One week later. It literally lasted forever. All this time, Terrence was getting used to the members of his band after he managed to surprise Albert with his talent for singing and playing guitar. Now he is rehearsing with his colleagues, showing how well he learned the material of the band. Terrence quickly found a common language with Peter and Daniel and already understood that they were wonderful chatters and just good guys without demons. But he cannot even quietly talk to Marty for business because she always picks on him and praises herself. However, MacClife just does what he should do, asking the drummer or the bassist for help or a piece of advice. But sometimes he can show where the girl belongs and bring her to earth from heaven…
Terrence plays guitar so brilliantly that his bandmates, except for Marty, are very happy with his play and glad he became a member of their small band that got much better after the new guitarist joined them and showed a high class to everybody. Daniel and Peter also play their parts very well, and the lead singer still sings perfectly, walking from one side to another and silently dreaming of finding at least one reason to annoy the men, who, to her sadness, are playing just brilliantly and getting on well with each other.
After the band plays the last song they should have performed, Peter hits one of the symbols with a drumstick with a quiet whoop and shows something in the air with it with a slight smile on his face.
“Excellent job, men!” Peter notices cheerfully. “We're a fantastic team!”
“Oh, yeah, we really did a great job!” Daniel agrees funny with a slight smile. “The rehearsal was just wonderful!”
“That’s right!” Terrence says confidently, looking gorgeous with an electric guitar in his hands, wearing a new leather black jacket, ripped jeans of the same color, a dark t-shirt with the logo of a famous rock band, and new black shoes, and fixes slightly his little disheveled hair that makes him much more attractive. “Today, we really caught a wave and gave it a hot.”
“A right attitude and a good mood are the keys to a wonderful result,” Peter replies cheerfully.
“Absolutely agree!” Daniel pronounces confidently and raises his hand. “Give a five, men!”
Terrence and Peter give a five to each other and Daniel with a wide smile on their faces, while Marty looks at her microphone, closely listening to the talk of the men with a little arrogant look.
“Yeah?” Marty wonders and puts her hand on her waist. “I believe we must rehearse much more. While performing one song, you played out of tune about hundred times.”
Marty gets really surprised that none of the men even turns on her, and they keep laughing at something quietly.
“Hello, I’m here!” Marty exclaims loudly. “Here, idiots! Can anybody hear me?”
Marty shakes her head with her mouth slightly open, thinking Daniel, Terrence, and Peter suddenly decided to ignore her.
“I didn’t understand, is nobody going to pay attention to me?” Marty resents. “Or is everybody dead here? Do I have to scream for everybody to hear me?”
The men from the band do not react to Marty and do not even look at the lead singer, looking at each other and laughing quietly.
“Hey, listen, guys, let’s go somewhere?” Peter suggests cheerfully. “Sit somewhere, drink something, talk…”
“Sit?” Terrence smiles mysteriously.
“What?” Peter puts his drumsticks aside, stretches himself a little, and massages his neck. “The rehearsal is over for today. So, I think we deserved to have some rest.”
“Excellent idea, Pete!” Daniel agrees with a wide smile.
“C’mon, guys! Why would we be stuck here, or go home and spit at the ceiling?”
“I’m in! Moreover, I’m terribly hungry!”
“Me too! So, I’m suggesting that we go somewhere to eat something delicious and then think about where to go. We have a whole day and a lot of time!”
“Deal, I agree!”
“Hey, Terrence…” Daniel turns on Terrence. “Would you go with us?”
“C’mon, man, join us!” Peter encourages cheerfully. “We’d talk a little, get to know you better… You’d tell us something about you.”
“Of course, I will go,” Terrence replies with a slight smile. “With pleasure.”
“WHAT?” Marty resents loudly, putting her hands on her hips. “SERIOUSLY? You think only of eating and laughing!”
“Moreover, I’m terribly hungry, too.”
“Be careful, idiots…” Marty smirks evilly. “If you eat SO MUCH food, you will not be able to get through a door.”
“Moreover, we should feed ourselves enough to work well and get excellent results.”
“Hey, I want to warn three of you: I do not have a wish to perform on a stage with fat behemoths. Who cannot also play at all.”
Terrence, Daniel, and Peter laugh quietly at Marty’s words with their mouths closed with a hand.
“Listen, have I told you I could eat even an elephant, but I would stay slim and gorgeous anyway?” Terrence asks with a sly smile. “I’m really lucky to have genes like mine.”
“And I’ve never been fat,” Daniel confesses thoughtfully. “Even with my hate for sports, I’ve never had extra weight.”
“Huh, I was actually a skinny boy with thin arms and thin legs,” Peter chuckles quietly. “Before I bulked up.”
“Yeah, sure,” Marty rolls her eyes. “In the opposite case, girls wouldn’t need you. Nobody loves skinny boys!”
Marty turns her back on them with a proud look and moves her hair aside with a gracious movement of a hand. Meanwhile, Peter waves his hands and makes a very quiet sound similar to the cluck of a chicken. Daniel and Terrence cannot fight their loud laugh back and start acting like chickens, making the girl enraged.
“Oh, oh, don’t better pretend to be what you are,” Marty snaps with her eyes rolled. “You better work your chicken brains to play something good. Or I will refuse to perform with you. I don’t want to get ashamed because of such worthless idiots, who are too far from me.”
None of the friends pays attention to Marty, but all of them stop laughing loudly and acting like chickens. Before saying something, Daniel slightly rolls a sleeve of his denim jacket and looks at the watch that he is wearing on his left hand.
“Okay, guys, let’s go somewhere right now?” Daniel suggests. “Since we worked very well today, we can have a break.”
“I agree,” Terrence nods confidently.
“What?” Marty resents, staring at Daniel, Terrence, and Peter with evil in his eyes. “No! Don’t even dream, guys! The rehearsal is not over!”
But nobody pays attention to Marty again, who is kind of invisible to everybody.
“Let’s go, let’s go!” Peter claps his hands. “We’re supposed to have lunch soon. So, we will eat something!”
“Let’s go, then!” Daniel ignores the feminine shout and points at the door with a slight smile. “Let’s have some fun!”
“Let’s go, guys!” Peter encourages funnily.
Daniel and Terrence put their guitars where they should be, and Peter comes to the sofa, takes his dark blue blazer, and puts it on.
“Hey, when are you going?” Marty resents, slightly opening her mouth and not hiding her madness caused by the fact that nobody hears her. “We haven't finished our rehearsal!”
“Rose, go faster!” Terrence exclaims.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming!” Peter jabs, fixing his hair on the way.
“I did not let you go anywhere!” Marty says loudly. “Grab your instruments and keep playing! You hear what I told you, you, brainless idiots? Rose! Perkins! MacClife! COME BACK HERE NOW! WHO I AM THE FUCK TALKING TO! DID YOU BECOME DEAF?”
But Daniel, Peter, and Terrence do not pay attention to Marty and, laughing at something shyly, leave this room and close the door.
“You will ask for trouble, assholes!” Marty threatens at the top of her lungs. “You will pay me for running away from the rehearsal! Albert is going to come here very soon. And I will tell him everything you did. I will tell him you have not learned to play well and always play out of tune! I will complain that Perkins and Rose have not taught that fucking guitarist MacClife play very well not to make me ashamed of going on a stage with him. WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT WORTHLESS ONE, WHO PRETENDS TO BE A LORD OF THE WORLD?”
Marty tightly clenches her hands into fists.
“I swear I will do my best for Sanderson not just to shout at you,” Marty says confidently. “I will do my best for him to kick you out of the band to the fuck. For him to promote me as a solo singer! I don’t want to sing in a band! I DO NOT WANT! AND I WILL GET WHAT I WANT! I DO NOT NEED YOU, IDIOTS! I DO NOT NEED YOU!”
Marty points at the door that was just closed.
Marty sharply turns her back on the door and grabs her hair with a loud, irritating shout, but a little later, she moves her hand to her forehead, being resented by the irresponsible attitude of the men toward their work, rehearsals that should happen regularly and the fact that they refused to listen to her.
Some time later, Terrence, Daniel, and Peter leave the recording studio after getting through many kilometers and a large number of floors in this building. After they are outside, the men go slowly and quietly to the nearest café that is located a few steps back from the studio, “Whisper Records”.
On the way, the young men are talking about how all three ignored Marty on purpose and let themselves have some fun and laugh enough.
“Did you see the face of this diva when we started to ignore her?” Peter asks through a loud laugh and chuckles. “She became kind of green from anger!”
“How mad she got ‘cause she was invisible to us!” Daniel notices cheerfully. “How wild that queen was because we refused to obey her orders.”
“Oh, I thought she would literally swear at us too hard. Or she would kill us to the fuck…”
“And how enraged she was when we showed her who she really was!” Terrence notices cheerfully. “She didn't wanna confess that she was a chicken! A plucked, clucking chicken!”
All the three men laugh louder than before, literally grabbing their stomachs.
“Right, right, did you see her face?” Daniel asks.
“Listen, wasn’t she overweight somehow?” Terrence smiles slyly. “We could call her a donut! A fatty girl with big cheeks!”
“Maybe, she did!” Peter assumes. “Who knows!”
“She always eats her smoothie and looks at us with a hungry look when we eat what Rachel gives her with pleasure.”
“It seems like she only eats that shit as well as a salad!” Daniel exclaims.
“By the way, I didn’t know chickens would eat anything,” Terrence says thoughtfully. “I thought they’d eat only grain or something like that.”
Daniel and Peter thrill with loud laughter again.
“Our chicken is special,” Peter notices cheerfully. “She loves something we don’t know. Some shit.”
“Any rule has its exclusion,” Daniel says confidently.
The men laugh for a few seconds, but then they calm down a little and clear their throats quickly.
“Oh, guys…” Peter pronounces thoughtfully. “I didn’t have so much fun in a long time.”
“That's right!” Daniel exclaims. “We didn’t laugh so much for a very long time.”
“Hey, we should’ve begun to ignore her and kicked her ass a long time ago! Rachel was right when she somehow said that being ignored was much worse for Marty than any punishment. Did you see how excited she got?”
“Yeah, if only that princess didn’t complain to Albert and the team about us… If he knows it, three of us will definitely get our asses kicked.”
“Oh, even if she complains to Albert about us, what can they do to us?” Terrence chuckles kindly. “The last time when she complained about us leaving a rehearsal much earlier because of her unbearable hysterics, they just knocked his finger and were like, ‘Oh, oh, that’s bad, guys!’ That’s all! Nothing more happened!”
“Oh, I ain’t actually afraid she will go to complain,” Daniel says confidently, waving a hand. “I have nothing to be ashamed of, ‘cause I do nothing bad to anyone.”
“Huh, we could easily tame that princess with blue blood. She would be afraid of us so much that she would become good. She would not even open her mouth without our permission.”
“Aha, it would be cool to shake her up like this to make her remember that having business with us might end badly,” Peter smiles mysteriously.
“Let’s do it then! Today, we started a boycott for her, and next time, we’ll laugh at her when we think up something more interesting.”
“Right!” Peter exclaims. “We should do something for Albert or her mommy and daddy to be able to do nothing.”
Peter happily rubs his hands.
“I would have much fun…” Peter smiles slyly.
“I think that man doesn't also love that queen so much,” Terrence assumes. “He would definitely use a chance to stop working with her.”
“You’re right. Albert doesn’t really love her much. I mean, he doesn’t tolerate the disgusting character of that queen.”
“Think yourself, if she was under his protection, you and I would get kicked out of the band faster than a boxer would knock an opponent out.”
“That man is working with her just because her parents are very rich people with many contacts. Moreover, Albert is a long-time good friend of Marty’s parents.”
“Who Albert is terribly afraid of,” Daniel adds. “Somehow, he tried to refuse to work with her and said he would kick her out after one of the scandals. But the parents of Marty came to the studio and started such a great scandal that a couple of the nearest neighborhoods could hear what was happening there.”
“Yes, yes! They even threatened him that he would lose everything he had, and they would do their best to close the studio if he refused to promote their daughter.”
“So, Sanderson put his tail between his legs and keeps saying nothing and promoting our imitable Marty and closing his eyes on all of her tricks.”
“Are they really so powerful that Albert is afraid of them to a shake at the knees?” Terrence wonders.
“Oh, yeah!” Peter nods confidently. “He is afraid of those people to death! Sanderson isn’t afraid of competing with much larger labels or the staff of The State Revenue Service. But the parents of Ms. Patch get him frightened.”
“But we couldn’t say they’re so powerful,” Daniel confesses. “Those people are just working in the show business, and they know literally a half of New York and have some friends abroad. But they have too much arrogance. Besides, they’re capricious and egoistic enough. Just like their daughter is.”
“Aha, we had to talk to them a couple of times when Patch complained to them that we hurt her. Very bad people that looked at us as if we were some shit.”
“Right! After talking to them, we felt not quite good.”
“Wow…” Terrence pronounces thoughtfully.
“But Pete and I don’t pay attention to Marty’s tricks,” Daniel confesses. “But sometimes she may put us out of temper. At these moments, we prefer to leave somewhere to let her calm down a little. Or annoy her so much to make her run away…”
“But we do it without harming…” Peter specifies. “Well, we laugh at her, make a parody or let her know she is like a plucked chicken.”
“While she looks for Albert or the guys from the team with tears in her eyes in the whole studio, the blond and I have some rest from her shouts and hysterics.”
“I see you aren’t afraid of her much,” Terrence notices.
“Why would we be?” Daniel wonders. “That girl is nobody! As well as her parents! She thinks everyone owes her just because she’s got money. But she hasn’t reached anything special and will not reach.”
“So, Dan and I don’t advise you to pay attention to her,” Peter says quietly. “Marty is a spoiled girl, who grew up in a rich family and has never known what it means to have to count every single cent. Her parents have never refused her in anything, haven’t almost sworn at her, didn’t educate her seriously, and always do everything she asks them about. So, the girl became like this… I mean the monster…”
“I don't pay any attention to her,” Terrence shrugs. “I don’t care about her. I will tolerate her swearing and shouting loudly. And I will wash her brains if she is too arrogant.”
“Anyway, you’re doing this well,” Daniel smiles slightly. “You’re very confident. You didn’t get confused when Albert brought you to us for the first time, and Marty turned the selfish queen mode on.”
“I can stand for me and shut anyone up. Even if that’s an unbearable little girl, who thinks she is a celebrity.”
“Excellent!” Peter exclaims. “If you keep doing the same, Patch will start being afraid of you as well as Albert is afraid of her parents.”
“Aha,” Daniel nods. “To make her do everything only after your permission.”
“Anyway, I don’t let anyone hurt me,” Terrence smiles slightly.
Silence settles in the air for a few seconds, during which the men keep silently going to the place that they need. And then Daniel, frowning slightly, looks at Terrence better.
“Listen, Terrence, we’ve wanted to ask you for a long time…” Daniel says thoughtfully. “Didn’t you act in movies before?”
“Me?” Terrence rounds his eyes.
“I personally thought I somehow saw you in a movie that I watched a long time ago. And I’ve been trying to understand why your face is so familiar to me.”
“Well, yeah, I really acted in movies,” Terrence shrugs.
“We got it,” Peter confesses. “We thought your face was familiar to us when Patch said she recognized you as Terrence MacClife.”
“I’m actually still acting. But not as often as I did before.”
“Yes, I remember!” Daniel clicks the fingers of his fingers. “You played an episode role in a TV show that I really loved when I was younger.”
“Although you had a very minor role, I think your role was really excellent and memorable.”
“What TV show was it?”
“I can’t remember the title… I should check it out on the Internet, But it was a TV show about crime cases. You played the role of the son of a character that was killed.”
“Ah, right, right!” Terrence smiles slightly. “I remember!”
“I really liked the way you showed grief for a father. I watched you and believed you. That was really true.”
“Yeah, it’s one of fewer works, in which they focused not on a look but on the feelings and emotions of my character.”
“What’s his name? I can’t remember… Erm…”
“I think my character’s name on that show was Lesley.”
“Right, Lesley! That was his name!”
“Did you watch it a long time ago and forget everything at all?”
“A very long time ago! But I used to watch it very much, and I tried to guess who was a killer in every single episode.”
“And what? You guessed all of them?”
“Erm… Almost…”
“Did you hear something about ‘American Love Affair’ that helped me gain worldwide fame?”
“Oh, that movie was promoted everywhere many years ago! I heard about it but have never watched it – I saw just a few posters and a couple of trailers.”
“And I saw a part of that movie just because my familiar girl went crazy from it and Terrence’s character,” Peter confesses.
“Oh, she dinged into my ears about ‘American Love Affair’ and could be talking about how awesome Mason Houston was for hours. And scenes of you being half-naked made her scream louder than a little mouse.”
“That character is kind of similar to me,” Terrence says thoughtfully. “I could say I played myself.”
“But I already grew up out of him and stopped being the boy that I was. Now I wanna play different people that aren’t similar to me.”
“And who would you like to play?”
“Well… It would be cool to play an evil man… Killer, fraud, or robber… Someone that people would hate with all the heart.”
“Wanna prove that you can be not only the favorite guy of all girls, but also the one, who everybody would hate?” Daniel specifies.
“Actors play different roles that aren’t always similar to them. Of course, there are those, who play only kind or only evil people, and I even know those people. But I personally wanna play different roles and ain’t afraid to make experiments.”
“Will a movie featuring you be released soon?”
“Nope. Honestly, I’ve rarely acted in movies lately. A few months ago, I played a couple of minor roles in low-rating TV shows. That’s all!”
“Don’t they offer you roles?” Peter specifies.
“Somehow I had a chance to get a starring role in a movie. But something went wrong during the discussion, and producers found another actor.”
“So, is that why you decided to start quitting your career as an actor and begin doing musical creativity?”
“I’ve always loved music. I love singing something under my nose while doing something.”
“Why didn’t you sing before?”
“Originally, I didn’t think of a career as a musician, but now I would like to try to record a couple of songs.”
“You know, Terrence, I think you decided to do it for a reason,” Daniel says confidently. “You’ve got a great talent.”
“Yes, dude, it’s the truth,” Peter agrees. “Perkins and I really love the way you’re playing and singing.”
“Thanks, it’s nice to hear it,” Terrence pronounces amicably.
“Probably, you’re the best of the guitarists we’ve had. The others were kind of uninspired… And many of them didn’t actually know the easiest things.”
“Albert worked with them just because many of them were Rachel’s friends. So, he hoped he would teach someone just something. But alas… He met a failure.”
“Anyway, I still have much to learn,” Terrence replies shyly. “I think I can play well, but it would be great to get a couple of lessons from real professionals. I was learning to play guitar by myself and never got vocal lessons. I sing and play the way I can do.”
“If you keep working on your talent, you can reach very much,” Daniel notices confidently.
“I do want to reach much.”
“You’re really the best one of all the guitarists we’ve had. No jokes. Besides, you can learn quickly.”
“Yeah, you learned all of our songs by heart literally for a few days,” Peter notices. “And you play your part without mistakes.”
“Glad you appreciated it,” Terrence smiles shyly. “But you play your instruments great, as well.”
“Thanks, dude,” Daniel thanks with a slight smile.
“I don’t really understand the claims of Albert, Marty, and the label’s team. All of them think you play terribly, but I think you can do it very well.”
“Oh, give a fuck about them!” Peter waves his hand. “They’ll start to say it to you, as well… Everything is clear about our Ms. Patch. Albert has his own demons in his mind. And the guys from the label just agree with him.”
“Is it probably hurtful to get criticized?”
“Nope! Daniel and I haven’t paid attention to it for a long time. Sanderson doesn’t actually criticize us a lot. He does it when he is in a bad mood. But some time later, he calms down and starts behaving as if nothing happened.”
“Exactly!” Daniel exclaims. “So, don’t listen to those two and just keep playing. If you can’t do something, we will always help you and even cover you for Albert and someone else.”
“Yes, MacClife, feel free to ask us for help if you have questions. I think you understood we wouldn't bite and wouldn’t be as bad as Marty is.”
“Thanks a lot, guys,” Terrence smiles shyly. “I’m glad you wanna help me.”
All three share a slight smile and glance at two boys walking by them and talking about something excitedly.
“By the way, I heard that you’ve got a girlfriend,” Peter says confidently. “Is that true?”
“Yes, it's true,” Terrence nods and moves his sad eyes into the distance, understanding that this talk is going to be not very nice for him.
“Oh, are you dating the girl that was slandered by a man, who hasn’t shown up?” Daniel specifies. “She is a model… What’s her name… Erm… It must be Raquelle Cameron… Or no?”
“Yes, that’s her.”
“A-a-a, that’s cool!”
“By the way, one day, we managed to meet her personally and talk to her a little,” Peter confesses.
“Really?” Terrence wonders. “And how did you do it? When?”
“Somewhere one and a half years ago. We decided to earn some money and went to play guitars on the street. We stopped near the shopping center, where there were always a lot of people. There was a higher chance to get attention.”
“Yeah, we performed Christmas songs to elevate people’s mood,” Daniel adds. “There was a little time before Christmas. I’ve personally always loved this holiday.”
“And while we were playing, Raquelle came to the crown of people, who were listening to us. She had filled packs with some goods.”
“We were super overwhelmed! We couldn’t believe we met the famous model! Who gave us a large enough amount of money and appreciated our play and our singing.”
“Yeah, Raquelle motivated us a lot and advised us to keep making music. And to thank her, we played a couple of songs especially for her. People liked them, too, just saying.”
“Oh, we were dumbfounded all day and were happy with the meeting with Raquelle like children! We had such a good mood that Marty did not manage to make it worse.”
“I see…” Terrence pronounces indifferently.
“Yeah, how could such a good girl be blamed for egoism, bullying, and other shit?” Peter wonders.
“Aha, Raquelle is so sweet and kind! And generous! She was very nice to us and all the people, who were listening to us. They recognized her, too, and begged her to take a photo with her. Cameron never refused to do it! She paid attention to everybody!”
“Oh, listen, I’m so happy that the jerkoff was revealed,” Peter confesses cheerfully with a slight smile. “And everyone was humiliating that man. So to say, punished him for lying.”
“Yeah, that’s good everyone found out the truth, after all,” Daniel adds. “But I would like to know who dared to do all of that. People haven’t found out who the antihero is ‘cause they didn’t reveal himself.”
“That was my former personal driver,” Terrence replies gloomily.
“Your former driver?”
“Don’t ask me why he did it. I don’t know anything, either. If you wanna know how I know it, he somehow confessed that he was the one to spread those rumors. Paid to a stinker to make him publish false articles about her.”
“Holy shit…”
“That’s right…” Peter agrees. “What did she do to him?”
“I dunno,” Terrence pronounces thoughtfully. “But Simon Ringer will not change his mind.”
“Simon? That’s his name?”
“Anyway, I’m very sorry for her. That girl is very beautiful. Seems smart and educated. I like her.”
“I don’t still understand why that man wanted to do that to her,” Daniel says confidently. “Raquelle did nothing bad to anyone, but then it happened…”
“And he will not stop,” Terrence says confidently.
“What?” Daniel frowns slightly.
“He’s gonna revenge on her.”
“Revenge?” Peter asks surprisingly. “What do you mean?”
“Some time ago, Ringer sent threats to all of our relatives and friends and isn’t gonna stop after this.”
“So, does that stinker keep making her life worse?” Daniel wonders. “Did he get her family and friends involved in that?”
“Something like that,” Terrence pronounces quietly.
“Oh, damn, poor girl… I’m so sorry for her…”
“Yeah, the man went really insane,” Peter throws gloomily. “Is he a fanatic?”
“It’s hurtful that good people always suffer. I really like Raquelle. And I can call myself a fan of hers. She’s very beautiful, smart, and well-educated, judging by her interviews. She is not an empty shell, whom there is nothing to talk about with.”
“Yeah, she’s a very beautiful girl, but she does not have the best character,” Terrence confesses coldly.
“Moreover, she can’t keep loyalty for those people, who, as she says, loves very much.”
“What are you talking about?” Peter frowns slightly.
“Insolent liar! She is pretending to be good for everyone not to let anyone know that she is actually a selfish egoist.”
“Damn, Terrence, what are you talking about?” Daniel wonders. “How do you dare? She is your girlfriend!”
“We broke up. Some time ago, that girl took her stuff and got out of my house.”
“Broke up?” Peter and Daniel pronounce surprisingly at the same time.
“But why?” Peter wonders. “You seemed to be such a perfect couple! You even were included in a list of the most beautiful couples in the show business!”
“If you see a house is just magnificent, and people admire it, it doesn’t mean everything is beautiful inside the one,” Terrence says without emotions on his face.
“I don’t get it…”
“We played with great love in public. But our relationship was far from being perfect. It was all just an act.”
“Come on!” Daniel exclaims.
“Oh, man, I’m sorry for you…” Peter expresses sympathy and claps Terrence on the shoulder. “What happened between you that you decided to break up?”
“We had too many fights,” Terrence replies with sadness in his eyes. “And our relationship was doomed from the beginning.”
“Did she betray you?”
“We just rushed to start dating and move into the same house to live together.” Terrence puts the thumbs of his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “We did it when we were obsessed with a too strong passion… And sadly, we weren’t lucky because we didn’t have anyone to stop us. My mother didn’t make me think better, and Raquelle’s family couldn’t wait for the day she’d finally meet a man and stop being obsessed with her career.”
“Sorry about your breakup…” Daniel replies thoughtfully.
“Sadly, we sometimes have to do what we don’t want to. But my ex-girlfriend didn’t share my wish to live with me for better or for worse and did her best to kill the sympathy that could’ve grown up into the real love that people talk so much about.”
“Was her career much more important to her?”
“Exactly! She preferred her modeling career over me.”
“I thought so,” Peter confesses. “Knowing she’s always worked too hard, has been featured on the covers of magazines, and has shot for commercials literally every day.”
“Instead of spending time with me, she preferred to plan her schedule not to have a free minute. She always aimed to run away from me and refused to have sex and at least just to have a talk with me.”
“I didn’t make her quit the career. Vice versa, I motivated her ‘cause I really liked what she was doing. But I wasn’t ready to accept the fact that her career became more important to her, and she never expressed interest in my business and didn’t even try to pretend that she cared about what I was telling her.”
“Maybe, there is at least a little chance to save your relationship?” Daniel asks. “When you decided to start dating, you had some kind of love. Yes, maybe, you were connected by passion, as you said, but there must have been just something between you.”
“Yeah, I don’t think men would love to date those, who they like only for their tough asses, gorgeous boobs, and charming curves of the waist about,” Peter adds.
“I don’t deny, I had feelings for her,” Terrence confesses. “But she killed them with her own hands by being indifferent to me. By the fact that she never loved me and used me to calm her family down.”
“But…” Terrence thinks about something for some time. “I would like to get through the time when our relationship was just getting started. When everything was kind of easy. When we got pleasure from the time we spent together.”
“Did you really feel good?” Peter specifies.
“At least, I felt wonderful. And I was sure that I met the one I wanted to spend my life with. But alas, I was deeply wrong.”
“Anyway, don’t let her go so easily,” Daniel claps Terrence on the shoulder. “If you wanna get her back, you can do something that won't leave her indifferent. Girls do love some hero things and beautiful acts.”
“No, Daniel, I ain’t gonna run after that girl. Now I want to do nothing for her. I would’ve done anything for her to get her love for me back, but now I have lost my patience.”
“Did you fall out of love with her?”
“I don’t care about what’s happening to her, and how she’s taking our breakup. But I think she is not very upset, thinking of the words that hysterical girl insulted me with. The way she behaved towards me all the time we lived together.”
“Of course, she did not do a very good thing, judging by your story. But you shouldn't have left Raquelle when she had such a hard period in her life. That Simon is really outta his mind as he’s chasing her again.”
“Agree!” Peter exclaims. “You’ve gotta do something to that man before he kills someone without any regret.”
“Yeah, that man must be brought to a mental hospital,” Terrence replies in a much lower voice. “As well as Raquelle herself, who went crazy because of this situation and so many years of working in the modeling business.”
“It’s true! Cameron is mentally ill!”
“Damn, Terrence, why are you insulting her?” Peter wonders. “Just because Raquelle didn’t love you, doesn’t mean you should shower her with mud and take revenge on her for getting rejected by her. It’s not what a real man would do!”
“You just don’t know her at all. I’ve lived with her for a few months and understood that she got many demons in her mind. But she is worried about her reputation so much that she is hiding her hysterics so hard and pretending to be sweet and fluffy to everyone.”
Terrence growls quietly.
“I do wanna open everyone’s eyes and reveal real proof of the fact that she is mentally ill and absolutely false,” Terrence adds in a low voice. “To ruin her career to the fuck. To make her afraid of even moving her eyes up and getting out outside…”
“Listen, Terrence, you shouldn’t really go too far,” Daniel says confidently. “Rose and I completely understand you were hurt and humiliated, but that’s wrong.”
“She’s guilty of everything! Everything would’ve been fine if both of us had wanted to love and be happy. I couldn’t try to save our relationship forever. I couldn’t hold a sinking board forever.”
“If you don’t really care about her, just leave her alone and let her live her life. Let the girl keep working and doing everything she wants.”
“Oh, no…” Terrence pronounces with his head proudly raised. “I want to mock her a little and make her life worse. Teach her a lesson for insolently using me and having no regret about it.”
“Hey, have you ever thought about what she felt at such a hard moment of her life when she was chased by Simon? Don’t you feel sorry for her? Don’t you understand how hard it is for her?”
“I was sorry,” Terrence confesses with sadness in his eyes. “I was. I really wanted to help her… I meant well, and I was ready to stand by her side.”
“You would’ve helped her then! And then left! Without scandals and hysterics!”
“Yeah, but…” Terrence says nothing for two seconds. “Cameron did what I will never forgive her for. Never…”
Terrence said nothing about slapping Raquelle in the face in anger on purpose because he does not want to be bad for his new friends and lose them after he got them some time ago. However, by talking about her mental health, he already made Daniel and Peter get some questions that make them doubt if their new bandmate is really so good.
“But what did she do that you'll never forgive her?” Peter wonders. “Did that girl cheat on you as you talked about her loyalty that you doubt, as I understand?”
“Honestly, I wouldn't like to talk about it,” Terrence replies hesitantly, glancing aside. “This talk is very unpleasant for me, and I wouldn't like to talk about it.”
“C’mon, buddy, we’d get it! And we’d say nothing to anyone if it meant so much to you.”
“Maybe, I’ll be able to talk about it a little later. But not now. Now it’s very hard for me even to remember that.”
Frowning slightly, Peter and Daniel look at each other and slightly shrug, looking at Terrence a little strangely, who definitely hides something and behaves kind of suspiciously, but deciding not to make him speak by force.
“Okay…” Daniel pronounces quietly. “If you don’t wanna talk about it, we don’t insist. You will tell us everything when you want. If you have a wish to do it…”
“But remember that you’re doing a bad thing by slandering the girl,” Peter adds confidently. “The one, who lets themselves be rude to the weak person, can’t be called strong. There are cases when you better turn around and leave silently. You make it worse by insulting someone back.”
“I don’t insult…” Terrence says thoughtfully, gloomily. “Just telling the truth…”
“You’re just mad, and that’s why you’re saying these things about that girl,” Daniel assumes. “When you calm down a little, you will accept this situation much quieter.”
“I don’t know…” Terrence nods, nervously swallowing up and looking into the distance. “I don’t know…”
“Listen, guys, let’s go to eat,” Peter suggests tiredly. “While we’re walking here as slowly as snails, I’m dying from hunger.”
“Yes, yes, let's go faster,” Terrence puts on a smile. “Or my growling stomach will be heard a few miles away from here.”
“And then we will think about what to do later.”
“Hey, Terrence, can you rollerblade?” Daniel asks.
“I can, but I haven’t done it for ages,” Terrence confesses.
“Hurt your ass?” Peter laughs shyly.
“I haven’t rollerbladed since I strongly hit my head and ended up in a hospital with brain damage when I was a child.”
“Did you probably rollerblade without a helmet as fast as possible?”
“Sort of. I was about ten… I had fun with my friends… I stumbled over a stone, fell on the asphalt, and passed out. I woke up in a hospital. With a strong headache and scraped knees and elbows. Although brain damage wasn’t strong, I had to recover for a long time. And I haven’t rollerbladed since that. My mother banned me from doing it, and I am a little afraid.”
“Wow,” Daniel chuckles kindly.
“Hey, why did you ask me?”
“I thought we could rollerblade in the city or go to a skate park where the same lovers of rollers hang out,” Daniel rolls his eyes. “And try to repeat movements that those, who rollerblade like real professionals, do.”
“Can you rollerblade?”
“Yes, we’re good rollers,” Peter replies with his head proudly raised. “We love racing each other somewhere in a park sometimes. Or, as Dan said, on a skate for rollers.”
“Yeah, we can show you a couple of tricks we’ve learned all this time,” Daniel adds.
“And where did you learn?” Terrence asks.
“We just know a group of cool rollers that can perform incredible tricks. Sometimes we hang out with them and have learned much from them.”
“But we haven’t met them for a long time,” Peter confesses. “At least when we rollerblade where they usually hang out, we haven’t met them for ages.”
“I see,” Terrence cracks a slight smile.
“And I can also ice skate,” Daniel confesses. “I put on rollers and race in the summer, but I take my ice skates and hang out on frozen lakes or a special skate.”
“Honestly, I’m sometimes thinking of trying to put on rollers and skate again. Because I really liked it.” Terrence clears his throat quickly. “I’m sick of standing aside and watching my friends skate. I wanna make a couple of circles. Many friends of mine have tried to make me rollerblade many times, but nobody has done it yet.”
“Do this then!” Daniel exclaims. “Anyway, we can watch your back. The important thing is not to forget to put on a helmet.”
“Yeah, we could go home, take our rollers and go somewhere,” Peter adds. “If you began to rollerblade again, we could race in the city all together.”
“I will think about it,” Terrence promises with a slight smile. “But now, let’s go to eat something.”
“Erm, yeah, let’s talk about it later… Let’s go to eat now. Or my stomach is gonna drive me crazy by growling.”
“Ah, I wish I could cool such delicious dishes that they cook at cafés…” Daniel sighs quietly, running his hand over his stomach.
“Aha, only a desperate person would let you come to a cooker,” Peter laughs. “Your dishes are impossible to eat.”
“Huh, you’d be a wonderful cooker!”
“I would be a much better one than you.”
“So, is everything really so bad?” Terrence chuckles kindly.
“Much worse than you can imagine…” Peter replies confidently.
“Oh, you better shut up, blond!” Daniel exclaims gloomily.
