The next morning, the weather is gloomy but not rainy. Raquelle and Terrence’s house. The servants have been working since the morning so hard: someone is making a clean-off in the house, and someone went to a store to buy something… And the lovers are sitting at the table and having breakfast. A different amount of food is placed on their plates: the girl has less, the man has more, and they have a different one. While Raquelle has a little plate of healthy food and a glass of fresh juice, and Terrence is not used to counting calories, always eats much more, and sometimes may take one more piece of food if it’s just delicious. But despite quite a great appetite, the man always keeps in good physical shape and tries not to miss workouts or regularly swims in the pool placed at the back of his house.
But now the two have no time to take much food and slowly eat, dreaming of something nice. Today, every one of the lovers has some important things they need to do, despite nothing. And it should be noted that the two have rarely been especially busy, and they go home quite late, being so exhausted that they do not think of anything else, except for only one wish – to lie down to have a rest and get enough sleep to start working the next day again. But even if the lovers manage to be together, they do not have very long talks. Either because someone rushes, or because one of them does not want to listen to another.
“Listen, what is today?” Raquelle asks suddenly, slightly pulling up a sleeve of her shirt.
“Today's Wednesday,” Terrence replies quietly, throwing a quick glance at Raquelle.
“Wednesday? Oh… Okay… I got it.” Raquelle moves her eyes down for a few seconds and later looks at Terrence again. “Well, what time is it now. Don’t you know?”
Terrence looks at the watch he is wearing on his left hand.
“Now it's ten-fifteen,” Terrence replies quietly.
“Okay…” Raquelle nods slightly. “Thanks…”
“Listen…” Terrence frowns slightly and looks at Raquelle questioningly. “What's happening to you today? Did you already lose orientation in time? You should also ask which year it is and which month it is now!”
“Nope, I just didn't get enough sleep a little…” Raquelle replies hesitantly, stuttering a little. “And I need to know the right time not to come to the scheduled meeting late.”
“Didn't you get enough sleep?” Terrence asks. “It’s weird, you never had this problem before.”
“No, I just couldn’t fall asleep for a long time… Even if I went to sleep early, as I wanted…”
“That’s how…”
“I was probably too worried. That meeting is very important to me.”
“Listen, maybe, it is time to slow down and either accept less work or actually delay it for a while?”
“What the heck?” Raquelle resents coldly. “I just didn't get enough sleep, but you decided that I needed a rest.”
“Okay, okay,” Terrence exhales sharply. “But you are too tense.”
“I don’t deny it. I’m worried.”
“Is that meeting so important to you that you’re literally pulling your hair out?”
“Yes, very important. If everything is fine, I will make one of my long-time dreams come true.”
“You were worried when going to auditions or at meetings with people from the musical business. So, I’m also nervous.”
“Listen, you look too exhausted, but if you are also worried, you…”
“You said you would not meddle in my business,” Raquelle recalls coldly.
“Alright, from now on, I don't want to hear anything about my tiredness anymore.”
“Don’t you feel you should slow down?”
“I’m fine,” Raquelle replies confidently. “And I will be working until I have energy and a wish. And when I feel it’s time to stop, I will surely do it.”
“Would you know when it's time to stop?”
“MacClife!” Raquelle throws gloomily.
“Okay, okay, sorry,” Terrence replies quietly, raising his hands up. “I won’t be talking about it anymore. And I really promised not to meddle in this business… Do what you want… I don’t care…”
Although Terrence suspects something bad, the man decides not to torture Raquelle with questions now and to talk to her a little later. Or actually, let her do what she wants. It is actually impossible to persuade this girl to do something because if she wants to do something, she can do much to reach her goal.
And a few seconds later, Raquelle herself quickly decides to change the subject, looking at her hand after quickly eating something with a fork.
“Are you gonna be home late?” Raquelle asks hesitantly.
“Honestly, I don't know,” Terrence replies thoughtfully. “Not saying about meeting a producer of the band, I need to do so many things today.”
“Me too…” Raquelle nods.
“Oh…” Terrence glances aside, barely scratching a plate with a fork he is holding in his hand. “Today, there will be a shooting of an interview on the live broadcast. They’re gonna be asking all the same questions, and I’m gonna be saying almost memorable phrases that I remember just excellently…”
“I get it…”
“You know, Raquelle…” Terrence sighs tiredly. “Honestly, I actually don't wanna give any interviews today.”
“Sometimes I really have a wish to give a damn about everything and just to spend one day home in silence and calm.”
“Do this then,” Raquelle advises without emotions.
“I can’t do it. Everything’s discussed and decided. I can’t piss everybody off.”
“Oh, yeah…” Raquelle sighs tiredly and thinks about something for two seconds. “Interviews, shootings for commercials, photoshoots, live broadcasts… It does really get exhausted.”
“Very much.”
“Yeah… Fame has a reverse side of fame. Which is not very good…”
“Sometimes we’ve gotta do not the nicest work,” Terrence notices thoughtfully. “Do what we don’t like. What gets us exhausted.”
“You’re right… Absolutely…”
Raquelle sighs heavily again and looks lazily at one of the servants, who is cleaning up in the living room and saying something to the other, who is getting dust off all the surfaces.
“Today, I should go to my agency to meet my manager,” Raquelle adds thoughtfully. “One woman, who wants to offer me something, is gonna come there. As I’ve said, if everything’s fine, one dream of mine will come true.”
Raquelle runs her hand over her face with sadness in her eyes.
“But honestly, I'd prefer staying home today and not going anywhere,” Raquelle confesses quietly.
“Well, what’s your problem, Raquelle?” Terrence asks softly. “Why don't you wanna stay home for one more day?”
“Oh, Terrence…” Raquelle puts a fork on the table and folds her hands on the table, moving her eyes to Terrence. “You know very well that I can't cancel this meeting so easily. That meeting is very important to me. No matter how much I wanna stay home, I should go there. My manager already agreed about everything, and one woman is waiting for me, who has a very important offer for me. I can’t cancel everything.”
“You know, sometimes you surprise me,” Terrence confesses with a slight smile.
“Of course, I'm very glad you’re a purposeful person and never throwing your cards up in front of any difficulties. But believe me, there is no need to always work until exhaustion. Sometimes you need to stop and let yourself relax a little. And you shouldn't always do what you don't want.”
“Do I do something I don’t like?”
“If you don’t wanna go somewhere, you may not do this.” Terrence clears his throat quickly.
“Or delay the meeting to another day.”
