I pulled the letter out of its confines and the first thing that caught my eyes was a weird-looking logo with bold letters underneath it that said;
<----------------- ---------------->
"What the hell is this?" I haven't even read the letter yet, and I couldn't find another way to respond. The weird logo captivated me- I can even say, drew me in.
My mother hasn't read it yet either so she has no idea what I am looking at.
"What is it?"
"Have you heard of the Phoenix Academy by any chance?" I asked. My eyebrows squit in confusion.
"Uh, yes. It's a private school for the rich and wealthy-" She rolled her eyes, "-In the city that we are about to move to..." She scanned my expression as her own became serious. It scares me sometimes how quickly she can turn all poker-faced-resting-bitch-face from a bright smile.
An Instant is slower compared to her mood swings.
She snatched the letter out of my hands, "Hey!"
"Ssshhh." Her eyes started scanning the paper. She could replace the X-ray machines in hospitals with these eyes. I think she could see through the paper and even tell me what tree it was made out of.
I could see every millimeter of movement on her face.
The way her right eye lightly twitches when she is irritated, the way that the longer I look at her face the angrier-looking her face gets, and the way that her eyebrows creased the longer she read the papers in her hands.
At this point, she re-read the papers at least three times to make sure that she read everything right. That's when her expression turned completely furious, a tint of red joined on her cheeks, and a few veins popped along her neck before her expression turned into an endless void of nothing.
I gulped. Dread and nerves settled in the pit of my stomach. I could hear my heartbeat through my ears so loud that I could feel the pulse in my neck, stomach, and wrists. 150Please respect copyright.PENANAGSY6fCDSr7
I felt sick the longer I looked at my mother's face.
I have never seen my mother act this way. Never. 150Please respect copyright.PENANAuG6CSSp7kr
She is usually very calm, too calm actually.
This new side of her, which turned out to be an extreme problem with anger management, slightly-a lot scares the living daylights out of me.
She crumbled the papers in her palms before tearing them to shreds. She, then, picked all of the pieces before throwing them into the steel sink and lighting a match before started mumbling to herself- a chant that I couldn't quite catch.
Finally, whatever she is planning on doing, registered in my brain and I managed to react, "-Wait! What in the burning hell are you do-!!" She then proceeded to drop the match inside the sink.
I scrambled to my feet to watch the chaos unfold in the sink.
The fire, surprisingly, hasn't gone out of control. She seemed to be in deep thought the longer she kept watching the fire grow and burn the papers to a crisp- so that only ashes were the remains.
My jaw hung in shock. Is she a murderer in secret? 150Please respect copyright.PENANAnUmiMpbujy
Have I been raised and fed by a murderer?!
"Mom!" I shook her shoulders. "-What the hell!?" She seemed to snap out of a trance that the flames put her in, putting the thoughts that ran through her head to rest. At least for now.
Then a smile spread on her lips. 150Please respect copyright.PENANAqWMBWMOoqP
I swear, she scares me.
"Oh, forget about that letter, love. It's really nothing special." Then she walked away after putting the matchbox back to its original spot on the counter, next to a pair of Novena black candles.
Now that I took a closer look at them, there were weird symbols written on the glass.
Is she a Witch or something?
I snorted. Nah! No way!
I turned around, about to walk back to my room when the sound of a whistle and the ruffle of the wind brushed through my hair.
Had mom left the windows open?
But when I came to a stop through every single possible window in the kitchen and living room, everything was neatly shut.
This day is becoming weirder and weirder.
<---- THE NEXT DAY ---->
I have been walking back and forth between the kitchen and my room, to perhaps snick a glance at my mother's room or maybe catch her off guard in the kitchen but I haven't seen a glimpse of her brown dark hair since this morning.
She hadn't even come out for breakfast. She never misses our meals when she is home. Her intake of food is more important than her job so there's no way that she'd miss anything I make.
This is when I got worried.
I passed by her room every chance I could get, and when I did- I heard her speak but I haven't heard a reply. Maybe she speaks on the phone? She speaks so long that she doesn't come for breakfast and snacks? No way.
I was literally scared of walking into her room. I even hesitated to knock. 150Please respect copyright.PENANAgpokrpterQ
This new feeling towards my mother bothered me to no end. I never felt like that before.
Maybe because it never happened before!
Gripping my determination and courage in place, I have decided to try again. I intake a nervous breath to my lunges before letting it out.
"Ok, I can do this." I walked out of my room only to stumble onto my mom. "-Oh my God- Jesus Christ- help me Satan." I gripped my chest so tight in case my heart decided to jump out of my throat.
My mother laughed so hard that she had to run to the bathroom. She kept laughing even harder as she busied herself behind the white door.
I returned to my room, knowing that she wanted something from me, then I made myself comfortable on my bed- waiting for her arrival.
She finally graced me with her presence but when we locked eyes she started laughing again.
"I should have recorded that!" She finally calmed down, wiping her tear-stained face with a tissue that I handed to her. -"God... Ok, I am ok."
I kept myself on my feet even though the bed tempted me to lie on it again, "Mom..." The atmosphere quickly changed in the room. I knew that now, whatever she is about to say, is very serious and I should take notes.
"Dale, we have a lot to discuss." She never uses my name. "-But we'll talk after we move. Tomorrow is going to be hectic and today is your last day here, so let's take it easy for now, Ok?" I nodded then she turned to walk away.
That's it?
"Mom, wait.-" She stopped then turned around with a strained smile on her face. -"What was all that yesterday?"
Mother didn't seem to be caught off guard by my question, and if she did she didn't show it.
"Oh, that. I had a moment of... loss of self-control if you want to call like that."
"Mom, whatever happened yesterday wasn't just a loss of self-control, it's as if you were pos-" She cut me off as she narrowed her eyes.
"Son. Enough."
"But mom! I want to know-!"
"Dale!" That made me shut my mouth and take a few steps back at the rise of her voice. "-Enough. Is enough." Then she left, closing the door behind her quietly.
What the fuck...
I let out a shaky breath as I plumped on the bed.
What in the actual flying fuck...
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150Please respect copyright.PENANAGtg4C6xRIS
Dale's mother is more than just suspicious, ain't she?
What do you think is going on?
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