Jacob sits in the nurses office with his shirt off as the nurse touches and feels the area of impact, a large purple bruise now painted on his back. The nurse feels the bruise on his back pushing her fingers into his skin trying to feel any broken bones underneath, Jacob grunts in pain as he clenches his teeth "damn, he got me good..." he thinks as he reflects back to Jeons hit on him, the nurse backs away from Jacob and pulls the glove out from around her hand, Jacob looks up at her impatiently "how is it?" He asks "your fine, it's just a bruise no broken bones or anything to worry about, when you get home put some ice on it and it should calm down in an hour, also I'd advise no football for about two weeks until it heals." Jacob sighs in relief "thanks nurse" he says she smiles at him. Jacob exits the nurses office back into the school hall, as he does he thinks back to what George said to him during school earlier "your just like those football players that left Kanto high years ago, your a Kanto prodigy.... aren't you." "How did he know..." Jacob thinks. As Jacob walks through the empty school halls, he looks over and sees Jamie coming out of the bathroom, he lights up "hey J- "Jacob!" Someone calls out, Jacob looks over and sees Emilia running towards him "oh.. Emilia h-hey" he says as he watches Jaime walk away "hey Jacob" she says, her voices high pitched and squeaky "w-what are you still doing here school ended like an hour ago.." he says "oh I'm just waiting for Taylor, but speaking of which I’m throwing a party tonight to celebrate the end of try outs and all that, I'm going to invite all the football boys so you should come." Emilia hands Jacob the flyer "oh uh.." Jacob says hesitantly but Emilia cuts him off "I'll see you there!" She says skipping away, Jacob looks down at the flyer and sighs. "Jacob" Tristan says "yea" Jacob responds, the two friends sitting outside on Jacobs lawn seven years prior. It’s a cool afternoon the two sitting on the green grass as the wind blows their hair and the sun sets far in the distance painting the sky a beautiful orange color “how hard do you think it'll be?" He asks, Jacob looks over at him "what do you mean?" Jacob asks "I mean we're not the only ones with this dream I'm sure trillions of other people want to be football stars as well." He says Jacob looks confused "What's a trillion?" He asks "I don't know I heard my dad say it, but there's a lot of people who want to play football, what if we don't make it?" Tristan asks "well I mean someone has to make it right?" Jacob says "right" Tristan agrees "So if someone has to make it and we work super hard, why can't it be us?" Jacob says Tristan thinks hard for a moment then he smiles "heh, yea that kinda makes sense" "and as long as we're together no one can stop us." He adds “yea!” Jacob says the two young friends smile at each other Jacob extends out his arm and wraps it around Tristan’s shoulders, he does the same and the two look out into the sky. Jacobs suddenly wakes up in his bed quickly realizing it was all a dream. He looks around his room as he wakes up it's calm and quiet with the sunset peaking through his curtains illuminating the room just a small bit. He puts his hand on his head "it was just a dream" he says. Suddenly his mom comes in "hey Jacob" she says, he lays back in his bed "hey mom.." he replies "how's the back sweetie?" She asks "uhh still hurts for sure but you know it's not my first." He says "hm" she replies "will it stop you from going to the party?" "the party... how did you know about that?" Jacob says "that flyer on your desk.." Jacob looks over at the pink sparkle filled poster sitting on his night stand forgetting he had put it there "oh yea.. I don't think I'll go." He says "why not, this is a perfect chance for you to make friends at the school." "I know but I'm just not a party guy you know besides Im not really in the mood." "Hm.." Jacobs mom grunts, "alright how about this" she says walking up to him "you go for 30 minutes alright if you hate it then you leave but maybe you will like it and stay give it a chance Jacob" she says "you really won't know unless you try." Jacob reflects on her words a small bit "alright.." he says putting a smile on her face, she walks out of his room and closes the door behind her Jacob puts his hands on his face and sighs. A large two story house with kids scattered all along the front yard blasts music and lights as a party rages on within. Jacob walks up to the house with a casual outfit on, he's wearing a long sleeve plain black shirt with jeans and casual hi top sneakers. Jacob walks into the large house filled with people and