“Are you out of mind?” Raquelle resents. “How could I cancel and delay what's been decided a long time ago? It would be disrespectful of me!”
“If I planned something, I must do this. Despite my wish. My mood. My strength. My wish or reluctance.”
“Maybe, you slow down and let yourself relax,” Terrence suggests. “Nothing would happen if you…”
“I do know what I’m doing, Terrence!” Raquelle throws coldly. “And I know when I should stop!”
“Oh, Raquelle…” Terrence moans tiredly, running his hands over his face.
Silence settles in the air for two seconds.
“Don’t cross the line of your powers, as well,” Raquelle advises with a slight smile. “You have no free minute. You always go somewhere and get busy with something.”
“Do you really care about what I’m doing?” Terrence gets truly amazed.
“Sure. And I don’t want you to get exhausted. I can’t remember when you had a long rest after we decided to live together.”
“I didn’t get tired,” Terrence replies with a slight smile. “And I am doing what I love. I aim to reach my dream. Aim to release just one song of mine.”
“It will happen early or late.”
“I've always loved music. I adore singing and playing the guitar. And to be honest, I even love acting in movies less than playing music.”
“I get it.”
“I’m gonna be honest: I’ve never dreamed of being an actor. I’ve always wanted to do something related to music. Even if I were a simple man, I’d be happy to work at a music store. I’d do anything to be connected with music somehow.”
“Yeah. And I think that’s my real element. My element is to play music and build my musical career. Being an actor is really great, but my heart belongs to music.”
“And my element is to be a model,” Raquelle replies with a slight smile. “I’m doing what I love.”
“Do you really like your job?”
“Sure.” Raquelle thinks about something for some time, biting her lip. “Yeah… Maybe, when I was a child, I didn't even think I could be a model. But after working on the photoshoot for a teenage magazine, I realized I really loved it. And I decided to keep working on it.”
“Who did you want to be before you became a model?”
“I used to dream of being a writer…”
“A writer?”
“Yup… I’ve always had a talent for writing. My writing works were always the best of the best. Besides, I was often writing articles for the school newspaper. It was quite an interesting experience, and I was doing everything about it with pleasure. My teachers were nice to me and were prophesying the perfect future of a writer to me.”
“Wow!” Terrence folds his hands on the table. “You’ve never told me you wanted to be the one!”
“I think I could become the one now… Because I’m quite a literate person.”
“And you love reading…”
“Yeah, I love… Since childhood. I have read various literature of the whole world for my whole life and still continue to read when I have free time.”
“I got it… Yesterday, I saw a book on your table.”
“I’ve read that for the hundredth time,” Raquelle smiles slightly. “One of my favorite ones.”
“Great. Did you show interest in reading? Or were you taught to love that?”
“No, no, I really love reading. It really gets me relaxed and helps me put my mind in order. Grandfather Frederick had many different books, which he read himself. When I was a child, I examined them for a long time, took something, and read it. And I got something from other people. My neighbors… My friends… And Aunt Alicia had many good books…”
“I see.”
“By the way, I was even admitted to the university on the faculty of English literature. I was studying at the university very well… Stayed there for one year… I did even pass my exams.”
“And then what?”
“Later, I had to leave the university.”
“Because of a modeling career?”
“Yup…” Raquelle moves her eyes to the hands folded in front of her. “I couldn't study at the university and make my career at the same time. It was too hard physically.”
“I get it,” Terrence nods. “You’d slowly go crazy when thinking of exams and how to look good in photos…”
“I almost did…” Raquelle cracks a slight smile. “So, I had to make a choice after the end of the first year: either studying at the university or building a career. And after thinking a lot, I chose my modeling career. Grandpa didn’t approve of my decision and insisted that I stayed. He hoped I’d leave a modeling business and find another job. But I got so busy with that process that I couldn’t handle.”
“And don’t you regret leaving the studies?”
“Nope, I don't regret that. Because who knows how many interesting things I would’ve missed if I had continued to study. I was getting very good money for working as a model… It was one more reason why I didn’t leave the modeling business.”
“Have you never wanted to try to return to the university?” Terrence asks.
“No, to be honest,” Raquelle shakes her head. “I couldn't be studying there and making my career at the same time. And moreover, I should’ve had time for a personal life that I wouldn’t have had. In that case, I wouldn’t have been able to spend time with my friends and finding time for dates with men, ‘cause every single minute would’ve been planned.”
“Well, sort of…” Raquelle sighs quietly with sadness in her eyes. “Anyway, even if I wish to study again, I can always do that. As people say, it's never too late to study. There was a man, who was more than thirty and studied with me. He missed a moment but decided to get a high education.”
“I see…” Terrence replies thoughtfully. “But you’re right to some extent…”
“What about you?”
“My studies?”
“Nothing. I didn’t even think of going to a university after graduating from school. Yes, I could’ve done it, but I chose to act in movies. My career was just starting to grow up, and I didn’t wanna stop when everything started to get better.”
“As they say, everything happens for the best.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, after which Terrence moves his eyes to the watch on his left hand.
“Oh, it seems like I have to go!” Terrence exclaims. “I’ve been here for too long!”
Terrence quickly eats what there is on his plate and wipes his mouth with a paper towel, while Raquelle also looks at the clock hanging on the wall in the living room and opens her mouth slightly.
“My gosh, I also have to go,” Raquelle says quietly. “I’m already late!”
“See you tonight then,” Terrence replies quietly.
“Yeah… See ya. Good luck…”
“Thanks, same to you.”
After quickly saying goodbye to each other and sharing a kiss on the cheek, Terrence and Raquelle get up from the table and go to different sides. The girl calls one of the servants to herself, and the man is going to come to the exit and takes his coat and keys from the car that are placed on the sofa in the living room. A few seconds later, a middle-height servant wearing a servant uniform and glasses and having her dark hair gathered into a little tuft comes to Raquelle.
“Listening to you, Raquelle…” the servant says quietly. “What do you want?”
“Violetta, can you go to a store and buy everything written on this list?” Raquelle asks and gives a small piece of paper and some amount of money to Violetta. “It would be great if you did it today.”
“Yes. I have no time to go and search for that, but I need it so much. You can do my plea?”
“Yes, of course, do not worry,” Violetta replies with a slight smile, taking what Raquelle is holding. “I will do everything you want.”
“Thanks a lot,” Raquelle thanks with a slight smile. “When you buy everything, carry it to my room. I will check it later.”
“As you wish.”
“Alright, you can go.”
“With your permission.”
