them all.
"I don't remember these ones," he tells himself.
Taking them out, he opens one and reads it, and then he reads the second one. He looks up afterward.
"Kings of Tryous?"
He stands up and takes off his shirt, looking around his body until he found what looked to be a ragged 'T' which lays upon his stomach.
"There's no way."
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