“Nature didn’t give you the skill of cooking.”
“A man doesn’t have to cook delicious food. I think only girls can surprise someone with incredible dishes.”
“Yeah, but you can’t cook anything. You can’t even cook at least a scrambled egg.”
“But I have you,” Daniel smiles slyly. “You’d cool a scrambled egg for me if I want.”
“Aha, keep dreaming! I wasn’t hired as your personal cooker! May your girlfriend cook for you!”
“Oh, does Perkins have a girlfriend?” Terrence wonders.
“He does. And this rooster in love dinged into my ears about her.
Still walking about something on the way, Terrence, Peter, and Daniel go to the nearest café to eat a little and relax in the company of each other. MacClife truly hopes his new friends will not love to start talking about his relationship with Raquelle because he is not going to tell the real reason why the girl fought with him and decided to leave his home.
Terrence completely understands that if Peter and Daniel or someone else knows what actually happened between him and his former girlfriend, everybody will turn their backs on him and start to believe the media is telling true things about his unbearable character and strong aggression. He is worried about his reputation, just as Raquelle is worried about hers. And he does not want to become someone that everybody will bully and mock one fateful day.
Simon is in his apartment in a hostel, on every single corner of which there is very much dust, dirt, and webs. He is thinking very much about how to make Raquelle’s life much worse, and is not going to stop. Especially, when he has taken almost half of the way.
“Wow…” Simon thinks with a sly smile, slowly walking into his small room and drinking tea without sugar. “That girl left her boyfriend a long time ago, and I still cannot find her. She hid somewhere, and she does not show up. She is probably afraid of looking into the eyes of her close people. Even if all of them gave a fuck about her and are living their lives. And they are still sure she has mental issues. They are sure that they got into trouble because of her. Those people are behaving the way I wanted. I got the result that I needed.”
Simon laughs quietly with his head proudly raised and comes to one of the small windows that are lighting up the room.
“Probably, the only one to wish to find her is me,” Simon assumes with an evil smirk. “But not to help her. To destroy her and shower her with mud.”
Simon smiles slyly.
“Okay…” Simon thinks. “Maybe, her relatives are a little worried about her and trying to help her somehow… But still…”
Then Simon realizes that he forgot about Raquelle’s relatives, her aunt Alicia and her grandfather Frederick, and the fact that he wanted to make them turn their backs on her. Well, or at least terrify them enough…
“Oh, damn, it seems like I forgot about her aunt and grandfather again,” Simon thinks irritably and puts his cup of tea on the writing table. “I was so busy with her friends and ex-boyfriend that I forgot about those two. But I wanted to terrify them a little or make those people turn their backs on their beloved girl…”
Simon starts stroking his chin.
“Okay, okay…” Simon thinks. “I should think about what I can do… Now, her friends and ex-boyfriend are not a danger to me, but those people could support their beloved sweetheart…”
Simon thinks about this problem for a few seconds until he puts his hand in the pocket of his black coat, takes his mobile phone from it, and checks something in it.
“Wait, I have numbers of these people,” Simon notices cheerfully and smiles widely. “Here’s the number of her aunt, here’s her grandfather’s one… Yes, yes, that’s them… I have them on my phone…”
Simon thinks for two seconds.
“Hey, what if I just call one of them and scare them a little?” Simon asks himself.“I already threatened one of her friends on the phone, and Richy met another girl outside. But I have not talked to her relative. And I think it’s time to have some fun…”
Simon laughs quietly.
“I will probably start with the deeply beloved grandfather of my dear Raquelle…” Simon decides. “We will see how brave and enduring he is at the age of a little more than sixty…”
After thinking about his wish to scare Raquelle’s relatives, Simon finds the number that he needs with a sly smile, types it, and starts waiting for the answer with his head proudly raised, slowly walking into the room. Of course, he gets the answer not at once, but at some moment, the man hears the masculine, confident voice:
“Good afternoon, Mr. Cameron,” Simon pronounces with a sly smile. “How are you doing? How’s your health?”
“How’s your beloved granddaughter Raquelle doing? I hope you have already gotten disappointed in her because she framed all of you. Or that girl annoyed everybody so much that all of you left her?”
“What do you have to do with Raquelle?”
“I do have, Mr. Cameron, I do.”
“Is this some kind of a drill?”
“By the way, I can tell you everything that your beloved granddaughter did. Or did she already complain to you and pretend to be an innocent lamb?”
“How do you dare to say it! I… I…”
But Frederick quietly starts to realize who he is talking to right now and does not doubt that it's Simon Ringer, who is threatening to destroy Raquelle and ruin her life.
“Wait…” Frederick pronounces thoughtfully. “Simon Ringer? Right? Is that you?”
“M-m-m, I thought you would not guess it,” Simon confesses with a sly smile on his face.
“Are you the stinker, who almost destroyed my granddaughter a few months ago, and who is trying to destroy her now?”
“I must confess that you can think very quickly. I thought I would fool you for a long time before provoking a heart attack of yours.”
“What do you need from Raquelle? And how did you get my numbers and the numbers of all her friends and relatives?”
“I have my own secrets.”
“Stinker! Because of you, everybody left her! You made them believe that communicating with my granddaughter would end badly for them!”
“Yes, yes, I know her friends left her. And one of them was giving me the information about your numbers and helping me destroy your beloved Raquelle,” Simon replies with a sly smirk.
“What are you talking about, jerkoff?” Frederick resents loudly. “How you dare to say something like this?”
“You are a wise man and should understand that a woman could do anything for revenge caused by jealousy.” Simon smiles slyly. “But not only did those girls leave her. Terrence also realized what she was made of. And as I understand, he kicked her out of his home with her stuff.”
“So, did you tell him something, too?” Frederick gets mad. “You said so much that my granddaughter became the number one enemy for him! And she wants to hear nothing about him!”
“Trust me, he does not care about what’s happening to your granddaughter. Moreover, I want to say more: I heard Terrence began to date another girl. And they are kissing and hugging each other…”
“Yes, yes, imagine! He broke up with Raquelle some time ago, but he is already having fun with some girls!” Simon laughs quietly. “It’s clear that Raquelle didn’t care about him if MacClife started an affair and doesn’t aim to hide from everyone.”
“I don’t know how you know everything about Terrence,” Frederick says confidently. “And I don’t care who he is dating. But I want you to leave my granddaughter alone and let her live a quiet life.”
“Oh, no, Mr. Cameron, I will not leave her alone until I get what I want.”
“She has suffered enough! I clearly remember how upset Raquelle was when she found out what someone began publishing and talking about her. Yes, she tried to hold on, but I understood she felt very bad.”
“And I would have destroyed her if nobody had stood in my way. In the opposite case, I would have turned her close people and the whole world against Raquelle. The whole world, Mr. Cameron…”
“Is everything she got through not enough for you yet?”
“Not enough! Your granddaughter will pay much to me for everything I’ve gotten through because of her.”
“Why would she have to pay? What did she do to you?”
“You will know everything soon,” Simon smiles slyly. “Maybe…”
“What do you want from her? Why do you hate my girl so much?”
“I’m going to say that a part of my plan has already come true. And very soon, I will start working on a second part. The second and final one.”
“You will pay for what you wanted to do to my granddaughter, Simon Ringer,” Frederick says rudely. “Early or late, you will finally stop doing bad things and leave the innocent girl alone.”
“I shall stop only when I know that girl is destroyed.”
“Do you, scumbag, know how depressed Raquelle is? What did you the hell bring her to! Because of you, she broke up with Terrence and fought with her friend, whom she befriended since school!”
“It’s not my fault,” Simon says confidently. “She never lived well with Terrence. And her friend…”
Simon shrugs with a sly smile.
“What can I do if she had a friend, who was jealous of her success all the time? The one, who dreamed of getting her boyfriend. Who, however, did not pay attention to her.”
“It’s freaking hurt for me to see her being like this! My heart is bleeding when I see her suffer and hear her crying bitterly!”
“That’s what I wanted to reach,” Simon says confidently with a wide smile and his head proudly raised. “I want to know that Raquelle is absolutely broken and depressed. And I will keep pressing on her until she breaks down and stops trying to resist me.”
“BEAST!” Frederick shouts on the phone. “BASTARD! I WISH YOU WERE BURNING IN THE HELL!”
“Quiet, quiet, my dear, do not scream like this. I am not deaf and can hear you well.”
“Be careful, scumbag, if I meet you outside, I will strangle you with my own hands! And I do not care about my age or strength! For my granddaughter, I’m ready to cut the throat of anyone to hurt my only one. I will personally bring you to prison and do my best for you, scumbag, to stay here until the last day of your life.”
“No, my dear Mr. Cameron, I will not pay, but your granddaughter will do,” Simon replies quietly and glances aside. “She will pay for everything she has done. And not only for everything that was done by her…”
“Be sure, I will find a way to make you pay for everything. You will be burning in hell for everything you have done. I will do MY BEST to reach it!”
“What would you do to me?”
“What my granddaughter should have done! I will go to the police and tell them what you did! Trust me, Ringer, I will give my everything to make you pay with the full force of the law and leave my Raquelle ALONE.”
“Quiet, quiet, calm down,” Simon pronounces quietly. “Keep your strength, because you will need it. And going to the police is worthless for you because you cannot prove that I have to do with threatening your granddaughter.”
Simon smiles widely.
“Everyone knows you can’t blame someone without any proof,” Simon notices. “Or it would be called slander. Which you could go to prison for.”
“We will find proof!” Frederick says loudly. “And you will go to prison for many years! If Raquelle does not do it, I will report you and do my best for you to die in jail.”
“Do not even dream about it, my dear,” Simon smirks ironically. “You have no proof of my fault. You cannot prove that I have to do with everything that’s happening, and words never mean anything. Moreover, nobody can find me because I am hiding in a very good place.”
“Wherever you are, you will be caught and put in prison!”
“Maybe, in your dreams.”
“You will do nothing to my Raquelle!” Frederick says a little irritably. “Since you made all of her friends and Terrence turn their backs on her and leave her at such a hard moment, I will stay by her side until the need and will not leave her, whatever you say. I have lived enough and gotten a great life experience. I would have enough brains not to believe an insolent stinker, who believes he is very smart and sly.”
“Oh, I will do… As you have heard, a part of my plan came true, but the other one will come true very soon.”
“Do not dare to hurt her,” Frederick threatens through his teeth. “Or you will be dead, dog!”
“Ah…” Simon glances at the window, near which he is now standing, with a sly, smug smile. “At first, I did my best for her closest friends to turn their backs on her by telling them she was mentally sick and making them sure your granddaughter was guilty of what was happening. Then Raquelle fought with her boyfriend… And I had to do with that, opening the eyes of that stupid man, Terrence and making him realize what that hysterical girl was made of.”
Simon smiles much wider.
“I had to do with the fight of Raquelle with her friend Natalia,” Simon confesses. “Who was allegedly revenging on her because of envying and wishing to get such a wanted man… The poor girl regularly goes to clubs, but men need only her beautiful body. But her friend got the popular actor and dated him for some time…”
Simon glances aside.
“It was a good argument, knowing what Raquelle said about her in our latest talk,” Simon adds. “And after fighting with MacClife, she left the home of her boyfriend and is hiding somewhere from everyone.”
Simon strokes his chin.
“But now I have an assumption that she would be somewhere near you,” Simon confesses. “And she is crying bitterly under your wing.”
“Even if she is near me, I will not let you do anything to her,” Frederick says confidently.
“Do not worry, dear. I am not going to go to your home and make sure thaat it's true. I do not actually care about her current location… She can live anywhere she wants…”
Simon starts slowly walking in circles in the small room where he is being.
“But it does not mean I would leave her alone,” Simon says confidently. “I will be torturing and mocking her for a long time. Do my best for her not to be able to fight. To make her give up. And when I understand that she is broken and emptied, I will do what I have wanted to do for such a long time. What the woman, who kidnapped her aunt, did not do. Because she killed a rich man somehow to get his money. Unsuccessfully, however…”
“You will not kill her, scumbag!” Frederick shouts, clenching a free hand into a fist and getting enraged by what he hears from Simon. “YOU WILL NOT KILL! NOT KILL!”
“Oh, I will kill!” Simon nods confidently with a sly smile. “This time, nothing can stop me because I have neutralized those, who could help her and prevent me from that.”
“You would do nothing to me, and I am not afraid of you. As well, as I am not afraid of the aunt of your granddaughter.” Simon thinks for two seconds. “Besides, I told my friend from London to cut off the phone cable in the apartment of Raquelle not to let her call her and find out what was happening to her niece.”
“What?” Frederick resents, not believing what he heard. “Is that your work? So, was it not just a coincidence?”
“Not at all. I do know where that woman is living. So… I could not miss a chance.”
“You are a scoundrel…”
“Ah, poor Raquelle…” Simon sighs with a slight smile. “Her beloved auntie cannot help her…”
“Do you know that fixing this problem is a matter of two hours?” Frederick asks.
“Moreover, that guy checked a fuse box to turn off the power in her apartment.”
“What?” Frederick frowns strongly.
“Yes, yes, that’s true!”
“Ar-r-r, what a nasty scumbag you are, Simon Ringer,” Frederick throws rudely. “Of course, I knew some freaking assholes, but I have never met a more shameless bastard than you are.”
“By the way, that woman tried to send a letter for her beloved Raquelle…”
Simon smiling slyly takes a small envelope from a pocket of his coat with a letter from Alicia, who wrote and sent it to Raquelle a long time ago.
“One day, my helper robbed the mailbox in MacClife’s house in the early morning and brought this letter to me,” Simon confesses. “I still have it with me. And I have already read it from the first to the last letter.”
“Leave is the hell alone! You have made the life of my granddaughter worse than ever! You tried to do it when you came into our lives for the first time. And you want to do the same thing now!”
“I said everything to you, Mr. Cameron.”
Simon smiles slyly and shakes his head.
“Erm, alright, dear, I think it’s time to finish our talk,” Simon says thoughtfully. “I told you everything I wanted and will keep thinking about my plan.”
“You will do nothing to Raquelle!” Frederick shouts on the phone. “NOTHING! I WILL NOT LET YOU!”
“And yeah!” Simon puts a finger on his lip. “When I ask Raquelle to meet and meet her face-to-face, I will tell her what I did all of it. I will tell her about my first appearance in her life. I do not mean her photoshoot with MacClife. I mean the one that happened much earlier.”
“What are you talking about?” Frederick frowns slightly. “I don’t understand you!”
“Trust me, she is going to be not the only one to be shocked by what she is going to know because the others will be, as well. Of course, if Raquelle stays alive and is able to tell you about that. I personally, really doubt it.”
Simon laughs with a sly smile.
“Alright, my dear, I will better go,” Simon says thoughtfully. “I have very much to do. But I don’t exclude that I may call you or someone else a little later and slowly reveal my plans. Or maybe, even drop hints at the reasons that made me revenge.”
“You must be in a mental hospital, not prison,” Frederick replies rudely. “People like you must be cured! And keep them far from people!”
“Do not be bored, Mr. Cameron! All the best… Do not worry so much…”
Simon laughing loudly and evilly finishes the talk with Frederick, blocks the phone, and puts it on the writing table. The man is quite happy with everything that is happening so far, being absolutely sure his plans will come true. To be clear, the man is not sure… He is one hundred percent sure. He surely knows his wishes will come true very soon.
“All my dreams will come true soon,” Simon thinks with a slight smile, looking through the small window. “I need to wait for a while to finally do what I’ve been dreaming about for many years. You will see, Simon, you will be very happy soon. While the others are broken and barely able to come to themselves, I will be very happy and satisfied.”
A few seconds later, Simon steps back from the window with a mysterious smile and looks at what surrounds him.
“After talking to the old man, I do not doubt that Raquelle ran away to her grandfather,” Simon assumes confidently. “Actually, that gal has no places to go: living either with her grandfather or her aunt in London. All her friends keep themselves far from her and are worried about their lives because Uncle Simon stood in their way and started to threaten them.”
Simon laughs quietly, definitely having a wonderful mood.
“It’s okay, I do not care about where this gal went,” Simon thinks. “If I have to, I can easily get her out of the ground. The important thing is that everything is happening as I want, and I’m getting what I want.”
Later, Simon stops his eyes on a bunch of papers in the corner of the room that someone would hardly need.
“Ah, yeah, I need to call Richard a little later and tell him something,” Simon thinks. “And check how he’s doing everything I tell him. Maybe, he has some interesting pieces of news for me.”
Simon puts a finger on his lips and crosses his arms over his chest when he comes to the writing table, takes a cup of tea, and drinks it, not stopping thinking of his plans that should come true, despite nothing.
Great Britain. London. The time is getting closer to the afternoon. Alicia is sitting at her home and decided to do a spring cleaning of the whole apartment and sort out the stuff that she has. The woman has always loved sorting them out because sometimes she may find something that she could actually forget about. She is now carefully wiping dust off tables, closets, and other surfaces, trying not to miss out on any corner or hole to make everything gloss and shine front clearness.
“Yeah, I didn’t clean it up for ages…” Alicia thinks, wiping dust off her writing table. “So much dirt and dust… I’ve gotta do this more often…”
After the dust is finally wiped off all the surfaces, Alicia starts washing the floor with a rag that is put on a mop. A washing-up liquid that the woman uses has a very nice smell that spreads throughout the whole apartment.
“Ah, how much I love this smell…” Alicia pronounces with a slight smile, breathing in the smell of the washing-up liquid. “Adore some floral smells… I’ve tried many liquids, but this one is the best…”
After a long cleaning and sweeping off the floor in the apartment, Alicia, who feels a little tired, decides to sort out her stuff on the writing table as there is a great mess on it. Sorting out everything she has, she later finds a small photo album with many photos. Moreover, there is no place for some photos, and they are just placed in the album like bookmarks.
Alicia decides to have a rest after the cleaning and sits on her bed to view all the photos. The woman sees herself in childhood in one of them. It’s possible to see how a little girl gets great pleasure from playing in a sandbox alongside two girls.
“Ah, it was an amazing time,” Alicia says with a slight smile, calling the memories that make her feel nice, warming feelings. “I can't believe it’s been so many years… But it seems like I was a child some time ago and making mud-pies.”
Alicia sighs heavily and keeps viewing the photo for a few seconds. The girls that she was playing with in a sandbox, communicated with the woman in childhood. They lived in the same building, often played together outside, and got on very well.
Later, Alicia finds more photos of her being a teenager. School years, schoolmates, final exams, graduation, a first love, a first kiss, a first date, a first slow dance, a first disappointment, a new life… All these things are what the time that the woman is associated with the time when she was a teenager.
“My God, so much happened…” Alicia sighs with a slight smile. “I remember everything that happened like it was yesterday. I forgot almost nothing…”
Among the photos, there are a few ones with a very sympathetic man, who looks like he is the same age as Alicia. He is a tall, little skinny man with light brown hair, a kind look, and a shy smile. The woman views this photo with tears coming to her eyes. But at some moment, she smiles widely at him, slowly running her fingertips over the photo and silently taking a note of the fact that she should go to the cemetery where this man is buried and spend some time at his grave.
At first sight, the man seems very light. It seems like he has no arrogance, evil, or insolence. It’s a very sweet and shy person, who is, however, confident and knows what he wants to get from life. Alicia looks at him with a special admiration because it’s her late husband, Dominick Middleton, who died many years ago of an incurable illness at a young enough age.
“Dominick…” Alicia pronounces in a little shaking voice. “Sweetheart… I’m missing you so much… How much I need you… I would give everything to see you healthy and have you by my side…”
Alicia never forgets that man and often calls the memories of the wonderful time that she spent with him. Her love for him was so strong that the woman did not want to get married to other men because she thought she would not be able to love someone stronger than she loved Dominick.
But some time later, Alicia stops smiling because she finds a photo that makes her call not very nice memories. She is not smiling and is looking serious enough while posing with a tall, dark-haired man with by far not an attractive look, who is not actually trustworthy, named Gilbert Woodham. Somehow, many years ago, this man helped her open her own fashion brand and provided her with everything. But at some moment, everything went wrong, and their by far not a light and wonderful story came to an end.
Defending herself from Gilbert, who began to accost her somehow, Alicia strongly hit him on the head with something that she could reach first. Unfortunately, the hit was fatal, and quite a young woman got arrested for the murder later. She had had to be in jail for a few months before the judge found her non-guilty and returned the verdict of her being not guilty of the murder, getting the family of the late man wild and making them curse the one, who was the reason why they lost, as they thought, the best person ever.
After this, her nightmare began. Eleanor Woodham, the daughter of the late Gilbert, was obsessed with a wish to revenge Alicia for the death of her father and the ruined life of her friend, whom the woman hit with a car at a very young age. And somehow, she even tried to kidnap her and forced Raquelle, who was spending time with her aunt, to come to the meeting with her. The crime tried to kill the poor girl before the eyes of the policemen. But Eleanor’s plan did not come true because she got a gun wound from one of the policemen, but a little later, she died of massive blood loss.
Alicia still thinks of that event with tears in her eyes and a shake in her whole body. She will never forget the nightmare she had to get through, even if ten or twenty years are gone. The memories are still clear, as if everything happened yesterday.
“I can't believe it happened to me somehow,” Alicia says with sadness in her eyes. “If I could change something in my life, I would surely do it. I would do my best not to be such an idiot.”
At first, Alicia sighs heavily, but two seconds later, she determinedly tears the photo, in which she is posing with Gilbert, into many pieces, and throws it in a trash bag that is placed near her. She does not want anything to remind her of the past, which she is still ashamed of. And she cannot understand how it happened that she had a photo of that man and her all the time.
A little later, Alicia finds some photos of Raquelle and Terrence, which they sent her. The happy faces of the lovers and a special gloss in the eyes, wide, true smiles… The woman calls the memories of them being so happy when their relationship was just getting started. Everything that is happening now seems like a nightmare. Alicia cannot believe everything could be changed like this for almost one year and could lead to the moment when those people got a wish to break up immediately and called their affair the greatest mistake.
“My God, how could everything change so suddenly?” Alicia wonders with sadness in her eyes. “Such a beautiful couple… They seemed to be in love and happy… But then my girl said that she decided to break up with him… And she literally thinks Mr. Cameron and I are guilty of ruining her life. She does know we’ve always wished her the best, but she said that…”
Alicia sighs heavily.
“How I wish I was with her…” Alicia thinks. “I wanna support my niece. I can do nothing because I’m too far from her. Raquelle should feel my support. She should know I would never turn my back on her, whatever she does.”
Alicia asks many questions for some time while viewing photos of the happy couple. And then someone calls on her wired phone. The woman quickly puts the photo album aside, comes to the phone, takes it, presses the button to answer the call, and puts it to her ear.
“Hello,” Alicia pronounces.
“Hi, Alicia, it's Amelia,” Amelia greets amicably.
“Hey, Amelia!” Alicia says with a slight smile. “Glad to hear you. How are you?”
“Fine. What about you? Do you have some news about your niece?”
“Sadly, nothing new yet. I talk to Mr. Cameron almost every day, but he says nothing new is happening.”
“Hasn’t Simon called her?”
“He called her once. He was mocking her again.”
“Did he come up with one more bad thing?”
“I don’t know yet, but Mr. Cameron mentioned that Ringer said something about Terrence. He was kind of caught with a girl.”
“A girl?”
“Yeah, they were kind of kissing before people’s eyes and were shy of nobody.”
“Wow…” Amelia shakes her head. “They broke up literally yesterday, but Terrence already found a new girlfriend?”
“I think so.”
“Do you think it’s true?”
“Maybe. If a girl doesn’t love a man and doesn’t pay attention to him, he will start a new affair early or late. Moreover, I wouldn't be surprised if Terrence already dated that girl.”
“Do you wanna say he could be hiding and seeing her secretly, but now, when a breakup happened, decided it was time to put an end to it?”
“I don’t exclude.”
“Listen, I remember something…” Amelia confesses thoughtfully.
“The lines on Raquelle’s palms. They said a homewrecker would stand in her way. A girl that would put an eye on her man and wish to get him.”
“Really! And I’m going to be honest, when I suggested that I read Raquelle’s hand, I already knew it.”
“You knew?”
“Yes, I clearly saw that a girl would try to ruin her happiness. But I told Raquelle that she could have an affair as well as her boyfriend. I didn’t say her man would have another lady.”
“And would she… Really steal Terrence?”
“Most likely.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ…”
“But I’m not surprised. Anyway, Raquelle is guilty of what happened. I warned her about what she should’ve changed to make her relationship happy. But that girl did not listen to me. As if she thought I was lying.”
“Maybe, it should’ve happened. Maybe, she should’ve gotten through all of that not to make the same mistake in the future, in case my niece would love to get married.”
“Anyway, she will not get married multiple times. She is destined to have one marriage.”
“You think so?”
“Even if it’s bad, she may have very many men. But she would hardly love to have a wedding again and would just date someone of them.”
“But you say everything may be changed.”
“Yeah, but that’s what I saw on the palm that could let you know what would be meant to happen. It clearly said your niece would not have a second marriage in her life.”
“I wouldn’t like it to happen. I do want her to have a husband.”
“If she wants, she will have a man. She will give birth to children when Raquelle understands she is ready. Your niece just needs to decide to have it.”
“If only she didn’t live my life and stay alone.”
“But you got married! If your husband hadn’t died, you would’ve been very happy.”
“Yeah, but I stayed alone anyway. I don’t have a beloved man. I don’t have my own children.”
“But what about your adopted daughter?”
“It’s different. Yes, I’m very glad I’m gonna take the girl from an orphan house, but I’m very sorry about not giving birth to at least one child. And I will always regret living my life not in the way I should have done.”
“I understand it, but since it’s Raquelle’s fate, you should take it. Moreover, I’ve already told you she would get a long-awaited peace in her life, early or late.”
“Sometimes I doubt it…” Alicia sighs tiredly. “Sometimes I think she was kind of born to suffer.”
“No, friend. Raquelle will not suffer her whole life. Fate just wants her to pass some tests, realize something and change something. Everything happens for a reason. As a lover of her ex-boyfriend stood in her way, it should have happened.”
“My God…” Alicia runs her hand over her face with a heavy sigh. “How it’s all hard…”
“Anyway, now Raquelle needs someone’s support as much as never ever,” Amelia says confidently. “She needs love and attention. Even if that girl doesn’t always do the right things and literally ruined her happiness, you should feel sorry for her.”
“And Simon stood in her way out of the blue…”
“I think he should’ve come into her life, as well. I don’t know why, but the lines on her palms say she would meet someone to turn everything upside down in her life and give her trouble.”
“Do you think it’s about Ringer?”
“Most likely. He got her nervous enough. He turned her close people towards her, pushed Terrence and her to a final breakup, and is not going to leave her alone.”
“Yeah…” Alicia puts her hand on her forehead and shakes her head. “How awful…”
“You should be ready for him to let everybody know about him and wish to do something terrible.”
“And when he wants to do the last things, it may be a catastrophe for my niece.”
“Maybe…” Amelia thinks for two seconds. “I don’t exclude that he would explain what made him mock the poor girl like this.”
“You know, Amelia…” Alicia frowns slightly. “Sometimes I have the impression that he could’ve hurt Raquelle earlier. Before she met him.”
“I think she would’ve told you if she’d met him much earlier.”
“What if Simon already knew Raquelle when she didn’t know anything about him?”
“What?” Amelia frowns slightly. “Do you think he’s been wanting to do something for a long time? Decided to do something before they met for the first time?”
“I don’t exclude. I’m more than sure something is not right about this story. There’s something that nobody knows yet.”
“But what?”
“I don’t know. But I’ve gotta find out everything.”
“How?” Amelia wonders. “Raquelle would not say anything.”
“And I should be with her. Support her as hard as possible.”
“I should go to New York, Amelia,” Alicia says confidently. “At the nearest time.”
“Erm, what?” Amelia rounds her eyes.
“I should support Raquelle and find out all the truth about what happened there. Since everybody left my girl, Mr. Cameron and I will be by her side and help her get through what’s happening in her life.”
“Are you really going to go there?”
“Yes, friend! I am taking my stuff and flying to New York on the airplane that leaves first. I should find out what’s happening there and do my best to help Raquelle.”
“Wait, Alicia, are you sure this is a good idea?”
“I am sure! I am sorry for not doing this before and always delaying this trip. I have been restless for a long time because of my poor girl… I can’t stay here, doing nothing and torturing myself with guesses and assumptions.”
“Think better, friend. Think about whether you should leave your business and go there! You just started working on adopting a girl. What if they need something, but you are not in London?”
“It’s okay, it’s a long process, and I will agree about a vacation. Moreover, it’s going to be the first one this year.”
“I've decided everything, Amelia, I’m going to New York!” Alicia says confidently. “If my girl has nobody, who could support her but Mr. Cameron and me, I shall be the one to give her a hand of help.”
“Erm, okay… If you want to go, go then! But remember that you may stay there for a very long time.”
“It’s okay. I will stay there as long as I have to. Until Raquelle’s life gets better, I will not leave the USA.”
“What about money? How would you buy a ticket?”
“I’ve got some saved money. If I don’t have enough, I will ask someone to lend it. I will pay my debt by giving a part of my salary.”
“You know, I would go to New York with you, but I have nobody to leave my child with. Raphael is working all day long, and I don’t trust my little Hailey to anyone. I can’t give my daughter even to her grandmothers and grandfathers for a whole day… Maybe, only two hours to play.”
“Anyway, you and I will be on the line anyway. I promise I will be letting you know about everything that’s happening to Raquelle and her close people.”
“Are you leaving today?”
“Yes, if it’s possible. Or tomorrow – in case there are no flights today.”
“Alright, call me when you come there.”
“Of course!” Alicia nods confidently with a slight smile. “I will call you right from the airport when my airplane lands in New York.”
“Anyway, I’m always on the line. Call on my home number. I stay home almost all day long and watch my child. I can only go out to walk with Hailey for two hours or go to the nearest store and buy food.”
“Thanks a lot, Amelia.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds.
“Alright, then I will go to take my stuff and order a ticket,” Alicia says thoughtfully. “And then I will make a couple of calls for adoption and my work…”
“Anyway, call me,” Amelia replies quietly.
“We will talk shortly after I come.”
“Bye, Amelia.”
Alicia finishes the talk and puts the phone aside. She wants to go to New York today to support Raquelle at a hard moment and find out what’s happening in the life of her niece.
“My business can wait,” Alicia says confidently. “Raquelle needs support and help right now. And I will do my best for her to get it. I will go there today if it’s possible. I’ve got no problems with documents and am able to go abroad.”
Before starting to take her stuff and order a ticket, Alicia puts all the things that are lying around on the floor and finishes the cleaning of the whole apartment. It takes about twenty or thirty minutes. And then the woman finds her case and starts putting everything she needs in it. Also, Alicia does not forget to call the agency and order a ticket to New York for the nearest flight. By the way, the woman decides not to tell anyone about her arrival, going to make an unexpected surprise to everybody.
The United States of America. New York. Natalia is walking in the city, comes to an unpopular park where she has never been before some time later, and decides to walk in this beautiful enough place that she definitely likes.
The girl has lately asked herself about what’s happening to Raquelle and where she suddenly disappeared. Even though she is still insulted by what she heard from her, Natalia is still worried about her and would like to know what’s happening. Moreover, the more time is gone, the more she gets cold. One week ago, the blonde wanted to hear nothing about her former friend, but now she would not mind knowing something about her.
Although it’s easy to guess, everybody is sure Raquelle did not decide to hide at Frederick’s home because they think all of her close people turned their backs on her. It’s not a wish to play on the feelings of people and make them worry about her. It’s a wish to spend some time alone, put her mind and emotions in order, and get ready for anything that might expect her in the future.
“I wonder, where’s Raquelle now?” Natalia asks herself. “She said nothing to Anna when she called her to talk to her. As if that girl doesn’t want anyone to find her.”
Natalia sighs heavily, still walking in the park with her arms crossed over her chest and passing by some people, who decide to spend time at this place.
“And I must confess that Anna was absolutely right when she said we stopped getting threats,” Natalia thinks. “It’s true. That man hasn’t bothered us for a long time. But he called us many times… Maybe, Simon really decided to give up? Or did he decide to change his plan and give an unexpected hit? Maybe, he only needs Cameron now?”
At some moment, Natalia calls the memory of her latest talk with Terrence when he told her about the fight with Raquelle that became fatal for them and pushed them to the decision of a final breakup.
“I got a feeling that Terrence hid something from me when we had a talk, and he told me about his latest fight with Raquelle,” Natalia frowns slightly. “I can understand that he didn’t wanna talk about that girl and said not the best things about her ‘cause she didn’t love and appreciate him. But I thought MacClife’s voice was shaking. I would say it was scared. Is he hiding something? Why did that man refuse to explain what pushed them to a breakup and made Raquelle leave his house? I understand he doesn’t want to talk about it, but…”
Natalia glances aside.
“Maybe, there is a hidden meaning in the fact that he’s saying nothing about something?” Natalia asks herself. “Maybe, that is the reason why everything happened? Her fight, her escape from the house, her sudden disappearance…”
Natalia frowns slightly.
“I doubt Raquelle would’ve left home so easily, even if she thought about it,” Natalia thinks. “She delayed this moment for a long time… And she left after that fight… Something that should’ve made someone of those two really mad was supposed to happen. Something that probably happened… But who knows, maybe, Terrence will wish to tell everything later if he was ready. I don’t want and will not meddle in this case ‘cause I don’t have to do with it.”
Natalia sighs heavily again and keeps walking in the park. Two seconds later, her mobile phone starts vibrating in her purse. The girl opens it, takes her smartphone, and runs a finger over the screen to answer the call.
“Hello,” Natalia pronounces quietly.
“Hi, Natalia,” a feminine, nice voice pronounces. “It’s me.”
“Erm, Mom?” Natalia asks surprisingly.
“Yes, it’s me, honey,” the woman pronounces amicably. “How are you doing? How is your father there?”
“I’m fine.”
“And your dad?”
“Dad is fine, too. He is slowly solving all the cases.”
“Wonderful then!”
“What about you? How’s Grandpa Adriana doing?”
“Thank God, everything is okay with your grandmother. She is doing fine! She always keeps a positive mood and tries to stay far from negative things.”
“Dad and I will come to you soon to support you and help you take care of Grandma. He almost solved his business. He says we can take our stuff and come to you very soon.”
“I will be waiting,” the woman replies amicably. “But you can have no rush. Your grandmother is fine so far, and I can manage it all.”
“Okay,” Natalia nods with a slight smile. “But we'll try to come to you as soon as possible.”