Violetta turns around and goes to do her work in a quick step. Two seconds later, Raquelle goes to her room to take with her some of the things that she left there.
Meanwhile, Terrence already leaves the house, gets into his black jeep parked in a special place, and goes to do his business. And the girl herself is just going to leave and to go at the meeting, which means so much to her. After leaving the house some time later, Raquelle gets into her black auto that is placed next to her boyfriend’s jeep, starts the motor, and then slowly gives a start, going on the road and taking a way to the agency where a certain powerful woman is waiting for her with some offer.
Some time later, Raquelle comes to the agency, coming here very quietly, without problems. The girl leaves her automobile in the parking lot near the model agency, near which annoying paparazzi are waiting for her and getting their cameras ready to take photos of her from all sides. Although the brunette does not like these annoying people to death, she never conflicts with them, says nothing bad to them, greets those she knows, and just keeps moving on to do her business, despite the fact they do not let her go and always click their cameras that make blinding flashes, because of which anyone could easily become blind or just get worse vision.
After leaving the car and locking it with a key, Raquelle puts on dark glasses, shyly inclines her head, and quickly walks in her black boots with small, thick heels by the paparazzi surrounding her, entering the building where the model agency is, with which the girl is working. Because, to her happiness, paparazzi are not allowed to enter there, she can quietly take off her glasses and come to the mirror hanging almost near the exit/entry to the building to fix the hair and makeup she was working on almost the whole morning.
“It seems like everything's fine,” Raquelle whispers with a shy smile, pulling down her dark green jacket that looks good with her white blouse and light blue jeans. “I look good and fresh. My makeup is great… My hair is gorgeous and careful…”
Raquelle smiles much wider.
“Okay, it's time to go…” Raquelle decides. “I hope everything will be well, and I won’t say something stupid that would make them look at me like I’m an idiot.”
After sighing deeply, slightly raising her head up, and spreading her shoulders, Raquelle confidently goes down the big halls of the model agency, seeing many people hurrying up to do their work. They are going somewhere, not noticing almost anything around, but some of them welcome Raquelle when going by her. She smiles at everybody shyly and keeps going on, silently noticing this building looks beautiful outside and inside. The best of the best people definitely worked on its design and used only high-costed and premium materials.
Some time later, Raquelle quietly comes to the office that she needs. After hesitating a little and silently getting ready for the talk, the girl quietly knocks at the door and hears a familiar feminine voice:
“Yes, yes, come in!”
Raquelle enters the office, opening the door very quietly, and sees two women sitting in the room, one of whom is Serena Oliverson wearing a gorgeous, discreet red dress that fits her age and status. The woman, who has been Raquelle's manager for many years. She is the one, who helped the girl to get famous around the world thanks to her powerful contacts and ability to discover talents and make people worldwide famous. She was the one to make Frederick, Raquelle’s grandfather, sure that his granddaughter should have tried to work with it because he did not actually want his granddaughter to work in the modeling business.
Serena herself is a very beautiful woman with good taste in clothes. Despite her age – she is about forty, – she looks pretty good. This attractive gray-eyed middle-height brunette has a slender construction of the body, nice features, a kind look, and a smile, which definitely makes people trust her. Serena has helped many girls to get famous, and for Raquelle, she became not just a key to fame and lots of richness.
She also became a manager of hers and has been managing the girl’s business and choosing only the best offers for many years. And Raquelle herself does not even think of changing her manager because the brunette is really pleased with her management and does not have any misunderstandings with her team. Even the story of Simon Ringer slandering her did not make their relationship worse. However, nobody thinks about what happened anymore…
“Good morning, can I enter?” Raquelle asks shyly.
“Raquelle, hello, darling,” Serena greets happily. “Come into the office now! Site down! Don’t be shy!”
Raquelle hesitantly enters the office and closes the door after her. Then she comes slowly to Serena and the mysterious stranger much closer and sits down in front of the woman she does not know yet.
“Thanks for coming to the meeting,” Serena thanks gently and greets Raquelle by hugging her and sharing an amicable kiss on the cheek.
“I could not refuse,” Raquelle smiles shyly.
“I have a very important talk for you. But before we start discussing one very interesting offer, I want to introduce this woman to you.”
Serena points at the brunette, who is sitting with her back straight in front of Raquelle and smiling shyly.
“Let me introduce Paulina Simpson to you,” Serena introduces with pride. “She owns her fashion house, which is successful enough.”
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Simpson,” Raquelle replies gently.
Raquelle greets Paulina with a slight, polite smile, confidently shaking her by the hand.
“It’s also a pleasure for me to meet you, Raquelle,” Paulina says with a slight smile. “Serena told me very good things about you.”
“Really?” Raquelle wonders truly.
“Yes, and I’m very glad I met you personally. I dreamed about it for a long time, I am going to be honest.”
“It's an honor to me.”
Paulina says nothing and just nods slightly with a shy smile.
“So…” Raquelle pronounces thoughtfully. “Do you have an offer for me?”
“Yes, Raquelle, there is something we should talk about,” Serena replies confidently and folds her hands on the table in front of her. “Paulina wants to offer you something. And, as I think, you’re going to love it.”
“Sure,” Raquelle shows interest, getting ready to listen to Paulina closely. “I’m ready to listen to you.”
“And yeah, I want to thank you for coming just in time,” Serena thanks with a slight smile. “You wasted no second – well done! You came when you were told to do!”
“School taught me to do everything in time and never to be late,” Raquelle shrugs.
“But my daughter is always late,” Paulina confesses shyly. “At school, at meetings with her friends, and everywhere.”
“I see…” Raquelle smiles shyly. “Honestly, I thought I would’ve been late because I was getting ready for a little longer.”
“That's good you are never late,” Paulina replies with a slight smile. “I deeply respect people like you! I think you understand how much time matters in your career. Everything is planned well when you are on a runway or at a fashion show, because everything is planned very well. If you lose at least one second, everything will be ruined!”
It should be noted that Paulina is keeping herself very stately and confident: her erect carriage and wonderful manners say that the woman does know how to behave, how to hide some little weakness, and how to show her best dignity.
“That's right,” Raquelle says shyly.
Paulina smiles shyly and carefully tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Alright, let's not waste time and talk about the offer,” Serena suggests confidently. “Paulina, could you please tell Raquelle everything you told me before she came here? If you decided to come here and tell her everything personally.”
“Yes, I'm very interested in this offer,” Raquelle replies with a slight smile. “Honestly, I'm just dying of curiosity. Tell me what you want to offer me.”
