'I started my investigation in July 2012 but came up short. All I knew was students disappeared and came back intending to murder the students. I tried to pin the murderer in one of the classes but after Jeremy killed Carmella I hit a brick wall. Jeremy was a junior but Carmella was an upperclassman. Does this mean the hypnotist is a junior? Then Fredrick an upperclassman killed a teacher. Does this mean the hypnotist is an upperclassman?
None of this made sense no matter how I tried to comprehend it but there was one murder that stood out; Mr. Yaki's murder. One minute I saw him walking around the school and the next thing he was lying in a pool of blood in the gym room. There were no dead bodies around the school and he was holding a knife in his right hand. The police ruled his death a suicide but I was skeptical. Mr. Yaki was a left-handed person and he was stabbed in the back of the head. So how can someone stab himself at the back of his head and die facing upwards?
Sitting on my futon, I reread this and sighed because this was the third time I was reading this after two weeks. 'This clearly shows signs of foul play. How was he able to stab himself in the back of his head?'
I closed the book and put it in my bag and lay on my futon with a huge flop.
'This is the third time someone tried to kill me and the police have no leads on who the person might be.'
As if on cue, my phone brightened with a message. 'I even told the Detective about my stalker but he said I have to catch him in the act which is easier said than done.'
Crawling out of my futon, I dress up. 'School is opening a day after tomorrow so I have tonight to search for my answers. I hope Gwen is will be there.'
I was lucky; Gwen was there but she looked disturbed. "What is the matter?"
She shushed me and took me aside. "Have you gone into the Drama Club room late at night?"
I shake my head.
"Well, follow me." She led me to the entrance of the club room.
I walk in, look around and shake my head. "Nothing is out of the ordinary here."
But she pulled me back and pointed to the chair. "The chair is moving."
I look at the chair and then at its reflection in the mirror. A girl was sitting on the chair wearing a black ballet outfit; her face was peeling, showing the muscles on her cheeks while her ballet slippers were covered in blood.
I tried to run but my legs couldn't move. Gwen noticed this and dragged me out of the room. My thoughts of being safe were gone when I saw the girl standing behind Gwen with a twisted look on her face. Then she began to turn her neck most awkwardly.
"Emma!" Gwen said pointing at me. "Why are you..."
I felt my neck twist as my head slowly turned to the right. Trying to stop only made the pain worse as my throat knotted together. Then I stopped turning and stared at the girl behind Gwen who frowned and disappeared.
"Emma," Gwen called out raising her machete. "Are you alright?"
I sigh and massage my neck. "It is okay. I am fine."
"A...are you sure?"
I nod and we go to the Principal's office to search for Mr. Yaki's file.
"Bingo." I take it out of the drawer and open it. "It says here he was a thirty-three-year-old man with insomnia. Cause of death, a stab wound at the back of his head."
"Mr. Yaki?" Gwen hummed for a while. "Oh, I remember him! He was the school's Math teacher."
"What else do you know about him?" I ask.
She shrugs. "Nothing much except he was a little crazy. Always jittery and acted like he had ants in his pants. We even nicknamed him Mr. Antsy."
I flip the page in the file for more information on him. "It also says he was a schizophrenic too."
"Really?" she leaned in to take a closer look. "Well, we did catch him muttering to himself once."
I close the file and hum. 'This looks like a dead end. Someone who is schizophrenic can kill themselves at any time. But how was he able to do that?'
Finding nothing more on him, I close the file and put it back in the drawers. "Umm Gwen, do you recall anything else on him? Any detail perhaps?"
"I can." a voice boomed behind us. We turn and see Caroline, the blond-haired boy from before, and Jane standing by the door.
"Oh, it's just you," I say with a sigh.
Caroline did not look pleased. "Why didn't you tell us you are investigating?"
"Yeah if it weren't for the pip-squeak we wouldn't have known!" he said pointing his nail-studded baseball bat at Jane who was munching away at a candy bar. "I'm Stan by the way. Pleased to meet ya."
I was confused. "Is there anything wrong with what I am doing?"
Caroline was taken aback because she wasn't expecting that. "No, it's just...You are afraid of Alice aren't you?"
'She is changing the subject.' I decide to play along and nod.
Stan shrieked with laughter that echoed around the room. "Should have seen that coming. The red-haired girl is an expert at scaring people. A real b!tch!"
Caroline hissed. "Language." then she turned to me. "What did you find?"
"In the book, the author described a man being stabbed at the back of his head," I explain. "The police ruled it as a suicide but the author noticed he had the knife in his right hand."
"Yeah, the dude was left-handed," Stan said walking toward me. "And he was always carrying a book with him."
I raise an eyebrow. "What book?"
