20XX/10/03 - Noon
„Now we‘ve got some breaking news: The Paper Cut Killer strikes again. This morning another body was discovered in a rundown building on Maple Street. The victim, a young woman, believed to be in her mid-twenties, shows signs of several slash wounds. The police believe this to be another gruesome crime of the Paper Cut Killer.“ 290Please respect copyright.PENANAYIEzyZDlhS
The image cut to a stoic looking detective who seemed to be in charge of the investigation. „On a first glance the wounds match the blades of a large pair of scissors.“, he started his statement in a serious but calm voice. „They cover the whole body and are of different depths. That and the fact that the victim is of similar appearance and age as former victims lets us to believe that this crime was in fact committed by the same perpetrator, who killed several other women matching the same profile. Of course, we can‘t say anything for sure yet as the autopsy still has to be conducted.“ 290Please respect copyright.PENANAuR9Tt2IRPj
„Thank you, Detective. This marks the sixth murder-“
„-iz, Liz!“ 290Please respect copyright.PENANAgqVKO3TLwT
The young woman diverted her eyes from the TV screen, looking at the blonde opposite of her. „Are you even listening to me?“, she asked with an exasperated look on her face.290Please respect copyright.PENANAR4YKA1ACsK
„Yeah, of course I am!“ Ok, I wasn’t. But maybe she won’t notice. 290Please respect copyright.PENANAF5Ez0sECEi
„Oh really? Then tell me what I said just now.“ 290Please respect copyright.PENANAJcHDUUBPK1
Liz tried to remember the start of their conversation earlier. But unsurprisingly nothing came to her mind, so she had to remain quiet. Her silence seemed to aggravate the other woman‘s exasperation even more, as she sighed in disappointment.290Please respect copyright.PENANAO4rQTzGTvh
„I knew it. After what felt like ages, I finally managed to drag you away from work for once to come to the café with me and now you deem that news report more interesting than me.“ Crossing her arms the blonde made a pouty face.290Please respect copyright.PENANAPpAWuPU1UY
„Look Chrissy, I‘m sorry. But that report is important for my work. You know, I‘m in charge of anything related to the Paper Cut Killer.“ 290Please respect copyright.PENANAkLwcQMInBv
Chrissy winced slightly, hearing her friend say that name. However, oblivious to the other woman’s unease, Liz continued on. „So, if there‘s any chance of getting new information about him I have to jump on it.“
Not convinced at all the blonde retorted „Liz, this is a news report. You can watch it anytime using this fancy new technology called the internet. Plus, there will probably be thousands or more of those reports today, all saying the same things on and on.“ 290Please respect copyright.PENANALED4wS7Wsg
Hearing her friend's words the young woman grinned. „Maybe, but this report is special.“ 290Please respect copyright.PENANArHZ6Imhthn
„Special? Why? …You have a crush on the news lady or what?“290Please respect copyright.PENANAqLlRtNcNSg
Wait, what? Now where did she get this idea from again? „Hmm. Would you get jealous if I said yes?“290Please respect copyright.PENANASv06YJwVeS
Caught off guard by that Chrissy stuttered „N-no! Of course not! As if I‘d get jealous because of someone like you.“ Pouting she turned her head away, a slight blush creeping its way into her face. Liz chuckled at that. Cute. She loved messing with her friend like that. Her reactions were always priceless. And adorable, like a squirrel.
Cute was the word one would use when describing Chrissy, or Christina as her real name stated. With her honey-blonde hair, big hazel eyes and a warm, lovely smile. Some people said she looked like an angel sent from heaven. Some people - being mostly men. They seemed to swarm around her constantly with Chrissy not giving them more than a glance. She always seemed to be annoyed by their advances. Although there hadn’t been any men swarming around her lately.
It was a shame really, a waste of good looks. Liz couldn‘t help but feel a little jealous of her friend. All she had going for herself was her dark chestnut brown hair which fell in slight waves down her back. Although, you wouldn‘t be able to see that now, as she was wearing it in a high ponytail. She always did that for work as her hair would only get in the way when being outside. One gush of wind and it was all over her face. Gone with the wind was what Liz called that look. Not something a journalist would want to wear while interviewing some important person.290Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2GLzfo7Vk
„Oh my god?! Is that you Liz?!“290Please respect copyright.PENANALIt0PAzSgr
Chrissy‘s outcry brought the young woman back to reality. She barely managed to look up to the screen again to see a young woman, who was unmistakably herself, running through the picture, followed by an agitated looking man in a police uniform. Or maybe he looked more so avid than agitated, as he was flailing his right arm around, chasing her. Waving energetically while calling her name over and over again in hope of bringing her to a halt. His face beaming with the enthusiasm of a small child that had just been told it would get a puppy for Christmas, albeit he was clearly a grown man in appearance. Calling him an adult however…
Well, of course one wasn’t actually able to see all that, as the two were visible for merely three seconds or so. But Liz remembered it all vividly, although she’d really rather not and an annoyed grunt escaped her mouth. The whole experience this morning had tired her out. As had that police officer. Let’s be honest: He was the one and only reason she felt exhausted like this. His way of behavior, speech and his whole aura had hit a nerve of hers and even now she could feel herself becoming more irritated by the second, by as much as remembering his face.290Please respect copyright.PENANAkbqVI2OvwH
That idiot. He followed me around for a whole twenty minutes! I thought I’d never lose him. 290Please respect copyright.PENANAo8nVIino8J
“Persistent little bastard”, Liz muttered quietly so Chrissy couldn’t hear her.