“Let me know, and I will meet you at the airport.”
“Sure, don’t worry.”
Natalia cracks a slight smile and says nothing. And while silence settles in the air for two seconds, the girl’s mother notices that her daughter has quite a sad voice.
“By the way, why is your voice so upset?” the woman asks. “Something happened to you?”
“Upset?” Natalia puts on a smile. “Erm… No… It’s not sad! Why do you think so?”
“You will not lie to me, Natalia,” the woman replies confidently. “Your father recently told me you fought with one of your friends. I mean Raquelle. And that’s why you couldn’t come to yourself for a few days.”
Natalia keeps silent for two seconds, trying not to cry right in the middle of the street because of the memories that come into her mind. But later, the girl exhales sharply and confirms it with sadness in her eyes:
“Yes, Mom, it’s the truth. I really fought with Raquelle.”
“You can tell me nothing because I already know everything,” the woman replies confidently. “Anthony hid nothing from me.”
“That was terrible…” Natalia sniffs quietly, understanding that it’s very hard for her to hold tears down, and they are coming to her eyes. “I never thought we’d fight so much. We were screaming at each other, insulting and even fighting…”
“Oh, my poor girl,” the woman expresses sympathy.
“You can imagine? I was fighting with my best childhood friend! I was so mad that I almost pulled her hair out…” Natalia shakes her head. “My God, I can’t think about it easily…”
“Your father said you were worried about it very much and couldn’t come to yourself for a few days,” the woman notices.
“Yup, it was very hard for me.”
“But why did you fight?”
“Raquelle just blamed me for what I’ve never done…” Natalia sniffs quietly. “She told me so much that I don’t even wanna think about it. You know how hurt I was when my best friend went to my home and blamed me for wishing to ruin her life and being terribly jealous…”
“Yeah, I know.”
“That girl went to our home and started a great scandal when literally standing on the doorstep.”
“You were home alone on that day?”
“Yup, Dad went to work in the early morning, and Raquelle came somewhere by lunch,” Natalia sighs heavily. “But he would’ve rather been home. Maybe, he would’ve gotten to make that girl come to herself…”
“That’s bad you were fighting. Girls should not behave like this and wave their hands. Your father and I never taught you that.”
“She went out of her mind, Mom! The situation of Simon Ringer made her lose the rest of her brains and turned her into a sick, hysterical lady.” Natalia sighs quietly. “But I wouldn't be surprised if she was always like this.”.
“Honey, don’t say that,” the woman says softly. “Raquelle could just be too upset and excited because of what happened to her. She could not understand what she was saying or doing.”
“She understood everything! Ringer turned her against me, but she, idiot, believed him!”
“Listen, Natalia…”
“I’m guilty of nothing for her. But she believed that I was dreaming of taking revenge on her because of jealousy, and I put an eye on her boyfriend, who has always been just a friend of mine.”
“Yeah, but why did you attack her and make her much more enraged? If you hadn’t provoked her, it wouldn’t have led to a fight.”
“I couldn’t just stand and hear that crazy lady calling me what I don’t want to talk about.” Natalia slightly raises her head up. “Besides, I think that girl did deserve a little shakeup.”
“I completely understand it, but you should’ve understood the situation,” the woman says quietly. “You should’ve listened to what she wanted to say and just asked her to leave.”
“Do you think I would’ve kicked that girl out of the apartment? If Dad had been near me, he would’ve done it! But I wouldn’t have done it alone.”
“Anyway, you should’ve kept calm. Because you know you did nothing.”
“My gosh, Mom, are you defending her?” Natalia wonders loudly. “If Dad hasn’t told you what she called me, I can tell everything from the list.”
“No, daughter, I’m not defending her. Even more, I believe she did a very bad thing, as well. But in these cases, you better just let a person speak and give him or her time to get cool and realize their mistakes. Raquelle would’ve calmed down later, realized what kind of stupid thing she did, and come to you to apologize.”
“She would hardly understand her mistake.”
“Everything would’ve been fine. But mutual insults and charges brought you two to the fact that nobody would love to reconcile.”
“At least, I’m not ready to reconcile with her right now,” Natalia sighs heavily. “And I doubt I would be ready at least to listen to her.”
“But early or late, you’d have to solve this problem.”
“I know. But may she solve her problem with Simon and calm down a little. Maybe, something will get clear later… Now I don’t even want to try to talk to her and especially apologize for what I’ve never done.”
“I’m glad you want to wait. Now you shouldn’t really contact her. Not the best time for that. You can make the situation much worse.”
“I just understand that I need to calm down…” Natalia says nothing for two seconds. “Moreover, two weeks ago, I was ready to pull her hair out. But now I take it quieter. And sometimes I can feel a little sorry for that girl.”
“You’re doing the right thing, sweetie, I’m fully supporting you.”
“Thanks, Mom…”
During a short pause, Natalia smiles shyly and glances at someone, who drives by her on a bike.
“You know, honey, when I heard this story, I wanted to leave everything and come to you to support you a little,” the woman confesses with sadness in her eyes. “But your father barely persuaded me to change my mind and promised to do his best to help you.”
“Yes, Dad really helped me very much,” Natalia replies with a slight smile. “And my friends didn’t stand aside… Without their support, I would’ve never gotten through that…”
“By the way, I heard Terrence has lately supported you very much.”
“He’s a wonderful man, who has done very much to me.”
“I guess he is having a hard time now. Your father somehow said something about his problems with the relationship with Raquelle.”
“They broke up.”
“What?” the woman wonders. “Broke up?”
“But it doesn’t surprise me. I thought something was not right about their relationship after my first visit to their home after my return to New York.”
“Wow… I’m so sorry… They were such a beautiful couple…”
“Yeah, but it no longer exists. I mean, it has never existed.”
“But why did they decide to break up?”
“I guess you and Father were right when you somehow said you couldn’t build a relationship only thanks to psychical attraction,” Natalia replies thoughtfully. “So, the situation of those two could be explained in this way.”
“I get it…”
“Moreover, Cameron confessed she never loved him and dated Terrence to make her family get off her.”
“Come on?”
“That’s what she said. And Terrence said the same after one of the fights of them.”
“Wow… But you know, I didn’t believe in their couple much from the beginning.”
“There was no real love between them – only, as you said, psychical attraction. Your father and I always believed so, but we thought they looked very good together. Those two could’ve been happy if they’d wanted. But as, at least, Raquelle doesn’t want it, this affair was already doomed.”
“You’re right. They already went in different ways. And they finally fixed the mistake they made.”
“That’s right! You shouldn't make each other suffer if your together life doesn’t give you pleasure.”
“Terrence will meet a girl, who's going to love his look and never play with his feelings.”
“Of course, he will. He’s a very handsome, young guy, and girls have always shown their interest in him. So, Terrence won’t stay single.”
“I’d like him to be lucky. Terrence deserves the happiness Raquelle didn’t give him… Who chose her career and gave a damn about him… Used the fact that he felt real feelings for her.”
“He will surely be.”
“I really want him to find true love and be happy.”
“Aw, sweetie…” the woman smiles widely. “You should think of your own happiness, not someone else’s one…”
“Gosh, Mom…” Natalia gets blushed.
“By the way, your father told me you recently met a young man.”
“Yes, it's the truth,” Natalia confirms with a shy smile.
“He said you were spending very much time with him and could be standing in front of a mirror to look as good as possible for hours. And Anthony added that you’d shine from happiness when talking about him.”
“Dad notices everything…”
“Is he so good that your mood gets much better when that guy invites you somewhere?”
“He’s very good! Very kind, caring, and careful… I’m happy to spend some free time with him when that man invites me somewhere to walk.”
“Does he listen to you?”
“He does! That man always listens to me very carefully and tries to support me somehow. He makes me smile.”
“My God, Mom…” Natalia sighs dreamily with a slight smile. “I feel so good next to him. When he is with me, I feel protected and calmed. I forget all the bad things that happened to me. He is what I need so badly.”
“M-m-m, daughter…” the woman smiles mysteriously.
“The more I know him, the more time I wanna spend with him.”
“He likes you so much?”
“I can’t deny that he's very sympathetic to me… And I’m literally in love with his soft and nice voice… I’m ready to hear it for hours… Anything. It calms me down and relaxes me…”
“I'm glad you've met someone you liked,” the woman replies happily with a slight smile. “Maybe, that man came into your life just in time and would bring peace and a good mood back to you.”
“I don’t know, Mommy, I don’t…” Natalia sighs quietly and runs her hand through her hair. “But I feel wonderful when he’s next to me. He’s very kind and sweet to me. That man is really worried about me and asks me about my problems.”
“Is he really so good?”
“Too good. I feel he’s absolutely true and not pretending.”
“Great,” the woman smiles shyly. “I’m very glad for you.”
“I think I’m lucky twice. Because he’s very attractive and incredibly kind and caring. And he helps me get over the depression after the fight with Raquelle.”
“Oh, listen, daughter, I’m so happy for you,” the woman confesses. “I advise you to keep communicating with that guy and not to reject his support and help.”
“I’m not going to reject him. And I will be ready to save all my business for later to meet him.”
“You know, I think he is also definitely interested in you.”
“I don’t know, Mom, maybe… We’ll live and see, and then something will be clear…”
“Trust me, daughter, a man wouldn’t invite you on a date if he didn't want to get to know you better. Or maybe, he already feels sympathy for you but doesn’t want to confess it now.”
“That guy and I are currently just communicating. We’re good friends, and we spend time together. So, don’t think we already have feelings or something like that.”
“Why not!”
“Listen to your mother, Natalia. She knows what she says.”
“Now I’m just communicating with him as a friend.”
“Anyway, I’m very glad you finally met a good man, who really cares about you. Unlike those you had met before.”
“No, that man is totally different,” Natalia smiles widely. “Of course, he also appreciates my beauty, but what I feel is more important to him. And it means very much to me.”
“You’re thinking right, sweetie,” the woman replies confidently. “But I can already say you have one more friend that would be ready to support you and do something for you at any time.”
“I wish, Mom… I wish…”
Natalia smiles shyly, while a short silence settles in the air for a few seconds.
“Oh, okay, daughter, I have to go to do something,” the woman says thoughtfully. “I’m really sorry, but sadly, I can’t talk to you a little longer.”
“Sure, I get it,” Natalia smiles shyly.
“A little later, I will call you, and you will tell me more about that guy that definitely made your heart beat faster.”
“I will be waiting. Do it soon. Because I’m missing you very much.”
“I’m missing you very much, too, and I'm always thinking of you, my sunshine.”
“I hope Dad and I will come to you soon.”
“Give him a great greeting from me and your grandmother. We’re missing you very much.”
“Okay, I will,” Natalia promises with a slight smile. “Give a greeting to Grandma from us, as well.”
“Surely. Bye, daughter.”
“Bye, mom. See you soon.”
Natalia turns off the call and puts her mobile phone in her purse, feeling that she gets a little better after talking to her close person. The blonde has always been on good terms with her mother. They trust all their secrets to each other and hide almost nothing.
Just like any mother, the woman wishes her daughter only the best and would be very happy if she began to date someone and even decided to get married. Moreover, it’s already time to start thinking about her own personal happiness and create her own family. However, Natalia’s mother has never made banned her daughter from something and does not make her do what she is not ready for. She just sometimes talks to her and gives her good pieces of wise advice in case the blonde needs it very much.
One more week passed very fast. It’s the evening time. It's almost dark in the city, first stars show up in the sky, and roads are lighted with streetlamps. Everyone is hurrying up somewhere, but Raquelle, wearing her favorite denim suit and boots with small heels and having her long, wavy hair brushed in a ponytail, goes to one of the entertainment establishments in the city to relax a little and probably meet someone she could open her soul to.
After coming to the right place, the girl turns off the motor of the car, leaves it, locks it with a key, and confidently enters the building. When she looks around and goes further by some people and the security, Raquelle sees fewer people, who are hanging out at the dance pool, along with amazing energetic electronic music. But at first, she decides to drink something and sits in a free place at the bar table.
A barman quickly comes to her, and she orders a non-alcohol mojito. When the young man promises to complete the order as soon as possible, he leaves to work on it. Raquelle stays in the same place and is patiently waiting for her drink, deciding to forget about her problems for a while, think of something good, and get ready to meet someone from those, who are in this building. However, the brunette is not going to talk to everyone and put herself in danger of meeting a too drunk or non-adequate person. She is just looking around and watching those, who are here, and how people are behaving.
The music at this place is madly loud but energetic. Legs really want to start to dance! There is no wish to sit in the same place and fall into bad, dark thoughts. Since there are not so many people here, Raquelle does not have to fear a great crowd. And she does not suffer from it because she has spent a bigger part of her life going in public, and many people around the world watch her. So, she quietly accepts the fact that she could go to dance after one glass of a delicious drink and meet some new people.
“M-m-m, what good music…” Raquelle thinks, looking around with a slight smile. “I would distract from the bad thoughts, dancing along with it and drinking a couple of cocktails. Maybe, it will help me get better, and I will forget about my problems, at least for a while. I can’t always think only of Simon and the breakup. I’ve gotta distract myself somehow.”
By the way, Raquelle’s health has lately gotten a little better. The malaise that the girl felt in the past few days tortured her at times, not every single day. But using the fact that she feels quite well today, the girl decided to go to have fun and get some pleasure, thinking of nothing bad.
A few minutes later, the barman gives Raquelle a drink that she ordered and puts it in front of her. The girl thanks the young man, who nods, with a polite smile, and pays him beforehand, also giving him some money for a tip that the member of the staff accepts with pleasure. After taking the first sip, Raquelle silently notices that today’s mojito is just incredible. And when she takes a few more sips, life begins to seem much better, and her problems are not so critical now.
“M-m-m, it seems like I’m starting to feel better and better,” Raquelle thinks with a slight smile, looking around with interest. “Life is getting funnier and funnier… And I’m sure it’s time to relax and let myself have a lot of fun. Try to meet someone… Or wait for someone to show initiative. I should see who causes trust…”
Who would have thought that Raquelle would run into not a very good nice surprise. When life began to seem much better to her. When she let herself relax so much that she thought of going to the dancepool, dancing along with other people along with good music, and trying to start a talk with someone.
Some time later, Rachel and Terrence suddenly show up in the place where Raquelle is now, not hiding their slight smiles. It should be noted that they have been very close to each other. Their relationship cannot be called friendship because they look like they are a couple in love and dating… Well, or people that are starting to pay attention to each other…
Rachel looks very happy and does not stop smiling widely, and her eyes are shining with a special gloss. And Terrence confidently hugs the girl by the waist with his head proudly raised, behaving like a real gentleman towards his friend, and looks at her the way he looked at Raquelle somehow when they just began to get to know each other better. Of course, the man does not give the sweet blonde passionate, French kisses before everyone’s eyes. But he sometimes lets himself kiss her on the cheek or the lips or move something off her face. And Terrence and Rachel do not notice that Raquelle is also here, and they are enjoying the time they are spending together.
At some moment, Raquelle decides to look around from curiosity but stops her eyes on the familiar man. The girl instantly recognizes Terrence, who is not feeling shy about flirting with the blonde who she does not know, and who, to her surprise, is not Natalia. The man tightly hugs his companion by the waist with his arms and kisses the girl on the cheek with a wide smile. She is happy to answer him back, behaves very playfully, and does not stop looking at him as if he is a king, whom she is ready to obey in everything. For whom she would do anything.
After she briefly sees this scene, Raquelle gets instantly wild, barely holding down the anger that suddenly starts burning inside her and clouding her mind. And she realizes that Simon told her the truth when saying Terrence found a new girlfriend. The hair of whom the brunette wants to pull out and do something to her that she would not even probably guess.
“I can’t believe it…” Raquelle whispers with tears coming to her eyes and shakes her head. “Simon told me the truth… That jerkoff really found another lady… And he’s kissing her before everyone’s eyes… That’s not Rochester… It’s one more blonde whore… I see that bastard really has a thing for blondes…”
Raquelle sniffs quietly, being ready to let herself cry right here and not caring about her makeup.
“How tightly she got stuck on him!” Raquelle resents, tightly clenching her hands placed in front of her into fists and breathing heavily from the anger she is obsessed with. “How she looks at him… How does that bitch dare? That man broke up with me literally yesterday, but he is already kissing a blonde whore!”
Raquelle smirks evilly.
“She put on a short dress,” Raquelle notices, seeing Rachel take off a light blue denim jacket with Terrence’s help, and begins just to hold it in her hands. “So short to let that bastard easily get into her knickers. Ha… Why isn’t she naked? She would make the mission easier for that horndog! But he has to take the dress off! Try to do it…”
Seeing her former boyfriend Terrence openly flirts with Rachel and looks at her with a wide smile on his face, Raquelle starts to understand that she is getting wilder because the man is giving all his attention to the blonde and behaving like he is already in love with her. Well… Or he is starting to get feelings for her, forget the old ones that he has in his heart, and, sadly, remained one-sided.
“Fucking horndog!” Raquelle hisses through her teeth. “He could not wait to find a whore, who would love to fuck him. I wonder, where did MacClife meet that chicken? Did he choose her from those, who lived in a whorehouse? Or did he decide to go to a strip bar?”
Raquelle shakes her head and takes a big sip of her drink from her glass with evil in her eyes.
“How long has he known her?” Raquelle asks herself. “Did he know her before I met him? I wouldn’t be surprised if they already had an affair before the beginning of our affair. Or after! I would not be surprised if that scumbag cheated on me when we lived in the same house. I would not be.”
While Raquelle resents and gets wild because of what she sees and stays unnoticed so far, Terrence and Rachel start looking for a place to sit down. The blonde grabs the man’s arm again and presses herself to him as close as possible while he hugs the girl by the waist, making her spread true happiness and look as happy as any girl, who is in love. If it’s barely possible to hear someone because of the loud music, Terrence has to shout to let Rachel hear him.
“Where would we sit down?” Terrence asks loudly, looking around.
“Let's go there!” Rachel exclaims and points at a small table placed not far from the bar table, at which Raquelle is sitting now.
“Yeah!” Terrence agrees. “Let’s go!”
Terrence, keeping his head proudly raised and hugging his companion by the waist, goes to the table along with the happy Rachel. Seeing that those two are going to pass by her, Raquelle turns around sharply and pretends that she does not see them, drinking her drink little by little but unsuccessfully trying to hear just something from what they are saying.
“Listen, I’m so happy Father admitted you to the band,” Rachel says with a wide smile. “It seems like he liked you very much.”
“Yeah, after I played with the guys for a few days, your father and one of the members of the band’s team came to me and said I would become a permanent member of the band,” Terrence replies confidently.
“He’s never regretted deciding to work with you because you’re just a gem.”
“I think the men are happy, too. When I told them that the label’s team admitted me to the band, they confessed that they dreamed about it.”
“Oh, Daniel and Peter treat you very well and have a very good opinion about you. They truly admire your talent and, seems like, are afraid to lose you. Just like my daddy.”
“They helped me get involved in this process enough and managed to tell me absolutely everything that happens in the studio.”
“Yeah, there are very talkative people, who really love gossiping about others. And Perkins and Rose don’t mind finding out something new and finding a reason to laugh at someone.”
At this moment, Rachel and Terrence sit at the table that they liked not far from Raquelle, who is watching them very closely but carefully, not being able to hear their talk because of the loud music and barely holding her anger down, as well as a wish to scratch the face of the long-legged blonde before everyone’s eyes.
“Ah, Rachel, I don’t know how to thank you for this amazing chance,” Terrence says softly with a slight smile. “Thanks to you, I finally started doing what I wanted to do for a bigger part of my life.”
“Think that fate itself brought me to you,” Rachel smiles shyly.
“You literally became my gift from heaven. Which I’m truly grateful for.”
“This is the gift for the sufferings you’ve gotten through.”
Rachel caresses Terrence’s hand softly, looking at him with a tender gaze.
“And knowing you made an effort to make your dream come true, you should’ve gotten success,” Rachel adds with her head proudly raised.
“Without your support, I wouldn’t have done that,” Terrence replies softly.
“I believe in you and know you can do this.”
“That’s what I need so badly.” Terrence softly caresses Rachel’s cheek with a wild, tender smile while she half closes her eyes and strokes his hand. “You gave me everything I didn’t have when I was in a relationship with Cameron. I’ve never been as happy as I am now. Next to such an amazing girl that takes care of me and is interested in everything about me.”
“Just because I love you very much and have never hidden it.”
“I know, sweetie.”
“You should’ve only let yourself give yourself to your feelings, and you started looking at me in another way. Even if you didn’t use to want to notice me and said we were just friends.”
“Now, after I got away from my ex-girlfriend, I finally realized I didn’t notice there was a treasure near me for so many years.”
“Better late than never,” Rachel pronounces shyly.
“I was such an idiot when not wishing to give you a chance… If you and I had dated since school time, we would’ve gotten married and lived together happily after.”
“Everybody makes mistakes, sweetie,” Rachel purrs with a wide smile, tenderly caressing Terrence’s cheek and holding his hand. “Don’t blame yourself. I couldn’t make you love me by force.”
“Your attention already makes me love you,” Terrence confesses confidently. “I love you for always worrying about me and being interested in my business, my emotions, and my feelings.”
“I’ve always loved you. And I was ready to accept you at any time. I was waiting for you all this time, as loyal as Hachiko. So, here you are, with me…”
“Yeah…” Terrence smiles much wider, caressing Rachel’s cheek.
“I’m sure you won’t find anyone better than me. Nobody can give you the love that I can give you…”
“Sorry about making you wait for so long. I’m really sorry about not wishing to see that there was a girl that I was looking for all the time.”
“Don’t apologize, Terrence,” Rachel pronounces softly and puts her hand on Terrence’s chest, confidently looking into his eyes. “And don’t be sorry about anything.”
“I promise everything will be otherwise. I can’t leave this kind of love without an answer… I will take care of you as well as you take care of mine.”
“I believe, sweetie.” Rachel strokes down Terrence’s hair and takes his hand with both hands, softly caressing his wrist. “You’ve finally broken up with your thankless girlfriend and become single. So, you can think of marrying me. The one that was waiting for you all her life. And she believed you would come to me someday and love me with all your heart.”
“I’m so happy I finally broke up with that bitch and pissed her off,” Terrence says with a sly smile. “I’m so sick of being in a relationship with her. I wanna start a new life and feel single.”
“And will we get married?”
“If you want.”
“Of course, I want!” Rachel exclaims happily. “I’m dreaming about it more than anything!”
“So, we will get married,” Terrence says confidently, letting his fingers through Rachel’s hair. “Someday I will surely propose to you to marry.”
“Oh, Terrence…” Rachel smiles widely.
“May my ex keep worrying about her modeling career and kissing photos of hers.”
“When that model realizes what kind of treasure she lost, you and I will get married and be very happy together,” Rachel replies softly, turning Terrence’s face to her, tenderly rubbing her nose against the tip of his nose, and kissing it cutely. “You’ll become a famous musician and travel around the world with shows. And you will no longer think of being in a relationship with the girl named Raquelle Cameron.”
“Anyway, my sunshine, I’ve felt like a single man for ages,” Terrence confesses confidently. “And I have a right to do anything I want. I don’t have to tell anyone what I’m doing.”
“That’s right! If that girl doesn’t consider you a boyfriend of hers anymore, why would you think of her?”
“She’s nobody to me, and I don’t have to do with her anymore. Yes, our story is over once and forever. And I really want people to forget about our affair soon and stop adding the name of that egoist to mine.”
“You and I will become a new favorite couple for people. They will look at us and think I look much better next to you.”
“It will happen. They will see you really love me and start to call us a wonderful couple.”
“Of course. Very soon, you will become the happiest man. Thanks to the one that has always loved you with all the heart.”
“Ah, Rachel… My treasure…”
Terrence tenderly looks into the eyes of Rachel shining with happiness with a wide smile on his face. And two seconds later, he puts his hand on her cheek and gives her a very tender, touching kiss on the lips. Then the girl gives him a quick one, after which she gives him a few more that eventually lead to a much more continuous and much deeper kiss. While the blonde runs her fingers through his gorgeous black hair, he softly caresses her face and neck, trying to be very tender, do something nice for her and show all his love for her.
Everything is happening before the eyes of the dumbfounded and wild Raquelle, who is about to take her glass and throw it at the head of one of them. Slightly opening her mouth, the girl gets literally green from hatred for her ex-boyfriend, who is kissing another girl without being shy before the eyes of people, and she is going further and making the zone of the caress larger. However, the black-haired man does not also act like a shy guy and lets himself a little bit more, not limiting himself to caressing her blonde hair, her face that has quite nice to tough skin, and her not very long but truly beautiful neck, and moving a hand on her naked knees that he tenderly caresses.
These things make Raquelle barely hold herself down not to come to the two and pull their hair out, literally burring from hate and madness and clenching her hands into fists so strongly that her knuckles get white.
“Ah, you, scumbag…” Raquelle thinks, breathing heavily enough and feeling how tense she is. “How do you dare to sit here and kiss that slut after you broke up with me literally yesterday? The scoundrel is ashamed of nobody!”
Raquelle growls quietly.
“And that plucked chicken is feeling him up!” Raquelle resents. “She needs only to get into his pants and feel up everything! Do a fucking blowjob for him! That scumbag would definitely take her clothes off and run naked in front of that bastard if she was not here.”
Raquelle clenches her hand into a fist much stronger and smashes it against the bar table.
“SCUMBAGS!” Raquelle thinks. “I hate you! CURSE YOU! SCOUNDRELS! AR-R-R-R-R-R!”
Meanwhile, Terrence and Rachel are really not shy around anyone and keep kissing each other with great pleasure and love. The girl already feels a little excited after a few seconds of the deep kiss and slowly adds some pressure. And the man still feels nothing dizzying, even if kissing her is good for him. Anyway, MacClife does his best to give his companion the best kiss and make her believe that he is going crazy with her, as well.
Terrence is so grateful to Rachel for the care that she gives him that he really wants to do something nice for her and stop pretending that he has a strong love for her. No, he definitely feels something for her. But the man does not feel what would make him go insane. Even more, somewhere at the bottom of his heart, Terrence is upset that he does not have a strong psychical attraction… It’s just nice for him to be next to this girl and kiss her – no more… But he really wants to love his friend truly and feel the same attraction that she feels for him.
“Oh, damn, Terrence, you kiss much better than some of my exes,” Rachel smiles shyly in between kisses that become more passionate. “I even feel dizzy…”
“Believe me, babe, I can do much more than you think,” Terrence purrs with a wide smile. “You don’t know that I’m incredible at something else…”
“I don’t doubt…”
“M-m-m, Rachel, I adore you…”
Terrence leaves a couple of short kisses on the curve of Rachel’s neck, making her roll her eyes up and make a quiet moan, while Raquelle gets much wilder and is ready literally to break her glass with a drink that she is squeezing too strongly.
“Maybe, let’s go to my home to find out everything you can do?” Rachel suggests with a sly smile in a low voice. “There’s nobody home, and Daddy is gonna come back very late.”
“With great pleasure,” Terrence purrs with a wide smile and runs his fingers through Rachel’s hair.
“You would not be disappointed, pretty boy…”
Rachel slightly fixes the collar of Terrence’s shirt and shyly walks her fingers over his chest.
“I’d be happy to show you my most beautiful underwear,” Rachel seduces with a mysterious smile. “And let you touch my body, which is ready to be in your hands… You can leave a kiss on every part of it…”
“Or if you are brave enough, we can lock ourselves in a restroom and play a little,” Terrence suggests confidently.
“M-m-m, wanna play?”
“Sort of…”
Terrence leaves a couple of tender kisses on Rachel’s neck that make everything turn upside down inside her.
“M-m-m, I’d go even to the roof of a tower with you…” Rachel moans quietly. “I would do anything you want…”
“It’s so nice to hear…” Terrence pronounces in a low voice. “It’s nice to hear someone lets you control the situation…”
“I’m ready to become a slave of yours and obey you in everything. Just tell me what to do.”
“Your words warm up my soul so well…”
“I want you, pretty boy…” Rachel runs her hands over Terrence’s chest, bringing her face very close to his face and moving her eyes to his lips. “Right now…”
“M-m-m, babe…”
Terrence, putting a hand on Rachel’s cheek and putting another hand on her knee, gets her involved in a continuous, passionate kiss on the lips, to which she answers with pleasure, slightly pulling his hair. Then he leaves a few kisses on every single curve of her neck that drive the beauty crazy.
“So what, beautiful, let’s go to have fun?” Terrence suggests with a wide smile. “I can’t already wait to start doing it.”
When Terrence wants to get up and go either to dressing rooms or somewhere else with Rachel, she softly takes him under an arm and looks at him as if she asks him to sit down. Seeing this, Raquelle loses any patience, quickly drinks her drink, and wants to come to the girl right now to drag her by the hair, giving a damn about the fact that someone could call the police, who would drive her to a police station for the unruly behavior in a public place.
“Erm, listen, let’s first drink a cocktail?” Rachel suggests with a slight smile. “To relax.”
“Good idea,” Terrence says confidently.
“Buy something for us, but I need to go to the restroom for two seconds. Would you wait for me?”
“Yes, of course, go. I'll be waiting for you here and seeing what we can order here.”
“Choose something non-alcohol. I ain’t gonna get drunk and start a riot here.”
“Okay,” Terrence laughs shyly. “I ain’t gonna drink, too. Because I’m driving a car.”
“I will be back now, sweetie. Don’t be bored.”
Rachel kisses Terrence tenderly on the cheek, gets up from the table, and goes by the bar table that Raquelle is now sitting at with her head proudly raised. The brunette sharply turns her back on her but sees that the blonde, who is smiling and looking a little red from excitement, goes where there are dressing rooms, looking for something in her purse.
Then Raquelle, being obsessed with anger and jealousy, thinks she has a great chance to deal with Rachel without the risk of being stopped by someone and decides to follow her secretly. Moreover, Terrence does not see her because he starts to check something on his mobile phone and gets busy with its content with a little gloomy face. So, nothing would stop her from doing what she is dreaming about so much. Being wild and wishing to deal with her rival right here and now and literally choking with anger, the brunette clenches her hands into fists and gets ready to kick the insolent girl, who dared to put an eye on her former boyfriend and kiss him deeply.
“I will kick her ass…” Raquelle thinks with a grin full of contempt. “That bitch will pay me for everything. And nobody can stop me if I deal with her in a dressing room. I hope she went there… So, I will pull her hair out and make that prostitute ugly.”
Raquelle raises her head proudly.
“Get ready, MacClife, you’re gonna be very surprised when you see that whore without hair, in a ripped dress,” Raquelle thinks. “I’d see if you’d love to feel her up and lick her in this case…”
Raquelle gets up from her place and glances at Terrence, who gets busy examining something on his phone and does not notice the girl in this half-dark room. Understanding that the way is free, the brunette rubs her hands with a sly smile and confidently leaves this place with her head proudly raised.
She goes down a small but wide enough hall and sees doors that lead to a restroom and a men’s room. Raquelle opens the one that leads to the restroom, enters, and sees there is nobody but Rachel, who is standing in front of the mirror and carefully fixing her makeup and hair. Not wasting time, the brunette comes to the mirror and stands next to Rachel very close, as if she also wants to check if her look is good.
Pretending that she is looking for some pimple on her face or something like that, Raquelle pushes Rachel kind of accidentally when the blonde puts on red, long-lasting lipstick on her lips. Then the blonde gets a little line on her cheek. At first, Rachel does not understand what happened, but then she sharply moves her eyes to Raquelle, not being happy with the fact that the unfamiliar girl pushed her.
“Hey, why are you pushing me?” Rachel resents with evil in her eyes, wiping the lipstick off her cheek with a handkerchief. “You destroyed my makeup!”
“I do want to fix my hair right here,” Raquelle says confidently with her head proudly raised.
“Is there not enough space for you? Couldn’t you fix your fucking hair in another place? Go there and do anything you need!”
“What do you want to get from that man?” Raquelle asks sharply and rudely, while her eyes are full of true evil and hate for Rachel.
“What man?” Rachel wonders, rolling her eyes. “What are you actually talking about, sweetheart?”
“Ha, you dare to ask me!” Raquelle smirks loudly, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Did you get out of your mind? Or are you hungry for men and trying to hang on the neck of anyone you meet?” Rachel looks at Raquelle from head to foot with contempt in her eyes. “Well, who would like you? The board without boobs and ass.”
“I am asking you again, you, nasty bitch, what do you need from that man?” Raquelle asks coldly.
“What man do you the fuck mean?”
“The one you dared to come here, at this club with!”
“What's your problem?” Rachel wonders truly and crosses her arms over her chest. “That man is a single person! He has a right to do everything he wants.”
“Ha, he told you that!” Raquelle smirks evilly.
“He is my boyfriend. And I am not going to give him to anyone.”
“Wow…” Raquelle looks at Rachel from head to foot with contempt in her eyes. “I didn’t know he had a thing for some cheap gals, who dress like prostitutes and leak him from head to foot. You would rather take off your clothes right there, before the people, and show your naked breasts!”
“Do you really care if I’m naked or not?” Rachel smiles slyly. “If I want, I can easily get into his pants.”
“Yeah? And what? Did you lick his penis? Didn't you get sick?”
“If he wants, I will do it,” Rachel raises her head proudly. “I am ready for anything for that man and will do everything to make him happy.”
“What are you talking about?”
“My boyfriend just adores seeing me naked and is admired by everything I do in bed. Besides, I’ve got a very beautiful body that I work on very much.”
“Ha!” Raquelle smirks contemptuously. “But how many men had gotten to feel up this body before the one you came here with touched it.”
“My sweetie, why do you care who touched my body?”
“I do not care about it!”
“Oh, no, if you care about it so much, I shall answer. I did not let anyone kiss it. Terrence was the first one to leave his mark on it.”
“That’s how!” Raquelle pronounces surprisingly. “But you are not the last one for him. That horndog has slept with many ladies before getting his tongue into your dirty mouth!”
“Who are you to dare to insult me?” Rachel resents and slightly fixes her hair, which got a little disheveled. “If you are a crazy fan of Terrence MacClife, remember, you have no chances to get my man.”
“Ah, no chances…”
“If I see a whore like you next to him, she will regret it very much.”
“No, sweetheart, YOU will regret daring to stand in my way,” Raquelle threatens with a finger. “I will not close my eyes to the fact that you are accosting him.”
“My man belongs only to me. Very soon, I will get married to him and do my best to make him the happiest one in the world.”
