The rain has kicked up into high gear as it storms down on the football field, the rain pouring down hard on the players as they stand with their respective teams in a huddle discussing their play. The score is even 21 to 21 with 3 minutes left on the clock George's team managed to catch up to Taylor's team thanks to Noels power and George's leadership. Over at Taylor's teams huddle, they discuss their plan. "Alright we have the advantage here we're on offense so we're going to have to play this smart.." he says "So we're doing passing plays." Jeon shoots up clearly frustrated "hell no!" He exclaims the entire team looks over shocked, Taylor looks over at him "excuse me?" "You think playing passing plays is smart, you must be thinking out of your ass, it's better to past the ball off to me, the running back, I can get us easy yards without the risk of being intercepted" "is that so, what happens when your bulldozed by the defensive line and you fumble huh, what then?" Taylor asks "when have I ever fumble the goddamn ball Taylor?" Jeon asks "and when have I ever gotten intercepted?" He responds. The two get into each other's faces "woah woah hey come on guys we shouldn't be fighting" Donald says getting in between them "no Donald we need this, Taylor has his head way too far up his ass to be a competent leader I mean you're the reason we're in this mess in the first place or did you forget how you cost us 14 points and got fucking humiliated by Noel who weighs 2 pounds!" "First of all the only reason we are even here is because of me, I am the fastest person on this field, I have the most yards, and the most touchdowns, this team is mine and whatever I decide goes!" Taylor exclaims " "actually I think we should let the team decides who's the leader..." Marvin, a Defensive player for the team says, "what?" Taylor replies "yea..." “he’s right…”others begin to agree. Taylor inhales then exhales calming himself down, "fine, we'll have a vote on who should be leader." he says "show of hands who wants me to take over and lead the team from here on out?" Jeon asks, hands fly up into the air and Jeon counts them all "that's fourteen" he says "alright what about me who wants me to stay as leader" a number of hands fly up Taylor counts them all out "twelve... thirteen.... fourteen ...... fifteen." Jeon looks shocked as Taylor smirks "the people don't lie, I remain as captain and you will do as I say" he says Jeon grits his teeth furiously "now we will focus mainly on passing plays but when we get within 5 yards of the first down we will have Jeon run the ball otherwise focus on us receivers wether it's to our tight end Michael or the Wide receivers in me and Donavan." "Donald focus on me and Donavan alright, getting the ball down the field is our main priority the sooner we can get a touchdown the better, we got three minutes left on the clock if all goes right we're looking at 3 different possessions including this one which means we'll end up with the ball last which is perfect." Donald nods "alright are you guys ready to win this thing!" "Yes we are!" The others chant "I can't hear you!" "YES WE ARE!" "Let's do this!" Taylors team cheers and hype themselves up all but Jeon whose silent. Over at George's huddle the mood is completely different everyone is unified and working as one "alright everyone we've gotten this far, we've fought hard and did our best especially you Noel its because of you that we're here, but the game isn't over yet, we still have a chance to win this shit and that's exactly what we're going to do!" George says "what's the play man?" Markus asks "the objective is this; knowing how Taylor is and the fact that he himself is a wide receiver he'll want to do passing plays so we need to have defensive backs all over him and Donavan, don't be fooled though, Jeon is good as well I wont deny that so I need the defense to shut him down, don't let him slip past you and gain yards he's quick and shifty don't fall for his fakes, we need to make them regret toying with us, this is our moment, this is our chance to win, we already won yesterday if we can win again that will almost solidify our chances on getting on the team so tell me, all of you, what do you want!?" "To Win!" They all exclaim "what did you say?" "TO WIN!" They exclaim "then let's win baby." Taylor's team and George's team both line up rain pouring on the field making it muddy and slippery, the faces of the players across from each other barely visible due to all the rain, Coach Lamburn watches them all closely for the final game of tryouts George's defense ready and Taylor's offense ready as well "Down!" "Set!" "Hut!" The ball is thrown