20XX/10/04 – Early Night
261Please respect copyright.PENANAhL9tWQqA3I
„Why don’t you put the gun down Ms. Glaze and we can talk this out?”
“So, you can take out your scissors and slash me like you did to all those other women? Yeah, I think I’ll pass.” Her grip around the weapon tightened, her knuckles turning white from the force. It felt heavy. It had been heavy when she first took it, but now that she was pointing it at another person, Liz felt like she carried a huge rock in her hands. Still, she had to keep her arms up. It was the only way to keep control of the situation. She needed to be in control, it was her only way out of this. However, despite being faced with the imminent danger in front of him, Leon didn’t seem to be concerned in the slightest. He should have been shaking, sweating or at least showing any sign of fear, anything that wasn’t that never vanishing smug smile on his lips. She should be in control. So why did it feel like she wasn’t? Like she never was. Could it be-
“You took the bullets out, didn’t you?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAxHVZ1iMQF3
“What?” Although his question should be a sign of confusion, he seemed to be more amused at her accusation. 261Please respect copyright.PENANAhp2MB9SEas
‘“Answer my question, Leon. Before you handed me your gun, did you take out the bullets?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANA5iQLUtTb6U
He scoffed. “Take them out? Why would I? That would defeat the whole purpose of giving it to you so you could defend yourself.” Another laugh escaped him when he saw the wary look on her face. She clearly didn’t trust a word he said. Had they been in another situation, he’d have feigned to be hurt by her lack of faith. But considering the current circumstances, he only kept smiling as he spoke. “Well, if you don’t trust my words, why don’t you put them to the test?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAvdbdx18gjo
“What?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAEIrsmRAyBA
“Shoot.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAq0MC2pZvmL
Liz opened her mouth in astonishment. Had she just heard right? Did he just ask her to shoot him? 261Please respect copyright.PENANAFO3B3BXO8V
As if he had read her mind, Leon chuckled. “Not me of course. Shoot something else, the window, the ground- I would advise not to aim at the doors or walls though, you never know where the rebound ends up.”
For a few moments the brunette stared at the weapon in her hands, contemplating what to do. Then she swiftly pointed her right arm to the right, and pushed the trigger. A loud bang echoed through the empty hallway, followed by the shrill sound of shattered glass. While the young woman momentarily flinched at the sound as well as the recoil of the shot, the officer didn’t move a muscle. Unfaced and still strangely amused he asked. “Well? Satisfied~?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAR2zex16MXx
Liz gritted her teeth, adjusting her arm back to its original direction, effectively pointing the still smoking gun back at the man. 261Please respect copyright.PENANATtC2mLbUrb
“I didn’t lie to you, and yet you still don’t seem particularly happy.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAmoDpJ7WOcA
“Of course not, I’m alone with a murderer.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANASCL2zA5fOW
“Ah, that. I didn’t get to ask yet, but- How exactly did you come to that conclusion?” He questioned, sounding generally puzzled for the first time.
“Well, that's the only possible conclusion isn’t it?”261Please respect copyright.PENANAcGl9XUJa9i
“How so?”261Please respect copyright.PENANADpXTsRSSzA
“You lured me here, into this abandoned building, after sunset, saying you plan to catch the killer here. We’ve been here, searching through every single room for how long now? Two hours? And yet no one showed up. I’m starting to think that no one will ever show up. You lured me here to dispose of me, to make me your next victim.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAjmcn8lRlUX
261Please respect copyright.PENANAuX7CU42Wla
Leon had been quietly listening to her explanation without showing any reaction. It was only after she was finished, that the smile on his lips grew a tiny bit wider. “Heh. Alright. I’ll play along. Let’s say you’re right and I am in fact the Paper Cut Killer; why would I go after you? It pains me to have to tell you this but, and I’m speaking purely from the perspective of our murderer here, you’re not my type Ms. Glaze.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAXgOdNBOZhl
“Excuse me?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANALAasnko7GI
“Well, you see, I prefer to hunt down pretty blonde girls. Mud-brown haired chicks like you don’t exactly get me going. No offense.”
There was distinct irritation on the journalist’s face. She clearly didn’t appreciate his attempt at a little role play all that much. “Okay. Disgusting. Alright though. Then maybe, it’s not that you want to, as you called it, hunt me, but more so you have to get rid of me.” “Hm, interesting approach. Alright, for what reason?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANALZHsdhVuc1
“Maybe I saw something yesterday morning when you caught me trespassing. Something I shouldn’t have.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAgxhQ6KzSd7
“Like?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAbQCfr9jt7Q
“I don’t know. But that’s not important, is it? It’s enough if the killer believes I did.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAIdbWduBkAq
He tilted his head to the side, looking deep in thought. He had to be contemplating her words, evaluating whether they seemed plausible. After what felt like ages to her he finally nodded. “Alright, let’s go with that.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAlTak5ce2zn
Liz’s face momentarily lit up and a proud smile appeared on her lips. It only lasted for a second though, before the stoned faced expression returned. She internally cursed herself for feeling pleased at getting this man’s approval.