“THAT’S STILL MY BOYFRIEND, YOU, BRAINLESS CHICKEN!” Raquelle shouts at the top of her lungs. “Just because we do not live together, it does not mean you have a right to steal him from me and lick him from head to foot. He belongs only to ME! AND HE CANNOT SLEEP WITH SOME SLUTS LIKE YOU!”
Rachel frowns slightly and looks at Raquelle from head to foot for a few seconds. And then she starts to understand who this girl is.
“Ah, that's why…” Rachel pronounces with a sly smile. “It seems like I’m starting to guess…”
Rachel slowly starts to walk around Raquelle with her head proudly raised up.
“So, you are the talentless model, the former girlfriend of the man that I love so much,” Rachel says thoughtfully and simpers quietly. “Why I didn’t guess it… It was not so hard…”
“I did understand that you were a stupid idiot,” Raquelle throws rudely.
Rachel walks around Raquelle a few more times, while the brunette does not let her stand behind her.
“Yes, I heard very much about you,” Rachel says with mockery. “The fucking careerist, who has always been terribly afraid to lose a chance to shake her ass on a runway and show her naked boobs in front of a camera.”
“Do not dare to insult me!” Raquelle demands rudely. “Or you will regret it very much!”
“How did you manage to make someone a boyfriend of yours? Make such a gorgeous man a boyfriend of yours! Who was ready to give the whole world to you.”
“Yes, sweetie, that’s true! But, alas, you did not appreciate it. You preferred being a second-rate model and hearing the praises of your little fans. You rejected such a wonderful man like Terrence.”
“Did that rooster tell you everything?”
“He told me everything! He told me what a thankless bitch you were! A fucking egoist that pretended to be nobody the hell knows who.”
“So, what did he tell you? How did he slander me to make you feel sorry for him?”
“Only the truth. The truth about you being a hysterical girl, who must get cured before someone dies because of you.”
“Don’t dare to insult me!”
“I don’t insult you! Terrence understood well that you should’ve stayed far from people and left you for his best. He did not want to have a deal with the sick idiot that acted like a queen.”
Rachel laughs quietly and shakes her head, mocking Raquelle and making her get much madder. At some moment, the brunette tightly grabs the hair of the blonde, who makes a quiet squeak and shakes slightly in surprise.
“How you, bitch, dare!” Raquelle resents. “How do you dare to talk to me like this?”
“Who are you to talk to you like this?” Rachel wonders with her head proudly raised. “For me, you are a fucking whore that has mental issues.”
“Do not make me wild, blonde chicken,” Raquelle tightly clenches her hand into a fist. “Or you will regret it!”
“Hey, did you know Terrence and I began to date a very long time ago?” Rachel lies with a sly smile. “Since the times when you were in a relationship.”
“What?” Raquelle explodes.
“Yes, yes, our affair has lasted for a very long time. Terrence found peace in my arms.” Rachel pushes Raquelle off herself and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear with a gracious movement of a hand. “You rejected him so many times and refused to spend time with him, and he got upset. He stopped feeling like a wanted man. He began to doubt himself. He got obsessed with loneliness and sadness. Terrence stopped being the one he was before.”
“Aw, he’s so poor and unhappy…” Raquelle rolls her eyes.
“But his old school friend came to save him. Who has always loved him and was waiting for him to pay attention to her all this time.”
“What are you talking about? Were you really waiting for that horndog to come to you?”
“As you can see, waiting was worth it. One meeting changed absolutely everything and made two people very happy.”
“Aw, happy…”
“And I did my best for Terrence to start to love me with all the heart.”
“And how did you conquer him? Your sex skills? He does have a crush only on those, who can fuck someone well and do a blowjob!”
“Well, if it’s a real love for you, I feel sorry for you.” Rachel smirks evilly. “Anyway, I got what I wanted. Now, if you asked him about the psycho, hysterical girl named Raquelle Cameron, he would say he made a great mistake when wishing to date her. And he’s curing everything in the world because he met the one that ruined everything to the fuck.”
“Are you hoping he would propose to you and give you a ring?”
“Terrence already promised me to marry me and make his Mrs. MacClife,” Rachel says with a sly smile. “Well, as nothing connects you anymore, we’ll start getting ready for the most gorgeous wedding of the year. Which everyone is going to remember for very many years.”
“I wish he left you in a week!” Raquelle exclaims loudly.
“He will not do. Because I can take care of a man and know what he needs. Unlike someone.”
“Ah, that’s how…”
“I’m going to say something. You will need it if someone wants to marry you. Remember, Cameron, men need love and care. You should not forget them after you start a relationship and have a wedding. Just like you did it when you preferred the opportunity to walk in underwear or actually naked over such a wonderful man… Dating a man, you have no right to pretend that nothing’s happening. When you get the status of someone’s girlfriend, be pleased to take care of your boyfriend. Or he’s gonna run away and find someone to be much better.”
“Alright, stop!” Raquelle stops sharply. “I am no longer wishing to hear you! I do not need any pieces of advice from a fucking empty shell like you!”
“Learn while someone wants to learn you. Or you will keep being single and be embracing your photos in the best case.”
“Close your mouth, whore!”
“Don’t dare to insult me!”
“I’m saying anything I want!”
Rachel opens her mouth widely and crosses her arms over her chest.
“Do you know who my father is?” Rachel asks with her head proudly raised. “Do you know he is a very powerful man? Who could easily do his best to get your career ruined to the fuck. And you would be crying your eyes out because of someone to get you ashamed of the entire world.”
“Ha, who is your father?” Raquelle smirks contemptuously. “Producer? Actor? Director? Maybe, a designer?”
“He has much more powerful acquaintances than a second-rate model.”
“And what could he do? Go to his friend and pay money to make that one post an article in a low-rent tabloid to slander me?”
“He has much more powerful familiars than some a second-rate model.”
“Just like the man, who tried to tell the world who you actually were, but who nobody believed, sadly?”
“Let me ask you what kind of job do you have? Model? Actress? Or are you a mooch, wasting your father’s money and going to get money out of my ex-boyfriend that just broke up with me?”
“I help my father a lot and take a part in picking up costumes for artists that his own studio works with very often.”
“Come on…”
“I work off the money honestly and do not get it for nothing. But my daddy spares nothing for me and spoils me like a princess.”
“Wow…” Raquelle slightly opens her mouth. “Maybe, you become a promoter? My ex-boyfriend dreams of making a musical career, but nobody wants to work with the one, the time of who has already gone. But he does not want to admit it.”
“Really? Are you so sure about it?”
“Not surprised that nobody offered him anything when he was trying to do something.”
“By the way, your ex has been working with my father for a long time, and he is very happy with him,” Rachel says confidently.
“Ah, working with your father…”
“I’m sorry that you don’t know what a wonderful guitarist he is… And what an angelic voice he has! When Father heard Terrence, he literally fell in love with his singing and is terribly afraid to lose such a talent.”
“Wow… It’s clear that MacClife is licking the ass of his soon-to-be father-in-law! He is probably looking into his mouth and dancing attendance upon him.”
“If everything keeps going on so well, your ex-boyfriend will be traveling around the world with his new band, in which he is playing as a guitarist. And the guys are glad to have him…”
“Do they know that man ended up in the band thanks to good contacts?”
“Think what you want. I don’t doubt Terrence would get great fame and worldwide admission. And you are a talentless second-rate model, who only little girls drool over, now, and you will be the one.”
“I do not care who he is working with, and what an incredible talent he has,” Raquelle replies coldly, clenching her hands tightly into fists and breathing heavily enough from anger. “That man is in the past for me! And I am advising you to close your dirty mouth. Or I will pull your hair out.” Raquelle smirks evilly. “We will see if MacClife has a wish to kiss you with no fucking hair on your head.”
“So, if you don’t care, why did you come here and start chasing Terrence and me?” Rachel wonders. “Why did you come here, push me and start this talk? You said you didn’t care about what happened to your ex-boyfriend! I believe you’re supposed to give a damn about him… But since you’re reacting to the fact that he found the other girl like this, you do really care.”
“I'm not going to explain something!”
“Either you still have a thing for him, or you are so mad that you don’t want Terrence to be happy. You are unhappy and want everyone to suffer, as well.”
“I am warning you the last time, you, plucked chicken, do not put an eye on taken men. Look for single ones!”
“Do I have to ask you who I can date?”
“YOU HAVE! Terrence is my boyfriend! And you have no right to put an eye on him.”
“Ha, is Terrence really your boyfriend?” Rachel smirks contemptuously. “You no longer live together! Before you left his home, you had lived like neighbors and just tolerated each other.”
“I don’t deny it. But none of us has said our relationship was over once and forever.”
“What are you talking about?”
“If it’s so, it means Terrence belongs only to me.”
“He is no longer yours, Cameron. If you forgot and got too busy with you, I want to remind you that nothing connects you and my sweetheart anymore. You broke up a long time ago and would never be together.”
“I highly recommend that you leave Terrence alone and look for another man.”
“Hello, Cameron, hear me! Nothing connects you and Terrence! He already calls himself a single man and is not ashamed of dating me.”
“I have already been told you are literally undressing before people’s eyes.”
“That man doesn’t still understand why he chose such a selfish girl. There is no reason to love you for. You would never be a good girlfriend and always have yourself in the first place.”
“And I don’t understand what he liked about you!”
“What? Love! Care. Respect. Support. I am a perfect candidate for the role of Terrence MacClife’s wife. And I know who he needs. He needs a loyal, loving, and caring girl. I do have all of that and can make your ex the happiest man in the world.” Rachel proudly raises her head up. “Well, he doesn’t mind giving me a chance. And now he is showing me as much tender love as I never got before. And I am really delighted by how incredible his kisses are… Nobody else has done it much better than him! I am sure that handsome guy is very good at sex and would get me nicely surprised by his skills.”
“Ha, I thought you were shagging there,” Raquelle smirks evilly. “On the bed, on which I SLEPT some time ago!”
“We just kiss passionately and lie when spending free evenings on the bed,” Rachel replies with a sly smile. “But we are about to spend our first night of love. And I will do my best to satisfy your ex-boyfriend the way you never did it. Do my best to make him as happy as he deserves it.”
“Yeah, he probably likes some gals that dress up like sluts and can show their underwear when bending or leaving a car,” Raquelle throws rudely, arrogantly looking at Rachel from head to feet and glancing at her quite provocative golden mini dress with an impressive décolleté perfectly expressing her breasts and showing her thin, long legs. “And that peacock is just happy! He stares at you with pleasure and feels you up. He is going to get INTO YOUR FUCKING KNICKERS!”
“Listen, Cameron, don’t take it out on me. If you’re unlucky in communicating with men, and you, poor girl, are hungry for their attention and good sex, I’m not the one to blame. Just like Terrence is not. You did reject him and forced him to cheat.”
“I said everything! That man still belongs to me. He will always do!”
“Wow…” Rachel smirks evilly. “Did you start to realize you missed your happiness? Are you ready to pull your hair out?”
“I don’t care about that man,” Raquelle says coldly.
“C’mon, Cameron, don’t lie to me. I saw how you got kind of green when your ex-boyfriend kissed me passionately.”
“How do you know it?”
“Do you think I didn’t see you sitting at the bar table and staring at us? No, sweetheart, I saw everything. But I didn’t first know who you were. Anyway, I saw you. I saw you sitting and staring at my boyfriend.”
“Wow… I thought you were obsessed with a wish to undress and give MacClife the best oral sex.”
“Since you did not please your man, I will do it with pleasure. With great pleasure.” Rachel crosses her arms over her chest with a sly smile, literally making a hole in Raquelle’s head with her contemptuous look. “I don’t doubt he is going to love it. Terrence is delighted with my kisses and will undoubtedly fall in love with me when I show him everything I can do in a bed.”
“I wish you failed everything!” Raquelle wishes loudly. “I wish that man ran away from you as fast as a bullet.”
“He is running away from you as fast as a bullet. Running right to me.”
Rachel simpers quietly and kind of gets pleasure from teasing Raquelle and making her wild by telling her some things and trying to make her sure that Terrence is ready to start a new relationship and already feels something for the blonde.
“You woke up too late, honey,” Rachel adds quietly. “You decided to claim your rights for that man too late. Because Terrence is mine now. And I will not let a whore like you steal him from me.”
“I’m sorry that your father did not teach you not to put an eye on taken men,” Raquelle says coldly.
“Listen, Cameron, stop playing this drama. Just give Terrence to me, and we will actually forget that we met here. Let the man be happy next to the one to be able to give him what he deserves.”
“He will never be happy!” Raquelle says loudly with evil in her eyes. “NEVER!”
“YOU will never be happy! That man finally got peace and is going to get the love that you were not pleased to give him.”
“I wish everybody he knows turned their backs on him! He deserved nothing good after what he did to me. And I mean not only the fact that MacClife found a whore, but also the fact that he humiliated me.”
“Terrence did what you deserved to get. Why would he have done something for you, while you wanted to do nothing for him?”
“It’s okay, I will not leave him alone,” Raquelle threatens confidently. “He will not get off me. I swear, the whole world will know what kind of shit he is. I will do my best to ruin his fucking career to the fuck.”
“Do what you want!” Rachel simpers quietly. “You would not humiliate me.”
“I will destroy that scumbag! MacClife will not live a quiet life, even after breaking up with me. HE WILL NOT! I WILL NOT LET HIM DO.”
“Calm down, sweetheart! You will never get Terrence back. He belongs to me now. The one that’s going to become his wife and a mother of his future children.”
“Oh yeah, Hachiko finally met his owner,” Raquelle crosses her arms over the chest.
“You will not ruin his career. I promised to take him under my protection when I introduced him to Father. And now I will be kind of a representative, who will be speaking to the media and considering offers of work, choosing only the best and most beneficial.”
“When your father knows he is a bastard, who dared to raise a hand on the girl and treated her like a doormat, nothing will help him.”
“I will be furiously denying that Terrence is an egoist, bastard, psycho, and cheater, who slapped you and mocked you. I will do my best for you to look like a liar.”
“No, sweetie, I would not lie if I told the whole world who Terrence MacClife is.”
“If you try to do just something against him, I swear we will sue you. If we don’t put you in prison, we will surely get all the money out of you. So, you don't say anything. So, you close your fucking mouth.”
“YOU will close your fucking mouth, nasty bitch!” Raquelle smirks contemptuously. “Such a great defender! I can kick your ass so much that MacClife would not even wish to look at you.”
“I do not advise you to attack me with fists,” Rachel says coldly. “Do not ask for trouble.”
“You know what I want to say, blonde chicken. Terrence will never love you the way he loved me somehow.”
Rachel laughs very loudly.
“You made me laugh…” Rachel shakes her head.
“Yes, he is now in euphoria and love,” Raquelle says confidently. “But it would not be enough. Moreover, I doubt MacClife would feel the same crazy passion that he felt for me.”
“You are too confident. You cannot teach me something about love.”
“I’m just warning. So, you don’t hope that the man will be totally obsessed with you.”
“Everything is going to happen. I was waiting for too many years and am ready to wait a little longer.”
“I’m going to say more: that man still loves me. No matter what, he still belongs to me.”
“Yes, I completely understand that he loves you somewhere at the bottom of his heart and has a crazy passion for you. But now Terrence will choose a girl, listening not to his heart, not his mind. He wants to find peace and know that he is loved and supported. And sex is just a wonderful addition.”
“Do you seriously think he would really get a much stronger and crazier passion for you?”
“I don’t doubt.”
“You will not get everything about him, bitch,” Raquelle says confidently. “You will not!”
“Ah, Raquelle…” Rachel shakes his head. “It seems like you really still love Terrence and are not ready to let him go… Although you say you don’t care about him, something clicks inside you. Something is starting to wake up inside you after someone left you.”
Raquelle says nothing and just looks at Rachel contemptuously.
“So, am I right?” Rachel smiles slyly. “Do you really understand you are not ready to say goodbye to him? Even if it’s so, your time is gone.”
“I am dancing from happiness caused by the fact that we finally broke up!” Raquelle says confidently. “MacClife is like a pain in my throat!”
“If you did not love him, you would not have started a scandal for me because of the man, who means nothing to you, since you’re trying to make me sure.”
“I just wanted to look at the whore that was kissing and hugging my ex-boyfriend without being shy.”
“No, sweetheart, I am sure I am on the right track. At first, Terrence did not want to look at me as a woman. But then everything suddenly changed. At first, nice compliments, then tender kisses, more passionate later… And I just suggested that we go to my home and make love.” Rachel smiles widely. “And he agreed. Agreed to be mine. So, after we spend a night of love, you will lose Terrence once and forever. Because he will flame up with strong feelings for me and count down the days until our wedding, which I’ve been dreaming about for many years. I will find all of his vulnerable areas and use them to make him go insane.”
“No, dyed bitch, you will not get him. Because that man is mine. He will always belong only to me.”
“Fretting and fuming?”
“And take a note about one thing: that scumbag is an actor. It’s very easy for him to play anyone so well that people will believe him. If it seems he is madly in love with you, remember that it might be just an act.”
“Ha, what?” Rachel smirks evilly. “What kind of bullshit!”
“Don’t think MacClife really feels something for you, even if he licks you from head to foot. It could be just an act of him.”
“You are just envying our happiness!”
“Seriously? Envying the happiness of the fucking prostitute and the mentally sick horndog, who wants to fuck someone so badly?”
“Terrence would not dare to play with people’s feelings. He is educated and decent. Trust me, baby. I’ve known him since school times. I know him too well.”
“Ah, so, you, prostitute, have been hitting him on since school! Dreaming of being in a bed with him literally since childhood!”
“Terrence has always been very popular among girls. Almost all the girls from school were in love with him. And men silently hated him but did not dare to argue with him because he was always so confident that not everyone wanted to ask for trouble.”
“I am sorry he chose a whore that had slept with many men before.”
“Do not dare to insult me, you, shabby cat!”
“But you are so experienced at sex! Because you know how to please that plucked rooster! Who thinks only of himself and shows off by saying he is irresistible to everyone.”
“Ye-e-ea-ah…” Rachel looks at Raquelle from head to foot with a great despise in her eyes, literally going to kill the brunette with her cold look. “You are so rude. The sheep that was not taught to be gentle by her parents.”
“Ha, you are serious?” Raquelle smirks loudly. “Be gentle with YOU? The fucking prostitute that dared to steal my man from me!”
“I’m sorry your parents did not explain to you such simple things. They are probably also very rude, knowing their daughter calls all the girls whores… Just like you do it to one of your friends.”
“Don’t dare to insult my parents, bitch! Or I shall tell you everything I think of your fucking daddy!”
“Don’t think I don't know anything about you. I know everything! Terrence hid nothing from me and told me everything you did for a long time.”
“He would better tell you about all the whores he has dated somehow. Who have been in his bed, and who sometimes keep visiting him to drink some tea.”
“You know, Cameron, I think you deserved everything that’s happening to you. You were showered with mud one and a half years ago for a reason. Someone struck off a crowd that you put on, pretending to be a queen that ruled the world.”
“You are talking too much… The slut is talking too much!”
“Oh, come on!” Rachel smirks evilly. “You are pronouncing yourself the great one after a sugar daddy promoted you to the modeling business and discovered one more slut to the world that slept with men for money.”
“What did you the fuck say?”
“Hey, maybe, you can give me the contact information of your sugar daddy? Maybe, he can help me get into the show business, as well. I also wanna work as a model or an actress. And I think I have everything to become the one: I am beautiful, young, slim, full of energy, and confident…”
“You already have a sugar daddy!” Raquelle throws rudely. “May MacClife promote you! Even if nobody needs you! I doubt you can sing, dance, or play the role of someone. You are worthless and can be just a decoration.”
“I am sure people would love me MUCH MORE than they love you! Especially, if they see that I REALLY love Terrence and am ready for anything for him. They would surely understand I fit him much more than a worthless prostitute that could not take the shame and run away somewhere for a long time.”
“Don’t be so confident, scumbag,” Raquelle advises with her head proudly raised.
“I don’t actually understand how someone could love a girl like YOU?” Rachel looks at Raquelle from head to foot with contempt in her eyes, while the brunette confidently looks at the girl, who is much shorter than her. “A fucking dead fish… The anorexic, who does not eat anything. Who was not given any dignities.”
“Ha, are your dignities real?” Raquelle asks. “How much money did you spend on plastic surgeries to get big boobs and big ass?”
“No, Cameron, it’s all my, real…”
Rachel fixes her breasts slightly with her head proudly raised.
“There is something to grab…” Rachel adds with a sly smile. “By the way, Terrence says he likes my breasts much more than two fucking pimples of yours. He says caressing and kissing them is a great pleasure.”
“Relax, bitch,” Raquelle says confidently. “No matter how hard you show off for him, he will not truly get charmed by you.”
“Stop envying our happiness. You have already missed a chance and will never be happy. Your destiny is to suffer forever.”
“No, YOU will not be happy. Even if you magically hold MacClife near you, there will be someone, who wishes to steal him from you someday. The girl that he will run to with pleasure.”
“Don’t think it will be you. You will never get the love of your ex-boyfriend. Terrence no longer loves you and would hardly love you again. You are no longer interested in him as a girl.”
“Huh, he has actually never been interested in you.”
“Trust me, sweetheart, our first marriage night is going to be much better than your first sex. Much better than the only time when you were pleased to show just something and give your body to such a wonderful man. Efforts of whom you did not appreciate.”
“Better close your mouth,” Raquelle hisses through her teeth, tightly clenching her hands into fists. “You have already made me wild enough.”
“I don’t understand… Since you are a log that can do nothing, how could your sugar daddies be delighted and agree to promote you? Or in the case of them, do you give your everything? You are ready to give yourself to some men, but when your ex wanted to get some attention and love, you rejected him cruelly!”
“Shut up, bitch… Shut up…”
“So… If you like sleeping with rich men for money and fame, that's okay. And keep telling everyone that you were an innocent virgin and slept with only one man for the first time in your life. But very soon, everyone will realize that you are a liar when everyone finds out how many men have actually been in your bed. How many men you have given pleasure by having oral sex with them.”
“Shut up…”
“Just one word – slut,” Rachel says confidently with a sly smile. “A nasty, brainless whore that also has mental issues.”
Then Raquelle loses patience and gets wild. The girl literally kills Rachel with a cold look for two seconds and then strongly slaps her in the face. So strongly that the blonde cannot stand on her feet and falls to the floor with not a very loud shout.
“CLOSE YOUR DIRTY MOUTH, BITCH!” Raquelle screams at the top of her lungs, as her nostrils inflate from anger. “DO NOT DARE TO INSULT ME! OR I WILL PULL YOUR HAIR OUT!”
“IDIOT!” Rachel exclaims, energetically rubbing her cheek, which starts burning and hurting after the hit. “DID YOU GO INSANE?”
“Remember, blonde cad, you will NEVER get my boyfriend. Terrence will NEVER be yours! Whatever you do, that man will not think of you.”
“We will SEE it, bitch.”
“Nothing can stop me from making you ugly. NOBODY!” Raquelle strongly slaps Rachel in the face again, and the blonde shouts loudly again. “We will see if MacClife wants to date an ugly lady. If he needs a bald girl…”
“CRAZY!” Rachel shouts. “YOU MUST GET THERAPY!”
“WHAT DID YOU SAY?” Raquelle hits Rachel in the face again as strongly as possible. “WHAT DID YOU SAY?”
“HELP ME!” Rachel pronounces loudly with her widely open eyes. “HELP ME! SOMEONE WANTS TO KILL ME! SOMEONE WAS-A-M-M-M!”
Rachel does not say everything because Raquelle gets down on her knees and tightly closes the mouth of her rival.
“Shut up now!” Raquelle hisses through her teeth, setting her cold eyes full of evil into Rachel’s scared eyes. “OR I WILL KILL YOU RIGHT HERE! I, BITCH, SWEAR! KILL YOU!”
“M-M-M-M!” Rachel moans painfully, being worried about herself and her life more and more, and shaking slightly at the thought that Raquelle will love to deal with her. “M-M-M-M-M!”
“So, are you scared? Don’t you want to become ugly? Don’t you want to die?”
“Nobody can stop me from defeating you.”
Raquelle moves her hand off Rachel’s mouth and squeezes her throat tightly, making the girl feel real horror and get sharply white from fear.
“MacClife is far…” Raquelle pronounces with a sly smile. “He will not help you… He will not protect his whore… Nobody will help you… Nobody!”
“I…” Rachel barely pronounces through a quiet cough, starting to choke from a lack of air. “I won’t let… I won’t let…”
“Yeah? What would you do to me?”
Raquelle gives Rachel such a strong slap in the face that the blonde falls to the floor with a loud shout.
“I can stand for myself!” Raquelle says confidently, literally killing Rachel with her cold look, while the blonde coughs and tries to catch some air that she lacked for a few seconds, which the brunette was strangling her. “And I will not let any whore mock me. I WILL NOT!”
“Alright, bitch, you made me WILD!” Rachel hisses through her teeth, tightly clenching her hands into fists. “COME HERE, SCUMBAG! I WILL KILL YOU!”
Rachel gives Raquelle such a strong slap in the face that the brunette cannot stand on her feet after the hit and falls to the floor. Using the moment, the blonde attacks her opponent with fists with a loud growl. A fight starts between the girls, which cannot be stopped by anyone as there is nobody in the restroom, and very loud music outstands any sounds.
“I will kill you, whore…” Rachel hisses through her teeth and gives Raquelle a few slaps on every cheek. “KILL! A-A-A-A-A!”
“Come here, bitch…” Raquelle growls irritably, grabbing Rachel’s hair strongly and starting to pull her from one side to another. “Now… Now nothing will be left of your fucking hair…”
For a few seconds of the fight, Rachel and Raquelle roll on the floor with loud shouts and try to hurt their rival somehow, painfully grabbing her by something, biting something with their teeth, kicking each other with their legs, scratching something with their nails, and giving strong enough hits on everything is possible.
“Terrence will never be yours,” Rachel says confidently, strongly grabbing Raquelle’s hair and painfully pulling it out with a wish to pull it out. “He belongs to me now!”
“He will not be with an ugly lady!” Raquelle throws rudely, sinking her nails into Rachel’s face so strongly that she leaves a few scars on the rival’s face. “I can do something for you, so that money from your daddy cannot help you bring your beauty back.”
Sadly, there is nobody in the restroom that would break up two excited girls, who are obsessed with anger and are literally ready to kill each other. Rachel is resentful because Raquelle behaved just disgustingly from the beginning. And Raquelle herself got terribly jealous of this girl and Terrence and does not want to give him anyone, thinking that he only belongs to her, even if they already broke up. And the blonde’s insults also made the brunette mad and dream of kicking this rude girl, who dared to kiss MacClife right before her eyes.
“IDIOT!” Rachel roars when her short dress tears on her thigh after Raquelle strongly pulls the material of it. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DRESS?”
“Alright, scumbag, I will kill you now… KILL!”
Rachel lies on Raquelle, squeezes her throat tightly with both hands, and starts strangling her rival with great pleasure, while the brunette starts choking and beats her in her arms to make her let her go.
“Die, bitch, die!” Rachel hisses through her teeth with evil in her eyes, as her nostrils inflate from anger. “Leave Terrence’s life… If you die, he will surely be single! And I will be able to get married to him.”
Raquelle quickly finds a way to get out of the trap and strongly hits Rachel in her stomach with a knee. While the blonde doubles over from pain with a loud shout, the brunette being obsessed with anger and not caring about a cough, gives her a few slaps in the face, painfully pulls her by the hair, and hits the back of her head against the floor.
The ladies’ fight continues for some time. By this time, the girls got many bruises and scratches, got their hair disheveled, and even ripped each other’s clothes. None of them feels regret. Both of them want to defeat their rival and hate each other to death. The reason is Terrence. Because of him, Rachel and Raquelle are ready to kill each other. At the bottom of their hearts, they are very happy nobody knows a fight started in the restroom and rushes to break them up.
Rachel drags Raquelle on the floor by the hair for some time, not paying attention to her shouts. And then she sharply lets it go, gives her a couple of strong slaps, and rudely pushes her opponent in the back. Then the blonde quickly gets up on her feet and shakes the dirt off her that she got after rolling on the floor for five minutes.
“So, you got it, bitch?” Rachel smirks evilly, literally killing Raquelle lying on the floor with her cold eyes. “Did you think I would be silent while you were pulling me by the hair and strangling me? No, sweetheart, I will not let anyone hurt me! And I will deal with any whore like you!”
Rachel quickly looks at her gorgeous dress, which is torn on her thigh so that it’s possible to see the elastic of her lace knickers.
“Ar-r-r, you will pay me for tearing my dress,” Rachel threatens at the top of her lungs. “You will have a deal with Terrence and my father! GOT IT, BITCH?”
Rachel strongly hits Raquelle in her stomach, making the brunette shout loudly from pain.
“I swear, Cameron, I will not leave it unpunished,” Rachel says rudely, squats down, painfully grabs Raquelle by the hair, and sets her cold look into her eyes. “You hear me, slut, you will pay me for that. PAY!”
“I wish you, bitch, died…” Raquelle pronounces in a low, rude voice. “I wish you suffered your whole worthless life…”
“No, you will suffer your whole life. You will never be happy. You will die all alone. But I will be getting older and will die next to Terrence and our future children.”
“You will never get Terrence! He is mine! AND ONLY MINE! THAT MAN BELONGS TO ME!”
“That man belongs to ME! And I swear I will do my best to get the love of your ex-boyfriend and make him forget you forever. Make him remember nothing about you: neither good nor bad things. And trust me, I am very close to this goal.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Terry is starting to lose his head because of me more and more. You know how he hugs me and presses me against him! How often that man tries to find a reason to touch me. And he really loves kissing me tenderly on the cheek and giving me French, passionate kisses. M-m-m… And how Terrence kisses me on the neck… M-m-m… I forgot everything in the world… I’m sorry you will never know it.”
“Ar-r-r-r, SHUT UP, YOU, BITCH!”
Raquelle beats Rachel in the face very strongly, breathing heavily enough.
“Listen, brunette, I think I’ve been stuck here for a long time and wasted too much time on you,” Rachel says thoughtfully and gets up on her feet with her head proudly raised. “I will come back to my sweetheart. He’s waiting for me. Now we will drink some cocktails and go to my home. Maybe, we will have sex in one of the dressing rooms of the club. M-m-m… I can’t already wait.”
Rachel moves strands of hair off her face.
“Goodbye, brunette!” Rachel says with her head proudly raised. “I hope I will no longer meet you, and your name will no longer appear in newspapers. Well, even if they mention it, I want them to shower you with mud again, just like they did it one and a half years ago.”
While Rachel comes to the mirror and fixes her hair, which has not the best good look, Raquelle watches her with a heavy breath and evil in her eyes, tightly clenching her hands into fists.
“It’s okay, I will destroy you later,” Raquelle hisses through her teeth. “I will pull your dyed hair… And you will stay alone…”
“Get stuck in your hole, fucking bitch,” Rachel says with a sly smile. “Terrence and I are going to have very many interesting things tonight.”
After Rachel puts her look in order, trying to hide the scars on her face that Raquelle left with her cosmetics, she takes her purse, strongly slaps her rival in the face, and quickly leaves the restroom.
And Raquelle herself is still sitting on the floor of the restroom, breathing heavily enough and barely holding tears down. Her hair is strongly disheveled, and she feels pain in her head because she was just dragged by the hair on the floor. And her face is burning from all the slaps she got.
“Idiot…” Raquelle pronounces with evil in her eyes. “IDIOT! I HATE YOU AND THAT BASTARD, MACCLIFE! I HATE YOU!”
Raquelle strongly smashes her hands against the floor.
“CURSE YOU!” Raquelle screams at the top of her lungs, as her nostrils inflate from anger. “SUFFERED UNTIL THE END OF YOUR LIFE! SCUMBAGS!”
Raquelle growls irritably.
“DIE, YOU TWO!” Raquelle wishes loudly. “I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!”
But nobody hears the hysterical shouts of the excited and disappointed Raquelle because she is all alone in the restroom, and there is hardly someone that could hear what she is saying with such despair and hatred.
Some time later, Rachel comes back to Terrence, who is still sitting at the table and waiting for her, checking something on his phone all this time. The music is still loud, and it’s quite dark around – only colorful spotlights can light up this room more or less. By this time, much more people have come here: someone is sitting at a bar table and drinking alcoholic drinks, someone is dancing along with loud music while being a little drunk, and someone is watching everyone and deciding who they could come to.
Rachel comes to the table Terrence is sitting at and touches his shoulder with a shy smile as if nothing happened, being a little shy about her dress, which is torn on her thigh, and the looks of some young men that look at her with a quiet chuckle.
“I'm back!” Rachel exclaims cheerfully. “Sorry for being there for so long.”
Terrence quickly moves his eyes off his phone and looks at Rachel.
“Where have you been for such a long time?” Terrence expresses anxiety. “I wanted to go to find you!”
“Sorry… There were just too many people, and I should’ve come to the mirror that was surrounded from all sides…”
“I already picked up some cocktails for us that we could buy.”
“Really? Would you show me?”
“I’m sure you’re gonna love it.”
“I’d like everything you choose.”
Terrence smiles shyly, while Rachel is trying to behave as if nothing happened. But the man starts to feel that the girl is kind of tense and less funny than before.
“Hey, Rachel, are you okay?” Terrence frowns slightly. “Why are you not sitting down?”
“Erm…” Rachel stutters. “Me?”
“You were so funny and cheerful, but you’ve got a quiet voice now. I would say you’re even scared by something.”
“No…” Rachel fixes her hair slightly with a shy smile. “No, nothing happened.”
“But I see something is not right with you,” Terrence notices confidently.
“Why do you think so, sweetie?”
“Don’t worry, Rachel, you can tell me…”
Terrence sharply falls into silence because he gets to examine Rachel’s face during the talk and notices a big scar on it at the last moment. To be clear, it’s under her eyes but a little higher than her cheek.
“Wait…” Terrence asks with horror in his eyes. “What’s that?”
Terrence quickly gets up from the table, grabs Rachel’s face with both hands, looking at the scar closely, and later finds a few little ones after he looks at the girl better.
“My gosh, Rachel, how did you get this?” Terrence wonders, pointing at the fresh scars from the nails. “I clearly remember that you didn't have it!”
Terrence shakes his head, moves his eyes down, and notices Rachel’s golden dress is torn on her thigh.