"I don't know. A Math book or something. What can I say? I wasn't the brightest tool in the shed in his class so I did not give a damn!"
Gwen huffed folding her arms. "No surprise."
"Maybe he was carrying a book while he was stabbed to death?" Caroline suggested.
"Fingernails." Jane cooed.
"But how do we know if he was carrying a book?" Gwen asked.
I put a hand on my cheek and thought hard. 'Yeah. The author didn't say anything about him carrying a book.' I sigh. 'I guess we are stuck then.'
"Emma? Are you sure the way he died was really a suicide?" Gwen asked.
"No. In my opinion, it was a murder." I reply. "I am sure of it."
"Yes, but who killed him?" Caroline asked.
"That is where the problem is."
"Welp," Stan slung his weapon on his shoulders. "Looks like we reached a dead end. Call me when you nerds find something."
He made a phone sign with his hand before leaving the room and we all stared at him in silence. The only person who wasn't silent was Jane who munched loudly on her candy.
"Caroline? Can I break his skull?" she asked.
A chill went up my spine as I stared at her. Her eyes were distant and cold but she had a goofy but creepy smile on her face. I wanted to move away but Gwen held my hand.
"Do not worry. She won't hurt you unless you tried." She whispered in my ear.
Jane giggled and looked at Caroline who had a disappointed look on her face. "Looks like we are at a dead end here."
"Dead end, dead end. We are at a dead end!" Jane sang.
Apparently, that annoyed Caroline for she balled her fists in anger and walk out of the room. I tried to go after her but Gwen stopped me.
"It is no use." She said. "You can talk to her after she has cooled off."
I sigh and looked at the exit. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to waste your time and..."
She put a finger on my lips. "You don't have to apologize. You made this night interesting." then she let go. "Do you want me to walk you home?"
'Actually, I wanted her to take me to her special place but...' I shrug and smile in response. Soon we were walking hand in hand on a cold night.
"Gwen I have you something." I begin.
"What is it?" she asked.
I take a deep breath. "I saw a ghost in the Drama Club room. She was the one who made me do what I did to scare you."
'Why isn't she looking at me?' I ask myself. "Yes. She was wearing a black ballet dress."
This made her stop in her tracks and look at me with eyes full of fear. "A...a bl...black ballet dress?"
I nod. "She also had black hair but her face was peeling and..."
"Stop!" she grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "Stop! I don't want to hear it!"
Her reaction surprised me. "Do...do you know who the ghost is?"
Her grip on my shoulders got tighter as she looked at me deep in the eyes. Sighing, she smiled, let go of me and put her hands behind her back.
"Nope. You know I don't believe in the supernatural." She said swaying from side to side.
'She is lying. She knows who the ghost is.' But I refuse to talk about it. Instead, I look up at the full moon and sigh.
"The stars are absent tonight."
"Yeah. It is a pity," she replied.
We walk home in silence and parted ways once we got to my apartment building. Knowing the front door would be locked, I had to get in through my bedroom window.
'It's best I get some sleep. I have a busy day tomorrow.'
What was I going to do tomorrow? I was job hunting. Using nearly all my savings to fix the new locks on the doors of my apartment and my future college on the line, I wake up and walk around the street to look for any building with a 'Need Help' sign pasted on its windows.
I went to the Music Store but the owner said; "I am sorry but I just employed someone yesterday."
At the Convenience Store; "I already have a cashier. I need am looking for a manager with years of experience."
At the Gift Shop; "Sorry but we are closing down for good."
'Just my luck.'
At Pizza Hut: "I am looking for a chief! Not a delivery girl!"
'You don't need to be rude about it.'
At the Maid Café: "Sorry darling we are full. Maybe come back when I've fired someone."
'On second thought...'
After walking around town for the whole morning, I was hungry, tired, and frustrated. Sitting on a bench in the park and ignoring the growls my stomach gave, I look at my phone.
'I...I told you I would protect you.'
I narrow my eyes in annoyance.
'I was the one who pulled the switch.'
This caught my attention.
'When he tried to attack you...I mean when he had his knife inside the fuse box I turn it on.'
'You see?'
'I told you I was going to protect you.'
'You do not need her.'
'You don't need Gwen at all.'
'I am here.'
A smile appeared on my face as I turned off my phone. 'The idiot just exposed himself. All I need to do is to ask the other students who were following me or the students in the hall who was behind me.' then I frown. 'That is if anyone is going to remember.'
"Hi, Emma!"
I look up and see Brianna with the rest of my friends.
"Hey guys," I say dryly.
"Geez, you look like you are in savage spirits," Aubrey said.
Ralph agreed with her. "And you didn't call us when you left the police station. Is something wrong?"
I was going to reply but my stomach beat me to it and no one said a word. No one except Brutes had one thing to say, "I see,"
A few minutes later...
