The smell of rotten meat filled the room and it nauseated me. Covering my nose, I take a closer look at the corpse and notice the blood was thick and dark.
'Blood can only look like that once someone or something is decaying.' I purse my lips to keep the contents in my stomach down. 'It looks like she has been dead for a long time so how was she...'
Then the door burst open and a doctor wearing a blood-stained lab coat with blood on his gloves appeared. Taking one look at us, he screamed, "Imposters!"
Stan reacted quickly by swinging his baseball bat at him aiming for his head. The doctor gasped once he was struck and when it was removed, blood gushed out and he fell to the floor.
Grinning, he wiped the blood from his forehead. "Looks like I did it again."
I knew better than to look at said 'Doctors' corpse but I did. His blood was red like a normal human but his body was pale. However, what caught my eye was the name tag on his lab coat and my eyes grew wide after reading it.
"Stan you killed him!"
He rolled his eyes. "Well yeah? He is dead isn't he?"
"No! You killed Dr. Ben Francis!" I point at the body. "That is him right there!"
He looked bewildered at first then shrugged. "Well, he did not introduce himself."
A mixture of anger and fear bubbled up inside me making it hard to choose but just as I was about to tell him off he swung his weapon to my face.
"Look big tits, I don't take orders from anyone and I don't like people scolding me. So if you don't want to end up like him, shut it!"
I wanted to slap away his weapon and tell him off but one look in his eyes rendered me speechless. It was filled with bloodlust; an unspeakable desire to kill adding to the sadistic look on his face.
Suddenly a loud sound erupted through the building and the lights in the room turned flickered. We run through the door taking us back to the room where the patients were but they surprised us by trying to grab us the minute we stepped into the room.
Stan was the first to break free from their grip and attack them. "It's about time we had some fun."
Despite the scratches, I break free and grab the nearest weapon I could see and cut one in half.
'I do not know what an axe is doing in a hospital but I am thankful it's here.' I decapitate another one and blood pours out like a fountain. 'They all look like the woman looking for her eyes. Maybe they were weak from staying in bed for a long time?'
We killed them and run out of the room were joined by Gwen and Alice while looking for the exit who looked tired.
"Why are you guys covered in blood?" asked Gwen.
"It's a long story," I say as we hear an explosion causing the building to shake. "But we have to leave now!"
We run past the rooms and get to the exit but it was blocked by the doctors and nurses all bowing kneeling and bowing their heads bowed causing us to stop in our tracks.
"What the..."
"Awe how cute," Stan ran towards them. "It's a good thing you are saying your last prayers!"
"Stan wait" but it was too late and we watched in horror as he killed every single one blocking the door mutilating their bodies and spilling blood. By the time it was done, he was covered in blood and smiling like a maniac.
He chuckled. "Ah. I have never felt so alive in my life. It's been a long time."
I shiver at what just happened. 'How could he do that? They are innocent people!'
A loud bang brought me back to reality and we run out the door. Soon we were in Alice's car and as she drove, I look back at the building and watch it collapse into rubble, creating a grave for the inhabitants.
'Why I'm I having a bad feeling about this?' asked my inner voice.
I couldn't reply because we came to an abrupt halt in the middle of the forest.
"This is all your fault!" Gwen yelled once she got out of the car. "If you had not tripped that alarm none of this would have happened!"
Alice stepped out of the car. "I tripped the alarm? You were the one who stepped on the wire!"
"But who was near the switch?" Gwen asked back.
I watched them argue for a while but the minute Alice took out her weapon, I get out of the car to stop them.
"Stop!" I yell and they were quiet. "Why don't we..."
"I killed the dude." Stan suddenly said.
The two girls looked at him. "You did what?"
"I killed Dr. Benjamin Francis." the sadistic grin appeared. "And I have no regrets about it."
Tension hung in the air and we stared at him.
"YOU BASTARD!" Gwen yelled swinging her machete at him. He dodged the blow and laughed.
"What's the matter? Are you angry? Are you mad huh? Are you mad?" he teased as Gwen launched another attack on him aiming for his head while he struck her with his weapon. Blood spilled out from her arm but that didn't stop her from slicing his abdomen.
My breath hitched. 'I...I have to do something! They are going to kill each other!'
But Alice covered my mouth and something cold was on my throat.
"Why don't you sit this one out huh?" she chuckled while her hand slide off my mouth. "And run."
She released me and pushed me violently to the ground. Picking myself up, I run and didn't stop until I get to town. Under the cover of darkness, I sneak into my apartment through the window and slammed it shut.
My chest was heaving as I lean on the wall and slid to the floor.
'I shouldn't have left.' I thought covering my face with my hands. 'They are going to kill each other. I should have done something!'