“Damn, your dress is torn!” Terrence gets horrified. “On your thigh…”
“Yeah…” Rachel pronounces shamelessly, covering her naked thigh. “It’s torn…”
“Hey, it’s torn here, too…” Terrence finds one more rip on Rachel’s dress and then a few more. “Here, here… Oh, damn…”
Terrence moves his eyes to Rachel’s face and notices that her hair is not as perfect as it was before.
“Gosh, Rachel, you look terrible!” Terrence gets horrified. “What happened to you?”
“Erm…” Rachel stutters, inclining her head slightly.
“Did you fight with someone in a restroom? Who ripped your dress, scratched your face, and destroyed your hair?”
“No…” Rachel pronounces hesitantly and starts hiding the scars on her face with her hand. “It’s… Erm… Nob-b-body… I did… Ripped accidentally…”
“Tell me who dared to do it to you now, and I will go to talk to that person. Whoever he or she is. If it was a man, he will regret doing that very much.”
“No, no, Terrence, don’t do it,” Rachel pronounces in a little shaking voice. “Nobody accosted me…”
“It’s okay, sweetheart…” Rachel puts on a smile. “I’ll buy the same dress. It’s not a problem… And my scars will be gone soon… I’ll be covering them up with powder foundation.”
“Tell me what happened to you while I was waiting for you here,” Terrence demands an answer a little severely. “Tell me what happened when you left somewhere! How did you get these scars on your face? How ripped your dress?”
“Show me that shameless bastard that did it, and I will show him where he belongs.”
“I-it’s not a man… Not a man…”
“But who? A girl?”
“Who is she? Tell me now!”
“Listen, Terrence…”
“Who did this to you?” Terrence softly takes Rachel by the shoulders. “I will not get off you until you answer me.”
“It’s…” Rachel pronounces in a little shaking voice. “It’s…”
After thinking a little, Rachel decides to pretend to be a victim and tell Terrence about Raquelle. She is sure the man may be enraged and get mad at his former girlfriend. And it would be very good for her. So, the sly blonde cannot miss a chance to turn these two against each other, make them fight much more, make sure that they made the right decision by breaking up, and finally get her beloved man.
“Your ex…” Rachel pronounces in a shaking voice, stuttering strongly and holding down tears coming to her eyes. “Raquelle…”
“What did you say?” Terrence asks surprisingly, rounding his eyes sharply and staring at Rachel.
“She's here, Terrence. At this nightclub, at this place.”
“Raquelle is here?”
“Fuck!” Terrence swears. “Did she end up here by chance? Or did she decide to chase me and make my life worse?”
“I don’t know, sweetie…” Rachel pronounces much quieter. “But she is here…”
“And what did that bitch forget here? Did she come to seduce men? Does she want to ruin someone’s life?”
“Raquelle saw us when you and I came here.”
“But how? I didn’t see her!”
“She was sitting at that bar table.”
Rachel shows Terrence the bar table where Raquelle sat.
“There?” Terrence pronounces surprisingly.
“I saw her staring at us when you were kissing me,” Rachel confesses. “If I hadn’t gone to the restroom, Raquelle would’ve come to us and ruined our pastime.”
“That scumbag already ruined everything!” Terrence gets wild. “She made such a wonderful evening worse!”
“Yeah…” Rachel moves her eyes to her hands. “You’re right…”
“Listen, Rachel, was it really her?” Terrence specifies. “Are you sure about it?”
“Of course, I’m sure! I do know how that model looks. But at first, I didn’t recognize her when I ran into her. But when she said you were her ex, I understood everything.”
“So, was she the one to dare to do it to you?”
“Yup…” Rachel sniffs quietly. “When I came to the restroom to fix my makeup and hair a little, your ex literally got into it a few seconds later.”
“And what?”
“She stood in front of the mirror next to me and pushed me so that I got a line from a lipstick. That girl did it on purpose!”
“That’s how…”
“And then Raquelle began insulting me… She was calling me a slut, chicken, idiot, scumbag, bitch, bastard… It would take a lot of time to call everything…”
“Did she really say so?”
Rachel carefully wipes tears off her face, pretending to be a victim so hard to make Terrence get furious and turn Raquelle to dust. And she does not refuse to lie a little to reach her goal…
“Raquelle said I allegedly slept with men for money…” Rachel lies in a shaking voice, not stopping giving sobs.
“What?” Terrence explodes.
“She thought I allegedly cheated on you with others and wanted to get all your money out of you and ruin your life and career to the hell.”
“How did she dare?”
“And you are allegedly not loyal to me and are sleeping with some prostitutes… You’ve got many girlfriends…”
“She threatened me so hard that I started to be worried about my life…”
Rachel sniffs dramatically.
“That girl is sick, Terrence,” Rachel says in a little shaking voice. “She must be brought to a mental hospital… That man told everyone about her mental issues for the reason.”
Rachel falls into silence for two seconds and sighs deeply, while Terrence, being furious by what he hears, thinks of dealing with Raquelle right now. Even if she has already left this place, he is ready to get her out from the ground and kick the girl, who went too far and stopped watching her mouth.
“Fucking bitch!” Terrence throws with anger in the eyes. “She is envying ‘cause I’m happy…”
“Exactly, sweetie!” Rachel agrees. “That girl is terribly mad that you and I are happy. But I’m not the one to blame for the fact that men don’t pay attention to her, and she lost the one, who was able to take that hysterical girl.”
“And as I understand, did she start a fight?”
“Yes, yes, she did it! I did not bother her and was doing my business, but Cameron suddenly attacked me with insults and fists,” Rachel sniffs quietly. “After all the insults, she slapped me in the face very strongly… I almost got my ankle twisted when falling.”
“Come on?”
“Yeah…” Rachel nods and wipes a tear under her eye. “I tried to calm her down and talk to her quietly, but she kind of got loose. She was insulting me, humiliating me, and screaming at the top of her lungs… And she attacked me with fists. She began to drag me by the hair on the floor, threaten me, beat me… Raquelle felt no sorry for me…”
Rachel shakes her head.
“There was nobody around to help me and take that crazy lady away from me,” Rachel adds. “She used it… I was really frightened… I thought Raquelle would kill me right there… She was strangling me… She was strangling me so strongly that I could not breathe… I was so terrified and was sure I would die… And I would’ve died if she had had a gun with her.”
“Bitch…” Terrence hisses through his teeth.
“She is sick…” Rachel shakes her head. “That girl really has mental issues. I… I don’t understand why she has not been brought to a mental hospital yet. She is dangerous for people if she attacks people for no reason!”
Rachel makes constant sobs, shakes, and closes her face with both hands, using the acting skills she has and trying to make Terrence mad and get a wish literally to strangle Raquelle.
“I agree,” Terrence nods. “That hysterical lady must have been brought to a mental hospital a long time ago.”
“I did want someone to come to the restroom and take that crazy girl aside so badly,” Rachel makes a quiet sob. “But my prayers weren’t heard… And she continued to beat me, scream at the top of her lungs and rip my clothes… She even scratched my face ‘till blood…”
“Blood?” Terrence rounds his eyes.
“Yes, but I managed to stop it, treat the wounds, and hide them under cosmetics.”
Rachel slightly touches the scar on her face she got from Raquelle and makes another sob, pretending to be a victim, and smudges her face with mascara secretly from Terrence to make him think she is crying so hard.
“I barely got out of there,” Rachel keeps sobbing frequently. “I barely managed to distract her and run away. But she ran after me and began to shout some threats at me. Thank God, I managed to leave her behind and run to you. But I heard Cameron threatening to kill me someday.”
“Yeah…” Terrence shakes his head. “That girl went absolutely crazy…”
“My God, Terrence…”
Rachel shakes her head with a quiet sob.
“If only you knew how frightened I was…” Rachel says in a little shaking voice. “Your ex is really just crazy! She could’ve made me disabled!”
“She is a bitch… Now she attacks unfamiliar people. She is ruining my fucking evening!”
“Please, protect me from that hysterical lady… I’m afraid of her! Please, please…”
Rachel hugs Terrence tightly and starts giving loud sobs, hiding her face in his chest and trying to shake slightly to make him believe that she is really horrified and worried about her life. The dumbfounded man quickly presses the crying girl to himself and caresses her head tenderly.
“Quiet, quiet, sweetheart, don’t cry,” Terrence calms down softly, kissing Rachel on the top of her head and caressing her cheek. “It’s okay.”
“I don’t wanna die…” Rachel keeps crying quietly. “I don’t want that girl to kill me… I don’t want…”
“Calm down, Rachel, she will do nothing to you.”
“My God, I was so scared… So scared… I’m afraid of having a deal with mentally ill people.”
“I’m here, sweetie. Nothing will happen to you.”
“Don’t leave me, Terrence… Don’t leave… You’re the only one to protect me… Please, don’t let that psycho idiot do something to me.”
“Sh-h-h… Quiet…”
Terrence hugs Rachel tighter with his arms, getting wilder and wilder and getting obsessed with anger. He is mad that Raquelle ruined the evening that he wanted to spend with his friend. But his ex-girlfriend came here and frightened the poor Rachel to death, tearing her dress, destroying her gorgeous hair, insulting her, humiliating her, and beating her strongly.
“You know, how strongly she beat me…” Rachel breaks the silence that settled in the air in a little shaking voice. “My whole body still hurts… And I almost lost my hair… If I hadn’t run away, I would've had to go home in my underwear because that psycho idiot would’ve torn my dress.”
“Oh, no…” Terrence pronounces confidently. “I cannot leave it without my attention.”
Terrence steps back from Rachel.
“I can’t leave without telling that bitch everything I think of her,” Terrence says gloomily in a much lower voice.
“What?” Rachel opens her wet eyes wider. “Do you wanna go to find her?”
“That scumbag will pay me for what she did. If she wants to ruin my life, it’s alright. But she will not dare to attack anyone from my surrounding.”
“No, Terrence, please, don’t find her,” Rachel begs with pity in her eyes, tightly grabbing Terrence’s arm. “She will not pity you. That girl will do something much more terrible to you.”
“Where is she?” Terrence asks crossly, takes Rachel by the shoulders, and shakes her slightly. “Where is she, Rachel?”
“Terrence, don’t do this, please,” Rachel begs with pity in her eyes.
“You met her in the restroom, right?”
“Please, sweetie…”
Rachel grabs Terrence’s face.
“Don’t stand in the way of that hysterical psycho,” Rachel begs with pity in her eyes. “She would give you bruises and tear your clothes.”
“She would not,” Terrence says confidently.
“No, Terrence, I don’t want you to get in touch with her.”
“I know how to talk to her and will kick that crazy lady very quickly.”
“Don’t do this…”
“I will do something that she will remember her whole life!”
“Please, sweetie, don’t ask for trouble!” Rachel begs with despair. “Leave Raquelle alone.”
“If she keeps behaving like a psycho, I will personally bring her to a mental hospital. I will not wait for her family to do this. Maybe, I will save someone from great trouble.”
“Someone will surely bring her there, you’ll see it. If Cameron starts another riot, she will end up in a mental hospital and say goodbye to her modeling career.”
“Since she dared to attack you, she must pay for that.”
“Don’t do this, life will punish her for everything she has done. I mean, Cameron is already punished by staying all alone.”
“May she try to deal with me and do the same to the one, who is much stronger than her and could easily slap her in the face for the second time.”
“For God’s sake, Terrence, don’t stand in her way!” Rachel exclaims. “Everything is over between you and her once and forever.”
“I can’t refuse a chance to kick her.”
“Rachel, wait for me here,” Terrence says quietly, caressing Rachel’s face with both hands. “I will be back soon.”
“What do you wanna do?” Rachel asks a little scarily.
“Just stay here. I will do something quickly and then come back to you.”
“Don’t do this, sweetie. She probably left this place, and you would find her.”
“I will find her! I will get her out of the ground! And tell her everything I think of her.”
Terrence turns around sharply and quickly goes aside to leave this room and go where dressing rooms are located.
“No, Terrence, stop!” Rachel begs with despair, still pretending to be a victim. “Don’t do this! Leave her alone! It’s not worth it! Stop! Terrence! For God’s sake! Terrence!”
But it's too late to do something because tracks of the really furious Terrence disappeared some time ago, and he is absolutely sure about what he wants to do right here and now. But when the man leaves, Rachel being quite happy stops acting and smiles widely with her head proudly raised, feeling that the man will shake his ex-girlfriend up and probably wish to kill her if she makes him wild.
“Hold on, Cameron,” Rachel says in a whisper. “You will get your hair out now. Maybe, it will make Terrence propose to me to marry and fuck you off once and forever.”
Rachel simpers quietly, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I hope he will tell you that Terrence and I are going to my home right now,” Rachel expresses hope confidently. “Where I will do my best to seduce him. Where I will make all his wishes come true. That man will be only mine and nobody else. Nobody. But if you, bitch, don’t want to leave my sweetheart at your wish, I will do my best to get you out of my way. Even if I have to kill you, I will do this for my own happiness.”
Believing that Terrence and Raquelle’s fight will take a lot of time, Rachel sits at the table and starts to wait for his return, taking a menu with drinks that it’s possible to buy at this place, and decides to buy something non-alcohol for her.
Raquelle is still in the restroom and putting herself in order after the fight with Rachel. But it took a few minutes to calm down. And then it takes five or ten minutes to get her disheveled hair done and fix the makeup that suffered during the fight with her rival, who got her enraged. But when she understands that she looks more or less good, the girl decides to leave this place and go somewhere not to see Terrence and Rachel and not to run into them.
She does not suspect that Terrence is going to come to her right now. The furious man, tightly clenching his hands into fists, goes down a long, wide hall for some time and sees the girl leaving the restroom quietly, looking at her jeans on the way and shaking something off them. After watching her for two seconds, he waits for a good moment to creep up to her quietly and tell her everything he thinks of her.
Raquelle fixes her hair slightly and keeps going somewhere with her head proudly raised, not knowing Terrence is hiding behind one of the corners of the empty hall of the club, as if he is going to scare her much. When he chooses a good moment, the man comes sharply to the girl, who suspects nothing from behind, and closes her mouth tightly with a hand. That’s why she shouts loudly with her eyes and starts trying to break free with the thought that a drunk man decided to accost her. But he pulls her after himself by force to the corner where he was standing. Terrence rudely pushes the brunette to the wall, grabs her wrists, presses her hands to the wall, and raises them to her face’s level, setting his cold look full of evil into Raquelle’s scared widely open eyes, while it takes some time for her to understand it’s her former boyfriend, who she wants to see less than anyone else.
“What the fuck?” Raquelle resents loudly.
“What do you need here?” Terrence asks rudely. “Why did you the fuck come here and ruin the evening of mine?”
“Came to have fun!” Raquelle replies coldly with her head proudly raised, looking into Terrence’s eyes confidently and not showing that she is a little afraid of him.
“Could you not find a different place where you would find and seduce men?”
“So, can’t I do it? Or do I have to ask you for permission?”
“Why did you the fuck decide to come where I was?”
“I have the right to go anywhere I want! Or do you think I’ll have to lock myself in four walls and go nowhere just because you don’t like it?”
“You ruined this evening! YOU RUINED!”
“I am sorry, Your Highness!” Raquelle exclaims ironically. “I did not know you would love to come to the place where I wanted to relax.”
“Alright!” Terrence throws sharply. “I give a fuck about whether you came here to hook up with a man and ruin his life. Or you just wanted to shake your ass in the dance pool.”
“Excellent then! I can undress and walk naked if I want! Or perform a striptease right in the dance pool.”
“But I am not the fuck going to forgive you for what you just did.”
“What did I do?” Raquelle smirks slyly. “I do not need you! Go to have fun! I do not bother you!”
“Do not pretend that you do not understand me!”
Terrence presses Raquelle much tighter to the wall and comes to her much closer, still gripping and nailing her hands to the wall and setting his cold look into her eyes.
“What did you do here?” Terrence wonders loudly and rudely. “Did you go insane? You began to attack innocent people and scare them!”
“What?” Raquelle simpers conterminously. “Are you crazy? Did you drink to the fuck and decide to come to me?”
“Stop pretending to be an idiot!”
“Or did you read some magazines that published one more piece of false rumors?”
“Close your mouth, bitch! Rachel told me everything you did here!”
“Rachel? Who is Rachel? Your girlfriend at number 365?”
“The one you ALMOST KILLED!”
“Ah, that’s what you mean…” Raquelle smiles slyly. “The whore that forgot a strip club was located in a different place.”
“You dare to show off?”
“So, did your plucked chicken complain to you?” Raquelle smirks evilly. “Did she pretend to be an innocent lamb and make me a monster?”
“Close your fucking mouth!” Terrence hisses through his teeth. “Or I will sew it!”
“M-m-m, wow, how you puffed your tail… How happy you were to run to pretend to be a hero. How quickly the goat came to stand for that blonde whore.”
“DO NOT DARE TO INSULT MY FRIEND!” Terrence screams at the top of his lungs. “DO NOT DARE!”
“Ah, she’s your friend…”
“Listen, where did you actually find that single-celled amoeba? Where do they live? And yeah, I didn’t know you had a thing for blonde idiots. You put an eye on Rochester first, but now you met that chicken.”
“Better do not make me wild, bitch! OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!”
“What are you talking about?”
Terrence presses Raquelle and her hands much tighter against the wall. And she makes a very quiet squeak with a sense of strong pain in her hands.
“Ugh, I feel pain!” Raquelle winces strongly. “Let me go!”
“If you dared to attack the poor girl, you will have to pay much for that,” Terrence says rudely.
“Who? That slut?”
“DO NOT SCREAM AT ME!” Raquelle raises her voice with her widely open eyes. “And let me go now!”
“You will pay for ruining my evening. YOU WILL PAY PERSONALLY TO ME, BITCH!”
“I said, let me go! You hear me, you, fucking horndog?”
Raquelle unsuccessfully tries to get out of the trap she got into for a few seconds. But Terrence does not let the girl break free, squeezes her wrists much tighter, and comes very, very close to her.
“LET ME GO, I SAID!” Raquelle demands loudly, setting her eyes full of evil into Terrence’s eyes. “ARE YOU DEAF?”
“Let’s see if you have enough insolence to do what you did to Rachel to me,” Terrence says confidently in a low, rude voice.
“Are you chasing me? Did you the fuck know I would come here and decide to come here?”
“Oh, yeah, I am chasing you!” Raquelle replies ironically with her eyes rolled up. “I want to know what you are doing, who you meet, and something like that.”
“Are you envying me? Are you mad because my life finally gets better, but there is nothing good in your life?”
“Am I envying?” Raquelle smirks loudly. “Ha, it would be too much!”
“I still remember how you promised to ruin my life and threatened to make it worse.”
“It’s alright, I will speak out! Do not relax!”
“What an idiot you are…” Terrence throws with an evil smirk, kind of getting pleasure and feeling proud because he is mocking Raquelle and showing his domination over her. “Brainless idiot… That also has great mental issues.”
“Oh, come on!” Raquelle exclaims. “Does your friend understand who she got in touch with? Or is she obsessed with love and not understanding what a scumbag you are? The scumbag that would easily start terrorizing a girl and beating her.”
“Shut up, bitch!”
“I will do! When you finally let me go! AND STEP AS FAR AS POSSIBLE!”
“Stop chasing me! Why cannot you leave me the fuck alone?”
“Ha, I actually don’t care about you!” Raquelle says confidently. “I do not need to chase you!”
“You brought everything to the end of our relationship, but you keep running after me.”
“I say again, I don’t need you not for anything!”
“I see!”
“I came here to have fun and meet someone. But you and your fucking prostitute can be anywhere! Or you better go to a different place! FAR FROM ME!”
“Close your fucking mouth, bitch!” Terrence throws rudely, breathing heavily from evil. “Or you will regret it very much!”
“So, will you slap me in the face again?”
“It would be great to slap! It’s clear you understand something when someone punches you in the face!”
“Come on!” Raquelle challenges loudly. “C’mon, MacClife! Show me how you are defending that whore!”
“Said by the one that came here to shake her ass for men!”
“None of your fucking business, bastard!”
“Why didn’t you come here naked? You could dress up like a slut and accost everyone!”
“If I want, I will!”
“Relax, Cameron, there are no sugar daddies here,” Terrence says with an evil smirk. “You should go to another place.”
“Another place where you found your blonde-haired whore? Who you were ready to undress right there, at the table!”
“If I saw you there, I would do it with pleasure!”
“That bitch would be happy! I saw her getting pleasure from kissing you from head to foot! I saw you rolling your eyes and being ready literally to get into her knickers! RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES!”
“WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM?” Terrence resents loudly. “I am not going to doom myself to loneliness because one egoistic bitch did not meet my expectations.”
“So, could you not wait to get your penis into the ass of someone and fuck a lady?” Raquelle smirks with evil in her eyes. “Did you want to find the one to suck it so well that your eyes would pop out?”
“Don’t pretend to be a jealous girl and say you are jealous of her and me.”
“Still hoping I need such a mentally sick horndog like you?”
“Probably, your jealousy is the reason why you attacked the poor girl,” Terrence assumes confidently. “You almost killed her!”
“I almost killed her?”
“Rachel told me how you attacked her without a reason! You insulted her, humiliated her, pulled her by the hair, beat her, scratched her face to blood, and tore her expensive dress…”
“Ah, without a reason…”
“That girl was standing in front of the mirror and doing her business, but you ran into the restroom and attacked the poor girl with fists and insults.”
“My gosh, how it’s funny to hear it…” Raquelle laughs ironically. “It’s so funny…”
Terrence sharply but not very tightly grabs Raquelle by the throat, setting his widely open eyes, which are a little wild, on the girl, who seems absolutely quiet at first sight.
“Ha, so, that bitch decided to make me guilty,” Raquelle slightly opens her mouth and puts her hands on her hips with an evil smirk. “She decided to pretend to be an innocent lamb, but you, idiot, believed her!”
“I DID! Because I saw her ripped dress, her destroyed hair, and her scars on the face.”
“Yeah? Didn’t you try to wash three layers of cosmetics off her and see her clean face??”
“You dare to show off?” Terrence resents with a frequent enough breath. “You almost made the innocent girl disabled and terrified her so much that she came to me with tears and was shaking from fear.”
“Seriously?” Raquelle chuckles quietly. “That idiot probably scratched herself to blood! But she made it look like I did it. And you, stupid idiot, believed every single word of hers.”
“Do not pretend to be an innocent lamb, Raquelle Cameron,” Terrence demands coldly. “I see you through, bitch!”
“And I know what you are actually made of!”
“Do you dare to deny that you have mental issues after what happened?” Terrence smirks contemptuously. “First, you attacked your friend with fists, and now the innocent girl stood in your way. Who did NOTHING to you!”
“She DID!” Raquelle protests. “She stood in my way!”
“Your jealousy doesn’t make sense! You and I broke up and are living our lives.”
“No, MacClife, YOU cannot leave me alone!”
“You better take your blonde whore and get out of here as far as possible. Why do you bother me? You better go to fuck her!”
“I DID NOT ATTACK HER!” Raquelle protests loudly. “I did not attack her with fists, did not scratch her face, and did not run after her at the whole club with a threat to kill her.”
“Your slut dragged me by the hair while I was screaming from pain. My fucking head hurts!”
“Her whole body also hurts after you beat her!”
“And that stupid bitch blamed me for sleeping with men for money!”
“It’s not a secret for anyone,” Terrence says confidently with a sly smile. “You’d better do a blowjob for any man or a sugar daddy that would help you get promoted than please your own boyfriend.”
“As if your friend would reject such a wonderful offer.”
“At least, she is absolutely healthy and would not surely kill anyone,” Terrence says with his head proudly raised.
“You know her badly.”
“I have known her since SCHOOL! And I am VERY sorry about not paying attention to her THEN! Because we would’ve been married and lived HAPPILY! And I would not have met the one that went out of her mind and must get therapy!”
“I’d bet who must get therapy!” Raquelle smirks loudly. “Who went out of the mind in childhood!”
“You will ask for trouble, bitch!”
“You know what? I will be rejoicing when you’re taken to a mental hospital for two months!” Raquelle nods confidently. “Yes, I will! Because that’s where you belong! Maybe, you calm down a little and become less dangerous for people. And would not be a threat for that dyed otter.”
“DO NOT DARE TO INSULT HER!” Terrence painfully grabs Raquelle by the hair, setting his piercing look into the girl’s eyes, and still breathing heavily. “Don’t dare… Or you, bitch, will REGRET IT!”
“What do I have to say?” Raquelle wonders. “Ah, what a good girl you are! You take care of my ex-boyfriend, you are ready for anything for him… Where were you, sweetheart, before? How much the poor and unhappy Terry needed you, ‘cause he got terribly disappointed in the life of the taken man.”
“Rachel is guilty of nothing for you! But you went into a tirade. And you showed the real you again. You proved that you have mental issues.”
“Wow…” Raquelle rolls her eyes and shakes her head with a sly smirk. “How hard you are defending that fucking scumbag. How hard you are trying to make her call you a hero and tell you tons of compliments.”
“She does not spare them for me!” Terrence throws rudely. “Thanks to her, I feel like a wanted man again. I feel I am loved, appreciated, and respected. Rachel does understand how much it means to me and supports my wish to reach something. Besides, that girl fits all my claims.”
“Listen, what’s the number of that gal? How many girls have you had? You’ve already fucked two! That whore and my former friend Rochester!”
“I am a single man!” Terrence says confidently with his head proudly raised. “And I have a right to see anyone.”
“Oh, I see you forgot you were in a relationship with me some time ago.”
“You didn’t remember that when we lived together. You behaved as if nothing happened.”
“By the way, how long were you hiding from everyone? How long have you dated that whore? When did you stop being afraid of going in public with her? When I gave you freedom and got out of your home?”
“I don’t have to tell you anything.”
“You could wait for some! Shame on you for introducing her to everyone so soon! You would’ve better waited for some time after our breakup!”
“I am already single in my mind!”
“Yeah…” Raquelle shakes her head. “I didn’t know you had a thing for gals that dress up like fucking sluts.”
“Ah, you want submission…”
“Rachel is a perfect girl! She is absolutely the one to make me happy! So, I will marry her at the nearest time and bring her to my house. She will become the lady of the house and will make that place our personal paradise.”
“So, are you going to fuck her on OUR bed? The bed that I WAS SLEEPING ON SOMEHOW?”
“I will be very happy with her. We will have a quiet and peaceful life. That girl will give birth to at least one child that I will be raising with pleasure. And you will keep shaking your ass for cameras and embracing photos of you at nights.”
“I’m imagining how disappointed you will be when you realize she needs your money and your fame, not you.”
“You think love can exist because of a benefit. But Rachel loves me without my wealth. Even if I was a beggar, she would not leave me!”
“We will see how long you will live! We will see how soon that blonde slut will meet a richer man and choose him.”
“Listen, Cameron, stop having a senseless meaning! Leave me alone! GET OUT OF MY LIFE! ONCE AND FOREVER! If you cannot be happy, it’s all your problem!”
“YES, I AM MAD!” Raquelle sets her icy look into Terrence's eyes full of hate and evil. “I madly wanted to kill you and that brainless otter when I saw you hugging and passionately kissing each other before my eyes.”
“Why?” Terrence wonders. “You said you never loved me! If it was the truth, you would not care who I fuck, and where I go!”
“I do not care about it!”
“I see!”
“I would not even have come to you if you had not come here. If you had not wanted to defend that plucked chicken so hard.”
“You, bitch, will apologize to her!”
“Me? Apologize?”
“You will come to Rachel and ask her for forgiveness!”
Raquelle laughs very loudly, with mockery.
“Are you serious, dear?” Raquelle wonders. “Me to apologize to that scumbag that dared to put an eye on taken men?”
“I am not kidding, Cameron!” Terrence pronounces confidently. “You will REALLY come to Rachel and beg her for forgiveness. ON YOUR KNEES.”
“My God, MacClife, what an idiot you are… Brainless, naive idiot… Do you really think I would do this?”
“Not at all!”
“Don’t snap at me, bitch! Or you will regret it!”
“If you slap me, I will take it somehow.”
“Ar-r-r…” Terrence growls irritably, tightly clenching his hands into fists with a heavy breath. “You’re starting to get me wild…”
“As well as you are doing this to me!” Raquelle throws with evil in the eyes. “It’s mutual!”
“I do want to hurt your eyes and beat your insolent face,” Raquelle pronounces with a heavy breath, setting her cold, contemptuous look into Terrence’s eyes. “Beat it strongly… I would see if that whore stayed with you and whether she wanted to get her tongue into your mouth.”
“I would have much pleasure of pulling your hair out!”
Terrence presses Raquelle’s hands tightly to the wall and presses himself to her body very closely, setting his cold look into the girl’s eyes and understanding that he is getting obsessed with anger and hate.
“How much I want to slap you in the face again,” Terrence hisses through his teeth. “How much I want to kick you and make you OBEY ME AND DO EVERYTHING I SAY!”
“You better make your fucking lover obey you!” Raquelle throws rudely. “That bitch would surely kiss your legs and look into your eyes, waiting for your commands.”
“Why did you attack Rachel? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU?”
“She provoked me!” Raquelle shouts. “That scumbag started to insult and humiliate me!”
“Should have I paid no attention to that? Let that chicken keep beating me and showering me with mud?”
“Do not try to make me sure that you did nothing! Rachel told me everything and hid nothing!”
“Your Rachel is an insolent liar!” Raquelle shouts. “The daddy of that idiot taught his daughter nothing!”
“So sorry that there was nobody in the restroom. So sorry that nobody saw the real Raquelle Cameron. Someone would have told everyone that you almost made totally the innocent girl disabled. And it would’ve made your perfect reputation worse forever. I would have had to do nothing and use my status.”
“Nobody would believe a fucking mooch that is living on her father’s account! Who is going to live on yours soon! And she will be getting money out of you.”
“I spare nothing for that girl! I can give her anything. At my will!”
“Why would you do this?”
“Because unlike you, Rachel really loves and respects me. She takes care of me and always asks me about my business and my feelings. And she is REALLY interested in what’s happening to me. She is not pretending, she is LISTENING, UNDERSTANDING AND SUPPORTING.”
“Wow!” Raquelle smirks evilly. “So, you are ready to spend millions of dollars on that wench, but did you not buy even a cheap bracelet, while we were in a relationship? You did not give me ANY GIFTS!”
“Why would I make gifts for you?” Terrence wonders with his widely open eyes. “WHY? You did not deserve even the cheapest and simplest necklace! You could’ve had a bunch of these things if you’d loved me. But I was not going to gift anything to the egoistic bitch that NEVER loved me and ALWAYS thought of herself.”
“But did Rachel the fuck deserve it?”
“Why? Why did you the fuck get a crush on Rachel? How did she seduce you? Boobs? Ass? Or maybe, her sex skills?”
“I’m going to surprise you: people love not only for that but also for different things.”
“Oh, oh, here’s a fucking expert at love things!”
“I will not explain everything because you will never understand. You love nobody but you. You don’t care about other people. You have yourself in the first place.”
“As if you love someone! And notice someone else but you!”
“I ALWAYS have my close people in the first place!”
“What are you talking about?”
“You, selfish egoist, think of doing your best to feel good. Making everyone dance attendance upon you and making your caprices come true. But you do not even think of doing something for others.”
“I don’t care about what you think,” Raquelle throws coldly. “I don’t care what people and your shabby cat that you picked up somewhere in the garbage.”
“So, you’ve confirmed that you care only about yourself!”
“I care only about one thing – about how to solve my problems and make Simon pay for everything he did to me.”
“Come on?” Terrence rounds his eyes. “Are you doing something to solve them?”
“At least I’m not having fun with one blonde whore, who is ready to give you a blowjob for free.”
Terrence sharply lets Raquelle’s hands go but is still standing very close to her and looking into her eyes confidently, while she looks at him with great contempt in the eyes.
“I thought you had fun with your buddy from the police for a long time,” Terrence says confidently.
“Seeing him every day and having fun with him… Forgot that you actually had a BOYFRIEND!”
This statement gets Raquelle shocked. The girl rounds her eyes and surprisingly looks at Terrence, who is breathing heavily like a furious bull that is ready to attack its victim and do something to them.
“Are you out of your mind?” Raquelle asks loudly, knocking at her temple with a finger. “Who is the buddy from the police that I am seeing?”
“Who allegedly promised to help you!” Terrence throws rudely. “What’s his name? Hudson? Carter?”
“Were you thinking much before saying it? Or DID YOU ACTUALLY TURN YOUR BRAINS OFF?”
“You say he was just a friend of yours? He was kind of running after you for a long time, but you rejected him?” Terrence simpers evilly, as his nostrils inflate from anger. “It is the fuck clear! It’s clear you decided to pay attention to him! Or at least pretend that you liked him! That bastard to agree to help you.”
“What?” Raquelle resents loudly.
“And you agreed at once. Because you could not miss a chance to get into bed with someone again. AND CHEAT ON THE MAN, WHO YOU HAD A RELATIONSHIP WITH!”
“Don’t dare to deny it!”
“Or are you fretting and fuming because you cannot have a career as a singer? Are you mad because nobody wants to see you because your star already faded away a long time ago?”
“So, Cameron, did you think I wouldn’t know about your love affairs? Did you think you would keep making me an idiot?” Terrence sets his cold look into Raquelle’s eyes. “WRONG, DEAR LADY!”
“How do you dare to blame me for that?” Raquelle gets wild, tightly clenching her hands into fists.
“How do YOU dare to blame me for jumping from one bed to another?” Terrence simpers contemptuously. “YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO! You know you’ve got many sins but refuse to admit it! And you call other people whores and horndogs!”
“You and that blonde chicken are the ones,” Raquelle replies confidently.
“It’s clear you forgot that anything would come to light early or late. Even if you heard it from someone, who knew it very well.”
“Holy shit… How could you think so?”
“I was ready to tolerate your indifference and keep standing you. But I will never… Hear me, bitch… Never forgive the one to CHEAT ON ME!”
“How could you actually think of such a stupid thing?”
“Yeah, MacClife, you are really sick… A sick storyteller…” Raquelle shakes her head. “How you could actually…”
Then Raquelle sharply falls into silence because she starts realizing something. Two seconds later, she opens her mouth much wider, understanding the reason for the aggressive behavior of Terrence on the days when they began to have scandals.
“Wait, that’s why…” Raquelle pronounces thoughtfully. “That’s what happened…”
Raquelle shakes her head.
“That’s why you screamed at me on that day?” Raquelle concludes. “When I came to the room after you finished a talk with your mother!”
Raquelle chuckles quietly.
“So, have you been behaving like a psycho all this not because of your father?” Raquelle wonders. “You just went insane because you thought up nobody the hell knows what!”