“That's how!” Paulina rounds her eyes with a shy smile. “Do you want to know it so much?”
“Yes. Please…”
“So, alright then. If you are so interested, I will not waste time and will tell you everything now.” Paulina puts one leg to another and barely leans on the table with an elbow. “Raquelle, here’s what I would like to tell you: the case is that I'm releasing a new collection of clothes and going to show it at my fashion show in one month.”
“Congratulations,” Raquelle pronounces amicably.
“Some very famous and influential people in the fashion world are supposed to attend it. Moreover, some respectful guests, who are very famous in our business, should come. Everything must be excellent, and we have no right to get ashamed of such powerful people.” Paulina has to stop for two seconds to clear her throat. “So, I would like you to take a part in my fashion show.”
“Me?” Raquelle wonders. “Take a part? In your fashion show?”
“I saw all of your photos for catalogs, magazines, and many of your walks in fashion shows. And I cannot be silent about how much I admire you. After thinking a little, I decided that I wanted to see you on my show and asked my agents to contact your managers. Serena, my team manager, and I met multiple times and talked about everything. She is happy with everything. Now I need only to get your agreement on participating in the fashion show.”
After stopping to speak, Paulina smiles shyly and questioningly looks at Raquelle as if she is waiting for the answer. And Raquelle herself slightly opens her mouth and smiles widely, not hiding her happiness caused by the offer of this woman. She just adores the clothes that Paulina Simpson is creating. Some clothes the girl has in her closet are made by this designer, and she often wears many of them. And because the girl is a fan of Paulina’s works, Raquelle thinks rejecting this incredible offer would mean missing out much. It would mean missing the greatest luck.
“Oh, my gosh…” Raquelle shakes her head. “I can’t believe it…”
“So what?” Paulina specifies. “Do you accept my offer?”
“Do you seriously want me to take a part in your fashion show?” Raquelle wonders with a shy smile. “Yours! The show of Paulina Simpson herself!”
“Yes, Raquelle!” Paulina nods confidently. “I'm dreaming of seeing you at my fashion show. I would even say I’m insisting on that.”
“Think very well, Raquelle,” Serena advises confidently. “This is your great chance that you must not miss. If you agreed to take a part in Paulina's fashion show, it would be very good for you.”
“You know…” Raquelle pronounces hesitantly. “I've always dreamed of attending your fashion show as a guest… But to take the party in it…”
Raquelle shakes her head, still not believing what she heard.
“I couldn’t even dream about it!” Raquelle exclaims. “I… I actually thought you would just love to invite me to your show as a guest.”
“But you dream,” Paulina shrugs slightly. “I’m suggesting you not just watch my show but participate in it alongside some models I personally pick up.”
“My gosh… Mrs. Simpson…”
“I’m waiting for the answer, my darling. Do you accept my offer?”
“Of course!” Raquelle exclaims happily and smiles widely. “I will take a part in your fashion show with pleasure! With great pleasure!”
“It's my long-time dream! When Serena told me that you wanted to meet me and talk to me about something, I was very glad. I thought I would be only a guest…”
“So… Did we agree then?”
“We did!”
“Excellent!” Paulina exclaims and claps her hands together one time with a slight smile on her face. “I'm very happy you agreed to take a part in my fashion show.”
“And I’m very glad you suggested that I participate in your show.”
“Can I be sure you won’t change your mind at the last minute?”
“What are you talking about? Of course, no! You can count on me. I will do my best to walk on the runway for everybody to like it. To present your clothes in the show worthily.”
“Thank you so much, Raquelle,” Paulina thanks shyly. “I must confess that you made me very happy. Because I really wanted to get you as a model for one of my fashion shows. You are very good for it, and I’m happy I got a chance to work with you.”
“Thanks, Mrs. Simpson.”
“You made a great choice, Raquelle,” Serena approves with a slight smile. “I’m glad you agreed to be a part of Paulina’s show.”
“I've always dreamed about it,” Raquelle shrugs slightly. “It would be a sin to reject the offer to work with one of my favorite designers.”
“Glad to hear it,” Paulina says with a slight smile.
“So… In this case, I’m ready to work at any time. When do your show and rehearsals start?”
“I wanted to tell you a couple of words about it. We have little enough time to get ready for the fashion show. That’s why we are going to be rehearsing and getting ready in hard mode.”
“When do we start?”
“Tomorrow. Starting tomorrow, I will be starting the preparation for the fashion show along with you and the models, who are also going to join my fashion show. My team and I will tell you how everything should be, and you will be rehearsing, trying on clothes, and doing everything you need.”
“Since tomorrow?” Raquelle rounds her eyes. “Erm…”
“Do not worry, Raquelle,” Serena says softly, putting a hand on Raquelle’s hand placed on the table. “If you have some work on the days you’re rehearsing for the show, I will solve everything.”
“Sure. Worry about nothing and get ready for Paulina’s show.”
“Oh, thank you so much, Serena,” Raquelle exhales with a slight smile and relief. “What I would do without you!”
“Rock on the way you can. Shine just as bright as a star.”
“I will…” Raquelle nods confidently. “I will shine just like a star.”
“Great, in this case, here's the address of my fashion house,” Paulina says and gives Raquelle a small piece of paper with the address of the fashion house.
“Thanks,” Raquelle pronounces.
“I will be waiting for you tomorrow by ten o’clock for our first rehearsal.”
“I will surely come.”
“And yeah. I am also asking you to give me your phone number, so I have an opportunity to contact you. Your manager already gave me her contacts, which I could use to contact her in case I could not reach you. But I would like to get your personal number. If you do not mind it, of course.”
“No problem… Now…”
Raquelle takes a small piece of paper from a small bunch and a pen from the table and quickly writes her mobile phone on it. After this, she gives this paper to Paulina, and the woman nods in approval.
“Thanks,” Paulina pronounces amicably.
“Thank you very much,” Raquelle replies with a slight smile.
“I hope our work will be nice for both of us.”
“I wish…”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which the three just look at each other.
“Erm…” Raquelle bites her lip slightly. “So… If you do not have questions, I will go. I have some other things to do.”
“Yes, of course, you can go,” Serena confidently nods with a slight smile on her face. “I will call or text you if I need something from you.”
“Erm…” Paulina pronounces hesitantly, closely looking at Raquelle from head to foot and frowning slightly. “Raquelle…”
“Yes, Mrs. Simpson?” Raquelle rounds her eyes.
“Be pleased to get enough sleep until tomorrow,” Paulina advises softly and closely looks at Raquelle's face. “And do not forget to feed yourself well.”