“Let’s move on to another topic then. How did I do it?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAzm0O1awFZW
“Huh?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANA3KODHnNiDx
“How did I murder those six women without getting caught?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAIoppzQkKDS
The brunette scoffed. “Now, that’s quite obvious. You’re an officer. The most useless and idiotic one I’ve ever seen, but still a member of the police. It would’ve been easy for you to get these women to talk to you somewhere alone. After all, who would suspect a member of the organization whose purpose it is to fight crime to actually be the one committing them.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAQgR5XakdPj
“Huuuuh. I never thought about that before. Damn, the things I could’ve done and gotten away with.” Although his astonishment seemed honest, Liz was sure it was an act. Like everything else had been so far. Catching on with her thought process, Leon proceeded to answer the rest of his question on his own. “Going on with that, you’re surely suggesting that it would have been simple for me to get rid of any evidence too. After all, I'm familiar with the methods and techniques used by our forensics. Plus, I could be one of the first people on the scene without raising any suspicion, getting rid of things I’d missed initially easily.” She nodded. 261Please respect copyright.PENANAee1jqbnxpJ
“Not bad, not bad. But sadly, wrong nonetheless.”261Please respect copyright.PENANAAK7pfOC9rs
“Excuse me?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAChw7JLdOD1
“As plausible as your theory sounds at first glance, there are a few flaws in it. Or maybe not flaws, but problems.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAAS4F1CvV2y
The young woman raised an eyebrow. “Pray tell.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANABX1gfeteAh
Ignoring the fact that she still pointed a gun at him, Leon lowered his hands. In reaction Liz grabbed the gun a bit tighter, ready to shoot at any moment. But he only went on to adjust his tie. She kept a close eye on every bit of his movements, but as long as he didn’t try anything she wouldn’t shoot. And Leon knew that. “Let’s see-“ He started, scratching his chin. It was weird, but Liz felt like she was watching one of those clichéd crime shows on television. And this was the moment where the detective would start to lay out his reasoning.
“First, let’s talk about my motive. Or lack thereof. Why would I want to kill all these women?”261Please respect copyright.PENANAquoSdyo373
“How should I know? You’re a crazy psychopath. I don’t know how your mind works, I’m not a profiler. Maybe a blonde woman undermined your manliness or something. Or you’ve got a traumatizing childhood and big mommy issues because of it.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAldqvsHqvDC
“Ok, that is rude. My mother has nothing to do with this.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANACiO2OUNjAY
“Hey, you asked.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAB4vqbI9uQD
The dark blonde huffed in a pretend offense. “Alright, let’s ignore the motive then. Why didn’t I kill you yesterday then? I had plenty of chances when I brought you home. There was no need for me to lure you here in the first place.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANA9ZE8VGwlXK
That seemed to put a dent in her logic as she opened her mouth but didn’t seem to be able to come up with any words to say.
“And while we’re at it, let’s talk about the biggest problem here. Proof. Do you have any?” Liz gritted her teeth. Obviously she didn’t. Where should she have gotten it? But admitting that to him, she refused to do so. It would only ensure the return of that smug look. 261Please respect copyright.PENANA0lzLAYZtgC
“Well?” he probed impatiently. 261Please respect copyright.PENANAy9189fxGJR
“Tch.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAjC1XiJ9rCu
“My, it looks like you don’t have any, hm Ms. Glaze?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAaGuLhmOweW
“You little-“ 261Please respect copyright.PENANAwTuon8ZQ6x
“How about I give you the chance to get some proof right now?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANA4Xa3nl6Ijp
“What?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANA4JXTszZ9CB
“Well, let’s suppose I want to kill you here after all. You know my go-to weapon is a pair of scissors. Meaning I’d have to carry those with me right now, no?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANA4MJ2muRuZD
Her eyes widened in surprise as the officer raised his arms once more, spreading them to the sides this time. For whatever reason, he also did a 360° rotation as if he needed any more emphasizing on what he suggested for her to do. 261Please respect copyright.PENANA9OODHLX12p
“You want me to check.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAbEHcQrLluB
“Yep.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANA5Yczk8cG3Y
“That’s a very strange way of asking a woman to feel you up.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAS4slvYoN0c
As swiftly as he had taken the position, Leon broke out of it, stemming his hands into his hips instead. “Really now?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANA0phxDtAgan
“I mean-“ 261Please respect copyright.PENANAeXRfa3JUxC
“You really want me to kill you, huh.”