“I THOUGHT UP NOTHING!” Terrence says at the top of his lungs.
“You were told? You were told about my alleged betrayal?”
“How fucking smart you are…”
“Did Ringer make you think so? Did you really believe that bastard and his words about my alleged betrayal?”
“Of course…” Raquelle glances aside. “Why didn’t I guess he could have to do with that? I knew that the bastard would not leave you alone when calling all my friends and relative.”
“That man knows you too well and your real side,” Terrence says confidently. “But he finally opened my eyes and told me that you were not the one that you wanted to be.”
“My God… I can’t believe it…” Raquelle shakes her head. “I can’t believe you said nothing about that bad joke on that day… Instead of that, you just screamed at me and did your best for our relationship to get much worse.”
“Ah, am I guilty?” Terrence rounds his eyes, pointing at himself. “I AM GUILTY OF THE FACT THAT YOU DID NOT PAY ATTENTION TO ME AND SLEPT WITH ANOTHER MAN!”
“Holy shit… Because of that, you were humiliating and insulting me so easily all the time. And you got in touch with an otter and are hugging and kissing her. RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES!”
“Our relationship was doomed anyway!” Terrence notices rudely. “I started to think of breaking up without Simon’s stories about your betrayal. Because I got terribly sick of living with you in the same place and standing you near me.”
“Don’t evade your responsibility! You brought the situation to all of that! And I was not going to take all of that forever!”
“Before you believed that I had another man, everything had been fine.”
“It seemed to you! SEEMED! There was nothing between us anymore! No matter how hard I tried to save what I could’ve saved. What we would’ve saved if I hadn’t had to save our relationship alone.”
“I didn’t have to be next to you for a whole day and sing praises to you!”
“Ha, you never told me at least one good word!” Terrence smirks contemptuously. “You always talked to me coldly and distantly! You wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible! You gave a fuck about me!”
“I talked to you well!”
“But now I understand why. You never loved me, used me to make your family get off you, and met another man that you cheated on me with.”
“I didn’t cheat on you!”
“DO NOT LIE TO ME, BITCH!” Terrence shouts with a part of despair. “DON’T LIE!”
Terrence sharply takes Raquelle by the shoulders and begins to shake her slightly.
“STOP INSOLENTLY LYING TO ME WHEN LOOKING INTO MY EYES!” Terrence demands loudly, as his nostrils inflate from anger.
“I AM NOT LYING!” Raquelle shouts.
“I know everything about your tricks. Simon told me that you were having fun and spending all days with that man.”
“And you, idiot, believed everything he told you?”
“Didn’t you go anywhere for work? Yeah?”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Confess that you went to him!” Terrence strongly shakes Raquelle by the shoulders, setting his widely open eyes on her. “Confess that you slept with your buddy!”
“I didn’t cheat on you and was always loyal!” Raquelle says confidently. “Even if I never loved you!”
“Is it so hard to confess that you cheated? IS IT SO FUCKING HARD, HUH?”
“I will not confess what’s not the truth.”
“I would’ve met a better girl much earlier,” Terrence shouts loudly in despair. “Because you never paid attention to me and preferred your career. I was always just a decoration of yours.”
“You dated me just to make your relatives get off you. And while nobody knew anything about our lives, you always rejected me and found excuses NOT TO BE WITH ME. BUT YOU WERE PRETENDING TO BE A LOVING AND LOYAL GIRL IN PUBLIC AND SAYING THAT YOU LOVED ME!”
“As if you loved me so much!”
“Yeah? You never asked me about my business! Even if you did it, you didn’t care! You didn’t even try to show an interest in my work and attend one of the shows I participated in. All that time, you did not give me any gift and did not say anything nice… But you always talked about yourself with great pleasure. But there was nothing to talk about because you always met failures in everything you did. You did not get good roles and did not record any even worst song.”
“Did you describe yourself? Described the way you treated me? Everything fits perfectly!”
“Confess that you never loved me and were interested in me just as a sexual toy. You needed me for that! Yeah? You used me to feel satisfied?”
“Insolent lie!”
“While you had it, you admired me somehow. But when nothing happened between us, your interest was gone. AND YOU BEGAN TO PAY ATTENTION TO OTHER LADIES!”
“No, Cameron, I was just a decoration for you,” Terrence notices with a part of despair. “And I understood it from the first day of our affair. And when I found out you cheated on me with that policeman, I stopped doubting that you never needed me.”
“You were always busy with yourself! Obsessed with a wish to become a musician! You literally dreamed of a stage! You always got rejected, but you kept trying to get into something and could not calm down.”
“I was struggling for my dream!”
“And you did not get anything!”
“Because I had nobody that would support me. You NEVER cared about me and could talk just about you! I got the fuck sick of you whining constantly… I got sick of hearing you have hard shots! I was done with all of that! It was kind of easy for me to go to studios and talk to someone, who could work on my musical career! Every day, when I came home, I hoped I would have a good rest with my beloved girl, who would do her best to help me relax. But it never happened!”
“Oh, yeah, your blonde whore listens to you with pleasure?” Raquelle rolls her eyes.
“Yes, Rachel listens to me! And she supports me!”
“She just has nothing to tell you! She does not work and does not aim for anything.”
“How do you know it? Or do you know everything about everyone?”
“Such whores like she want only one thing – a thick wallet and fame.”
“Yea-a-a-ah… You always read some books, but you’ve got very little brains.”
“And you are an egoistic, naive idiot with mental issues!”
“I’ve regretted starting an affair with you many times! You know how happy I would be to come back to the past and tell myself it would not give me anything good.”
“Relax, MacClife, I am not going to hold you.”
“I’ve done so much for you…” Terrence shakes his head. “I took everything, I closed my eyes on everything… I did my best to save our relationship. I hoped you would pay attention to me someday and give me the love that I needed. I was ready for anything for you and your happiness. But you did not appreciate all of that. You did not appreciate the effort I made for us to live well. You ruined everything that I wanted to save.”
“You were also pretending that you tried to save our relationship,” Raquelle throws gloomily. “Pretending to be a perfect boyfriend in public and telling everyone you adored me and were happy to be in a relationship with me. But that was just words.”
“I wanted not very much! Not very much, Raquelle! Nothing impossible. Nothing super-hard. I just wanted warmth, love, and care. I wanted to get your support. To get the motivation to do something. To have someone to keep believing that I’m still wanted and loved. But I’ve changed for a few months. I’ve changed for the worse. I stopped feeling like the Terrence that I had been before I started an affair with you.”
“And I stopped being the Raquelle I was. Our affair made me unhappy. It bothered me. I had some borders. A certain comfort zone. But you broke into it and turned everything upside down.”
“Nobody made you quit your career. Vice versa, I was happy to admire your photos. But I needed attention, love, and care. I needed a girl that I could talk to about what was happening to me. But I was lonely. I was in a relationship, but I was lonely.”
“You described my feelings. I was in a relationship, but I was lonely.”
“And you know, I was really ready to swallow up that fact and always excuse it with your tiredness. And I was even ready to take you on vacation by force and drive you somewhere. But I will not forgive you for cheating, which became the last drop of my patience. After Simon told me everything, I realized that I wanted to break up with you. At first, I doubted and made myself think better. But on that day, I decided that I no longer wanted to be a boyfriend of yours.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Raquelle exclaims, shaking her head slightly. “I never even looked at other men when I began to date you. NEVER!”
“Some time after our breakup was not even gone yet. But you already decided who you wanted to make a new decoration of yours…”
“Don’t forget about you! About you kissing other ladies after you broke up with me literally the next day.”
“I wonder, did your new boyfriend get a crush on you because of your beauty and your beautiful face?” Terrence wonders. “Has that bastard not wanted to open my eyes and understand that you are not the one you want to be for a few years he has had a crush on you? You are not the girl that could be a perfect wife and a wonderful lady of the house.”
“Do not lie! You were looking for a reason to run away from me and meet another man.”
“Yeah, when you saw Rachel and me together, you felt all the same feelings I got after finding out about your meetings with your new lover,” Terrence says confidently. “Feel the disgusting feeling when someone uses you.”
“You are unfair to me! UNFAIR!”
“And you know, I am very glad you saw me hugging and kissing Rachel,” Terrence crosses his arms over his chest. “If I’d known you were there, I would’ve kissed her the way I never kissed you. And I thanked her for everything she gave me, but also for everything that I didn’t have when living with you.”
“Why do you believe that bastard Ringer?” Raquelle cries with despair, trying to prove her innocence and barely holding tears down. “Simon did a number on our heads! Don’t you get it?”
“Keep denying everything. Keep doing this.”
“Now I’m starting to understand that he got us wrapped around his finger, and we got caught in his trap. That’s what Ringer wanted! He wanted all of you to leave me, believing I was kind of crazy and dangerous! And to bring me to death, that scumbag told me that you were kissing that blonde bitch in the dress of a whore.”
“You know, I’m sick of listening to you. Sick of listening to your bullshit.”
“I see no meaning in explaining something…” Raquelle pronounces much quieter, understanding that saying something to Terrence is worthless because he is obsessed with anger and hate. “Nothing would be changed. We mean nothing to each other now. We broke up a long time ago.”
“You got at least one good thought in your mind.”
“Our relationship went into a deadlock. We would've broken up and gone on different ways anyway. Our affair was a too hasty decision and the greatest mistake in my life.”
“You wanted our relationship to come to an end,” Terrence sniffs contemptuously, crossing his arms over his chest. “You did everything for me to stop loving you and wish to break up someday. I didn’t want it and hoped to save our relationship, but now I’m sure there’s no meaning in trying to. And I don’t want to do anything. I don’t need a girlfriend like you. I’ve already chosen the one, who will make me happy.”
“I regret nothing, as well,” Raquelle says coldly and crosses her arms over the chest, unconsciously copying almost all the movements that Terrence does and even imitating his mimic. “There is no place in my new life for you.”
“Come on? New life?”
“Let me wonder what kind of life did you start?” Terrence smirks evilly. “Are you sitting at home and crying your eyes out because you lost everything you had? Because you would have to get old all alone!”
“I don’t have to tell you what I am doing! You are nobody to me! I already broke up with you and would find the one to be much better than such a selfish scumbag like you.”
“I doubt at least one good man would stay with you longer than you were a girlfriend of mine.”
“Don’t worry, MacClife!” Raquelle smiles falsely. “I will have a good life to make you mad and meet the one I will be very happy with.”
“I don’t care how you are living,” Terrence says confidently, looking into Raquelle’s eyes contemptuously. “Just leave me alone and let me be happy with Rachel. Be happy with the one I love very much for everything she has done for me. I want to be loved. I want to live with the one that I REALLY love.”
Terrence falls into silence for two seconds and then says something that does not sound truly:
“Not the one I played love with in public. Who I have never felt anything for. Who I don’t even know why I dated.”
Although these words hurt Raquelle somehow, she does not want to show her pain and hides it, showing aggression toward Terrence. However, her half-wet eyes can tell anyone how upset she is by what she just heard.
“Then go to fucking hell!” Raquelle screams at the top of her lungs with evil in her eyes, as her nostrils inflate. “GO TO YOUR WHORE! LET HER PLEASE YOU AND WIPE YOUR MOUTH! AND BECOME YOUR PERSONAL SECRETARY, AS YOUR DEAREST GIRLFRIEND SAID!”
“I WILL GO TO HER,” Terrence says loudly, setting his widely open eyes into Raquelle’s eyes full of hate. “TO THE ONE, WHO LOVES ME! WHO DOES NOT HAVE MENTAL PROBLEMS, DOES NOT BETRAY, DOES NOT LIE, AND DOES REALLY BELIEVE IN ME AND MY SUCCESS!”
“Go, go!” Raquelle waves her hands. “Go to that whore! Go her home! Fuck her as hard as possible! To make her scream at the whole neighborhood! Make her sing praises to you, even if you do not deserve it!”
“You go to your policeman, who will give you nothing!” Terrence gesticulates actively, as if he is copying everything Raquelle does. “And leave you soon! After realizing what a snake you are!”
“It’s alright, MacClife, it’s alright! When I really meet a worthy man and meet you, I will be kissing him passionately, hugging him, and caressing him from head to foot right before your eyes. So, you choke from anger as well as you did when I was flirting with men at our together photoshoot.”
“Do anything you want! I give a fuck!”
“No, you do not give! You will be choking from anger! I am sure about it!”
“Then I can come here with Rachel and kiss her much more passionately before your eyes. So, you realize what you lost when you did not appreciate what you were given.”
“Come on, kiss your bitch!” Raquelle throws with evil in the eyes. “Go, lick Rachel from head to feet! You can even undress her and fuck her right before my eyes! COME ON, DO THIS!”
“I WILL FUCK!” Terrence screams at the top of his lungs.
“But I doubt that your prostitute would save her hair if she stood in my way again. I WILL KILL THAT BITCH IF I RUN INTO HER, AND SHE STARTS ACCOSTING YOU AGAIN!”
Terrence sharply hits the wall with his fist right a few centimeters from Raquelle’s face with his widely open eyes while she closes her eyes tightly. Then he just looks at her for two seconds, breathing heavily and being very close to her.
“Do not dare to touch my girlfriend, even with a finger,” Terrence hisses through his teeth.
“Ah, so, is she your girlfriend now?” Raquelle smirks evilly.
“I said everything, bitch, if you hurt Rachel, you will regret it.”
“Yeah, how will I do?” Raquelle wonders with a heavy breath, setting her eyes right into Terrence’s eyes, and smirks contemptuously. “Slap me again?”
“It would not wash your brains enough. You have been an idiot and will always be the one!”
“Then go much further and beat me to half-death!”
“Don’t be so sassy, Cameron. Or I will quickly get you cool quickly.”
“Come on, scumbag, go! Beat me! But I am warning, if you dare to hurt me somehow, I swear I will immediately go to the police and ruin your life to the fuck! I swear, jerkoff, I will not be silent!”
“Nobody would believe the words of a crazy lady,” Terrence says confidently.
“Come on?”
“You are going to get through what Ringer got through when he tried to tell everyone the truth about you. Nobody will believe you. You will be humiliated and insulted. And you will lose any chance to build your very loved career.”
“We will see! We will see what you will say when I charge you for the regular violence and cruel beating.”
“Calm down, I will do nothing. Not because I feel sorry for you. Because I don’t want to go to prison. And I don’t want to give my money away for moral damage. I am not going to give you a cent. Nothing from what I have earned by working hard.”
“It’s my money and my wealth! I can do anything I want to it.”
“How much I hate you, Terrence… If you only knew… I hate you TO DEATH! I HATE YOU!”
“I wish you were never born!” Raquelle shouts loudly. “If you were not born, you would not ruin the lives of everyone!”
“Everyone? Who do you mean?”
“I would live much better if I did not meet you on my way. You ruined my whole life! I have cursed everything in the world hundreds of times because I got in touch with such a nasty bastard like you. If I didn’t know you, my life would be thousands of times better! THO-USA-ND! A MILLION! A BILLION! A TRILLION!”
Shouting out the last words, Raquelle waves her hands and beats Terrence on everything she can as strongly as possible. If she is not going to stop and gets much more excited, the man loses patience and decides to tame and calm down his ex-girlfriend. He grabs Raquelle by her hands, sharply pushes and presses the girl to the wall, as well as her hands that he raises to her chin’s level while she is breathing heavily and unsuccessfully trying to get out.
“Alright, my sweetie,” Terrence pronounces in a low, rude voice, looking into Raquelle’s eyes with evil and hate in the eyes and breathing as heavily as a furious bull. “If you think you are the bravest and sassiest one, you are wrong. And your threats will not scare me at all.”
“Let me go, scumbag!” Raquelle demands rudely, trying to sharply get her hands out of Terrence’s grip. “LET ME GO, I SAID!”
“Calm down!”
“Calm down!”
“I SAID SHUT UP!” Terrence brings his face very close to Raquelle’s face, still confidently looking into her eyes. “I see you’ve become too brave and badass! Are you the one with me? Or are you behaving in the same way towards Simon?”
“Do you want me to be afraid of you, yeah?” Raquelle rounds her eyes. “To shake in front of you, ask for permission for everything, obey you…”
“No, my dear Terrence MacClife, don’t wait! You are not a king or sultan to make me bow to you and kiss your legs. I AM NOT A GIRLFRIEND OF YOURS!”
“You are used to the fact that girls always praised you and looked into your eyes, expecting your commands. But I am not the one. I am not going to bend under you and pronounce you a God. You are nobody to treat you like this! And you did not deserve to be praised to the sky!”
“You better go to that plucked chicken! She is ready to obey you in everything and look at you as if you’re God. Be your fucking slave. Forget about her wishes and make yours come true.”
“Close your mouth, bitch!”
Terrence grabs Raquelle rudely by the hair and pulls it strongly, literally wishing to see fear and scare in the girl’s eyes. But she, however, looks quiet and confident enough and does not seem as scared as she felt when the man just caught her and took her here.
“If you’re so sassy, I will have to strike a crown off your head,” Terrence threatens coldly.
“Stop threatening!” Raquelle throws rudely. “You have no right to make me obey you!”
“Oh, I can do much…”
“You can do much to your whore! Go to her and do anything you want to her! And leave me alone!”
“I’m much stronger than you! It would not be hard for me to get you down on your knees.” Terrence smiles kind of indecently. “Not only to make you beg for forgiveness. But also for something else…”
“What?” Raquelle frowns strongly.
“What about pleasing me a little? Caress my dick with your good hands and your tender lips…”
With these words, Terrence runs his thumb over Raquelle’s lips, smiling wider and wider, while she looks at him like charmed.
“Are you really crazy?” Raquelle resents.
“Not at all,” Terrence pronounces in a much lower voice, opens Raquelle’s mouth slightly, and caresses her lips a little longer with his thumb, noticing how soft they are. “So, you can get my forgiveness. And make me happy… You would get your mouth busy. And stop talking some bullshit that I will not listen to anyway.”
“Ha!” Raquelle smirks evilly. “Fuck off, bastard!”
Raquelle pushes Terrence strongly to make him let her go out of his strong grip. When she gets to get out of the man’s arms, she goes a few steps back.
“Ask your slut to do a blowjob for you if she’s so wonderful, caring, and skillful,” Raquelle throws rudely.
“I’m sure that her blowjob will not be as good as yours,” Terrence assumes confidently with a sly smile.
“It’s okay, she will learn! Well, why would she learn something while she can do everything?”
“You’re talking to the wind too much.”
“Not less than you.”
“You better shut up and work your mouth well.”
Terrence grabs Raquelle by the throat not very tightly with a sly smile on his face.
“And make me happy with your moans,” Terrence pronounces in a much lower voice. “You can make such sexual ones…”
“I said, fuck off!” Raquelle throws rudely.
“We will find a quiet place, and you will quickly do your job. And if I like it, I will generously thank you and give some attention to your body.”
While Terrence says it, his hands get down and down the curves of Raquelle’s waist and stay on her thighs. At first, the girl shakes slightly and almost lets her brains turn off, but she wakes up quickly enough.
“Alright, stop, I’m done!” Raquelle sharply steps back and raises her hands up. “I am leaving!”
“M-m-m, you shook when I put my hands on your waist,” Terrence notices with a sly smile.
“I don’t have a wish to stay here anymore! You and your whore made my mood much worse. I thought I’d spend a good evening, but you came here, took that chicken, and deprived me of a wish to dance and meet new people.” Raquelle goes two steps back and half turns on Terrence. “Never stand in my way, Terrence James MacClife. Live your life and do what you want. I truly hope you and I will never meet again.”
Raquelle is going to leave this place and go to the home of her grandfather, Frederick. But Terrence suddenly has a little different plan… He sharply pushes and presses the girl against the wall, raising her hands above her head, starting to hold them tightly, coming as close to her as possible and setting his look into her eyes. That’s why she shakes strongly and gasps quietly.
First, Terrence wants to tell her a couple of bad things and give her some lessons for ruining his evening. But after breathing in a dizzying feminine smell, he gets more obsessed with a psychical affection for this girl. The man calls the memories of the good old times when he had an opportunity to enjoy the pretense of this person. Terrence starts to realize that he cannot hold his passion down, the fire of which is still living in his heart, when getting very close to this gray-eyed beauty.
No matter how hard he denies it, the man understands he misses these crazy emotions and strong passion in a relationship with Rachel, who is the opposite of Raquelle and would not be so passionate and hot even if she did her best to do it.
“Are you leaving?” Terrence asks in a much lower voice, breathing heavily and feeling the attractive smell that Raquelle spreads and gets his mind unclear. “So soon…”
“Hey, get your hands off me!” Raquelle demands rudely, starting to kick hard and getting out of the strong grip of Terrence being smitten over her smell, while his hot breath is burning her skin.
“Don’t you really feel affection for me anymore?”
“You are disgusting to me!”
“Yeah? What if I check it?”
Terrence breathes in the smell that Raquelle’s skin spreads again.
“M-m-m, damn…” Terrence smiles widely. “You still smell freaking sexually.”
“Let me go!” Raquelle demands coldly. “GET OFF ME RIGHT NOW, IDIOT!”
“Quiet, quiet, girl, quiet… Relax…”
Terrence leaves a couple of short kisses on Raquelle’s lips, feeling how forgotten, but such wanted feelings are walking up inside him.
“It’s okay…” Terrence pronounces in a much lower voice.
“Go to your dyed mop!” Raquelle demands with an irritated growl. “If she is better at everything…”
“Damn, Cameron, you’re driving me crazy…”
Raquelle tries to get her hands out of Terrence’s strong grip and run away from him, but he does not even think of letting her go. Moreover, her resistance and aggressive behavior get the man much more excited, and wake up a wish to caress her gorgeous body and feel all the unforgettable emotions, which she gave him, and which he misses so much.
“Fuck, how long ago we felt all these emotions the last time…” Terrence pronounces with a slight smile, slowly running the tip of his nose over a curve of Raquelle’s neck and leaving a slow, long-lasting kiss. “Oh, damn…”
“Can you hear what I told you?” Raquelle asks with a heavy breath. “Get your hands off me!”
“It seems like I know what I lacked to be absolutely happy…” Terrence leaves a couple of more short kisses on the front of Raquelle’s neck. “And I don’t mind feeling them again and making you scream and moan from pleasure.”
No need to hide that just because of Terrence’s breath, Raquelle takes her breath away, and her quiet moan gets out of her mouth, no matter how hard she tries to pretend that she does not get attracted to him.
“Oh, hellcat…” Terrence pronounces in a low voice, chucking quietly when noticing how strongly Raquelle’s body is shaking after just one touch of his lips to her soft skin, which spreads such an attractive smell. “You aren’t dressed like a slut, but you can seduce and get anyone attracted.”
“Get off me!” Raquelle demands rudely, still trying to resist and not to think about the tension that is getting tronger in her abdomen. “Get off! It’s disgusting for me to be with you!”
“You say, disgusting…” Terrence lets his hands slowly slide over Raquelle’s body up and down, biting her earlobe at the same time. “Your whole gorgeous body is shaking with just one touch of my finger! What’s gonna happen to it when I smoother it with kisses from up to down?”
“Stop…” Raquelle pronounces quietly. “Get off me… Ar-r-r…”
Raquelle’s heart and body really want this foreplay to continue. But her mind says that she should immediately push Terrence off herself and ban him from shamelessly caressing her body because he does not have a right to do it after what happened between them. And the memories of the scandal wake up the girl somehow and make her go against the wish of the heart and the body that crave the love and care of this man, who does not care if she wants the same.
“I can’t already wait to take these clothes off you and fuck you hard,” Terrence confesses without shyness, keeping his hands on Raquelle’s thighs and running his lips over the area behind her ear.
“Get your hands off me right now!” Raquelle demands rudely, sharply pushing Terrence off her with the hope that she will get out of the trap. “Get off me now, jerkoff!”
“I will get off when I fuck you!”
“Get off! Or I… I…”
“What you?” Terrence smiles innocently, exposes slightly Raquelle’s collarbones that are hidden under her denim jacket, and runs his warm hand slowly over them. “What would you do to me?”
“You will regret it!”
“Would you deny that your body doesn’t want to resist me and craves being in my arms?”
“You will ask for trouble! I will be screaming! Calling for help! Getting attention on me to get someone to come here!”
“Scream if you want…” Terrence runs his hand over the curves of Raquelle’s waist and breathes on the area behind her ear with a hot breath. “And you can keep resisting… It makes me much more excited and makes me do what I want.”
“I am not kidding, scumbag! You will regret it if you do not get your dirty hands off me!”
“Yeah… But your body doesn’t agree with you. It wants me… Wants everything I can give it…”
Oh, how skillfully Terrence caresses Raquelle’s body! It does not resist him and instantly answers to any of his touches and kisses. The girl, whose heart beats much faster, completely understands it and starts to panic more and more because her mind is getting clouded, and she is less able to resist a strong physical affection for this man. Which is starting to wake up inside her a long time later.
“Nobody would do anything to me if I wanted to possess your body right here and now,” Terrence says confidently with his head proudly raised, covering Raquelle’s neck with exciting kisses and letting one hand tenderly touch and massage her breasts and caress her tough buttocks with a second hand.
“If I say you’re trying to rape me, you will immediately be taken to the police station,” Raquelle says coldly and clenches her hands tightly into fists, trying to hold herself down and not to mean because of everything Terrence is doing.
“Come on… Who would dare to punish me for passionately wanting such a sexy girl?”
Terrence gets Raquelle involved in a much longer kiss on the lips, during which he caresses her throat with his fingertips or just holds her by the neck, silently rejoicing when hearing her quiet, sensual moan.
“Who wants me to give her pleasure…” Terrence adds in a low voice and leaves a couple of short kisses on the corners of Raquelle’s mouth.
“I want?” Raquelle wonders and smirks contemptuously. “I am sick of your pretense!”
“Although you and I don’t live together, you still belong to me.”
“Seriously? Why?”
“Because I want it.”
“Come on!”
“So, I have a right to do anything I want to you.”
“I can’t wait to forget you were my boyfriend,” Raquelle snaps with a heavy breath, resisting Terrence’s exciting caresses so hard but getting lost and often making quiet moans of pleasure that the man gives her.
“I can’t also wait for this moment. But my affection for you is too strong. And I can’t hold it down.”
“But I feel nothing,” Raquelle closes her eyes and bites her bottom lip strongly, while Terrence covers the curve of her neck with short kisses. “Nothing…”
“You can resist as much as you want and say you don’t get excited by such unforgettable caresses.”
Terrence runs his half-open mouth slowly over the curves of Raquelle’s neck and grabs her chin with it, understanding that excitement is getting stronger.
“I do know they’ve always gotten you excited,” Terrence adds. “Made you moan and bend backward like a cat… Since our first meeting… When you were pretending to be hard to reach. When you denied that I didn’t get you excited.”
“You’re overpraising yourself,” Raquelle snaps in a low voice.
“I know all your weaknesses and use them like nobody else does…” Terrence says with a smug smile, noticing that Raquelle’s chest is rising and falling, depending on her uneven breath. “I do know your body very well and can possess it for a few minutes…”
“Ar-r-r, what an asshole you are, MacClife…” Raquelle moans quietly and rolls her eyes in pleasure when Terrence kisses the hole in her throat tenderly. “Damn…”
“Like it? I can kiss again!”
Terrence leaves a second, much longer kiss in the hole in Raquelle’s throat, while she moans quietly again with a slight shake.
“Horndog…” Raquelle growls irritably. “Insolent and shameless… First, you were snuggling with that dyed chicken, but now you decided to kiss and feel me up…”
“Of course, you are a bitch that gets me wild to death and makes me wish to strangle her.” Terrence slowly goes down to Raquelle’s collarbones and leaves exciting kisses and slight hickeys on them. “But you are a too sexy hellcat. Too sexy… The irresistible bitch that gets me as excited as any other girl that I have ever dated did.”
“May another girl get you excited…” Raquelle throws rudely. “Go to that bitch! May she satisfy all your lascivious wishes.”
“That girl doesn’t get me excited. I don’t need her.”
“Of course, you don’t need her! You were kissing and hugging her with pleasure!”
“Gonna share a secret with you: I hang out with her just for a career as a guitarist in the band that her father admitted me in.”
“Come on?”
“And to make sure I’d have a brilliant future, I’m playing a great love with her,” Terrence simpers evilly. “And she, silly girl, believes I forgot you so easily and am now madly in love with her.”
“It’s clear you forgot… Until you saw me.”
“It’s impossible to forget you.”
Terrence gives Raquelle one more continuous kiss on the lips but starts to use his tongue actively with quiet moans to caress the most sensitive areas in the girl’s mouth.
“M-m-m, fuck…” Terrence pronounces with enjoyment while holding Raquelle tightly by the throat with one hand and running another hand over the curves of her waist, thighs, and buttocks. “You’re driving me crazy… Fuck…”
“And I’m sick of you!” Raquelle says with contempt in her eyes.
“Shut up, bitch!”
“How you actually dare to get your tongue into my mouth after you got it into the mouth of that whore! And shamelessly feel my boobs and ass up.”
“I haven’t gotten my tongue into that.”
“Come on!”
“I do say, it’s all just an act. For a career. For a chance that I was waiting for so long. And I can easily do this. Moreover, in the case of the girl, who has been in love with me since school. She is ready to walk naked in front of me to get me attracted to her.”
“And you, horndog, are happy…” Raquelle smirks evilly. “Happy to shake your genitals for any gal.”
“Trust me, cutie, I felt nothing when kissing her. I’m just using my talent as an actor very well and imitating passion with her. Pretending that I’m in love with her. That I don’t understand why I didn’t pay attention to her before. And I’m playing so well that the girl doesn’t even guess that I don’t need her at all.”
“I still don’t understand why I decided to stand in your fucking way. That was my greatest mistake. I thought like this then… I think so right now…”
“Yeah? Do you know why you got me attracted to you from the beginning?”
“I don’t want to know!”
“You are not like other girls.”
Terrence leaves a few kisses on the curve of the neck of Raquelle, who exhales slowly with her eyes rolled up.
“They’ve always behaved in the same way,” Terrence confesses and runs his lips over the same curve of Raquelle’s neck. “Everybody looked into my eyes and was ready to do anything I wanted. Nobody was ready to resist. Nobody dared to reject me. The girls were behaving confidently enough and told me compliments from the very beginning. I didn’t have to ask anything – they praised me at their will.”
Terrence generously covers Raquelle’s face with short kisses while she is still breathing heavily with her eyes closed.
“And then I met you,” Terrence adds and leaves a tender kiss on Raquelle’s lips. “And you behaved otherwise. At first, you were very shy and a little scared, but you were getting wilder and more confident. You became a greater badass than other ladies. You were so sassy that you weren’t going to shower me with compliments. You began to pretend to be hard to reach. I should’ve worked too hard to get close to you. But that wasn’t so hard… I needed just to hug you by the waist and caress your body.”
Terrence puts his hand on Raquelle’s cheek and runs his thumb over her lips.
“That became some kind of challenge for me,” Terrence adds confidently. “Having to deal with the one, who behaved like an unapproachable queen, was much more interesting. You made me jealous by flirting with some men and making me the only one you did not notice. But I wanted to do my best to make you obey me and make you tell me tons of compliments. People are right when they say something you can’t reach is much more interesting.”
“You will never get compliments from me,” Raquelle says with her head proudly raised. “And I will never obey you. I will never be your slave. And I will not do anything after your first command.”
“That’s what I like about you. I’m interested in getting you. I’m interested in running after you and doing my best to make you mine. That’s what differs you from other girls. You refuse to obey and don’t even think of looking into my eyes and being immediately ready to do anything for me.” Terrence leaves a short kiss on the curve of Raquelle’s neck, while she closes her eyes and quietly exhales. “That’s why I would never get the love for Rachel. She is not what you are. That girl is too obedient and behaves in the same way that other ladies do. But I don’t like it at all. I don’t want a girl to be an amoeba that easily bends under others. I get more attracted to such stubborn and unapproachable bitches as you.”
Terrence leaves many sensitive kisses on Raquelle’s breasts with a loud sigh and caresses tenderly her tough nipples with his fingers. That’s why she slightly bends backward, rolls her eyes, and does not hold down her moans that betray her real feelings. However, the man also shakes nicely and cannot remember how many times his heart has stopped for a moment.
“There’s only one, who gets me excited and supports the fire inside me,” Terrence adds in a low voice, slowly running his lips over Raquelle’s cheek and tenderly grabbing her earlobe with his mouth. “Her kisses get me excited for a few seconds and give me the best moments in my life.”
While Terrence lets his lips slowly slide over open areas of her skin, Raquelle can also feel a hot and cold breath that makes her shake strongly and literally fall from light dizziness and weak legs. The girl understands that if he keeps standing too close to her and doing all these things to her, she will surely lose control of herself and let him do whatever he wants. That’s why Raquelle starts resisting again because she does not want to give herself to this man, who did bad things to her.
“You will ask for trouble,” Raquelle promises in a little hoarse voice. “I’m not kidding… I will scream so loudly that the whole club will run here.”
“But you will ask for trouble if you start screaming and breaking free,” Terrence says with a sly smile. “If you don’t want problems, be a good girl and obey me.”
“Go to the fuck, asshole!”
When Raquelle tries to show resistance and get out of his grip, Terrence comes much closer to the girl pressed against the wall and sets his look into her eyes with a sly smile.
“Hey, hey, don’t resist, dolly, don’t resist,” Terrence says confidently and grabs Raquelle tightly by the buttocks, pressing her sharply to himself and seeing that her pupils are dilated. “Or do you want me to be rude and spank you a couple of times?”
“Better spank yourself!” Raquelle exclaims, setting her cold and contemptuous look into Terrence’s eyes. “Or your blonde-haired whore!”
“But I want to spank you.”
Terrence leaves a short kiss on Raquelle’s lips and looks at her face with a sly smile while she is breathing heavily enough.
“I want to fuck my unapproachable cutie,” Terrence says with his head proudly raised. “To remember what it’s like to know that one of the sexiest girls in the world belongs to you.”
“Ha, who are you to say it to me?” Raquelle smirks contemptuously.
“Your boyfriend so far.”
“You are no longer a boyfriend of mine.”
“Did we say, ‘We’re breaking up!’ to each other?”
“Listen, MacClife, get out of here and take your chicken that you came here with before you ask for trouble.”
“What kind of trouble would I get?”
“Is that a threat?”
“M-m-m, you’re definitely asking for a harsh punishment.”
“Go to the fuck, bastard! And don’t dare to get handsy! Or I will quickly pull you out!”