“Enough sleep?” Raquelle frowns slightly.
“Yes. Despite your very beautiful makeup and perfect hairstyle, you look exhausted. I understand you have very much work and may literally have no time to eat. But I don’t want models to look white and exhausted and faint right in the middle of the fashion show.”
“Erm… Do I… Look so… Bad?”
“Not as good as I would like. So, I advise you to give more attention to yourself before my show because I want everything to be alright.”
“I will not betray you, Mrs. Simpson,” Raquelle says confidently. “Promise.”
“And yeah, I highly recommend that you don’t lose weight. Because I think you are too skinny now. All models are in good shape at my fashion shows, and none of them looks like a skeleton encased in skin. I am more than sure that if you took off your clothes, you would look like this.”
“I see.”
“I have one strict rule: no models with signs of unhealthy underweight and especially anorexia take a part in my fashion show. I do watch that personally and sometimes plan a menu for every single model of mine to help someone gain weight if I think she is too skinny. Or I just take her to my personal dietologist.”
Although it’s a little unpleasant for Raquelle to hear it for the fourth time in two days, she does her best to hide her irritation and smiles shyly as if nothing happens.”
“Alright,” Raquelle replies quietly, slightly clenching her hands into fists. “I will try to have a good rest… I promise.”
“If I don’t like your weight some time before the show, I will personally control the way you feed,” Paulina says harshly. “Or if the situation is too bad, I will have to cancel our collaboration. Because I am not going to work with those, who bring themselves to a condition like this.”
“As you wish… I will not lose weight…”
“Wonderful then. I hope you and I agreed. And you would remember that I do not need anorexic models.”
“Alright, that’s everything I wanted to say. You can be free now.”
“Thanks…” Raquelle gets up slowly from the chair, takes her purse, and fixes a strand of hair behind her ear. “Goodbye, Serena. Goodbye, Mrs. Simpson.”
“Goodbye,” Paulina pronounces with a slight smile.
“Goodbye…” Serena pronounces amicably.
Raquelle turns around slowly, comes to the door, opens it, and leaves the office of her manager. By the way, Serena looks very thoughtful while watching the girl leave and frowns slightly, thinking about something or noticing something. Maybe, the words said by Paulina seem strange to her. Or maybe, Serena herself thinks so but did not say anything aloud because of one or another reason.
After leaving the office, Raquelle seriously thinks about what Paulina told her. She has become the fourth person in the past time who has advised her to have a rest and also insisted that she did not lose weight. Telling the truth, the girl thought that woman was a little severe and harsh, even if Paulina is actually not. That’s why Raquelle even thinks about whether she rushed to give an answer too quickly. She asks herself if she would be able to work on the fashion show if Paulina really pressed her and pressed on her with her severe claims… And her criticism of Raquelle’s weight that Mrs. Simpson did not especially like.
“My gosh, why does everyone care about it so much?” Raquelle thinks gloomily. “Why do I hear that I look bad already for the fourth time? I look fucking good! Good! And I feel great!”
Raquelle exhales sharply.
“And that woman annoyed me with my weight!” Raquelle resents. “Nobody worried and cared about it before. But now someone has decided to criticize me for the way I look. I’ve always been like that! Always! I don’t have anorexia! I’m not sick! I have a normal weight! And yes, I didn’t get enough sleep, and I am out of my shape. But shit… Why do they remind me of that?”
Raquelle groans quietly and is going to leave the agency to have a walk somewhere in the city with the hope of calming down a little and putting her mind in order. But she suddenly runs into a young man and almost sweeps him off his feet, and he also lets his folders fall on the floor.
“Oh, I’m really sorry, I didn't notice you,” the young man jabs excitedly. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry…”
The young man picks up all the folders he let fall on the floor. While Raquelle shrugs without emotions in her eyes, watching the man pick up what he dropped a few seconds ago.
“It's alright,” Raquelle replies thoughtfully. “I thought about something and didn't also see where I was going.”
“It’s alright, everything is fine,” the man pronounces. “It's alright…”
After picking up all his folders from the floor, the man starts looking at Raquelle closely and quickly understands she is very similar to him.
“Wait…” the man pronounces thoughtfully. “Raquelle?”
Raquelle rounds her eyes and starts looking at the face of this man, whom she quickly recognizes.
“Steven?” Raquelle wonders. “Is that you?”
“Oh, my gosh, what a surprise!” Steven smiles widely. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Me too…”
Steven puts his folders on a chair placed near him and takes Raquelle in an amicable hug. But a few seconds later, the young people step away from each other with a slight smile on their faces.
“I didn’t think I would meet you at the agency,” Raquelle confesses.
“What brought you here?” Steven asks.
“Well, I came here for a business,” Raquelle waves her hand. “I had a meeting with Serena and one woman.”
“That was Paulina Simpson?”
“Yup, how did you guess?”
“I saw her some time ago! I saw her and Serena going somewhere.”
“She offered me to participate in her new fashion show that’s gonna take place in one month.”
“Really?” Steven smiles slightly.
“Yes, I thought Paulina would just invite me as a guest, but she offered me to introduce her clothes alongside other models.”
“My gosh, that’s awesome!” Steven claps Raquelle on the shoulders. “Congrats, friend! You’re really lucky! Paulina’s collections are very popular.”
“Thanks, Steve,” Raquelle thanks with a slight smile. “I’m madly happy, as well. I was dreaming of just watching her show personally for many years, but now I’m gonna walk on a runway in the clothes of Paulina Simpson herself.”
“I don’t doubt that you’re gonna be the main star of the show.”
“Maybe. But Paulina didn’t say I’d open or close the show. I’m gonna just walk alongside other models.”
“Anyway, rock on there!” Steven exclaims cheerfully. “Shine just as bright as a star.”
“Of course, buddy,” Raquelle nods confidently with a slight smile. “It can’t be otherwise.”
Steven says nothing and just smiles shyly while silence settles in the air for two seconds.
“Listen, I must confess that you look very fresh and cheerful,” Raquelle notices confidently, looking at Steven from head to foot.
“Really?” Steven gets truly amazed.
“I believe your life with Delancey does good things to you.”
“Ah, Delancey…” Steven pronounces slowly. “Delancey…”
“It’s true, Steve. You look more cheerful and funnier than before.”
“I just came back from a trip to Portugal, where I was for two weeks. And I am still impressed by that trip.”
“Oh, were you in Portugal?”