blasting loud music, he looks around awkwardly, suddenly George sitting with Markus, Kade, and Julian notices Jacob "hey there's Jacob!" He exclaims "Yoo!" "Jacob!" They all call out to him, Jacob hears them and sees them sitting in the living room area calling him over, he smiles and walks over to them "Jacob man glad you could make it" George says "yea how's your back dude are you good?" Markus asks "yea it's just a bruise nothing too serious it'll go away on it's own." He says "that's good to hear." Kade replies "what about you guys how'd the game go, did we win?" The others look over at each other "I'm guessing no?" He says "yea, but it was really close they won by one touchdown" George says "yea and we were only able to make it a close game because of Noel, he was going crazy" Kade adds "yea?" "Where is he?" Jacob asks looking around "we invited him, but I don't think he'll show up, doesn't seem like the type." Markus says "yea.." Julian looks over and scowls "hey guys look..." he says pointing at the entrance they all look over and see Taylor, Jeon, Donald, and Donavan walking in together. As they greet people around the entrance they immediately notice the rest of the team sitting in the living room, they begin to walk towards them "oh boy..." Kade says "come on!" George says getting up off the couch, the others follow his lead and stand up as the opposing forces arrive. The two sides face off against each other Taylor, Jeon, and Donald, Donavan facing off against Jacob, George, Markus, Kade and Julian. Taylor looks at Jacob "well well look who decided to show up, Jacob Jones." he says "what, were you expecting that dirty play to kill him?" George asks "it wasn't dirty!" Jeon argues "that's bullshit and you know it, you were trying to hurt him, you knew that with Jacob on our team you guys couldn't win." Markus replies "oh really, the way I see it your all just trying to blame your pathetic loss on Jacob getting taken out of the game, even if he was there we would've still kicked your ass." Taylor says "really, remind me again who won the first game." George says stepping up "you got lucky" Donald replies stepping up as well "you wana talk about luck Donald how about we talk about that overthrown Hail Mary, a quarterback that shitty oughta sit on the bench." Markus adds as he steps up as well "you know Markus for such a big body you really do have a small brain." Jeon says "If you wana talk about small brains how about we talk about Taylor's genius idea to play lineman, that went well.." Kade says "I'm sorry who are you again?" Donavan barks "the guy whose gonna start over you." Kade replies, they all get in each other's faces ready to fight when suddenly Emilia shows up and gets in between them "hey boys no fighting alright come on we're here to have a good time and celebrate besides tryouts are over right aren't you all going to be teammates now or whatever." She says, they all stare at each other with clear unresolved issues, still, they all stand down, Taylor's expression changes from angry to calm quickly "ahhh shit, she's right; we're teammates now, whatever happened let's try to bury it alright." He says, he extends out his hand toward George, George chuckles "yea alright..." he says nonchalantly and shakes Taylor's hand "we good Markus?" Jeon asks, Markus walks over and throws his arm around Jeons shoulder "of course" he replies, Jeon smiles "your brain is still small though I meant that.." the two laugh as they walk away, Jacob smiles he watches on as the enemies who clearly weren't truly enemies get along. Later during the party Jacob sits alone drinking punch while sitting on the couch, he relaxes into the soft cushion and lays back as music blasts and people dance in the distance "man so this is a high school party huh..." he thinks "mom was right this is kind of nice." He says, suddenly he stops and catches himself "man did I just admit to her being right...." Jacob looks down at the punch in his hand "this shits gotta be spiked." Two girls approach Jacob, both giggling shyly as they do so, Jacob looks up and sees the two "o-oh uh hi..." he says nervously "hey I'm Julie and this is Mandy" one of them say "uhh..." Jacob is speechless "well we just wanted to tell you that we're huge fans of your football highlights!" Mandy exclaims "t-thanks" Jacob says sincerely "alright well we'll see you around" they both wave to Jacob as they walk away Jacob left stunned, speechless, and almost confused "woah.." he says to himself. "Look at you" Jacob suddenly looks up and sees George standing next to him "George!" He exclaims "I didn't know you were a ladies man" George says "tch not really