back to Donald, Jeon runs up and Donald swings it back as if he were giving it to him but fakes and launches the ball down the field, the ball is overthrown but on purpose, Donavan races after the ball as the defensive back guarding him chases him down the field, the ball slowly comes down and the two leap for it, Donavan manages to snatch the ball out of the air one handed and slams into the 30 yard line, Taylor's team cheers. Second down on the 30 yard line 2:45 seconds on the clock "Hut!" The ball flies backwards into Donald's hands he quickly looks up and swings a dart towards Taylor. Taylor not expecting the dart, quickly throws his hands up in an attempt to catch it but the ball slips through flying out of bounds George's team cheers "butterfingers!" Markus yells out getting Taylor mad he looks over and Jeon is staring at him he grits his teeth. Third down 30 yard line 2:40 seconds "Hut!" Donald catches the ball and passes it back to Jeon, he takes off towards the right side of the field, a defender confronts him early on causing Jeon to come to a complete stop, the defender follows his movements coming to a stop as well but as the defender comes to a stop Jeon swiftly begins running once more effectively faking him out. As more defenders chase after Jeon he makes the smart move running out of bounds at the 15 yard line giving them the first down. "Good run Jeon!" Donald calls to him Jeon looks over at Taylor, he's looking back, the tension between the two have risen high. First down 15 yards away from a touchdown with 2:10 seconds on the clock "Hut!" The ball is passed back to Donald, they're too close to the end zone to risk a passing play so Donald tosses the ball back to Jeon, he clutches down on the ball he had his eyes set on the end zone. Jeon runs head on towards all the mess of defenders, everyone is shocked "Jeon what are you doing!" Donald exclaims "that crazy son of a bitch" Taylor says "he's gonna do it!" Donavan adds, Jeon rushes towards the linemen as the defensive backs close In on his position, he squats all the way down with the bal in his hand and uses all the power in both his legs to blast himself upwards high into the air over the defenders, Coach Lamburn doesn't looked surprise "Jeon Ho, kids got the highest vertical I've ever seen, he'd make the perfect receiver if he wasn't so dead set on being on a running back." He thinks. Jeon flies over the defenders with the ball in hand, he flies down towards the end zone reaches his hand out with the ball but suddenly the unthinkable happens, Markus whose a defender on the defensive line grabs Jeon legs mid air "Where do u think your going!" He exclaims he pulls Jeon back away from the end zone using his mass and unusual strength swings him and slams him into the ground so hard he fumbles, the ball flying into the air and Markus reaching out and grabbing it with one hand securing it. Everyone Coach Lamburn, George, Taylor, Donald everyone is shook at Markuses ability to pull Jeon away from the endzone and cause him to fumble all in the same play "YEAAAAA!" George's team exclaim as they rush over to him celebrating "did he really just do that?" Donavan asks walking up to Taylor, he grits his teeth "damn Markus I forgot all about that 200 pound buffoon, he's so strong it pisses me off." He says "Markus man I knew you were a tank but I've never seen that before!" George exclaims "Yea that was incredible!" Kade adds "yea well you receivers and quarterbacks get to show off and be flashy but us defenders can make plays too" he says "this is perfect now we're on offense with 2 minutes left that's more then enough time to get a touchdown and secure the win!" George says. Jeon lays in the mud ashamed, he thinks back to his fathers words to him, how he needs to succeed "damn, I failed..." he thinks, he looks up and sees Taylor walking up to him, the two lock eyes before Taylor bends down and offers Jeon a hand, Jeon waits a while before he takes it and is helped up "game isn't over yet." Taylor says "your damn right!" Jeon replies the two shake hands and make up "Aw you two finally got back together huh, it was only a matter of time until you two rekindled your love for each other" Donald says jokingly "Shut up Donald" Jeon and Taylor say in unison. First down at the 10 yard line George's team has their back against their endzone after the successful interception but still have a long ways to go before they can get a touchdown. "Set! "Hut!" The receivers take off in a hurry but Noel has other plans he swings the ball back into George's hands, George takes the ball and takes off down the field "Stop Him!" Mud erupting out of the ground as he slams