Then a sound was heard adding to the tension in the air. Heart beating fast, I look out the window, silently waiting for something to happen. Then my phone rang making my hair stand on end.
'What the...' I look at it and sigh in relief. 'Oh, I set an alarm.'
It was 5 AM and I was sitting on the floor next to the entrance of my bathroom laughing at my stupidity. Getting up, I take a shower and make sure my door was secure. Before going to bed, I call Gwen.
"Please be okay," I beg dialing her number for the fifth time. "Please be okay!"
Hearing her voice on the other side of the line gave me a sense of relief. "Gwen are you okay?"
"Yeah. I am fine." She replied. "I am sorry for what happened back there. It was uncivil of me to get angry."
"It's okay."
"Where are you?"
"At home."
"I am so sorry."
I sigh. "Are you sure you are alright?"
"Yeah. My wounds are healing up."
This caught my attention. "What do you mean?"
"It's a little complicated." there was a pause. "I am sorry but I have to call you back."
She hung up and I look at my phone in fear. 'The injuries she had were deep. How was she able to heal up so quickly?'
I had a feeling something sinister was afoot.
Three weeks later...
"Emma! We have a table at number nine!"
I snap out of my fantasy and go to the table. Why was I daydreaming? My favorite fantasy drama 'My Phoenix, My Love' was having a live play in town this Sunday and I was excited! So excited I nearly forgot I was at work.
I get up, dust my uniform and go to the table but was taken by surprise because Jake was sitting there staring into space. At least that's what he was doing.
"Umm, good morning?"
He looked up at me and smiled. "Hello, Emma. How are you today?"
I cock an eyebrow as he stands up. "I am fine."
"Really? That's nice to hear." He fidgeted for a while. "Umm... listen......I...do...do you want to see a play with me tomorrow?" he takes out two pieces of paper from his pockets. "I bought the tickets."
I stare at it and then back at him. "Which play are you taking me to?"
His eyes lit up and he grinned. "It's a surprise."
Taking a closer look at the tickets, my heart skipped a beat because they looked eerily similar to the one I bought online.
'How did he get those? More importantly, how did he know that was my favorite fantasy drama?'
Something fishy was going on but despite my suspicions and the chill up my spine, I force a smile. "Thanks but I can't go with you."
His smile faded along with the sparkle in his eyes. "Why?"
"I am going with someone else."
"Oh." He puts the tickets back in his pockets. "Well...it looks like I am going by myself then."
I nod and watched him leave.
"You could have asked him if he wanted a meal instead." Amanda stood beside me smoking a cigarette as usual. "Too bad you are not on the menu."
It was a joke but I wasn't laughing.
"You lied to him didn't you big tits." She said.
I purse my lips.
"You are going alone aren't you?"
I close my eyes.
"Why?" She blows the smoke in the air. "It's clear he likes you."
"Just because someone likes you doesn't mean you are obliged to like them back." I look at her. "I don't like him so I won't go out with him."
"But he likes you."
"Yes but I have to turn down his advances." I take a rag and start wiping the table beside me. "It's the right thing to do."
She hummed in thought as two policemen walked in. Instinctively, I go to lead them to their seat but Amanda stopped me and takes them to her office. A few minutes later, they walk out nearly bumping into one of our regulars who was early for the lunch rush.
We work hard until nightfall. Since it was late, Amanda volunteered to drive me home.
"Thank you for taking me home ma'am," I say shutting the door of her car.
She snorted and started the engine. "It's Amanda and you are welcome. Good job tonight."
"Thank you," an awkward silence filled the air.
"You don't talk much do you big tits?" she asked.
"No, I don't ma'am."
"Did something happen to you? Anyone bullying you behind my back?"
"No ma'am. I am fine."
"That is good to hear." she turned round the bend and silence hung in the air. "I saw someone lurking around the Diner two weeks ago."
My eyes widen when she said that. "Who was it?"
"Don't know but as my duty to keep employees safe, I told the police. They patrolled the place for a week but whoever it was decided to take a rain check because they didn't see anything suspicious."
Nothing more was said until we get to my apartment building. I thank her and get out of the car.
"Your welcome big tits and here," she opened a compartment in the car and tossed me a can of pepper spray. "Carry this and a torch with you at all times. Trust me, it saved my life once."
I take it and walk into my apartment and within a few minutes, I was in my room thinking about what she said.
'So that's why they were here this morning.' I bite my bottom lip. 'I should have told her about my stalker case. Idiot!'
