I run through the dark, abandoned city, panting, my heart sounding as loud as my feet slapping against the concrete. He still chases me. I know it. But I'm too tired.
I've run too far.
I've run too hard.
I'm done running.
I skid to a stop in front of a bombed-out apartment building. I can hear his boots slamming the asphalt. I try to catch my breath as his shadow creeps into view.
"Cayden," I can hear him call.
My name. I've always loved my name. Cayden means fighter.
And that's just what I'll be.
I dart up a fire escape as Malachi walks into the dim glow of a flickering street lamp.
"Cayden," he yells, over and over. I see him look around. He doesn't know where I am. I can hear his heavy breathing. He's scared. I can always tell when he's scared.
He slowly walks down the street until he's standing directly beneath me.
"Cayden?" he whispers, the word more a question than anything else. I jump.
I swing my foot down as hard as I can on his head and land in a crouch. Malachi crumples to the ground, hard. He moans and gasps, the wind seriously knocked out of him.
"THAT'S FOR MY BROTHER!" I scream. Malachi slowly pulls himself to a somewhat standing position. I clench my fist and punch him square in the nose. Blood spurts everywhere as soon as my fist connects.
"THAT'S FOR MY DAD!" I go on. With the last ounce of fire and white-hot rage in my body, I wind up for a hard front kick to his head.
"Cayden," he whispers, weakly raising his fists to block. "Don't. Can I explain?"
"NO! I saw what you did. I. Saw. It. All. You murdered them. My dad, brother, mother, they're all DEAD!"
"I didn't want to, Cayden, believe me. I would never want to hurt you."
"Tell that to Simon," I snarl. He winces at my brother's name. I see my chance and throw the kick. He catches it and throws me to the ground. "Malachi, you're a monster!"
"I know. End this. let me explain."
I nod, gingerly pulling myself up. He takes a couple steps toward me. "They threatened me. Death threats. Blackmail. They threatened to kill you. I couldn't have that. Don't you know I need you?"
"Get away from me, Malachi." My hand goes to the waistband of my sweatpants. A Glock 48 rests there in its concealed holster.
He takes another step.
I pull out the Glock, put Malachi in my sights, and release the safety. "Not another step." He inches closer and I fire without a second thought. The bullet goes straight through his chest. He gasps and reaches for me.
"Cayden," he hisses. A knife appears in his outstretched hand. I suck in a breath as he holds it to my throat. "See you in hell."
And all the world goes black.