his feet into the terrain, George's is suddenly met with two Defenders coming from both sides, George with the ball in underneath his arms lowers his helmet and charges the two defenders, the first one lowers his helmet and charges George as well, the two helmets clash and both George and the defender push off each other while dazed the other defender takes advantage and tackles George sending him slamming into the ground at the 18 yard line, Jeon smiles and claps as George fails. Second down 2 yards for a first down, "Hut!" The ball flies back into Noels hands and the Lineman collide. Suddenly one of the defensive lineman manage to slip through the offensive line guarding Noel and charges strait towards him, Noels performs a calculated spin dodging and maneuvering around the large defender. As he stumbles past him, Noel does his best to survey the area but all receivers are covered, suddenly a warning sign flashes at the bottom of Noels vision warning him of the incoming defender racing towards him from behind, suddenly another lineman breaks through and begins charging at Noel from the front "hm" he grunts, the two lineman race to sand which Noel but he swiftly moves to the side, as he does, both Lineman are met with each other slamming head first into one another causing them both to fall backwards and slam to the ground, coach Lamburns jaw physically drops in shock at Noels perfect maneuver skills Donald looks tense "that brat!" He exclaims, Noel then completes the play by passing a dart to a receiver at the 30 yard line successfully gaining a first down. Coach Lamburn writes something down on his clipboard, Donald looks annoying "shit, I can't lie that kid is good, at this rate he'll be starting over me... I can't let that happen." Second down 50 yard line with 1:20 seconds left in the clock, George's team has managed to make it to the middle of the field with plenty of time left for a touch down "you ready to try this again Noel?" George asks, Noel nods and readies up behind the center "Down!" "Set!" "Hut!" The ball is launched back to Noel and he passes it back to George who catches the ball and blasts foward maneuvering towards the side of the field, he runs for 20 yards before getting knocked down by a defensive player, George jumps back up immediately and shakes off the hit like it was nothing he looks over at Jeon whose staring at him, George's gives him a look "that's right, I'll be the starting running back and the captain of this team, just you wait." But George's words are hindered by the next few plays. George’s team has been unable to get past the 30 yard line, it’s now third down with 40 seconds left, Noel surveys the area and sees an open receiver, he flings the ball to him, he jumps to get the ball but his foot slips causing him to fall foward and slam into ground, the ball flies over head and slams into the ground coach Lamburn blows the whistle "incomplete pass!" He exclaims, George's team all sigh and look down in shame Markus walks up to George "George what's the plan, do we try and risk failing or do we setttle for a field goal with better odds?" Markus asks Georges sighs "if we settle for a field goal we'll be up all we have to do is stop them from scoring and we win, but if they manage to score we will undoubtedly lose." Everyone crowds around George's as he thinks about his next move "alright we'll settle for the field goal there's only 30 seconds left on the clock the chance of them scoring is almost none, we can win this. George's team all line up for the field goal, their field goal kicker Julian steps up to the "finally, my time to shine" he says, George grips the ball tightly and slams it into the ground holding the tip of it with the palm of his hand as Julian runs up. Julian smashes his foot into the football sending it flying from the 30 yard line in between the goal posts for a successful field goal. George's team celebrates while Taylor's team looks shocked and fearful, George's team has taken the lead "that's how you do it baby” Julians says. 30 seconds left on the game clock George's team up by 3 points and theyrebkicking the ball down to Taylor's team for the final play in the game. Julian boots the ball all the way down the field towards Donavan, as the ball soars through the air Taylor shouts at him "run like hell!" He says Donavan nods at him and focuses as the ball comes down. Donavan catches the ball and immediately begins running down the field, the offensive lineman rush around Donavan protecting him from George's Defensive line, the lineman slam into each other and hold each other in place the Defensive line desperate to stop Donavan. Donavan rushes past the 