they were just fans is all" Jacob replies "hm" George grunts, he walks over and sits down next to Jacob "on that matter though, let's finish our conversation from before." Jacob looks over at him "you're a Kanto prodigy or as the world knows them; super players" "super players?" Jacob says confused "yea it's the term everyone outside of Kanto city uses for guys like you, football prodigies who are extraordinary at the sport, they're only every born in Kanto though there's no record of them anywhere else." "That's why the Kanto high school team got so big, it was truly one of a kind, had an unbeatable record, until they all got greedy and competitive, all wanted to see who was truly the greatest, so they all left the school and pursued other schools around the state, country, some even the globe." "How do you know so much about this, and how could you tell I was a prodigy when no one else really can?" Jacob asks "I can answer both your questions with one response..." "my brother." Jacob looks confused "he was a kanto prodigy." Jacob looks on at George shocked "w-wait really he played for the school, who was he?" "Jayden Cooper, but everyone called him- "Lockdown!" Jacob exclaims "your brother was lockdown!?" "He was, the best defensive back i have ever seen, he has 265 interceptions in his entire career, he could guard any receiver." George says "that's why I know so much and how I can tell your one of them, there's a certain power that super players give off when they activate their ability, a feeling, it's very faint but once you get close enough and try hard enough you can sense it." George says "huh..." Jacob responds "what about Taylor he's really good is he a super player?" "No... see Taylor is one of those examples of really good players who aren't Kanto prodigies, which is what everyone thinks you are, but I know better, and trust me if you train hard enough, soon everyone will know." "Is there anyone else on the team whose a super player?" "No, I would be able to tell and I've gotten close to pretty much everyone I can't sense it from anyone else, only you when your running." Jacob looks down trying to take in all the information, George punches him in the arm lightly "don't worry, I won't tell anyone people might look at you differently if they find out, your secrets safe with me." Jacob smiles. Jacob flushes the toilet in the upstairs bathroom and washes his hands in the sink, he throws a bit of water on his face and stares at himself in the mirror "man what a crazy couple of days..." he says to himself "hey hurry up in there!" Someone exclaims banging on the door "one sec!" Jacob calls out and walks over to the door, he opens up the door and is met with a guy waiting to use the bathroom but as he sees Jacob his mood and emotions change "o-oh I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you!" He says "uhhh.." Jacob says "my bad dude, listen I'm looking foward to seeing you play for the team!" He exclaims as he walks into the bathroom. Jacob looks confused, but shakes his head as he turns around and goes to walk back to the party when he suddenly bumps into Emilia, she slams into his body and suddenly falls backwards but Jacob catches her wrapping his arm around her back stopping her from falling, the two get close, Emilia staring at Jacobs shocked expression "I'm sorry!" The two exclaim " I didn't mean to!" The two utter the same words at the same time once again, "u-uh.. you first" Jacob says as he slowly pulls Emilia back up, she fixes her hair and smiles "thanks for catching me." She says Jacob smiles "its the least I could do after you know bumping into you" "nah that was all me besides it's not your fault your so big, you gotta to be to play football right?" Emilia puts her hand on Jacobs chest feeing his body, Jacob is left stunned "uh.." but she plays it off as her brushing off his shirt, Jacob blushes as she looks up at him Jacob staring into her green eyes, he swallows as the two get close. Suddenly Taylor appears at the end of the hall looking for Emilia when he spots her with Jacob, his eyes widen then quickly turn to rage "Emilia!" He exclaims, she quickly turns and sees Taylor at the end of the hall, Jacob looks up shocked as well "shit!" He thinks as Taylor stomps over "so this is where you've been, messing around with him!" He exclaims "it's not what it looks like.." Jacob says "you shut the hell up!" Taylor responds "oh my god Taylor what is wrong with you why is it that every time you see me with a guy you automatically think I'm flirting, not to mention we're not even dating!" She exclaims "your not?" Jacob responds "no!" Emilia exclaims "yes we are!" Taylor