"So you are looking for a job?" Brianna asked as I take a bite out of the sandwich they bought for me.
"You shouldn't be job hunting when the exams are near." Brutes said. "You should be studying."
I wipe my mouth. "I am just trying to find a summer job to save money for college."
Brianna was shocked. "You are going to work all summer?"
I nod and take a drink of water. "College isn't going to pay itself."
"Aren't your parents going to pay for that?" Aubrey asked. "It is their responsibility you know."
I give her a sad look and wipe my eyes.
"What is the matter?" Andrew asked.
"Uh, I never told anyone this but my parents are dead." I slowly drop my half-eaten sandwich on the plate in front of me.
"What happened to them?" Aubrey asked engrossed in my story.
"A robbery. We were watching a show when they attacked and shot my dad. My mom hid me in the closet before she was shot. I did not see anything but I could hear my mom saying something before they shot her." tears were already streaming down my cheeks. Aubrey hugged me and so did the rest of my friends.
"I am so sorry," she said with pity in her voice and this shocked me because she wasn't one to show her feeling to anyone. Not in front of us at least.
"It is okay. I am staying with my Aunt for now and things are going well except she drinks a lot and has no plans to further my education." I decided not to give them too much detail. "That's why I am looking for a summer job."
Ralph hummed. "Well, I do know a place but it is pretty far from here."
I brightened up. "Really? Where?"
He took us there.
"Mrs. Brooke's Diner?" Brutes read.
"I have never heard of this place," I say.
"Well, they opened last year and it has good reviews," Ralph explained.
Brianna's eyes widened. "Isn't this the diner owned by some cranky old lady?"
"Yeah. Now it is run by her granddaughter who is a woman in her early twenties and they are looking for a waitress." Ralph gave me a nudge. "Go on. Maybe they will employ you."
I take a deep breath and walk in. My interview with the assistant manager who was an old lady smoking a cigarette in the dining room was brief and within minutes, I was out.
"So?" Andrew asked.
"How was it?" Aubrey asked.
"Did they employ you?" asked Ralph.
I give a sad sigh and look at them. "What do you think?"
They all gasped. "You didn't get the job?"
I burst into a fit of laughter. "Got ya!"
They all laughed with me. All except Brutes of course.
"I guess this means you got the job." He said pushing up his glasses.
I nod. "They are not accepting part-time workers but they are letting me work full time during the summer!"
"Hurray!" Brianna cheered.
"I hope the place is clean," Aubrey said peeking through the window. "It looks unsanitary."
I ignored her statement.
"Let's celebrate with karaoke!" Brianna yelled.
"No thanks." Brutes said.
Brianna was annoyed. "Why not?"
"You have a terrible singing mouth." Brutes replied making Andrew laugh.
"What did you say to me?"
"I said you have a terrible singing mouth and a deaf ear as well." Brutes repeated.
"Why you little..." Brianna lunged for him only to be caught by her brother Ralph.
"Let me at him! Let me at him! I am going to rip off his head and shove it up his nose!" she screamed.
"You know I won't let you do that," Ralph grunted as she wiggled. "Besides his nose is on his head so how are you going to shove it in?"
"I don't care! Let me at him! That little smart-aleck!" she screamed while Andrew laughed. I laughed too and so did Aubrey who rarely laughed and would scoff and call them immature.
We ended up studying at Andrew's place.
The next day Gwen was waiting so that we can walk to school together. None of us said a single word about the night before but she looked worse for the wear. Her eyes showed she didn't get any sleep and her hair looked awful. The class was boring as usual and once it was lunchtime, I looked for her but she was nowhere to be found so I explore the Drama Club instead.
'There is nothing out of the ordinary.' I thought picking up a mask. 'But this place gives me the creeps.'
Then Bert walked inside with Eric behind him. "Emma, what are you doing here?"
Caught red-handed, I quickly put it back. "I was looking for the Drama Club President."
"That would be me," Eric said striking a pose.
I rolled my eyes at his outfit and his goth-like makeup which consist of pink lip gloss and eyeliner. "Great! I want to join."
Startled, Eric took one look at me and scoffed. "The Drama Club is for serious actors but since we are low on club members, I can accept you but know this, I do not appreciate latecomers. They ruin our reputation."
I nod and Bert led me to the roof where my friends were waiting for us. While we were eating, Bert gave us a bottle of fruit juice.
"Wow! I always loved this drink!" Brianna's eyes glowed as soon as she got hers.
Ralph took a sip and smiled. "Yum! I heard it is expensive too."
I too found myself licking my lips after one sip. It was delicious.
Bert smiled. "Yeah. I wanted to celebrate with you guys."
"So what are we celebrating?" Eric asked holding him like it was a glass of wine.