“Yes, but next time, I’m gonna go either to Switzerland or Montenegro. I was told that the places in these countries were just wonderful. And I saw some photos of those places that I liked very much.”
“You could get your personal portfolio to show everyone how excellent your photography skills are. Travel around the world and take photos of all the most famous places in every country.”
“Sure. Although I was having a rest, I took very many beautiful photos, which I’m gonna post on my site soon.”
“I would be happy to view them.”
Steven says nothing and cracks a slight smile. Two seconds later, the man looks around lazily, scratches the back of his head, and glances at chairs.
“Oh, listen, let's sit down here and talk,” Steven suggests. “If you aren’t busy, of course…”
“Sure!” Raquelle agrees with a slight smile. “I would be happy to talk to you.”
Raquelle and Steven sit on two chairs that stand not far from them.
“I'm really sorry for not noticing you and running into you,” Steven says with pity in his eyes.
“It's okay, Steve,” Raquelle replies with a slight smile, clapping Steven on his shoulder. “I completely understand it.”
“I almost have no time to do my work. I have so many things to do, and deadlines are strongly limited. I may have a few shootings per day. I've been working so much and hard and fell into this process so deeply that I didn't pay attention to anything.”
“I get it… I’ve also lately been very busy with work.”
“Ah, Raquelle…”
Steven leans back in the chair with a quiet, tired moan and closes his eyes for a moment.
“I'm really sick…” Steven says tiredly. “You can't even imagine how much I’d like to forget about my work and go somewhere. Going to Portugal wasn’t enough for me… I was there for just one week and didn’t have enough rest.”
“I completely understand you, Steve,” Raquelle shows sympathy and sighs heavily. “Sometimes I also want to forget about my work and go somewhere. But I understand I shouldn't do it.”
“Really?” Steven frowns slightly, moving his surprised gaze to Raquelle.
“I get it… Sometimes we all get sick of doing something. Even our favorite job may get us very exhausted. I personally love working as a photographer and get pleasure from that. But sometimes I get so tired that I wanna hide a camera as far as possible and forget about it for a long time.”
“No, I don't complain about anything…” Raquelle replies thoughtfully. “Sometimes I just have some critical moments when I'd like to leave everything to hell.”
“I mean the same!”
“But later, I tell myself I shouldn't do something when you’re sad, upset because of something or something like this…”
“Agree. When you’re exhausted, you can hardly do something good.”
“But that’s a temporary thing. If I didn't wish to be what I am now, I would’ve hardly been doing what I’m doing… Yes, I didn’t wanna be a model. But after trying this once, I got busy with that process.”
“You know, Raquelle, honestly, you make me surprised…”
“Really?” Raquelle rounds her eyes. “But why?”
“I never heard anything like this from you. Even if something was hard for you, or you couldn't do something, you never gave up and complained…”
“I said I wasn’t complaining. But I don’t deny that I sometimes have moments like these.”
“I actually see no reason to complain about something! No reason! Right?”
“Yeah, right…” Raquelle moves her eyes down. “But even if I really don’t tell anyone that it’s hard for me, it doesn’t mean everything’s easy for me.”
“But why don’t you say anything?”
“Why? I don’t wanna annoy anyone with my whining! I am a professional and must stay the one! Real professionals never give up and do their work, despite a bad mood, a bad relationship with colleagues, or any other problems. And many people get over themselves and work even when they feel bad.”
“But that’s also wrong!” Steven protests. “Yes, you should remain a professional. But excuse me, what the hell kind of professionalism when you feel disgusting and wanna die from tiredness, weakness, or something like that.”
“Sometimes we’ve gotta sacrifice something for a good result.”
“But, Raquelle, nobody makes you do something against your wish,” Steven says quietly. “You can always decline any offer for work if you don’t like it. Now you are a star. And you have a right to choose what to work on. You don’t have to do anything just to be noticed by at least someone.”
“I know, Steve,” Raquelle replies with a slight smile.
“So, reflect on every single offer very well and decide if you really want to do this.”
“I’m trying… Anyway, thanks for the advice.”
A short silence settles in the air, and then Raquelle decides to break it, glancing at a man, who is walking by her.
“Okay, why do we talk only about me?” Raquelle smiles slightly. “You better tell me what's happening to you and Delancey?”
“Oh, Raquelle…” Steven sighs tiredly.
“I thought you reacted kind of strangely when I said something about her.”
“Oh, I don't even know how to say it…” Steven replies thoughtfully and does something to his hair, running his fingers over his hair.
“What do you mean?”
“You see, Delancey and I have lately fought very often because of stupid things.”
“One day, we may have an absolute idyll, but the next day, she may find something to swear at.”
“But everyone fights at times. There’s nothing bad about it.”
“Yes, I understand that any couple may fight for some reason. But I always get a feeling of resentment… You understand?”
“I do, but you should remember that you and Delancey would never live without fights and misunderstandings.”
“I know, but Delancey has lately been unrecognizable. She was such a sweet, shy, and kind girl, but now she has become kind of aggressive, and rude… And she is always unpleasant about something. I was taking it first, but now I’m just in despair.”
“I don't know what to do…” Steven shakes his head with sadness in his eyes.
“Erm, I don't even know what to advise you,” Raquelle replies thoughtfully. “Maybe, you should talk to her and ask what’s happening to her… Why she’s become like this…”
“She says nothing and just snaps and shouts at me for nothing…”
“Oh, gosh…”
“It was okay if there was a reason! But there is not at least one! And I can’t find out anything!”
“But I thought she was a very quiet and shy girl. Could Delancey change so much in such a short time? At least, I memorized her like that when I met her for the first time.”
“Her behavior scares me…” Steven shakes his head. “And I don’t know what’s happening to her.”
“Do you really love her?”
“Yes, I love her very much and need her. But I don’t feel she needs me, as well.”
“Oh, Steven…”
“What do you think could happen to her? Tell me your opinion as a girl! Maybe, you better know what Delancey may have on her mind.”
“Sorry, Steve, but I can say nothing,” Raquelle throws her hands up. “Besides, I don’t know Delancey much. We’ve talked just a couple of times. Yes, we got on well, but I can’t call her my close friend.”
“But what could happen to her?”
“Maybe, she has problems?” Raquelle assumes thoughtfully.
“Problems? What kind of problems may she have?
“Or, do you hurt her somehow?”
“What? I’ve never told her a bad word! Even vice versa, I’ve always tried to do my best for her to feel wonderful!”
“Problems may be different. Especially when you just decided to live in the same place. You did say you were living together.”
“Yeah, we’re living together… But we moved to the same place a few months ago.”
