The sun sets in the late evening over the Kantos Finest local restaurant; inside, the boys all lay back groaning and relaxing after the large meal "ohhhh my stomach.." George says as he places his hand on his belly "I told you not to get that extra plate of fried shrimp." Markus says "but it was so good though" he replies as he lays back on the seat in pain. In another booth Jeon lays back on the soft cushion snoring completely knocked out, Taylor shakes Jeon "get up!" He exclaims, Jeon abruptly gets up and looks around "huh, what's going on!" He exclaims. Kade looks over at Jacob staring off "hey Jacob you've been pretty quiet today, you alright?" He asks, Jacob sighs "you about know the Kanto Prodigies right...." He says "yea of course everyone knows about them... why?" Kade asks "well...." Jacob takes a pause thinking about what he's going to say next but Kade seems to catch on "oh I know what this about" he says, Jacobs head shoots up and he stares at Kade wide eyed "you do!" "Yea, your scared about going against the prodigies at the other schools huh." He says Jacobs expression drops "oh so I guess he doesn't know." He thinks "uhhh yea that's it." Jacob says lying "I'm just a little worried we won't be able to beat them." "If I'm being honest I'm crazy worried too especially since I'm going to be starting, I don't even know how that happened but, going up against those super players is going to be hard deep down I know that and I know they're way better than me..." Kade says as he looks down at his lap, Jacob stares at Kade intently, listening to his words "but I won't let that keep me down, they're better than me, so what, I'll just keep my head up high and I'll try harder and harder every day to be better, I won't give in to them just because they're super players I'll fight on and prove that I deserve to be on this team." Jacob reflects Kades words and nods his head in agreement. Outside the restaurant the team all huddle up together "thanks for paying for dinner Jeon your the goat for this man!" George exclaims "yea!" "Thanks Jeon!" The team all thank Jeon for paying for their meal, Jeon smiles "it's no problem at all guys seriously we're teammates now so don't sweat it." George and Markus head home together and the rest of the team head their separate ways, Taylor pats Jeon on the shoulder as a sign of goodbye and heads into off passing Jacob as he does so; he doesn't utter a word to him while he passes by nor does he look at him, Jacob simply stares at Taylor and gets a sense of unease from him, they both haven't spoken to each other since the night of the party. "I'll see you later Jacob!" Kade calls out as he walks away, Jacob waves goodbye to Kade then looks over and notices that it's him and Jeon left alone, Jacob looks over at Jeon for a moment but notices the look on his face, Jeon looks sad and slightly terrified, Jacob is brought back "w-what's wrong with him..." he thinks, Jeon simply stares out into space, like he's zoned out. Jacob begins walking towards Jeon to say something to him but suddenly he hears two honks in the distance, he turns and looks across the street to see his mothers car and his little sister poking her head out the passenger seat window "Jacob come onnnnn!" She screams, her voice echoing through the street, Jeon looks over and sees Jacob, Jacob stares at Jeon awkwardly and is forced to wave, Jeon gives a fake smile and a small wave before Jacob turns and rushes away, once he does, he immediately reverts back to normal. Jeon sighs, he pulls out his keys from his pocket and walks over to his car parked on the side of the road, he sits down in the passenger and starts the car. About twenty minutes later Jeon arrives home; he pulls into his drive way and parks the car, he lays his head back on the car seat and sighs once again. Jeon enters his home after sitting in his car for what felt like an hour, it's a small one story, clearly located in the less fortunate portion of the city painted white and light blue with a small flower garden up front. He enters the small house and walks into the kitchen where a shadowed figure stands waiting for him, Jeon isn't surprised "hey dad" he says already aware of whose standing in the darkness. "Jeon, where have you been..." he says "I-I was out with my friends." "ahh yes out with your friends..." he replies walking towards Jeon "that should explain the $200 dollar charge to my card!" He exclaims "dad I gave you that money and more two weeks ago, I-“ “Jeon you think we have the money to waste on stupid shit like that!” He exclaims cutting Jeon off, Jeon can smell the alcohol coming from his fathers breath “oh but you have money to spend on alcohol?” He says under his breath, Jeons father quickly lunges at him grabbing him by his collar and pulling him close, Jeons heart pounds fast as he comes face to face with his father, he looks furious “don’t talk back to me boy!” He exclaims “I’d oughta smack you…. but you made the starting line up…” Jeon fathers grip lessens on his collar and he shoves him back causing Jeon to topple backwards “which is all that matters.” He takes a deep breath and calms himself down “from now on no more going out with your friends, no more spending money on useless shit, when you come from school you come straight home unless you have practice you understand me?” Jeon doesn’t respond, his father gets in his face again “do you understand me.” He says in a deeper more serious tone, Jeon slowly looks up at him clearly holding back his anger and frustration “loud and clear.” “Good, I won’t allow any distractions, football is our best ticket out of this shit, and I won’t let you ruin it for me.” Jeons father walks away, grabbing the beer bottle off the table on his way out of the kitchen. Jeons breathing increases slowly as his rage builds, he clenches his fists hard as he stands alone in the darkness, he has so much pent up rage and anger but he’s unable to do anything about it, his fists slowly unclench as his eyes begin to water, he falls to his knees in the middle of the kitchen and begins to cry in the darkness alone. “I don’t wana play football mom!” a young Jeon exclaims 6 years prior to now; Jeon is sitting in the passenger seat of his moms car all dirtied up after his junior football game, Jeons mothers is short, about 5’6 with short strait black hair and pale white skin, Jeon resembles her a lot, she smiles “but Jeon your so good at it, you scored two touch downs today sweetie!” She exclaims, Jeon crosses his arms dramatically “yea yea I know I’m amazing and everything but still…” his mom rolls her eyes and tries her best not to laugh “it’s not who I am, dad forced me into this without even asking me what I wanted, don’t I get to choose mom?” His mothers smile fades and she turns serious “of course you get to choose baby, but your father only wants what’s best for you, your destined for amazing things if you go down this path Jeon you’re made for this, not many people get so lucky…” “it just sounds like your making excuses for him.” Jeon says looking out the window at the passing cars, his mother sighs “ok, then let’s compromise, what do you want to do Jeon?” “What do you mean?” “When your older what do u want to be?” “I..I’m not sure yet…” Jeon says “that’s fine so how about this, you keep playing football while you grow up and when you find out what you wana be you have three choices, either you choose football, you choose the alternative, or if you can you do both, how does that sound “keep playing football huh, you’re trying to trick me into falling in love with the sport arent you…?” Jacob says staring at her, she tries her best to stay serious “ah ah ah don’t put words in mommy’s mouth all I’m doing is ensuring that you don’t miss out on an amazing opportunity.” She says “mmmm” Jeon grunts “but do we have a deal?” Jeon thinks it over, he sighs “ok deal.”