"I am leaving the school!"
"What?" we asked in unison.
"So where do I begin? My dad died and left us in debt to a Loan Shark so my mom was working very hard to pay him. Then something weird happened. The Loan Shark called to tell us he canceled the debt! We were in shock but he was serious about it! I thought we were going to celebrate since my mom made a lot of money but she told me to start packing and called the movers. The next day we were packing up our stuff and the movers have taken our things to our new home."
We were all surprised at this sudden change. "Well, where are you going to live?" asked Caroline.
Bert shrugged. "She has not told me yet."
"No, you can't go!" Eric exclaimed dramatically. "Who is going to help me perfect my acting skill when you are gone?"
My friends and I groaned.
"Don't worry. Emma can help you since she is joining the Drama Club." Bert said with a goofy smile on his face.
"What? You are joining the Drama Club?" Ralph yelled.
"Yeah? Have you lost your mind?" asked Aubrey.
I sigh. "It is only for a little while." Eric coughed at that but I ignored it. "So when are you leaving?"
"Tomorrow. I just wanted to settle things with the Principal first." then he stood up. "But mom wants me to be home right now."
"Why the rush?" asked Caroline.
"She wants us to leave before the Loan Shark changes his mind."
We were silent until the bell rang and Brutes coughed. "Well then, I guess this is 'Goodbye'."
"Yeah." a wave of sadness washed over him. "This is goodbye."
Ignoring the fact we were going to be punished, we stayed with him until his mother arrived to take him away and this happened when school was over. As Eric blabbed to us about how much he was going to miss him, Valarie walked passed us with a dejected look on his face.
"What's up with her?" Brianna asked thumbing as she disappeared around the corner.
We shrugged and head to our lockers to change our shoes.
'I haven't seen Gwen after she walked me to school today.' I thought while putting my school shoes inside my locker. 'This is unusual of her. Should I...'
"Oh hi, Jake!" Brianna chirped making my hair stand on end.
"Hello, Brianna." then he looked at me. "Hi, Emma."
Pursing my lips together, I turn to face him. "Hello, Jake. How are you?"
His eyes brightened up at that. "Ah! I am fine!"
"Say do you want to study at my place tonight?" asked Andrew. "We are down a man and Caroline has already left."
"Yeah that will be great," he replied.
"Hey, maybe we can play some video games while we are at it," Brianna said.
"No way! We are going to study." Brutes said.
I was shocked at how they acted so familiar toward him and felt a sense of dread.
'When did this happen?'
Unknown number *Sends a picture to stalker*: It looks like you are not doing your job.
Stalker: When was this taken?
Unknown number: A few weeks ago. 276Please respect copyright.PENANADphLVnQqPk
*sends another picture* 276Please respect copyright.PENANAvH9LkFiU8R
Looks like one is in love with the other.
Stalker: It better not be my Emma.
Unknown number: *sends a picture of Emma daydreaming in class and the picture of Emma and Gwen from the night before*:276Please respect copyright.PENANAhvsiKFLoYb
Maybe THIS can confirm it.
Stalker: I don't believe it.
Unknown number: You are supposed to be her stalker. 276Please respect copyright.PENANAXlhvzFSNoM
Where were you?
Stalker: I was busy.
Unknown number: Busy pinning pervy pictures of her in your bathroom?
Stalker: Watch your mouth.
Unknown number: Save it. When are you going to kill her?
Stalker: When I am ready.
Unknown number: You are going to wait until one of them confesses?
Stalker: HECK NO!
Unknown number: Well you better hurry before that happens. 276Please respect copyright.PENANAvnV4mVbBYx
I do not want Emma to fall for that girl.
Stalker: Me neither but I am making progress. 276Please respect copyright.PENANAyzjo8Z0K2x
I eliminated one of them today.
Unknown number: Who?
Stalker: That is for me to know and for you to find out.
Unknown number: Looks like your Beloved got herself a job.
Stalker: What?
Unknown number: *sends a video of her celebrating* See?
Stalker: She doesn't need one. I have enough money to take care of her.
Unknown number: Really? 276Please respect copyright.PENANAthD7b0pqpU
Where did you get the money from?
Stalker: That's none of your business.
Unknown number: Okay. *sends another video*
Stalker: I see. My Emma has a terrible past.
Unknown number: You can use that to your advantage.
Stalker: Thanks. I have to go.
Unknown number: Okay but hurry and get rid of Gwen. 276Please respect copyright.PENANApRHJRTjo7U
As I said, I do not want Emma to fall for her.
Stalker: You do not have to worry. 276Please respect copyright.PENANACRwqFiox7Y
Emma is already mine. 276Please respect copyright.PENANA4B94nXPkZG
She doesn't know it yet