Obviously oblivious to Liz’s dismay, Chrissy, who was seemingly excited about her friend being seen on TV, went on with bombarding the brunette with a stream of endless questions. “That was you, right!? What were you doing at the crime scene? Did they catch you trespassing? You were running away, so they did, right? I mean, this cop was chasing you! You… You’re not in trouble, are you? Is that why you were so quiet? You’re worried they’ll arrest you! Oh, no! Liz, you’re going to be ok, right?!”290Please respect copyright.PENANAcnlmnb0P33
“Woah, woah, woah! Hold on!” There she goes again talking without taking a break to breathe. I swear one day she’ll talk herself to death.
Liz interrupted her friend before she could pass out through lack of oxygen. “Calm down, ok? Breathe. One. Two. …Deep breaths. Yes, that’s it. Good, keep doing that.” Slowly gesturing her hands up and down, she took a few deep breaths with the blonde in unison until Chrissy stopped gasping for air and slowly regained a steady breathing. “Better?” “Mhm. Yeah, thanks…” She paused, taking another breath. “Did you get a good look at the body?” 290Please respect copyright.PENANAdvQ7jScLCH
“God Chrissy, please!” The exasperated outcry earned Liz some wary looks from the people seated around them. Preferably, she would have given them a death glare or some grumpy shout outs or both really, but Liz knew it would just be a waste of her precious, ever outrunning energy. God, I hate people sometimes. Or anytime.290Please respect copyright.PENANAtOWrvzFq09
Leaving it at an annoyed sigh, she began answering her friend’s questions as calmly and comprehensively as possible. She wouldn’t risk her forgetting the necessity of breathing again.
“Ok, so first: Obviously I didn’t get caught by anyone. Neither by that idi-… I mean, police officer, nor by the detective leading the investigation, the news lady or any of the stupid onlookers. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here now, right?” 290Please respect copyright.PENANA9NtrcoT9hL
“M-makes sense. But speaking about the police, what was the thing with that cop on speed who was chasing you around?”290Please respect copyright.PENANAml0O7q3atv
Of course, you would ask about him. “Urgh, let’s please not talk about him. Let’s just say I outran him after a while. …Or an eternity.” Mumbling the last bit of her sentence in a low voice, earned her a quizzical look by the blonde. “Uhm, ok? But that doesn’t tell me why he was chasing you in the first place. Like, what did you do?”
Liz wasn’t keen on having this conversation right now. Or ever. She took a help seeking look at the clock that hung on the light blue wall of the café. Oh, thank god! 290Please respect copyright.PENANAoRVgduTxRw
For once she was lucky on this dreadful day. “Aah, I’d really like to tell you, but I’m afraid my break’s over now. I gotta get back to work now or Meredith will kill me.” Taking her jacket, phone and her black shoulder bag, Liz quickly shuffled to a stand. 290Please respect copyright.PENANArf3Rm0pxyS
“Oooh, how convenient for you! It’s not even one yet! I’d say you have another five minutes.” 290Please respect copyright.PENANA7EFYYezSmq
“Five minutes I’ll need to cross the horrible crossroad in front of the office. You’ll grow grey hair before that stupid traffic light switches to green. So, no can do.” Sorry not sorry. Rolling her eyes at her friend’s obvious excuses, Chrissy retorted in a sore tone “But we haven’t even ordered anything yet! And don’t you dare say Next time for sure, Chrissy now!” Damn. 290Please respect copyright.PENANAS5HnLrv5KU
“That’s not what I was going to- Well, ok, maybe I was about to say that... Hey, don’t give me that look. I’m really, really sorry, ok? And I promise next time I’ll stay long enough to actually eat and drink something. Look, I’ll even buy you a cupcake! You know, you love those. Alright?”
Defeated, her friend sighed. “Fine… I can’t risk you getting killed by your boss, can I?” 290Please respect copyright.PENANAmF78bGYKMK
A smile appeared on Liz’s face as she hugged the blonde goodbye. “Next time, for sure!” 290Please respect copyright.PENANAsYu0rJzWSF
“Yeah, yeah, now go already. And you better buy me the extra-special-deluxe cupcake next time!” 290Please respect copyright.PENANA4hnOudAJwa
“I’m sure no such cupcake exists, but I can get you the most expensive one. Well, see you later!” With one last little handwave, Liz made her way to the entrance, being followed by the inquisitive looks from the other customers and the lady behind the counter.
Chrissy, who was still seated at the table, watched her friend walk outside, murmuring to herself. “I don’t think the employees like her always leaving without ordering anything all that much. Maybe we’ll have to find another café to go to soon. …Again.” Turning back around, a sad smile creeped it’s way on the blonde’s face. “Next time, she said, huh... What if there comes a day, where there is no next time for us anymore?”
‘Cause all you get is just one chance to290Please respect copyright.PENANALLKUfJ6CUF
Break away to beat the odds290Please respect copyright.PENANAIBNMDEj3Zq
All along it’s been a race against the clock290Please respect copyright.PENANAZSiP195PTz
Time won’t wait we’re gonna leave290Please respect copyright.PENANAOLRkPVnKp4
Against The Current - Infinity
290Please respect copyright.PENANAVYDMntdO77