TRIGGER WARNING: Murder, blood, I guess that's it.
"Hello everyone, I am Interviewer X from Penana News, and today I'm going to be interviewing Cameo Zachary Hunt from MarkTwain2.0's book, 'Fall of Ages'."
The reporter, X, turns to the boy seated across from him and smiles.
"So, Cameo, we'll start off easy. You're the boy who killed Beau Jaiden, is that correct?"
"Yes, sir."
"Okay, and you had a few accomplices, right?"
"Four. My cousin, her boyfriend, a boy we found in Yellowknife, and the girl Jaiden wanted."
"So, we heard that Jaiden was planning on bombing the entire teenage population and-"
"That's incorrect. He was actually planning on drugging them with a top secret weapon, the name and nature of which I am not at liberty to disclose, and using the teens to destroy his enemies."
X starts and glances at the cameraman. Shaking off his surprise, he turns back to Cameo.
"I see. perhaps you can tell us about the events leading up to you retrieving the girl. Infinity, I believe her name was?"
Cameo grits his teeth and lowers his head. When he picks it up again, his eyes are dull. When he speaks, his voice is monotone and hollow.
"Jaiden sent people to collect me. They ended up killing my parents and taking my brother. I escaped. A few weeks later, more government people found me. They made a deal with me. I could live if I delivered the girl to Jaiden, I'd get my brother back, and I'd never hear from them again."
"What happened to that deal?"
Cameo hisses through his teeth.
"I fell in love."
X stares at the boy. Cameo buries his head in his hands, a small moan escaping his lips.
"I see. But what would that change? You said you were only gone for..."
"A month and a half."
"A month and a ha- Well, that can't be enough time to fall in love properly, can it?"
Cameo looks up at Interviewer X with a furious glint in his tired eyes.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I just mean you'd never met her before the night you collected her, right? You barely knew her! She was a target. A victim. To you, she was basically just collateral damage. And you got your brother back, so it was basically a win-win!"
"You don't know that girl. Not like I do. Not like anyone ever will. And I'll never get a chance to hold her again, never be able to feel her lips touch my forehead like they did when I was delirious in that hospital. That stupid idiot Beau Jaiden ruined everything! He ruined EVERYTHING!"
Cameo stands up and throws his chair at a wall, nearly hitting the cameraman in the process.
"Я не могу продолжать это делать. Она нужна мне. Эта девушка нужна мне больше всего на свете. И я буду мертв, прежде чем она простит меня. Так почему я должен все еще держаться за эту крупицу надежды, что, может быть, она уже простила меня?
X cowers in a corner during this outburst and becomes increasingly frightened at Cameo's use of the Russian language. Cameo begins laughing.
"Oh, don't worry, X. It's not the first time I've gone insane. Although, this time Fin isn't here. Perhaps I won't come back from it this time. Perhaps it'll just consume me until I can't think or breathe. Then I'll just up and die because no one cares and no one's going to come help me. That's gonna be so great, huh?"
X slowly stands up and edges toward the door, the cameraman doing the same as well.
"Well, uh, thank you, Cameo, for the most interesting interview I've ever partaken in. This is Interviewer X from Penana News, signing o-"
"Hold on."
Cameo takes a menacing step towards the camera - and that poor cameraman.
"Jaiden, if you or any of your accomplices are still out there, I'm coming for you. Infinity, If you're watching, I'm sorry. I will always be sorry. And X?"
Cameo turns back towards X.
"Ye- ye- yes, Cameo?"
Cameo flips open a pocketknife.
"Thanks for such a riveting interview."
Cameo shoves X against the wall, pinning him in place. With a hollow look in his eyes, he slits the interviewer's throat. Blood spurts out over his hands. He turns to the cameraman. The camera shakes and falls to the ground, still filming Cameo. The cameraman is up against the wall, and Cameo slits his throat too. Blood drips onto the lens of the camera. Cameo drops the body, opens the door, and walks out, tears glistening on his cheeks.