Liz groaned in frustration. She was getting tired of this. “Fine. I’ll do it. But one wrong move or sound and I’ll shoot you in a highly sensitive area.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANATnGiQGnZH7
The officer had already taken up the stance again but he looked momentarily stunned at her words. Bewildered, he opened his mouth to protest. 261Please respect copyright.PENANA5vFwNr8IFb
“Don’t. Not a single word.” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAQJU7IZoGVN
And closed it again. It seemed there were things he was scared of after all. With a sigh Liz warily stepped closer to him, careful not to drop the gun from pointing at him. Everything in her screamed that this was a bad idea, but somehow she went along with it anyway. It wasn’t like her at all and she couldn’t explain why she kept on listening to his weird suggestions. There was just something about him that pulled her along, and she couldn’t go against it, no matter how hard she tried.
Just one more step. Liz pushed the barrel of the gun against his chest, making sure that he felt it through the fabric of his suit. She needed to remind him of the situation he was in. But as she looked up at him she was once again met with that smile of his. And those blue eyes that somehow seemed to stare right into the soul of the person looking into them. As she had done outside the old hospital, Liz quickly looked away, focusing on his arms instead. She started to run her free hand along the black fabric, feeling for anything that could resemble scissors or a weapon of any other kind. Not finding anything she moved on towards his torso and back, making sure not to glance at his face as she did. Leon stayed quiet throughout the procedure, which was a good thing in itself. But on the other hand, she was sure that he could hear the way her heart hammered in her chest. Liz bit her lip. It wasn’t like she was in any way attracted to him. Sure, he may have been considered handsome in some way. But a suit could do wonders to any man who wore it. And the moment this one opened his mouth, any bit of attraction one could feel would dissolve as quickly as it had appeared. She was sure of it. Her heart was only beating faster because of the stress she was under. At least that’s what she told herself.
It was when she moved on to the pockets of his jackets when her eyes went wide. Is that- No, it can’t be. There’s no way he would- 261Please respect copyright.PENANAYTyLRbxE32
Liz took a step back and stared at him. Amused by her shocked expression, the officer tilted his head a little. “What is it, Ms. Glaze? Did you find anything of interest?” 261Please respect copyright.PENANAKoiHICb2b8
“I- Your right pocket- Is that-“ 261Please respect copyright.PENANAyxwht9kCrF
“My pocket? Oooh.” Realization dawned on Leon’s face, as he noticed what object the journalist was so nervous about. A strange twinkle appeared in his eyes and suddenly his smile seemed to radiate something different than smugness. Something slyer, almost cunning. And Liz didn’t like it one bit.
“Well, Ms. Glaze, I think it’s time to end this little game of ours. Don’t you agree?”
“As amusing as I think the time we spent together these past two days was, all good things must come to an end.”
This isn’t happening.
“I must say, you surprised me quite a bit when you suddenly pointed my gun at me. Honestly, I didn’t expect you would. After all, it isn’t quite your style.”
You’re telling me- You planned all this?
“Oh, by the way, I really enjoyed your little theory earlier. Pushing those crimes on me, it would have been quite clever indeed. A shame you didn’t have the guts to actually go through with it.”
No! Don’t come any closer! I’ll shoot!
“Heh. It’s no use. You can pull that trigger as much as you want. You know there’s no bullet left in it. You surely felt them in my other pocket earlier after all. You shouldn’t have wasted that one shot I left you with like that.”
No. No. NoNoNoNoNoNo!
“What’s with that look of terror? I won’t hurt you. You know I’m not the Paper Cut Killer.”
Shut up.
“By the way, I really liked your words from earlier. What was it again you said? Ah, yes, right: You’re starting to think that the killer will never show up.”
“You were actually quite correct in that assumption. I call it an assumption, but it is more of a fact you knew before entering this building with me. After all, the killer is already here. But, of course, you already knew that too. Isn’t that right, Ms. Glaze?”
261Please respect copyright.PENANA4zkN3FNMKW
'Cause my demons tied me down261Please respect copyright.PENANAk67riiA6k1
With silk chains wrapped around261Please respect copyright.PENANAUi3YmlboFK
My soul it seems so obvious261Please respect copyright.PENANAxUGdQhJ6fY
That I should put an end to this261Please respect copyright.PENANAhosIZsNUgz
But demons take control261Please respect copyright.PENANASaQJTTQsBa
Like dark sins in my soul261Please respect copyright.PENANAXvitLdOabY
Against The Current - Demons
261Please respect copyright.PENANAvc8V9j8cFZ