20 yard line then the 30, he's suddenly met with 3 defensive lineman rushing towards him "oh shit!" He exclaims he suddenly begins back tracking and rushing to the other side of the field, where he suddenly sees two more defensive lineman coming his way, he's getting sandwiched in with no options "what do I do?" He thinks, suddenly Taylor comes running past "Donavan past it to me!" He exclaims, Donavan goes to toss it to Taylor when suddenly Markus charges in and tackles Donavan into the ground, team Taylor is shocked as George's team celebrates "YEAAAA!" They all cheer and jump around joyful as Donavan goes down at the twenty yard line 80 yards away from the touchdown zone, even Noel has a small smirk on his face, a smirk of relief, Markus screams as he towers over Donavan, Jeon rushes over and pushes him off over Donavan and helps Donavan up "that's what up!" He exclaims backing away, he then goes over and celebrates with his team "I'm sorry, I just got overwhelmed." "it's over huh..." he asks Taylor walks over and places a hand on Donovan's shoulder "no it's not, we can still win." He says, Jeon and Donavan both look over at him "how?!" Donavan exclaims "yea there's only 7 seconds on the clock dude it's over." Jeon adds "that's plenty of time." Taylor looks over and spots Donald "yo Don get over here!" He exclaims, Donald rushes over "what's up?" He asks "we're doin the plan" he says "what pla- Donald suddenly stops as he realizes, suddenly a devious smile rises on his face Jeon and Donavan both look over at each other confused. Taylor's team line up for the final time George's team confident in their victory but Taylor and Donald both have something up their sleeve, Coach Lamburn watches closely at the final play of the game. "Down!" Taylor gets low to the ground his finger tips placed onto the ground his feet positioned back perfectly "Set!" Donald braces himself breathing heavily as he readies his arm Taylor looks up and sees the defensive back ready to guard him smiling at him cocky and confidently, he smiles back deviously, "Hut!" The ball flies back into Donald's hand and he suddenly begins running backwards away from the offensive and defensive lines giving himself a lot of room, Taylor rips the turf as he pushes forward and takes off down the field his defender rushes after him keeping up with him easily, Donavan looks over shocked seeing Taylor running as fast as he can down the field as his defender begins to lag behind him "what is he doing, why is he trying so hard the game is over we lost it's not like we can- suddenly Donavan stops and gets a moment of realization. Coach Lamburn watches on smiling "so this was the plan he came up with huh." He says as Taylor blasts down the field his defender doing his best to keep up with him but Taylor's explosive speed puts the boy at a disadvantage. 4 seconds left on the clock Taylor's legs moving back and forth so fast they almost look like a blur "this play isnt particularly my favorite but they had no other choice did they, they're going for a Hail Mary." Donald clenches down on the football with all his might squeezing the ball so hard his veins pop out of his arms and his entire right hand begins to shake, he swings his right foot back and slams it into the mud sending droplets flying everywhere he pulls back the football clenches his teeth building up all the force in his body before screaming his lungs out as he launches the football high into the air with no real accuracy but with pure force. Markus manages to break through the defense and tackles Donald to the ground right as he tosses the ball but it's too late the ball has already been flung high into the air. Taylor and his defender race past the 40 yard line as the ball comes flying but it's clear to Taylor that it's been overthrown, he'll have to chase after it. Taylor suddenly switches direction like it's nothing and begins running in a slightly different direction, his defender quickly adjusts and rushes after him the two racing down the field past the 30 past the 20, everyone on the field watches in silence and shock, the ball is headed for the end zone "oh no..." George says underneath his breath "Richard stop him!" He exclaims as the two run towards the end zone, the ball begins to loose its momentum and slows down in the air it begins to fly down towards the end zone as Taylor and Richard both come running in "nows my chance!" Taylor exclaims, he bends his knees down and so does Richard anticipating his move, the two launch up into the air over the end zone at the same time towards the incoming football coach Lamburn, George's team, Taylor's team everyone watches in silent shock, the