“I personally think many couples have problems like these for some time, but later it’s gonna get better… You should just get used to it and handle it somehow.”
“You think?”
“I don’t know, buddy… I also just began to live with the man and am still trying to accept his habits. And he’s trying to get used to mine.”
“Yeah, but Delancey wasn’t behaving like that,” Steven says quietly. “And I didn’t think she’d change so much…”
“Who knows, Steve…” Raquelle shrugs slightly. “I can’t say anything.”
“Oh…” Steven thinks for two seconds. “I don’t know, maybe, you're right about problems in many couples' relationships.”
“Anyway, I’m sure it's gonna get better soon,” Raquelle expresses hope.
“What if we hurried up to start to live together? Hurried up with living together?”
“Or doesn't she feel what she felt for me before? Maybe, Delancey and I need to break up and go in different ways.”
“I don't know, Steve,” Raquelle shakes her head. “But I think you shouldn’t make such a hasty decision.”
“But we’ve gotta solve this problem somehow!”
“Hey, did you really try to talk to her and find out something?”
“Yes, I did! I tried to talk to her and figure out what was happening to her. Moreover, I even tried to talk to her mother, but she doesn't know what's happening to her daughter, either.”
“Honestly, she is also amazed by everything that’s going on ‘cause Delancey, as her mother says, has always been a quiet girl. And I believe it because I’ve known that girl for ages and know what she was.”
“Ah, how everything is hard…” Raquelle replies in a quiet voice with sadness in her eyes. “I'd like to help you, but I don't know how… Sadly, I’m not an expert on these things and am just learning everything. Learning to live with a man… Learning to be someone’s girlfriend…”
Raquelle says nothing for two seconds, starts getting quite sad, and moves her eyes to the watch on her left hand, the strap of which she starts touching nervously.
“Okay, Raquelle, don't worry about me,” Steven says softly, confidently but with some doubts. “I will get over it.”
“Sorry, but I’m really an ignoramus in love things,” Raquelle smiles shyly.
“Don’t worry, friend. I will think up something! I’ve experienced much worse moments in my life.”
“Yup,” Steven smiles slightly. “It's gonna be okay. I’m sure about it.”
“Anyway, if you need help one day, you can ask me about it,” Raquelle replies amicably. “I would do my best to help you. Because you're one of my best friends. And as you know, I do appreciate my friends very much.”
“Yes, of course, I'll call you if I wish to talk about something,” Steven promises with a slight smile.
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, and then Steven clears his throat and gets sharply straight.
“Oh, alright, why are we talking only about me?” Steven says thoughtfully. “You better tell me about how’s your personal life?”
“Everything is fine,” Raquelle replies with a false smile, folding her hands in front of her.
“Is your family alright?”
“Yup, thank God, everybody’s safe and sound.”
“And what about your relationship with Terrence?”
“It’s wonderful,” Raquelle tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “Terrence and I are living in perfect harmony. But I feel sad that we rarely see each other because we two are very busy.”
“So busy?”
“Yeah… And we get exhausted. That’s why we don’t almost spend time together. We only get to talk a little. Talk about some news. And then we fall asleep. And we can’t waste time during breakfast. We quickly eat something and go somewhere.”
“Have you and Terrence ever thought of flying away somewhere together?”
“No, it's impossible now.”
“Sorry. You could spend some time together. I think it would be just good for you two.”
“I’d be happy to go with him somewhere, but we have so much work that we can’t delay.”
“Listen, doesn’t it get you exhausted? You look quite tired. And I think you should have a rest and relax.”
“Ar-r-r…” Raquelle growls crossly, rolling her eyes. “You’re saying the same…”
“What do you mean?”
“Fewer people have already told me something the same in the last two days.”
“Can’t you feel it yourself? When did you actually look in the mirror the last time?”
“My gosh, why do you all think I really look so badly? Nobody used to care about it, but what has changed now? Also, Paulina gave me a claim about my weight! I am kind of too skinny and should not lose weight!”
“Erm, what’s wrong?” Steven gets a little confused. “People just worry about you. So, they tell you that you should have a little rest.”
“Shit, do I need to write that I’m not going to have a rest on my forehead? Nobody the fuck to ask me about it anymore!”
“Erm, quiet, quiet, Raquelle,” Steven tries to calm his friend down. “Quiet… Why did you get excited?”
“I am sick of hearing it from everyone!” Raquelle throws crossly. “Why does the fuck everyone care about it so much?”
“Well, you’ve even become irritated. You are because you got tired.”
“I am not tired!” Raquelle says a little louder.
“That’s not amazing. As far as I know, you’ve been working like crazy without stopping for a few months. It goes without saying, everyone began to notice you look much worse.”
“Do not make me irritated, Steven.” Raquelle clenches her hands slightly into fists. “Or you will make me do what I could regret.”
“I said, stop!”
Steven shakes slightly from the scare, being a little shocked by Raquelle’s behavior.
“Erm, okay, okay…” Steven tries to make amends. “Sorry… Sorry, I didn't want to hurt you anyhow. Sorry…”
Raquelle says nothing and glances aside, crossing her arms over her chest.
“But you know, I would say you really look tired,” Steven notices thoughtfully. “A little bit before you…”
Steven feels a little irritated glance of Raquelle and decides to stop discussing it for his best.
“Erm, okay, okay…” Steven raises his hands up. “Okay… If you don’t wanna have a rest, this is your personal business.”
“Better don’t meddle in the business you do not have to do with,” Raquelle says a little coldly. “I do know what’s better for me.”
“Okay… I just know that you and your boyfriend rarely go somewhere together. So, I thought it would be good for you to go somewhere and…”
Steven does not speak his mind because Raquelle stops him sharply:
“Thank you so much for your care, Steve. But I don't need it now.”
“Erm…” Steven frowns slightly. “Listen, are you really alright?”
“Yes, I am alright,” Raquelle tries to say as quietly as possible.
“Right. Everything is wonderful.”
“Okay, if it's so…”
“And don’t talk to me about tiredness anymore.”
“Okay… Sorry if I hurt you somehow. I didn’t really mean to do it.”
“It’s okay, don't worry,” Raquelle replies with a slight smile. “Let’s just not talk about it.”
“You better know.”
“I’m fine. And I’m very happy.”
“Okay, if it's so…” Steven shrugs. “I have nothing to say.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, and then Steven glances at the watch he is wearing on his left hand.
“Oh, listen, excuse me, but I have to go,” Steven says confidently. “I have very many things to do and should do everything as quickly as possible. Or I’m gonna lose my head.”