I sigh and turn in my futon trying but failing to go to sleep. The next day by 10 AM, I was at the venue where the Play was going to be held and discovered it was an open event. People were sitting on the portable chairs, having picnics on the grass, and organizing food stalls. The show kicked off at 12 PM with Classical Music performed by a band, a solo performance by a famous Opera Singer, and a Ballet playlet. The Play on the Fantasy Drama was the last to take the stage and it was a magical moment but despite the superb acting, the lightening and the special effects, what really hit me was the ending scene where the female lead was 'carried' into the air and the male lead watched with tears in his eyes.
"Do not worry," he said as the lights went dim. "No matter what it takes, I will rescue you. I promise."
I was in tears because this means the male lead will have to go back in time to rescue his true love bringing more obstacles in his way. At least this will make way for a new season in the genre. Then the lights came on revealing all the actors who participated in the play and they took a bow. I join the audience to give them a standing ovation and as everyone packed up to leave, I slip backstage to look for the male lead actor who was kind enough to sign my notebook.
'I got Jin's signature!' Swooning, I press the notebook to my chest and sigh. 'It is unbelievable to think he is in his early thirties because of how handsome he is! His wife is really lucky to have a handsome man like him.'
Looking outside the window of the taxi I was in, I notice we were passing through a street with a familiar building.
'That's the same building Gwen and I stayed on to watch the stars." sadness filled my heart as I take out the extra ticket from my pocket.
'I tried contacting her after the incident that night but she didn't answer. I wish she was here. She told me Fantasy was her favorite genre and she was in love with this series. It was pretty depressing to go alone. Especially when there are couples and...'
Suddenly, the car stopped abruptly bringing me back to the present.
"What are you doing kid?" the driver yelled as money was tossed through the side window. Suddenly a hand reached out and dragged me out of the car.
It was Jake. Again.
I felt a sharp pain on my arm which forced me to wrench it out of his grip but he grabbed it again.
"You lied to me." He croaked.
The taxi drove off leaving me behind. Angry, I struggle despite the pain. "What are you doing? Let me go!"
"You lied to me."
"Let me go!"
"You told me you were going with someone but I saw you alone."
I grunt in pain.
"Why did you lie to me? Why?" I could feel the circulation on my hand stop. "Why did you do that?"
Despite the fact he had a crazy look in his eyes, I refused to back down. "Jake if you don't let me go I will scream!"
I look around for help but the streets were practically empty except for a few people who ignored us. Feeling my fingers go numb, I grunt trying to free myself.
"I do not want to believe you lied to me Emma." his eyes softened. "Did the person bail out on you? Are you upset? If so let's go to a café to grab cake and coffee. I know you..."
"Okay, Jake I admit it. I lied." I say.
The crazy look in his eyes reappeared. "Why?"
He interrupts me. "You wanted to see the play alone huh? That's okay. You could have just told me that. I understand..."
"I am not interested in you."
This shocked him so much that he let me go. "What?"
I massage it quickly to get the circulation going and sigh. "Look, I understand you like me but I am not interested in dating you or any other person at the moment."
'How I'm I going to put this nicely,' I tell myself.
'Just tell him and get it over with.' My inner voice said.
I sigh at its harsh tone. "You are annoying."
If he wasn't shocked before, he was now. "H...how I'm I an...annoying?"
'Ugh, where do I begin?' I pinch the bridge of my nose. "You literally drag me to school, grab my hand without permission, ask me uncomfortable questions, talk nonstop and act like you've been drinking too much sugary soda."
He stared at me with his mouth agape
'You forgot to mention the fact he scares you with his strange behavior'
'I will leave that out because I've already said enough.'
"Bu...bu...but I can change!" he begged. "Give me a chance and I will..."
I raise my hand. "I don't want to hear it okay? I am not interested in you and that's final."
The crazy look in his eyes was still there and this time his right eye twitched but I couldn't care less about how he felt. I turn to leave but only took a few steps before he grabbed me again.
'Not this again,' I look back and he was bowing his head.
"It...it's not fair..." he croaked.
I sigh. "I am sorry for being harsh but..."
"IT'S NOT FAIR!" he finally looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I HAVE BEEN PROTECTING YOU THIS WHOLE TIME AND YOU STILL REJECT ME?"
Shock and fear. It was a cocktail I was familiar with it because I drank it after killing someone by mistake but this effect was different this time. Instead of creating a hole in my stomach, it numbed me.
"ANSWER ME!" he yelled getting closer to my face.
"Jake, how did you know my parents were dead?"
The look on his face faded immediately.
"And how did you know I was bullied in my former school? I never told anyone I was a transfer student."
His eye twitched and he let me go.
"And about the whole promise thing," I take a step back. "How did you know that?"
"Well, you see...Brianna...she...well..." He slapped a hand over his mouth and chuckled as the pupils in his eyes grew smaller.
Then the chuckle turned into a giggle. "I AM AN IDIOT!"
I run.