ball soars toward Taylor as he flies mid air but suddenly Richard flies up in front of him blocking his view of the ball, Richard reaches out to catch it when Taylor does the unthinkable, he reaches around Richards body while in mid air grabbing the ball in front of him before he can and the two slam into the end zone, Taylor still gripping the ball in his hand as the clock strikes 0 and the game is over. Everyone stands silent, the entire football field rendered quiet half of them couldn't believe what they saw the others didn't even see it, coach Lamburn blows his whistle "Touchdown!" "Taylor's team wins!" George's team all look on in shock while Taylor's team cheer and rush over to him, Taylor gets up out of the dirt, grabs his helmet and slams it into the mud "WOOO!" "That's how you do it baby!" He exclaims before he's met with a barrage of hugs and celebrating teammates, Jeon Donavan and all the others hug and celebrate with Taylor as Donald arrives "there he is our star quarterback get in here!" They excliam as they pick up Donald and Taylor and throw them up into the air. While the Taylor and the others celebrate George's team are all still shocked and in despair, George sitting on the ground with his helmet off letting the rain hit his face "of course a Hail Mary of course they would do a Hail Mary why didn't I anticipate this it was obvious what else would they have done!” “Fuck, I can't believe I let Taylor out smart me, I got too cocky that's my problem I- I- I..." suddenly Noel puts a hand on George's shoulder as he rambles on causing him to stop, he looks up at Noel he has the same expression he always has on his face but he pats George's shoulder it's his way of saying it's ok, the others begin crowding around George in their loss "I'm sorry, I let all of you down, as your leader I should've seen that last play coming but I was so confident in our win that... I lost track of everything, I hope you guys can forgive me." The team all go silent until Kade speaks up "George you were an amazing leader" he says George's looks up a bit surprised "you held out hope for me, for us when we didn't believe that we could make it, you believed in us and because of that we were able to tie up the game and we almost won, a leader isn't someone who can always win it's someone who can motivate their players to do their best and who their players can trust, you did great George." He says "yea." others agree "you did good George." "Nice work" "it's was a close game because of you." George smiles, Markus walks over and puts his hand on George's shoulder "don't beat yourself up too much buddy besides we won the first game remember it's tied up we all still have an equal chance of making it on the team." Suddenly coach blows his whistle as he walks up to the middle of the field, all the players rush over and crowd around him "you guys know how I am I don't sugar coat anything but I want to say that you are all the most sorriest players I've ever seen in my life, Donald that last pass was horrible who were you throwing it to Casper?!" He exclaims "your lucky that speedy Gonzalez over here manage to catch up to it in time." Markus snickers "you finding something funny Markus, last I checked he was only able to throw that game winning catch because your weak behind got to him one second late, what kind of defensive lineman are you?" "As for you Taylor you got the game winning catch and everything and that's cool but you need to control your temper you block head, the game was only that close because of your anger issues fix it now!" "AND YOU!" Coach exclaims pointing at Noel, he looks back at coach Lamburn stone faced "cut your hair how do u expect to play quarterback with all that shit in your face." "As for all of you, get better if I have to go over what every single one of you did wrong I'd be here for hours." "Well is there anything good you have to say coach?" Kade asks, "hmmm" coach grunts "this team is definitely the best team we've had in the last 2 years since the Kanto super team was destroyed, you guys are a big improvement over the last team and that's not even including blue blur in the nurses office, I'm very excited to work with you guys." Everyone looks around shocked and excited at what coach had to say "Now all of you go take a shower you stink!" He says "that's probably just your breath" Jeon whispers "what was that!" Coach yells "nothin..." Jeon replies as the other players chuckle. They all begin heading towards the school all feeling a sense of accomplishment, some more than others but all of them went out on the field and gave it their all, try outs is over and now the real challenge begins.