“Don’t make me mad, Raquelle, or nothing will be left of my tenderness.” Terrence presses Raquelle sharply to himself, grabbing her by the waist with one arm, runs his fingertips tenderly over her gracious neck, and slides to her collarbones after he kisses both of her breasts softly. “I will be doing everything I want, no matter if you want it or not.”
“I said everything, MacClife,” Raquelle says with her head proudly raised. “Get out of here and go to please your slut before someone else seduces her there. May she do a blowjob for you and everything you want.”
Raquelle tries to push Terrence off herself quite rudely, putting her hands on the tough masculine chest and pressing it as strongly as possible. But the man presses the girl sharply against the wall and raises her hands above her head, holding them tightly and pressing his whole body against her to immobilize her. By this moment, he almost forgets about his first goal of a talk with the girl and is now losing control of himself, getting more obsessed with a strong passion and wishing to succumb to his natural instincts that are the reason for such strong sexual excitement.
“Oh, how rude you are…” Terrence tuts quietly, shaking his head slightly. “How rude… M-m-m…”
Terrence runs the tip of his nose over Raquelle’s collarbones and breathes in the smell of her skin on it while she is breathing heavily enough and shakes slightly from the feeling of his hot breath.
“But you know, my babe, I do even like it. I said I loved unapproachable girls. So, you can keep doing the same.”
“I’m not your babe!” Raquelle snaps rudely.
“You think I’m kidding?”
“I give a fuck!” Raquelle sharply tries to set her hands free, which Terrence presses against the wall strongly. “Let me go now, scumbag! It’s disgusting for me to be with you.”
“Did you want to say you got freaking excited because of my pretense?” Terrence smiles slyly, gives Raquelle a continuous kiss on the lips, and runs his slightly open mouth over the tender skin on the girl’s neck. “Did you want to say, keep doing this, Terrence?”
“If you don’t get off me, the police will come now and take you away after I charge you for trying to rape me.”
“Who am I raping?”
“C’mon, babe, what kind of rape?” Terrence leaves a couple of kisses on the curve of Raquelle’s neck, the open part of her breasts, and her collarbones. “How could you say it when you’re dreaming of me doing everything I’m doing?”
“Stop thinking you’re imitable and irresistible!” Raquelle smirks evilly. “And thinking everyone wants you! Not everyone, MacClife. Someone cannot stand you at all.”
“Better shut up and relax. Get pleasure that you can get only from me.”
Terrence’s hands shamelessly get underneath Raquelle’s t-shirt and slowly caress her belly and back, but later squeeze her breasts strongly but tenderly. And the girl uses the fact that her hands are free and tries to push the man off herself as strongly as possible and make him stop feeling her up where he wants.
“It’s her…” Terrence pronounces with a smug smile, confidently caressing Raquelle’s belly underneath her t-shirt. “It’s the girl that drives me crazy… There is not a second girl like her. No…”
Terrence gets Raquelle involved in a continuous kiss on the lips and starts confidently caressing her palate with his tongue and running it around her tongue, while she cannot stop shaking strongly, feeling a strong heartbeat and a wave of heat, breathing heavily and holding down her quiet sighs. No matter what, she understands that she still gets excited by this incredible caress that could give her much pleasure and subdue her to the one, who gives it.
“Ar-r-r, I will kill you now, asshole…” Raquelle growls irritably with her eyes rolled up, still trying to fight with Terrence and step away from him.
“Maybe, you will stop resisting?” Terrence asks, running his half-open mouth over the area behind Raquelle’s ear. “And give yourself to the professional in this matter…”
“I’m saying the last time, LET ME GO AND STOP FEELING ME THE FUCK UP!”
“Not for anything!”
Terrence softly grabs Raquelle by the neck, which he caresses tenderly from all sides, and on which he leaves existing kisses that make her shake and moan.
“I’ll be touching and kissing everything I want,” Terrence says confidently.
“I will be screaming!” Raquelle threatens. “Screaming that you’re trying to rape me!”
“Okay, babe… If you want, scream. You can scream until you lose your voice.”
Terrence starts massaging Raquelle’s breasts with both hands, doing this so well that the girl cannot hold down her quiet, sensual moan. And understands that she is absolutely powerless in front of him.
“So?” Terrence rounds his eyes. “Why aren’t you screaming? C’mon, Cameron! Call the whole club here!”
“Ar-r-r, jerkoff, I hate you!” Raquelle growls irritably. “HATE YOU!”
“Quiet, quiet, baby, quiet…” Terrence confidently stimulates Raquelle’s tough nipples with his thumbs. “Don’t get everyone’s attention on you. Relax and get pleasure.”
Raquelle tries to get out of Terrence’s grip and leave as far as possible. But when she moves, the man tightly grabs her by the waist and presses her very, very close to himself while her hands are placed on his tough chest.
“Oh, no…” Terrence smiles slyly. “Until I caress your body enough, you will not leave.”
“You have no right to do!” Raquelle resents.
“I do have. I can do anything I want.”
Tightly grabbing Raquelle by the throat and pressing the girl close to the wall, Terrence caresses her mouth with his tongue, while she makes quiet moans and still keeps her hands on his chest.
“I’m going to say more…” Terrence pronounces in a low, little hoarse voice and runs the tip of his tongue slowly over Raquelle’s palate, as if he wants to tease her. “I want you… I want you right here and now.”
“And I DO NOT!” Raquelle says rudely, looking into Terrence’s eyes confidently and seeing his dilated pupils.
“Your body said everything for you. If you still keep resisting and waking up a bad guy inside me, I will not let you dominate. I will make you stay under my control. You will be doing everything I DO want.”
While Terrence says it, his hand caresses Raquelle’s thigh and then moves to her abdomen and caresses it so skillfully that she feels something like a tickling in this area and unconsciously makes a very quiet whine, sometimes closing her eyes.
“You haven’t realized who you got in touch with, baby,” Terrence says confidently, saying it right in the ear of Raquelle, who feels a slight shake that gets obsessed with her because of a vibration of his voice, runs his half-open mouth over a curve of her neck and slightly bites the most sensitive area on it. “Remember, if you stood in the way of Terrence MacClife, you would not get off him easily. Only after giving him what he wants.”
“Go to the fuck, scumbag…” Raquelle throws gloomily.
“Since you decided to give yourself to me, you will have to do everything I say.” Terrence leaves a few short kisses on the curve of Raquelle’s neck. “You’d have to be a good girl…”
“Ha, who said I want to give myself to you?” Raquelle smirks contemptuously.
“Your body.”
“I can’t wait to do away with you and get out of here. Not to see your insolent face and your brainless prostitute.”
“You can say all of that to everyone but me.”
Terrence caresses Raquelle’s face tenderly with a sly smile, slowly moves his hands to the curves of her neck, and slides down to her breasts, waist, and belly.
“I haven’t even reached for the sweetest thing…” Terrence notices confidently. “Until what won’t leave you indifferent.”
Terrence caresses the area between Raquelle’s legs confidently and chuckles quietly when he sees her shaking with a heavy enough breath.
“I know, babe, I know…” Terrence nods. “You love it… I know everything…”
“Go to your slut…” Raquelle demands coldly. “May she make any of your wishes come true.”
“But I want you to make me happy!”
“Don’t snap at me!”
“Who are you to m-m-m…”
Raquelle does not say what she wants and makes a quiet, sensual moan because Terrence slowly squats down in front of her, leaves a few kisses on her naked belly, and then gets up and tenderly grabs her nipples that get tough from excitement right through the material of her t-shirt.
“M-m-m, fuck…” Raquelle sighs quietly with a part of despair, being mad at herself because she cannot pretend that she does not get excited.
“So, like it?” Terrence smiles slyly, tenderly massaging Raquelle’s breasts. “If only you knew how long I was dreaming about this moment. How much I wanted to caress your body like this… M-m-m… But when I undress you and see you absolutely naked, I will give you a hot.”
Terrence raises Raquelle’s t-shirt so much that he can see her red underwear. He instantly takes his breath away and understands that his heart starts beating much faster because of what his imagination is creating.
“M-m-m, you’re wearing a red bra…” Terrence pronounces with a wide, smug smile. “You knew I’d love to have some fun with you. Because I really love red. I love when you wear something red.”
“Ar-r-r, I hate you, MacClife,” Raquelle growls quietly with her eyes rolled up, feeling a hot wave again after Terrence caresses and kisses the naked parts of her breasts with a wish to take her bra off her right now and give the love to not a very big but truly gorgeous part of the body. “Hate…”
“Say what you want… I don’t care…” Terrence squats down again, tenderly kisses Raquelle on her belly with a heavy breath, and slowly runs his hands over her legs, thighs, and buttocks. “Or better shut up. Let me enjoy your body… Your talks distract me…”
Terrence runs his hands over the bottom part of Raquelle’s naked belly and leaves a couple of kisses on it.
“Ah, Raquelle…” Terrence pronounces in a low voice, slowly gets up, and tenderly kisses Raquelle on the lips, keeping his hands on the curves of her waist. “Why didn't you put on something different? Why didn’t you put on a dress? Why didn’t show me your long, thin legs? You would’ve made a mission of getting into your knickers and making you scream from pleasure much easier.”
Terrence caresses Raquelle’s crotch with teasing movements with his fingertips.
“If only you wore the gorgeous dress of that silly lady, Rachel,” Terrence pronounces dreamily. “It would look much sexier on you… I would be happy to take it off, reach your underwear and possess this body…”
Terrence runs his hand over Raquelle’s naked belly.
“And I would let my penis do its job…” Terrence adds with a little filthy smile. “Do everything to make you satisfied.”
Terrence leaves a couple of kisses on Raquelle’s lips.
“Many girls dream of being in my arms… Nobody else has been able to resist and stay indifferent to my caress…”
Terrence runs his thumb over Raquelle’s lips, while she does not stop looking at him with a heavy enough breath and a little blushed face.
“Just like none of the men would refuse to feel your tender hands…” Terrence adds thoughtfully. “And get their penis into your gorgeous ass… Or your mouth… M-m-m…”
Terrence grabs every nipple of Raquelle with his mouth through the thin material and then covers her whole neck with passionate and wet kisses, letting his hands caress the curves of the feminine waist and squeeze her buttocks and breasts.
“What a sick bastard you are…” Raquelle pronounces with a contemptuous smirk. “The true filthy bastard, who is out of his mind. Who thinks I want to give myself to him, get down on my knees and do a fucking blowjob for him…”
“What did you say?” Terrence asks, steps back from Raquelle’s neck, and looks into her eyes confidently.
“What you heard!” Raquelle sets her icy gaze into Terrence’s eyes. “You have a disgusting character and cannot control your disgusting character and your lust.”
“Come on?”
“Insolent, shameless, filthy bastard that I hate to death. Whom I madly want to hit between his legs as hard as possible. The face of who I want to scratch with my nails.”
Silence settles in the air for two or three seconds, during which Raquelle and Terrence, who are breathing heavily, keep literally killing each other with their tense looks that may be full of hate but not deprived of the strong passion that the two are obsessed with. The girl is excited after the man’s actions and does not hide that she is mad because of the bad thing he did to her on the day of their scandal over raising a hand. And she is obsessed with hate because he was kissing and hugging another girl before her eyes some time ago. And MacClife… He does deny that he would have the pleasure of having an intimate relationship with the dark-haired beauty and possessing her gorgeous body, which he craves to see absolutely naked from the beginning.
Terrence does not stop looking at Raquelle, breathing too heavily and having every single muscle of his body strongly, as if he is going to do something worse than raise a hand toward her. But anything like that does not happen again. Instead, the man grabs the girl by the throat quite sharply and strongly and presses her against the wall. That’s why her heart stops for a moment and starts beating much faster. She gets horrified from just thinking he wants to strangle her right here. At first, she feels a strong lack of air and tries to catch some air and move the hand that is tightly squeezing her throat, but then the black-haired man weakens the grip a little but sets his much more piercing look full of crazy, great passion on the brunette.
“You did the wrong thing, cutie,” Terrence says confidently in a very low voice. “Very wrong.”
Terrence fixes Raquelle’s hair slightly and runs his finger tenderly over her soft-to-touch lips.
“Do you think I will accept the fact that you’re insulting me and pretending to be nobody the fuck knows who forever?” Terrence wonders. “Not at all!”
Terrence squeezes Raquelle’s throat tightly enough again, and the girl, who gets sharply white and rounds her eyes, starts to think that she madly lacks air and unsuccessfully tries to get his hand off her.
“Because you didn’t want everything to happen in a good way, I’ll be doing this in a bad one,” Terrence adds in a lower voice. “You asked for trouble.”
This time, Terrence becomes much more insolent and shameless and feels free to get his hand underneath Raquelle’s jeans, feel her most likely lace underwear, and start to caress the lady’s clitoris confidently, silently noticing that it’s very wet in her vagina. A wave of heat instantly gets obsessed with the girl, and she cannot hold down her moan from the nice warmth that she gets somewhere in her abdomen.
“Ah, how wet you are…” Terrence pronounces with enjoyment. “How much you like it… How much you got excited…”
Terrence starts stimulating Raquelle’s clitoris much more actively, while she cannot hold down her sensual moans, shaking her thighs slightly.
“Your body gave up on me without a fight,” Terrence simpers evilly. “It didn’t resist, even for a second.”
Terrence gives Raquelle a continuous kiss on the lips, during which he actively works his tongue in her mouth, still stimulating her clitoris, enjoying her quiet moans, and feeling how heavily she is breathing.
“M-m-m…” Terrence makes a quiet moan. “Fuck… You’re imitable… Imitable…”
“Bastard…” Raquelle pronounces in a little hoarse voice. “I hate you…”
“Did you refuse to get such an incredible caress all this time?”
Terrence chuckles quietly and runs the tip of his tongue over a curve of Raquelle’s neck while she gets obsessed with a strong shake. The girl is just not able to resist what subdues her will, even though her body is very sensitive to any caress of the man and lets him know everything without thousands of words.
“If girls knew it, they would laugh at you hard,” Terrence says confidently. “They would think something is not right about you.”
While Terrence gets busy caressing her neck, Raquelle decides to try to get out of his grip again. But he pulls her down sharply, presses her to the wall shortly, grabs her by the throat much tighter, and raises the girl's head by the chin to make her look into his eyes.
“Don’t move!” Terrence exclaims with his head proudly raised, puts his hand on the bottom of Raquelle’s naked belly, and confidently caresses it. “Don’t move, I said!”
“LET ME GO RIGHT NOW!” Raquelle demands at the top of her lungs.
“Better shut up and relax!” Terrence confidently grabs one of Raquelle’s breasts and squeezes it intensively. “If you try to run away again, I will take you to a much quieter place. You will not get out of it so easily. And I will do what I’m dreaming about so badly.”
“Scumbag…” Raquelle sighs sensually. “Curse you…”
“You, bitch, really love asking for trouble!”
“I want to get out of here! And never see your fucking face!”
“Okay, fine, I’ve gotta get your mouth busy. You’re starting to get me irritated. And your talks are the reason why I don’t feel hard.”
Terrence gets Raquelle involved in a continuous, harsh kiss on the lips, during which he actively uses his tongue and still tightly holds her by the throat. Despite a great wish to resist, the girl cannot hold down her quiet moans and clearly understands that she madly likes what’s happening.
“You better keep moaning,” Terrence says with a sly smile and slightly pulls every lip of Raquelle by one. “You can do this much better. And I like it much more.”
“Go to the fuck…” Raquelle throws coldly. “Scumbag…”
Meanwhile, Raquelle makes a quiet moan with her eyes rolled up because Terrence confidently gets his hand into her jeans and actively stimulates her clitoris.
“A-a-a, bastard…” Raquelle sighs sensually. “M-m-m… Fuck…”
“Enjoy, bitch, enjoy,” Terrence pronounces with his head proudly raised, squeezing Raquelle’s throat tighter and tighter and stimulating her clitoris. “Nobody else can give you such a great pleasure.”
“Stop…” Raquelle closes her eyes for two seconds with a heavy breath. “Get off me…”
“Don’t be afraid, babe, I know what I’m doing. I know how to drive you crazy.”
Terrence leaves a couple of short kisses on Raquelle’s lips and runs his tongue over her tongue tenderly, while his fingers still actively examine the lady’s vagina. Because of the strong excitement, the girl understands that she feels dizzy and can barely stand on her feet. Moreover, she cannot almost breathe because the man is still squeezing her throat tightly.
“Let me go…” Raquelle pronounces quietly, suffering from a lack of air. “I can’t breathe…”
“M-m-m, you’re freaking sexy, babe,” Terrence notices with enjoyment, gets his hand out of Raquelle’s jeans, and puts it on her naked belly that he tenderly caresses, confidently looking into her eyes. “Yea-a-a-ah… I didn’t feel anything like this for a long time… A long time…”
“I feel dizzy…”
“Because you’re going crazy for a man like me.”
“You’re gonna strangle me…”
“Just relax.”
“I know what I’m doing.”
“MacClife… MacClife…”
Raquelle’s legs suddenly, get sharply weak, and she, rolling her eyes, slides slowly down the wall with a quiet moan. But Terrence grabs her quickly with both arms.
“Sh-h-h, sh-h-h…” Terrence shushes very quietly, clapping Raquelle slightly on the cheek. “Don’t think of fainting here.”
Terrence turns Raquelle’s head on himself while she is breathing too heavily and catching air that she lacks so badly. At some moment, he gets the girl involved in a continuous kiss on the lips, making her make sensual moans with a feeling that her legs get much weaker and a sense of strong dizziness, and shaking slightly when her tongue touches his tongue.
“I’m warning you: if you pass out, I will not be responsible for my actions,” Terrence says confidently into Raquelle’s lips. “I will not be able to hold myself down, knowing you couldn’t resist me.”
“Fucking pervert!” Raquelle throws coldly.
“Yes, yes, I will surely take you somewhere far and have fun with you. Because you’re getting me freaking excited…”
“Alright, you will ask for trouble. I will be screaming at the top of my lungs that you are going to rape me.”
“Do you think naively think you can lie to everyone?”
“I will pretend that I don’t know you. The police will wash your brains and teach you to control your lust. Or actually put you in a mental hospital.”
“People aren’t stupid, Cameron.” Terrence leaves a tender kiss on the area behind Raquelle’s ear. “They know well you’re a famous model, who's dating me, a popular actor. You will not pretend that you don’t know me. Moreover, nobody knows that we already broke up.”
“We will see!”
“Since you haven’t screamed at the whole club, you will not do this. Do you know why? Because you like it.”
Terrence leaves a few short kisses on the curve of Raquelle’s neck.
“You want me,” Terrence pronounces in a quiet, low voice and runs the tip of his tongue over the front of Raquelle’s neck. “You want to give your gorgeous body to my hands.”
“Ar-r-r, you already annoyed me to the fuck!” Raquelle growls irritably.
“You, too… But I want to fuck you…”
“Better fuck your girlfriend! But I want to come back home!” Raquelle puts her hands on Terrence’s chest and pushes him off herself to go aside. “Thank you so much for ruining my evening. Alongside your dyed prostitute.”
Raquelle turns around and tries to leave this place and go as far as possible. But it seems like nothing can stop the heated Terrence. He presses her sharply against the wall and kisses her lips with great passion, grabbing her by the throat again and letting his free hand slide over her whole body shamelessly, touch confidently and squeeze tightly such seductive buttocks, thighs, and breasts of the girl. And he does not care about the furious resistance of the girl, who is hitting him on the chest, clapping him on his arms, and moaning something while his tongue and mouth caress her tongue and mouth too skillfully.
“No, bitch, you will not leave,” Terrence says confidently with a heavy breath. “I am not done with you yet.”
Terrence tightly grabs Raquelle by the wrists, presses them to the wall, covers her whole neck with short kisses generously, and runs his tongue over some parts of it. He does it so well that the girl starts to moan much louder, rolling her eyes, breathing heavily enough, and slightly bending backward while her body aims to press the man’s one as close as possible.
But a little later, Terrence breaks the kiss with a heavy breath and grabs Raquelle’s chin with his mouth. And then he sharply turns her back on him, presses her to the wall, rudely grabs her by the hair, leans her head back, and sinks into the front of her back so greedily, suddenly, and a little rudely that she does not hold down her quiet squeak and shakes slightly with her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open.
“Bastard…” Raquelle pronounces in a low, hoarse voice.
“Shut up, bitch!” Terrence throws rudely, slaps Raquelle on her buttocks, sharply grabs her by the throat, and caresses the lady’s ears with his mouth and tongue. “I am ruling the situation!”
Terrence confidently gets his hand into Raquelle’s jeans and actively stimulates her clitoris, making the girl make much more sensual moans.
“C’mon, babe, c’mon, don’t hold yourself down,” Terrence pronounces with a sly smile. “Show me everything you can do.”
“I wish you, scumbag, died,” Raquelle throws rudely.
“What did you say?” Terrence starts stimulating Raquelle’s clitoris much more actively.
“A-A-A!” Raquelle sharply bends her back backward with a loud moan. “Bastard…”
“You know how to get me excited.” Terrence runs his hand over Raquelle’s neck and then tightly but confidently massages her breasts. “You know… That silly girl, Rachel, wouldn’t guess. She wouldn’t guess what makes me my mind. She would try hard, but she would do nothing. Because there is only one girl that’s able to get me so excited.”
“M-m-m…” Raquelle moans sensually with her eyes rolled up, while Terrence is stimulating her nipples.
“You’re gorgeous, my dolly… Gorgeous…”
Terrence grabs Raquelle by the throat again, turns her head on himself, and gets the girl involved in a continuous kiss on the lips, during which he starts running his second hand over her naked belly.
“It’s what I was dreaming about…” Terrence pronounces in a much lower voice and examines and caresses Raquelle’s mouth with his tongue while she makes quiet moans.
A few seconds later, Terrence succumbs to the temptation to pull down Raquelle’s denim jacket and tenderly kiss her shoulders and open areas of her arms. Then he confidently raises up her t-shirt and covers the girl’s back with short kisses.
“There are such sexy bitches,” Terrence smiles widely, moves Raquelle’s hair brushed in a ponytail aside, and covers the nape of her neck with kisses. “Who love someone, who treats them rudely.”
Terrence pulls Raquelle’s denim jacket down again because she puts it on herself, and runs his slightly open mouth over her arms while his hands tenderly caress the lady’s belly and back.
“Ah, I would have a great pleasure to take off your clothes, caress your gorgeous body, and fuck you as hard as possible,” Terrence confesses with enjoyment in a little hoarse, low voice and runs his finger around Raquelle’s belly button. “I would fuck you so hard that you would remember that forever. And you would not be able to get the same pleasure with someone else.”
“And I would have a great pleasure to hit you between your legs,” Raquelle snaps with a contemptuous smirk. “Give you a strong slap in the face, tell you everything I think of you, and get out of here to the fuck…”
“Try.” Terrence squeezes Raquelle’s breasts tightly with both hands from behind, instantly hearing her quiet moan that pleases his ear. “But I doubt you’d have the courage to do it to the man. Who is much stronger than you are and can easily twist your arms around your back.”
“You’re too self-confident,” Raquelle notices coldly. “Someday it will give you trouble.”
“I’m always confident. And I get what I want.”
Terrence turns Raquelle on himself, wishing to see her eyes, and slowly runs his hands over the curves of her slim waist and places them on her thighs, which he caresses tenderly.
“But you are too sassy and self-confident,” Terrence notices with a sly smile. “You think you’d get no trouble if you behaved like this.”
“I am not afraid of you!” Raquelle says with her head proudly raised.
“Not afraid?”
“That’s why I adore you! Because you refuse to bow your head for me.”
Terrence squeezes Raquelle’s throat slightly again and greedily kisses her on the lips, pulling and sucking the top and bottom lips for a few seconds. And a little later, he slides down to her neck and gives it some caresses with his lips, tongue, teeth, and fingertips.
“And yeah, why am I always caressing you?” Terrence wonders truly.
“Because it’s disgusting for me to stand next to you!” Raquelle says rudely.
“It’s okay, we will fix it now… So…”
With these words, Terrence takes Raquelle’s hand and runs it over his torso.
“Yeah…” Terrence pronounces with a sly smile and does the same to the second hand of Raquelle. “Yeah…”
Terrence raises his shirt and runs Raquelle’s hands over his tough stomach muscles, touching which makes her shake slightly. As well as him…
“Ah, it’s so good…” Terrence pronounces peacefully with a wide smile. “How I love when your hands caress my body…”
Terrence runs Raquelle’s hands over his naked torso for a few seconds, while she is breathing heavily and shaking slightly.
“Now you can get down,” Terrence pronounces with a sly smile. “C’mon…”
Terrence moves Raquelle’s hands to his groin and runs them over it, already feeling a slight shake from a touch of this part of the body that can be barely felt.
“Oh, hellcat, what are you doing to me?” Terrence exhales sharply and makes a quiet moan when Raquelle unconsciously squeezes his penis, which is quite sensitive to her caress, even through his black jeans made from thick material. “A-a-a, fuck! You’re gonna kill me now!”
Terrence smiles slyly when Raquelle also shakes slightly with a heavy breath and makes a quiet moan.
“Keep doing, babe, keep doing,” Terrence pronounces in a low, little hoarse voice and runs Raquelle's hands over his naked stomach. “Make me happy. Learn what the body of a real man is.”
“I wish I didn’t see this body and the one to have it,” Raquelle throws coldly.
“Say what you want. But I know you’re going crazy from it.”
Terrence runs his hands over the curves of Raquelle’s waist and gets her involved in a continuous kiss on the lips, during which he tightly holds the girl by the thighs.
“I want you…” Terrence pronounces in a quiet, low voice, understanding that he is getting more obsessed with attraction to Raquelle and dreaming of possessing this beauty and pulling out the fire that is burning inside him. “I want you right here…”
Terrence strongly raises Raquelle’s t-shirt and runs his hands over her naked belly, on which he also leaves a few kisses after he squats down for a few seconds. When he gets up and presses her very close to himself, the girl starts to understand that something tough is strongly getting into the bottom of her stomach.
“I think you’d love to give yourself to me in a men’s or restroom of this place,” Terrence assumes with a mysterious smile in a little hoarse voice, running his lips over the area behind Raquelle’s ear that he barely bites and grabs her earlobe with them. “I bet you’ve never had sex somewhere in a dressing room. Right?”
“And I bet that I kill you personally if you pull me to the dressing room and get your dick into me against my wish,” Raquelle snaps boldly.
“Not against your wish. You want it.”
“It’s your fantasy.”
“If you don’t wanna make me happy in a dressing room, we can go somewhere in the country. Or actually, my home,” Terrence confidently stimulates Raquelle’s nipples with his thumbs. “Nobody would bother us there…”
“I will go nowhere with you!” Raquelle says rudely. “And I will not please you and your ‘buddy’ that is getting into my stomach.”
“But it does want it so badly…” Terrence runs his hand over Raquelle’s naked belly. “It wants to be caressed by your tender lips and good hands.”
“Aha, keep dreaming!” Raquelle smirks contemptuously. “I don’t listen and obey!”
“I am dreaming of seeing you standing on your knees. I want you to show me everything you can do.”
“If you want a blowjob, you’ve got a girlfriend!”
“Oh, fuck her!”
Terrence, holding Raquelle’s face with both hands, leaves a couple of short kisses on her lips, hearing and feeling her heavy breath very well.
“If you were back to me, I would piss Rachel and her father off right now,” Terrence says confidently.
“Relax, MacClife, I don’t need you not for anything!” Raquelle says rudely. “Especially, after you were kissed by a fucking whore.”
“M-m-m, making much more sure you’re really a bitch,” Terrence chuckles quietly and tightly squeezes Raquelle’s jaw with a hand, setting his eyes into hers. “Headstrong bitch that became too sassy and insolent. A fateful cutie that blows my mind and can get me excited for a few minutes.”
“You’ve always been a shameless, insolent horndog with filthy thoughts.”
“Ar-r-r, you get me excited!”
Terrence leaves a couple of slight bites on Raquelle’s neck with a quiet groan, runs the tip of his tongue over a little part of it, and blows on it with a cold and hot breath, making the girl shake strongly and feel a tickling in her abdomen. His hands are freely sliding over her thighs, squeezing her buttocks and breasts, and getting underneath her t-shirt and even underwear.
“Ah, I would be so happy to caress your naked breasts…” Terrence dreams with a wide smile, running his hands over Raquelle’s naked belly. “I do wanna see you without your bra and your knickers…”
Terrence leaves a few kisses on the open part of Raquelle’s breasts while she moans quietly and slightly bends her back, enjoying the way the man’s warm hands confidently slide over the naked parts of her body. But despite a great attraction to this man and a mutual wish to have an intimate relationship with him somewhere, the girl still remembers the offense and does not want to forget everything and pretend that nothing happened.
“But I don’t want to see you without your underwear!” Raquelle snaps. “Even just without a shirt!”
Raquelle, putting her hands on Terrence’s chest, pushes him off herself as strongly as possible.
“Do you think just because I still get attracted to you psychically, it means I'll get over my pride and forget the pain you gave me?” Raquelle wonders loudly. “No, Terrence MacClife! Never! I will not be a sex toy for you that you would throw off after getting sick of me. Or after feeling bored and finding a new whore.”
“M-m-m, so, do you confess you get excited from my caresses?” Terrence asks confidently with a sly smile.
“I did not say it!”
“You almost confessed it.” Terrence runs his fingertips slowly over the curves of Raquelle’s neck and slides them down to her collarbones. “Oh, how you’re shaking while I’m just touching you with my fingers… And how heavily breath you’re breathing… M-m-m…”
Terrence runs his fingers over Raquelle’s collarbones for two seconds with a sly smile, then sharply and tightly presses her hands to the wall and leaves an exciting kiss in the hole in her throat, making her raise her head up and make a quiet moan with her eyes rolled up. The man does not refuse to leave a few more kisses on the front of her neck. Later, he slides down to her breasts, over which he tenderly runs his lips and the tip of his tongue, and grabs her nipples through the material of her t-shirt with his mouth.
Because of what’s happening, Raquelle can barely breathe, shakes probably much stronger, and can feel a crazy heartbeat somewhere in her temples. At some moment, she unconsciously lets her hands slide underneath his shirt under the influence of feelings and scratches his back with her nails quite strongly. MacClife shakes slightly from a mild pain after getting scratched and feeling the warm lady’s hands, but he understands that he even likes it.
“Holy shit, I’m starting to realize why so many men around the world go insane because of you…” Terrence says in a low voice, the vibration of which he feels in his chest. “And I’m not gonna give such an attractive beauty to someone else.”
Terrence gets Raquelle involved in a continuous kiss on the lips with a quiet moan, tightly squeezing her breasts and stimulating her nipples in parallel.
“Many men wanted to be with you, but I was much luckier,” Terrence says with his head proudly raised. “Lucky to make you mine.”
“But I’m no longer yours,” Raquelle snaps sharply. “We broke up a long time ago. I finally got off you! And now I can forget the mistake I made when I was too blind to realize what a scumbag you were. A sick scumbag.”
“Yes, I’m sick. And I want you to death. Now…”
Terrence softly closes Raquelle’s mouth with a hand and looks at her with his filthy look while she moans quietly and tries to say something.
“You know me,” Terrence says with his head proudly raised. “I always get what I want.” Terrence tenderly grabs Raquelle’s ear with his mouth and caresses her earlobe a little, hearing her breath clearly. “And I’ve got a goal of doing my best to make you moan and bend like a cat.”
Raquelle moans something while her mouth is still closed with a hand, rolling her eyes when Terrence confidently massages her breasts and actively stimulates her nipples.
“Ah, you’re my sexy bitch… You make me wild… Ar-r-r…”
Terrence moves his hand off Raquelle’s mouth, grabs her by the throat again with a heavy breath, and presses her to the wall while the girl literally kills him with her look full of the fire of hate and passion that are fighting with one another so hard.
“And I will calm down only when you give yourself to me right here and now,” Terrence says in a low, quiet, and a little hoarse voice and smiles slyly. “So, shut up and obey me, my sweet baby.”
Terrence kisses Raquelle on the lips with great pressure so quickly that she does not realize anything. But when she realizes how he tries to immobilize her and deprive her of control of her mind and body, she starts resisting and beating him on his arms and on his chest. At some moment, she tries to leave, biting him on the neck very strongly and making him wince slightly and cry from pain. But it makes him much more excited, and he presses her to the wall without problems again and gets closer to her, while she moans loudly during a passionate kiss. He takes it for two seconds, but then he sharply pulls her down and presses her tightly to a different wall, as well as her hands, which he is tightly holding by the wrists.
Terrence greedily kisses Raquelle on the lips and runs his tongue over her tongue and all the sensitive areas of her mouth, while both of them feel the all-embrcing ecstasy. And then he confidently slides to her neck, which he covers with assertive kisses that may be dry and wet.
“Cutie!” Terrence pronounces with enjoyment. “You’re freaking sexy, baby… M-m-m… What a gorgeous body you’ve got… Yeah…”
Later, Terrence’s hands start shamelessly sliding over Raquelle’s whole body, caressing, grabbing, and squeezing something, which she can subconsciously let touch only him. And every single touch makes the gray-eyed beauty moan and shake, realizing that her strong psychical affection and crazy passion are getting a win over her offenses against this man, who knows how to make her stop resisting. If she is not indifferent to the caress of the areas that react to them through clothes, she will definitely lose her mind when she wears only underwear… Or actually, nothing…
At heart, Terrence is truly happy that everything is happening as he wants, and he is going to enjoy the intimacy with the one, who is still his former girlfriend, to whom he still feels attraction. His skillful caresses and skill to seduce make Raquelle give up very quickly, close her eyes, moan, shake from pleasure and let her body obey the will of the strong in all senses man and literally bend backward like along with the sounds of a flute of a snake charmer.
It does not even resist when the heated handsome man takes the feminine denim jacket off her shoulders that does not fall down from her because of her arms bent at the elbows. Thanks to this, Terrence can smooth open areas of Raquelle’s arms with different kisses with pleasure and pass his lips over them, while his hands slide underneath her t-shirt and tenderly caress her belly and chest, and later get down and caress her crotch, reaching all the most sensitive points and not forgetting about her clitoris, touching which makes the girl much crazier.
It seems like Terrence is about to take Raquelle to one of the dressing rooms of this place, lock her and himself in a booth, take off her clothes, and have such desired intimate contact with her. She is not resisting and is letting him know that she likes everything. Moreover, both of them are completely realizing what’s happening. None of them is drunk or under the influence of some drugs that cloud the mind. It seems like nobody minds going much further and letting their passion do its work.
