The men came in a seemingly endless succession, and I was forced to entertain them in all the ways they wanted, a prisoner in my own body while Faith lived out her dreams of doing all sorts of things she'd never done before. I was an unwilling backseat passenger, my self shoved into a tiny corner while Faith used my body to do whatever she wished with the visiting clients. No sexual act was beyond reach, and I felt sick inside each time Faith did something I'd have never done if I were in my right mind.
But I wasn't, and, night after night, I was forced to do all sorts of things that made my stomach turn when I was alone in the shower afterwards. From spankings to golden showers, bondage to breath play, and all sorts of acts in between, I was forced to do them all, and Faith lived on the experience. I had the feeling her most recent marriage had been rather boring, and thus she was using me as a way to live out fantasies she'd thought out of reach.
I endured it all, and often when I was in the shower, I ended up being sick from the abuse my body had suffered. Faith, mercifully, left me alone, but the moment I was dried and dressed, she was back inside my mind, and unlike with Mother, she demanded access to everything. My concealment trick didn't work with her; the nuns were too good at their mind work, so I had no choice but to let Faith in. And she picked everything apart, often outright stealing my lingering feelings of shame and humiliation, and making them into positive emotions that she shoved back into my mind, with no thought of the damage it would do, leading to confusion as I recalled each sexual encounter, only to find my mind recalling it with ecstasy. During those times, I felt something nagging at me, telling me that I should be feeling revulsion and not ecstasy over the latest degrading acts I was forced to perform against my will.
The confusion only grew worse every time, and often I got fierce headaches whenever I tried to recall the event in all its sordid glory. I knew Faith was trying to gaslight me, but I refused to give in to her urgings to remember each act as something amazing. She dug the spurs in even harder, and the headaches would often grow painful enough to the point I was literally unable to function, my mind screaming against the torture my sister was putting me through.
And eventually, something snapped inside me. The headaches stopped, and while I was relieved to finally be free of them, a tiny part of me screamed that this wasn't the way things should be. But I locked that part of me away, threw away the key, and let Faith do as she would. Fighting was useless, as it would only lead to pain, and I found instead a desire to please my sister, since she was the only one who truly cared about me, and wanted the best for me.
As such, she began controlling me less and less, and whenever I engaged in intercourse, I did so wholeheartedly, ignoring the tiny part of my mind that kept screaming at me, day and night, urging me to rise up and break the shackles Faith had put on my mind. It begged me to recall Jethro, and Arrow, and Aisling, and Long John, but each time, I pushed those names down. They'd never really cared about me; Faith was the only one who cared, and over time, the names appeared in my mind less and less, until finally, they stopped altogether.
But that tiny part of my mind refused to be still, no matter what I was doing. And in the quiet moments when I was showering, it screamed louder than ever, no matter how much I screamed at it in return. No matter what I did, it refused to be silenced, until the day my son was born.
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Xavier was a perfect baby, and while he wasn't a wolf, Faith was inordinately pleased. "He's perfect," she said, eyes glittering as she studied the tiny life in my arms. I was sore, but relieved, and I smiled as I regarded my newborn son, who slept, sated from his first feeding. I was as content as it was possible for a person to be, and the little voice in my head had finally stopped screaming.
That is, until Faith reached out and took hold of my son. "Give him here," she ordered. "It's time for him to meet his new mother."
I looked up into my sister's eyes, instinctively tightening my hold on Xavier, who stirred in his sleep. The little voice chose that moment to scream again, and this time, it was heard. "No," I said, pulling Xavier clear of my sister's grasp.
Faith's eyes narrowed. "What did you say?" she demanded.
"No," I said, louder and more forcefully.
"You don't say no to me," Faith warned. "Give me the child, now!"
Years of oppression and abuse finally took their toll, and I screamed. Not out loud, but inside my mind, breaking the shackles Faith had placed on me, and sending a shockwave through the entire packhouse. Faith clutched her ears, fighting to stay on her feet, but I redoubled my etheric scream, and she staggered, eyes wide. "Stop it!" she yelled. "For God's sake, stop it!"
Like a miracle, the door crashed open at that moment, and Faith whirled, eyes going wide as Arrow charged, slamming her against the wall and holding her at hornpoint. Faith looked ready to be sick, but she could do nothing as Jethro came running to my side. "Praise be, you're safe," he said, eyes brimming with tears as he kissed my forehead. "You can let go now; we've got the place secured."
I ceased my scream and let my head fall back, still holding tightly to Xavier, who calmed down. "How'd you get here so fast?" I demanded, beyond relieved.
Jethro pointed at Arrow. "Our equine friend's got the ability to connect two places by a portal," he said. "Once she heard your scream, she created a portal to here, and we stormed the place. Your parents are currently in custody, and the rest of the pack has been separated for questioning."
I let out a long sigh of relief. "It's over, then," I said.
Jethro kissed me again, this time on the lips, and for the first time since breaking free, I kissed him back with no fear, knowing that this time, the kiss came from genuine emotion and not from coerced actions. "It's well and truly over," he said, looking a bit poleaxed, and I had to laugh. "Oh, shush," he ordered, but he sounded too pleased at my reciprocation for the words to have any real heat. "Let's get you and the wee one out of here. Arrow can't pin your sister down forever, but once we get you back under our protection, no one will ever be able to take us from you again."
"That's the best idea I've heard in a very long while," I said. And it was.