responds "Emilia this happens all the time we break up for like 5 seconds but eventually we get back together, it's only ever a matter of time but this time you decide to get with him?" "I'm not getting with anyone and for your information you have no control over my life just because we dated doesn't mean you get to choose who I talk to." "Look clearly you guys got some unresolved issues so I'm just gonna..." Jacob tries to slip away but Taylor stops him "where do you think your going?" he says putting a hand out Jacob slaps his hand out of the way "I'm leaving!" He exclaims "I don't think so, you think you can just mess with my girl and get away with it?” “You know what, I'm sick of you Jacob, you think your hot shit just because everyone knows who you are well I might be the first person to tell you this but you can't just do whatever you want!” “What the hell are you talking about?” Jacob says getting in Taylor’s face “since I’ve gotten here I haven’t done a single thing to provoke anybody, your the one whose having this one sided rivalry with me like it’s a TV show I might be the first person to tell you this Taylor but no one is scared of your tuff guy act.” Emilia looks at Jacob surprised “now get the hell outta my way” Jacob says walking past Taylor bumping him on the shoulder as he walks past. Taylor is enraged his right eye twitching as he clenches his fist, he suddenly turns around and grabs Jacob by the shoulder “we’re not done!” Jacob immediately turns around and pushes Taylor “don’t touch me!” He exclaims Taylor stumbles back surprised, but he immediately counters by lunging at Jacob punching him in the face sending him toppling backwards and slamming into the ground, Taylor approaches Jacob as he lays on the ground, Emilia rushing over and grabbing him from behind “No Taylor!” She exclaims, but he pushes her off him sending her falling back and hitting the ground, this lights a fuse under Jacob, his eyes glow blue as a small amount of electricity begins to charge around his body. Jacob shoots up at light speed and zooms directly into Taylor’s face so fast it creates a burst of wind that rushes around Taylor blowing his hair, from Taylor’s perspective Jacob almost teleports in front of him causing him to step back shook, Jacob pulls back his fist and goes to strike Taylor when suddenly police sirens can be heard from outside the house, the two quickly look back as police bust down the front door and begin invading the home “ohhh shit!” Taylor exclaims. Taylor and Jacob both begin running away but as they both past Emilia still on the floor Jacob stops and turns back “come on!” He exclaims “I can’t this is my house, but you go don’t worry I’ll be fine!” She says, Jacob nods then rushes off. Taylor and Jacob both run through the backyard as the police swarm the home, others run with them but they easily blow past all of them and head for the fence. Jacob easily runs up and leaps over the fence landing on his feet, Taylor on the other hand attempts the same but in his hurry his leg slams into the top of the wooden fence causing him to trip mid air and swing downward slamming face first into the ground, Jacob looks back as he runs away and sees Taylor on the ground, he doesn’t hesitate and runs back over to help him up off the ground, Taylor looks at him shocked “come on!” Jacob exclaims. The two begin running along the fence when suddenly a police officer who had come along the perimeter turns the corner catching them both, the officer lunges at Taylor but he quickly maneuvers out of the way evading the officer but with Jacob directly behind him the officer manages to tackle him instead slamming him into the ground “stay down!” The officer exclaims pinning Jacob to the ground, Taylor stops running and turns around to see Jacob underneath the officer, he stares and smirks before running away in the opposite direction. “Get off me!” Jacob exclaims as the officer lays over him struggling to break free, the officer suddenly pulls out cuffs shocking Jacob “no wait…!” Suddenly Taylor comes charging in and shoulder slams the officer knocking him off Jacob and rolling onto the grass, Taylor extends out his hand to him “now we’re even come on!” Jacob quickly takes Taylor’s hand and is helped up. The two rush down into a forest they keep on running and running for what feels like an eternity until they stop, both panting and out of breath “I think we lost em…” Jacob says as he puts both hands on his knees tired, Taylor lays back on a nearby tree and stares at Jacob, Jacob looks up at Taylor “what?” He asks “this doesn’t change anything…” Taylor responds before walking away, Jacob sighs and looks down.