But at some moment, Raquelle realizes that she does not want to give herself to the man, who had dared to raise a hand on her, insulted her, scared her to death, and almost killed her before she left his home. These thoughts make her more or less sober, and she tries to push off the heated Terrence, the hair of who is disheveled, the face of who is blushed from a strong excitement, the lips of who tenderly caress her neck, and the hands of who tightly squeeze her buttocks and caress them.
A few seconds later after long and hard attempts, Raquelle gets to push Terrence off herself by strongly pushing him in the chest when he raises her t-shirt and grabs her nipples through her bra, which, to his happiness, is thin. It means she can feel any touch, suck, or kiss. The man is absolutely ready to go to a booth in the dressing room with the girl and have intimate contact with her like drunk teenagers. But the girl herself does not share this wish with him. To be clear, she does not want to forget everything that happened between them and let herself show this kind of weakness.
Terrence and Raquelle are breathing too heavily and looking at each other with a look full of passion, and the girl’s one is also full of hatred. It’s easy to see that their bodies are tense, their faces are blushed, and their hair is disheveled. Nothing left from the ponytail of the brunette. And the blue-eyed handsome man’s black hair lost its original look.
Tense silence settles in the air for a few seconds that may be broken only by the uneven and loud breath of the two and the music that is playing far from here and heard like behind a completely deaf wall. But later, Raquelle breaks this silence, putting on the denim jacket pulled down by Terrence and looking at him with greater contempt.
“Never…” Raquelle pronounces coldly. “Hear me… I will never let the one, who mocked me like that all the time, make me sleep with him. Never, MacClife.”
“That’s what your mind says,” Terrence replies confidently with his head proudly raised. “Your body doesn’t care about what happened between us.”
“Next time, when you want to take me to a bed and fuck me, call the memories of what you did to me and think whether I want to do something for you after that.”
“Of course, you want.”
“Now, I’m sure you’re not indifferent to me.”
“Maybe, you don’t love me, but I don’t doubt you’ve got feelings for me.”
“Maybe, I had them. But now nothing is left of them.”
“Don’t try to make you sure about it. You know well that’s not the truth.”
“I thought you would really support me and help me solve my problem. But you betrayed me and left me after swearing you’d always be by my side. And you didn’t even try at least to pretend that you cared about what was happening to me, and what I was feeling.”
“You didn’t also try to pretend that you loved me and cared about my matters.”
“Now I need nothing from you. I will solve my problems. And you can go on four sides. And go to the whore that you came here with. May she satisfy your needs and sleep around with you. You have a right to do it. I already decided that I wanted to have nothing with you. I finally got off what burdened me for a long time.”
“Someday you will realize who you lost. Who you did not appreciate and easily let go. And you will regret it much.”
“You will never meet anyone to be better than me!” Terrence says confidently.
“That’s what you think. But there are no indispensable people. And very soon, I shall meet the one that’s going to be much better.”
“Nobody else can give you such incredible sex that I can give.”
“Give it to your whore, but I am getting out.” Raquelle takes two steps back. “Now it’s a final goodbye. I would like to believe that we will go on different ways from now on. Once and forever. I would never meet you and hear even your fucking name, which gets me terribly wild. Which I am going to curse until the end of my life.”
“Same,” Terrence pronounces without emotions. “I also want to believe we will never meet again.”
“You cannot find me because you will never see me. I swear I will do my best not to let even our accidental meeting happen in the future. You wanted me to leave your life – I shall do. Forever. I promise.” Raquelle falls into silence for two seconds. “Stay happy. We will see how long you will live with that whore.”
Raquelle turns around sharply and goes somewhere down the long hall, fixing her denim jacket on the way and trying to fix her disheveled hair somehow.
Terrence is standing in the same place as a column, watching the girl with a shocked look and trying to come to himself after what just happened. It’s not quite easy to take a breath away and calm down somehow. The excitement is too strong. And he does understand it. He understands he cannot come back to Rachel when being like this, even if she has been waiting for him for a long time, and is probably getting worried and thinking of going to find her friend.
The man stands in the same place as if he is overwhelmed for a few seconds and just looks into the distance, not stopping to think about the impulse that he succumbed to. If Raquelle had not left, Terrence would have probably brought it to an end and made her give herself to him. Of course, he would not have done that if the girl had not wanted to do it. But the brunet saw that she was getting attracted to him, and her body let him know that it was still sensitive to his caresses.
How could he believe that Raquelle allegedly cheated on him and almost slept with the other man? That’s nonsense! Raquelle would never do that! Yes, the girl treats Hunter, whom Simon said she had an affair with, but she considers him just a friend. The girl did not lie when she said it. And somewhere at the bottom of the heart, MacClife starts to understand that Ringer could say it on purpose. To make the bad relationship between the lovers much worse. And he is regretting believing him and asking for no proof.
Some time later, Terrence decides to come back to the companion that he came here with. But he has no mood to spend the rest of the evening with her. He wants to drive her home, walk somewhere all alone, and put his mind and feelings in order. But at first, the man goes to the men’s restroom, where, to his luck, there is only a teenager that leaves this place after MacClife enters it.
Staying here all alone, Terrence turns on one of the faucets, makes sure that the water is cold, and washes his blushed face with it, hoping that the coldness would help him come to himself and get sober after such a strong impulse of passion. Some drops get on his t-shirt and a light coat, but since they are dark, the water is not almost seen. And along with the face, MacClife also gets his hair a little wet and tries to put it in order, running his fingers through it and trying to stroke it down.
After getting fresh and realizing that his mind gets more or less clear after the cold water, Terrence leans on the sink with both hands and moves his eyes to his reflection in the mirror, in which he sees his little dumbfounded eyes, wet hair that lost its shape, and his face that is still red. The man carefully looks into his eyes as if he is trying to hypnotize himself, calm himself down, and catch a breath. He feels his heart is still beating like crazy in his chest, and its sound echoes in his head. It’s not easy to calm down and forget how good he felt when Raquelle and he were so close to each other for the first time in a while and almost brought this case to intimate.
Terrence understands that he would not be able to stop thinking of anything but his strong feelings for the girl, who does not make him feel indifferent and makes him feel a lot of different emotions. Which he would hardly feel again because he broke up with the one, for whom it’s just impossible to stay indifferent. The one, who makes him feel alive…
Some time later, Raquelle leaves the club and slowly goes to her car, embracing herself with her arms, thinking about what happened, and not being able to calm down. The girl did not actually expect the reason for Terrence’s aggression would be like this. The case is not only the fact that she was charged with cheating without proof. She did see Rachel kissing Terrence right before her eyes. It’s hard to forget how the one, who still means something to her was hugging the other girl with no shame. But it’s much harder to forget how she and the man had a serious fight and then brought the case to intimate contact.
After Terrence was strongly holding her by the wrists, they are hurt enough now. Her skin and lips still remember his kisses, slight bites, and hickeys. They remember how his tongue was slowly sliding over some areas of them. Thinking of what happened, Raquelle slowly touches the areas that the man was caressing with such greed with her fingertips and shakes slightly with a feeling that her heart stops for a moment.
This time, he was much ruder and more insolent than ever. But it did not get her confused. Vice versa, it’s possible to say she liked it! If another man had acted so boldly and expressed passion and insolence, the girl would have been frightened to death. But in this case, she even liked this bossy behavior. Yes, despite her offense and reluctance to come back to him someday, Raquelle does not hide that she felt a very strong psychical affection for this man and was shaking when Terrence was barely touching her skin with his fingertips. If she had not been mad and offended, she would have continued this show and let her former boyfriend and her get pleasure.
However, closing her eyes at times and thinking of those unforgettable moments, she understands that her heart is in her boots and takes her breath away. She clearly remembers every second that Terrence kissed and caressed every single part of her body and made her moan with pleasure. She felt so good for the first time in a while that she forgot about the problems that she had. She forgot everything. And she was madly happy. Even if she denied it so hard. That was so magnificent that the girl would have this foreplay with pleasure again. And she would let herself become happy and beloved.
But unfortunately, it will no longer happen because Terrence and Raquelle stopped being lovers. They have a right to live their lives, which would have no place for each other. Both of them understand that a relationship cannot be built thanks to passion, no matter how hard it is. The girl began to understand it very well, but she regrets nothing. She does not regret losing probably the only man, who does not leave her indifferent. Just because she will never forget and forgive him for everything he did to her, no matter how hard the man begs her to come back to him.
So, Raquelle exhales sharply, gets all these thoughts out of her mind, and tries to make herself think that thinking of the intimate contact that could have happened and the wave of dizzying emotions is wrong. With these thoughts, the girl comes to her car, sits in it, starts the motor, and goes on the road, going to come back to the home of her grandfather Frederick. However, at some moment, the girl starts thinking about what happened at the club again. To be clear, about what she was charged for… That’s why she gets tears in her eyes. Either because of the realization of the fact that nothing can be fixed or because of the feeling that someone kind of spit at her face.
“My gosh, how could he actually think so?” Raquelle thinks with tears in her eyes, tightly holding the steering wheel with both hands. “I never even thought of cheating! Especially with the one, who I can’t consider a boyfriend of mine. Who I can call just a friend of mine. All this time, I had only one man, to whom I was as loyal as a dog.”
Raquelle sniffs quietly.
“But what could I expect?” Raquelle wonders. “If MacClife had really loved me, he would’ve believed me, not the bastard that wanted to ruin my life. But he needed him only to have sex with him and make him sure that he was irresistible and wanted.”
Raquelle changes the speed with the gearbox.
“My gosh, why did I actually agree to date him?” Raquelle wonders. “Why did I succumb to the influence of my family? We’ve been connected only with a strong passion from the beginning! Nothing more! I felt and feel nothing else for him! I didn’t get happier in a relationship with him… As if I was living with a friend, who I rarely met and barely talked with. Why did we decide to do it? Why?”
Raquelle shakes her head and squeezes the steering wheel tightly.
“Oh, if I only met Simon Ringer in my way…” Raquelle thinks, frowning slightly. “I swear he will pay for the words he said… For the things that he’s done. Because of him, MacClife got a much stronger hatred for me. Because of him, he believed that I allegedly had something with Hunter. Ringer wanted us to break up, and he got what he wanted… Yes, I don’t know how he knows about Hunter, but still…”
Raquelle sighs aloud.
“But on the other hand, he opened my eyes,” Raquelle notices. “And he let me know that I lived with the man, who would not even lift his finger and do just something for my happiness and my peace. Who used me as a sex toy. Even now, he dreamed of fucking me!”
Raquelle sniffs quietly and changes the speed with the gearbox.
“God, why am I such an idiot?” Raquelle asks herself. “Why am I such a loser? I met a boyfriend – our relationship was over, I had a best friend, but she betrayed me… And my close people believe I’m guilty of everything. Yeah… It couldn’t be better! And everything hasn’t lately been as good about my modeling career as I’d like… People start to forget me, and nobody wants to invite me to a shooting or fashion shows…”
Raquelle thinks for a few seconds, slightly biting her lip.
“Am I replaying the life of my parents to some extent?” Raquelle asks herself. “At least, I already broke up with my boyfriend. Oh… Thank God, we didn’t get married… And we didn’t make children. Or it would’ve been hard to explain why their parents broke up and would no longer live together.”
Raquelle shakes her head with tears in her eyes.
“Oh, God, how I’m sick…” Raquelle thinks with a part of despair. “I’m sick of this nightmare! It must be over someday, after all! Bad luck can’t be by my side forever! I wanna exhale with relief and live a quiet life.”
Raquelle sighs heavily again.
“Ah, if I had a chance to wish this hell was just my nightmare…” Raquelle dreams with sadness in her eyes. “Make a wish upon a star… I do wanna wake up in the early morning, hug every member of my family that I lost, meet my friend… Exhale before that and tell myself that everything that was happening was just a dream… I wanna make myself sure that I didn’t lose my parents, didn’t get through that scandal, didn’t fight with my best friend, my boyfriend, and wasn’t left by all the close people at a hard moment…”
Keeping dreaming about the nightmare that is happening in reality to be over once and forever, Raquelle takes her way home, barely holding tears down as they are coming to her eyes, cursing herself for losing the dearest things she had somehow and feeling as lonely as never ever. Even if she has a grandfather, who comforts her as hard as possible and helps her get through everything she is having to deal with.
After a long talk with Raquelle, during which he managed to fight with her and almost had intimate contact with her in the dressing room of this club, Terrence slowly comes back to Rachel. Although he calmed down a little, got cool, and put his mind in order, he does not have a good enough mood to have fun with the girl for the rest of the evening. That’s why the man just comes to the girl, who was sitting at the table and waiting for him all this time, sits down next to her, and says no word.
“My God, Terrence, finally!” Rachel exclaims, carefully putting a hand on Terrence’s shoulder. “Why did it take so long? Where have you been? I wanted to go to find you! I briefly thought you had already left this place!”
“It’s alright,” Terrence replies quietly, looking into the distance. “I just went to the men’s room for a while… I needed…”
“So, did you talk to her?”
“I did.”
“Was that hysterical lady threatening you? She wanted to do the same thing that she did to me?”
“Nope, she didn’t threaten…”
“Did Cameron do nothing to you?”
“Nothing. It’s okay…”
Noticing that Terrence looks kind of distanced, gloomy, and thoughtfully while looking into the distance without emotions, Rachel looks at him with sadness in the eyes, carefully fixes his hair, and tenderly kisses him on the cheek, not making him give any kind of reaction.
“Terrence, are you okay?” Rachel shows anxiety quietly. “You’re kinda weird!”
“Yup, I'm fine,” Terrence pronounces without emotions in his voice and on his face.
“Did that girl say something bad and offensive that made you suddenly change your behavior?”
“She said nothing…”
“Don’t be afraid, sweetie, tell me.”
“It’s okay, Rachel. Don’t think about it.”
“My God, what did psycho one do to you since you’re sitting here like dumbfounded?”
“She did nothing.”
Rachel tenderly caresses Terrence’s cheek and softly hugs him around the shoulders, while he does not react to her actions.
“Don’t be shy, honey,” Rachel pronounces softly. “You can tell me everything.”
“It’s okay, Rachel, don’t worry about me…” Terrence says quietly.
“If you’re worried about what happened to me, don’t be. I promise I won’t tell Dad that your ex-girlfriend attacked me and ripped my dress. I’ll throw it off today and buy the same one tomorrow. I will be hiding these scars with cosmetics.”
“Yeah… Don’t tell…”
“Tell me what happened. Why are you thoughtful and quiet?”
“I’m fine.”
Terrence glances somewhere aside.
“The talk with her just got me a little exhausted…” Terrence lies in a low voice. “And… To be honest, I didn’t sleep well today… I get enough sleep…”
“I get it, sweetie, it often happens to me, as well,” Rachel smiles shyly, putting her chin on Terrence’s shoulder and slightly fixing his collar. “Sometimes I may lie in a bed until the morning and then walk like a zombie for a whole day.”
“It’s okay, I will go to sleep earlier.”
“Don’t worry, Terrence, I know how to help you forget about this scandal with your crazy ex and any tiredness. Just trust me, and I will do everything…”
Rachel confidently gets closer to Terrence and tries to give him a much more passionate kiss than those they had before. But the girl gets only to kiss the man on the lips a couple of times before he exhales quietly and softly steps back from her, not wishing to kiss neither this blonde nor anyone else after the wild emotions that he got obsessed with during hot foreplay with Raquelle.
“No, Rachel, don’t do it…” Terrence moans tiredly. “I have no mood…”
“C’mon, Terrence, relax,” Rachel says with a slight smile. “When you start, you’ll get much better.”
“I know, but after meeting that girl, my mood got much worse.”
“My God, forget that model! She is not worth thinking about her! She doesn’t care about you, but you’re sitting here and worried.”
“I am not worried.”
“Then get thoughts about her out of your mind and think of us. And let me help you relax. Because I know well what you want so badly right now…”
Rachel keeps trying to seduce Terrence and make him forget Raquelle, kissing him on the lips and the neck, slightly biting his ear, and tenderly caressing his tough torso. But the man does not actually want to play a great love for her. He starts to understand that he feels… Uncomfortable with her. And the only reason is his crazy attraction to Raquelle, which let him know about it when they were too close to each other. When she began to behave provocatively.
“Rachel, don’t do it, please,” Terrence says gloomily, softly pushing Rachel off himself.
“But, Terrence…” Rachel pronounces with sadness in her eyes.
“Not now…”
“You just start and…”
“Sorry, I don’t want to do it now… I don’t have a wish to do.”
Terrence’s refusal to make love with her irritates Rachel strongly and gets her upset. But she does not show it because she does not want to hurt the man. The girl pouts for two seconds and then exhales quietly and just caresses his shoulders and back with the hope that she will comfort this man somehow.
“Okay, if you don’t want, I don’t make you…” Rachel says quietly as she shrugs. “I don’t make you do that…”
“Thanks for your understanding,” Terrence pronounces without emotions.
“But I really wanna support and help you somehow. You do know that I’m worried about you, wanna know you’re fine and…”
Rachel does not say what she wants because Terrence stops her, moving his totally dead eyes on her and saying coldly:
“We’re leaving, Rachel.”
“What?” Rachel rounds her eyes.
“I wanna go back home because I don’t feel well… I have no strength and wish to have fun for the rest of the evening. Sorry…”
Terrence stands up quickly and goes to the exit, and Rachel shrugs but obeys the wish of the man.
“Okay, if you want to,” Rachel says quietly. “Let’s leave.”
Rachel takes her purse, puts on her denim jacket, gets up from the table, and follows Terrence, who goes some distance away from her, crossing his arms over her chest. When the girl quickly catches him, the man looks at her without emotions.
“I'll drive you home,” Terrence says quietly. “It’s dark now, and you shouldn’t go home alone. Moreover, you’re wearing an expensive dress. The ripped one.”
“Okay,” Rachel nods. “As you wish.”
Some time later, Terrence and Rachel silently get out of the nightclub, and then they get into the man's automobile and leave this place after the man starts the motor and presses on the gas pedal, still not saying a word and falling into his thoughts.
Terrence says no word on the way and calls the memories about the events that happened some time ago. And Rachel says nothing as she decides not to annoy the man with her questions, understanding that he does not have a good enough mood. The girl being upset by the end of the evening just looks at her companion with sadness in her eyes, trying to find out what he thinks about at the moment, fingering over nervously and sometimes looking at what the car is going by.
While Terrence is driving and watching the road, he calls the memories about the scene at the club that he will not forget at the nearest time. The man memorized almost every single word that Raquelle told him. Many of the words that she said hurt him in one or another way and made him hold down tears coming to his eyes and try to swallow a strange lump that was stuck in his throat. The man asks himself if the girl really thinks so or just decided to make him mad. He would like to believe it’s not the truth, but something tells him that she did not lie to him.
The bad memories get into his mind and make him subdue a wish to run away somewhere where there is nobody and scream at the top of his lungs that life is unfair. Terrence unconsciously calls the memories of the day when he shouted at Raquelle for the first time because Simon had told him that the girl allegedly cheated on him. And when the man thinks about the day when he slapped the girl in the face in anger, he barely holds himself down not to stop the car in the middle of the road, get out of it, leaving Rachel alone, and run where his eyes look.
The memories of the impulse of passion do not also let Terrence calm down. He cannot stop thinking about how he was kissing and hugging Raquelle and touching every single part of her body. This is the first case when a girl gets to make him so excited so much just for a few minutes. What happened before is nothing compared to the great ocean of emotions that make his heart stop. On the one hand, the memories warm Terrence’s soul up and make him smile, even if he does not want to. But on the other hand, he understands well that this kind of impulse will not go unnoticed anymore. Sadly, he will no longer feel as good as he did when the one, who could make him lose his head with her smell, was with him.
It’s easy to see what Terrence is feeling by looking into his eyes. It’s possible to see that the man looks very depressed and sad. At heart, he is happy he does not have to take a long way to Rachel’s home. He is glad he will not have to hide his emotions for a long time because he does not want to break down next to the one that he cannot be with anymore.
Some time later, Terrence reaches the house that the girl is living in, drops her off, and says goodbye to her quickly and coldly enough, not even letting her kiss him on the cheek when she wants to do this. And when the upset blonde leaves, the man turns his car on and goes on the free road nobody knows where. Rachel watches his iron horse hide on the corner with sadness in her eyes and stands on the street for two seconds. But then she sighs quietly and goes to the gates of her house, hoping everything will get better tomorrow, and she will spend time with her beloved man again.
Some time later, Raquelle returns home, feeling absolutely broken and depressed. The girl slowly enters the apartment and takes off her denim jacket and shoes. Then she puts the keys from her car somewhere, locks the door of the apartment, and understands that there is nobody here. It means Frederick left somewhere to do something again. He probably decided to walk a little. Besides, the man actually loves doing this.
After she goes further into the apartment, Raquelle leans on one of the walls with her back and slowly slides down over it, holding down tears that are about to show up in her red eyes. The girl did not manage to come to herself after everything that happened at the club, and the memories make her heart squeeze.
First, Rachel told her many bad and disgusting things. Then they started a fight, during which the blonde dragged Raquelle by the hair. Then Terrence was turned against her by his friend, who was in love with him, was literally ready to kill her and expressed probably much more aggression than ever. Moreover, the man even charged the girl for what she never did. What she never even thought about… And all of that eventually led to the madly passionate kisses and wild caresses that are too hard to forget. Raquelle thinks of those moments over and over and understands how good she felt when getting through all of that. No matter how hard the brunette tried to make herself forget the impulse that she could not subdue under the strong influence of her feelings and the power of the man, who knew what to do.
At some moment, Raquelle sharply gets up on her feet, grabs her hair, and starts running around the whole apartment like a hurricane, trying to hide somewhere from the memories that are chasing the girl and do not want to leave her alone. By the way, she clearly remembers the talk with Terrence and would hardly forget it, at least at the nearest time. She thinks of everything that man said over and over, like a broken CD:
“I thought you had fun with your buddy from the police for a long time. Seeing him every day and having fun with him… Forgot that you actually had a BOYFRIEND!”
“I’m much stronger than you! It would not be hard for me to get you down on your knees. Not only to make you beg for forgiveness,” Terrence adds confidently. But also for something else… What about pleasing me a little as a way to ask me for forgiveness? Caress my penis with your good hands and your tender lips…”
“I spare nothing for that girl! I can give her anything. At my will! Because unlike you, Rachel really loves and respects me. She takes care of me and always asks me about my business and my feelings. And she is REALLY interested in what’s happening to me. She is not pretending, she is LISTENING, UNDERSTANDING AND SUPPORTING.”
“Why would I make gifts for you? WHY? You did not deserve even the cheapest and simplest necklace! You could’ve had a bunch of these things if you’d loved me. But I was not going to gift anything to the egoistic bitch that NEVER loved me and ALWAYS thought of herself.”
“Yeah, when you saw Rachel and me together, you felt all the same feelings I got after finding out about your meetings with your new lover.”
“I don’t care how you are living. Just leave me alone, and let me be happy with Rachel. Be happy with the one I love very much for everything she has done for me. I want to be loved. I want to live with the one that I REALLY love. Not the one I played love with in public. Who I have never felt anything for. Who I don’t even know why I dated.”
Raquelle walks through the whole apartment, breathing heavily enough and trying to calm down and get all these memories out of her head. But the more she tries to make herself do it, the more the thoughts of what happened at the club get obsessed with her.
Now Raquelle is so excited that she is literally ready to destroy the whole apartment. Barely holding down a wish to throw all her things out of the window, she starts hitting all the walls in this apartment with a fist, hoping it will help her subdue a wish to start a riot here. But it does not help her… A wish to break something or hit someone is too strong.
At some moment, Raquelle runs sharply to a glassy coffee table placed in the living room and turns it upside down with a shout. It falls with a crash and breaks into thousands of little pieces, and the girl watches it with her dead eyes, sometimes quietly sniffing, slightly shaking from tension, and not holding down tears that are rolling over her cheeks.
After a long, senseless trip through the whole city, Terrence goes to the beach where there is nobody, not knowing that Raquelle sometimes loves being here, too. When he leaves his car not far from the beach, the man decides to walk across the coast and breathe in some fresh air with the thought that the sounds of waves will help him calm down and positively impact his thoughts and feelings that he needs to sort out.
The ocean that seems endless brings up and brings away big waves, the cold wind is slightly blowing right in the face, and there are a few little stars in the sky that could be covered with clouds. It’s absolutely silent here. The center of the city and this place are a few miles away from one another. Although people hardly walk here, it’s possible to see a few streetlamps, which are turned on, light up the place very well and let anyone walk here at any time.
Terrence cannot also stop thinking of what happened and calls the memories of the words of Raquelle that hurt him much. Slowly walking at the beach and not stopping thinking of what happened at the club, the man falls into his thoughts so deeply that he starts to believe he becomes a witness to the fight between the girl and him and their intimate contact that did not happen. Snippets of some phrases are stuck in his head, just like a song that has been listened to multiple times and does not want to leave his mind.
“So, you are ready to spend millions of dollars on that wench, but did you not buy even a cheap bracelet while we were in a relationship? You did not give me ANY GIFTS!”
“Or are you fretting and fuming because you cannot have a career as a singer? Are you mad because nobody wants to see you because your star already faded away a long time ago?”
“You never asked me about my business! Even if you did it, you didn’t care! You didn’t even try to show an interest in my work and attend one of the shows I participated in. All that time, you did not give me any gifts and did not say anything nice… But you always talked about yourself with great pleasure. But there was nothing to talk about because you always met failures in everything you did. You did not get good roles and did not record any even worst song.”
“I wish you were never born! If you were not born, you would not ruin the lives of everyone! I would live much better if I did not meet you on my way. You ruined my whole life! I have cursed everything in the world hundreds of times because I got in touch with such a nasty bastard like you. If I didn’t know you, my life would be thousands of times better! THO-USA-ND! A MILLION! A BILLION! A TRILLION!”
“I would like to believe we will go on different ways from now on. Once and forever. I would never meet you and hear even your fucking name, which gets me terribly wild. Which I am going to curse until the end of my life. You cannot find me because you will never see me. I swear I will do my best not to let even our accidental meeting happen in the future. You wanted me to leave your life – I shall do. Forever. I promise.”
Thinking of all these words, Terrence starts to regret everything that has lately happened more and more. He is sorry that nothing can be brought back and fixed. He starts to understand that he behaved not in the best way and cannot be excused somehow. After everything that he has done. After he behaved not in a very good way toward Raquelle. After he easily believed in her betrayal and hated the girl for that all this time.
Some time later, he calls the memories of some words that Raquelle said loudly, with despair:
“Simon did a number on our heads! Don’t you get it? Now I’m starting to understand that he got us wrapped around his finger, and we got caught in his trap. That’s what Ringer wanted! He wanted all of you to leave me, believing I was kind of crazy and dangerous! And to bring me to death, that scumbag told me that you were kissing that blonde bitch in the dress of a whore.”
Raquelle was literally wrecking her lungs to prove that she never cheated and was always loyal to Terrence, even if she never loved him too much. And the man starts to understand it more and more. He starts to understand that he should have told her the truth and solved this problem when Simon told him that. But instead of talking quietly, Terrence took it out on Raquelle and mocked her eventually in all possible ways.
After what happened, the man is now ashamed of looking into the girl’s eyes. He is ashamed to look at the one that he considered a betrayal. Whom he left alone with all her problems, eventually breaking the promise he gave her. Even if she really did not have strong feelings for him, MacClife would not have stayed aside and would have helped his ex-girlfriend solve the problem.
Moreover, Terrence is also terribly afraid that everybody will call him an insolent man, who dares to hurt weak girls. He is worried it might be the reason why his perfect reputation might not be the one. He is afraid all his friends, close people, and fans will turn their backs on him. He is afraid he will have to forget about a musical career once and forever. But MacClife understands that any truth will be revealed early or late. And no matter if the mad Raquelle would tell everyone about it, or someone else would love to spread some rumors.
“Holy shit, I’m an idiot…” Terrence thinks, still walking on the beach while the cold wind blows his hair and clothes. “How could I believe that bastard? How could I believe when Simon told me the lie about Raquelle and that policeman? How could I believe in this bullshit? How? She didn’t lie when she said she considered him just a friend.”
Terrence grabs his hair with both hands and pulls it slightly.
“Moreover, how does he know about him?” Terrence wonders. “How does Ringer actually know who that man is and what he has to do with Raquelle?”
Terrence shakes his head.
“How does that bastard know everything about everybody?” Terrence asks himself. “Nobody but her has met him, but he managed to find out everything about them. I don’t understand it… I don’t really understand it…”
Terrence glances at the ocean.
“And why did he decide to tell me about the alleged affair between that policeman and Raquelle?” Raquelle frowns slightly. “Simon could choose any man from her familiar people and say they had an affair. But he chose him… But… Who cares! That man knew I would get wild if I knew that girl wasn’t loyal to me. So, he told me all of that… And I really got mad. And then the talk with my mother… Who began to tell me to meet my father…”
Later, Terrence gets sick of walking on the beach. That’s why he exhales sharply, sits on the sand, and bends his legs at the elbows, focusing his eyes full of pain and disappointment on waves brought up and brought away by the wind.
“Meet my father that I hate,” Terrence thinks with sadness in his eyes. “Whom I consider guilty of the fact that my mother and I had a bad life. I know I should give him a chance to excuse himself, but I can't do this. I can’t get over it.”
Terrence swallows up nervously.
“That talk got me much madder, as well,” Terrence thinks. “In the end, I could not hold myself down and took it out on Raquelle. And I completely understand why she got mad at me. Because I left her and didn’t support her at a hard moment. Vice versa, I began to think of breaking up with her and thought Simon helped me find the courage to do it. I didn’t care about the fact that the man wanted to get her as exhausted as possible.”
Terrence closes his eyes for two seconds and exhales slowly, trying to calm down just a little and breathe quietly because he feels tense enough and understands that something is pressing on the breast. Panic does not let him breathe quietly, his pulse becomes much faster, and his hands get sweaty. The fear of losing everything he has gets much more obsessed with him.
“And everything was over on the day when I slapped her in the face,” Terrence thinks. “When I was getting through a so-called peak. When I could not stand that girl. When I dreamed of kicking her out of my home and never seeing her again.”
Fighting with his condition too hard, Terrence raises his head up and looks at the dark sky full of stars that are partly covered with clouds.
“But I swear I didn't want that,” Terrence thinks with pity in his eyes. “I didn’t wanna raise a hand on the girl. I… I didn’t hold myself down! I was so mad at her because of everything she told me that I lost patience. The anger caused by the fact that I was used was too strong. I could not take it. I could not stand the fact that I was never loved and appreciated. I felt hurt ‘cause I did everything for my sweetheart but got nothing. Nothing…”
Terrence moves his eyes into the distance and understands that a tear rolls down his cheek slowly.
“I was blaming Raquelle for cheating but became a cheater myself,” Terrence thinks and swallows up nervously. “I wanted to pretend that I was in love with Rachel at my will. For a wish to cover my ass. For a chance to start a musical career. And after what happened today, I could hardly keep pretending that I loved her. There is no wish to do it…”
Terrence sighs heavily.
“I’ve always loved Rachel as a friend,” Terrence thinks. “She’s good and kind… I’ve known her for ages… But… She is different… Rachel can’t replace Raquelle. She doesn’t have what that girl has. No matter how hard Sanderson tries, she will not make me love her. No girl in this world could replace Raquelle. No girl. No girl would be full of the energy that she has. She differs from others. That’s what I like about Cameron.”
Terrence cracks a slight smile.
“Anyway, I’m not indifferent to her,” Terrence thinks. “I love her… Yes, I do. I always have. From the beginning. And I’ve always been ready for anything for her. Raquelle is the only one that I felt good with. The one I even wanted to marry. And… I think everything would’ve been okay between us. Yes, we could’ve fixed everything if we’d given each other much more attention. If I’d decided to work on it like a real man… And done everything she talked about today… Everything would’ve been otherwise… And… Maybe… If I had helped her deal with Simon, she would’ve… Loved me. She would’ve regretted not loving me truly and using me. We could’ve been very happy. And I would’ve done my best for that. Despite what she felt for me.”
Terrence bites his lip slightly.
“She believes I was using her as a sex toy all this time,” Terrence thinks. “I noticed her only as an attractive cutie… I liked only what she had outside and never tried to find out what she had outside. But that’s not the truth. I didn’t consider her only a sexual object.”
Terrence swallows up nervously.
“Raquelle has always seemed like a smart and purposeful girl to me,” Terrence thinks. “And I was very happy when she did something. I dated her because I loved her. Yes, maybe, my feelings fell asleep because of her indifference. But now they are awake again. I understand that girl is very close to me. And if she wanted to fix everything, I would do my best to make us happy. But… She would hardly want it. She wants to be single. And she hardly learned at least one lesson from what happened.”
Terrence sighs quietly.
“It means we can’t work it out,” Terrence thinks. “There is no hope that we can fix everything. I really want it, but I see no meaning in it. Raquelle doesn’t aim it. And even if she understands her mistake and wants to get everything back, it doesn’t mean I will wish the same by that moment. Yes, I won’t be waiting for her to wake up forever and doom myself to suffering. If we don’t establish our relationship, I will have to take it somehow and keep moving on. I will have no choice…”
Terrence would really like to talk to someone and share everything he is feeling now. But the man is afraid to be open to everybody because people may judge him and say he is a mean man, who dared to betray Raquelle, leave her in trouble, and raise a hand on her. So, MacClife had to keep everything inside and try to get through it by himself.
Some time later, Terrence sees little rocks that he finds around himself. After picking up a few ones, the man sharply gets up, walks on the beach for some time, stops, and looks into the distance for a few seconds. And then he throws a rock into the water as strongly as possible with a loud shout. Then he does it again. Again and again. It happens until he throws all the rocks into the water. However, it does not help him get a little better and calm down a little.
Terrence starts to realize more and more that the situation Raquelle got into is serious enough. Simon is not going to leave her alone and will bring the started case to an end. He has already done too much to ruin the girl’s life and deprive her of almost everything she has. MacClife is sure that her offender does know the weakness of Raquelle very well and uses it, not doubting that she would not take it and would even start thinking of killing herself somehow.
Wishing to do something good and get a little better, Terrence decides to help Raquelle solve this problem in any way. He does not care if she wants to accept his help. Maybe, the man does not know how he is going to do this. But he silently swears that he would no longer let the ex-girlfriend fight alone with the man, who definitely went crazy from a wish to hurt the poor girl, who did nothing bad to him to make him so mad.