“Okay,” Raquelle shrugs with a slight smile. “It was nice to talk to you.”
“Me too.”
Steven quietly gets up from the chair and takes the folders that he put on the closest one.
“Call me if you need it,” Steven suggests amicably. “If you want to talk… We can meet at a café… Sit and talk in a quieter place than this. There are so many noises and people here. It's impossible to talk quietly.”
“Sure,” Raquelle nods with a slight smile. “I'd spend time with you at any time with great pleasure.”
“I’m always on the line.”
“Me too.”
Raquelle takes Steven in an amicable hug, and he slightly slaps her on the back. And two seconds later, they step away from each other.
“Bye, Steve,” Raquelle says goodbye amicably.
“Bye, Raquelle,” Steven pronounces. “Don’t disappear. And good luck to you.”
“You, too.”
Steven goes somewhere in a quick step, while Raquelle watches the man leave for a long time, thinking about what he just said to her.
“Everyone definitely agreed behind my back…” Raquelle thinks gloomily. “As all of them tell me about my tiredness…”
Raquelle swallows up nervously.
“But…” Raquelle thinks.“Maybe, they're right… Because now I almost took it out on Steven… I shouted at him for nothing. Fuck! That was really awkward… I should’ve apologized, but I didn’t think about it. Seriously, I don't know what happened to me. I didn't want to do that!”
Raquelle shakes her head.
“Oh, gosh…” Raquelle thinks.“I hope I won’t kill anyone accidentally… Or I will surely start to be afraid of myself… And lose all my friends. I want it less than anything. I don’t wanna stay all alone one fateful day. Without my family and friends. And I won’t take it.”
Raquelle sighs quietly, feeling ashamed of her not very good behavior. That’s why the girl starts to be a little afraid of her because she might do what she might regret later.
“Okay, I need to walk somewhere right now,” Raquelle thinks. “I should calm down… Breathe in some air… Forget about all the things I should do… I don’t wanna go home… I’m gonna be alone for a whole day… So, I’d better walk in the city instead of that. Gonna get ready for the show of Paulina. Which I must work brilliantly on. To make everyone admired. To make Paulina herself happy and have no regret about choosing me as one of the models.”
Raquelle glances aside for a moment, thinking of all the business scheduled for today.
“Moreover, I don't have any other events except this meeting,” Raquelle thinks with a slight smile. “And Serena promised that she'd manage all my work that is gonna be put on the second plan due to the preparation for the fashion show. Now I’m gonna be focused only on Paulina Simpson’s show. That’s the most important thing. And I will do my best to walk brilliantly.”
Raquelle looks at what’s around her with sadness in her eyes, embracing herself with her arms.
“Okay, I wanna leave this place and go just somewhere as quickly as possible,” Raquelle thinks. “I should really relax a little. I don’t wanna stay home and suffer from doing nothing. Besides, I don’t feel very good there. Haven’t gotten used yet… Those walls make me feel bad… It didn’t happen when I was living with Grandpa Frederick. It was always good to be at his home. But I don’t feel like that house is my home… As if I’m a guest. I’ve been the one for a few months.”
Raquelle sighs quietly with her eyes closed.
“Okay, stop being stuck here!” Raquelle decides. “I’ve gotta leave… Before I meet someone else to wish to remind me that I look tired and too skinny. Because I don’t wanna kill someone in anger.”
Raquelle tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.
“The important thing is to pass by paparazzi,” Raquelle thinks. “And then I will go where they won’t find me. Where I would spend time alone.”
Raquelle exhales sharply and quietly starts walking down the hall. Some time later, she goes downstairs to the first floor and finally leaves the agency, where there are still many people. Although the weather is gloomy today, it's quite warm to walk until the late evening. That’s why the girl decides not to go home, but to go somewhere in the country and slowly walk somewhere to calm down a little and breathe in some air.
The annoying paparazzi catch Raquelle near the exit from the agency again and start taking pictures of her from all sides. However, the girl does not pay attention to them and hides her eyes with her sunglasses so they do not get hurt by bright flashlights, which light up every second. Some time later, she finally comes to her car, gets into it, puts her purse on the passenger seat, starts the motor, and carefully goes on the road, trying not to hit someone from the paparazzi that does not literally let her quietly leave and keep taking pictures of her until she goes on the empty highroad and goes somewhere straightly as far as possible at a high speed.
After forty or forty-five minutes of driving the car, Raquelle comes to a quiet place where she decides to spend some time alone. This is a small clearing located in wood, which is located far away from the city and across the automobile road. There is nobody here but little animals. When she comes to this place, the girl leaves her auto right on the empty road, locking it with a key, and then quickly looks around and slowly starts going where her eyes look, not thinking about where this way would lead her to, and whether she can get out of here without getting lost.
It should be noted that the girl already felt some relief when she came to this place and barely started walking to this gorgeous place and admiring its beauty. The air is kind of special. Much cleaner. Much nicer. Birds sing and fly in the air from time to time, and it's possible to hear cuckoos making quiet sounds. There is nobody around. People definitely arrive here rarely, or they do not actually do this. The cold wind nicely blows the face and beautifully blows the girl’s hair gathered in a tail, while she sometimes cracks a slight smile. Walking in this quiet place, there is no wish to think of any kind of problems and problems. There is no wish to end up among people, whom she has not lately wanted to meet at all.
“Gosh, it's so nice to be here…” Raquelle pronounces with enjoyment. “Now I understand what I needed so much. Silence… Just silence. Walking where there would be nobody. Where I could spend time all alone and just walk in nature.”
Raquelle breathes in the fresh air with her eyes closed, letting her lungs get a lot of oxygen.
“I should go to the country and walk all alone much more frequently,” Raquelle decides. “There would be no paparazzi and those, who would love to tell me about my tiredness or my weight.”
After every single step, dead, dry sticks of trees crunch slightly. Sometimes little flies fly in the air, not caring about Raquelle walking here, and birds keep making an ear pleased with a calming tweet. There is no wish to leave this place. There is no wish to be back in the city. To think of problems. To meet people, who are not always wanted to talk with. To be back home… To return to the house she has not still used to. To the house where she is living with the feeling that she is just a guest. Not living there as a girlfriend of the man, who bought it some time before they decided to live together. The girlfriend of whom she does not definitely want to be so much…
Raquelle keeps walking in this place for some time, not thinking of where she is going or how she will get out of here. She does not think of what time it is now. She does not think that someone might be waiting for her at home. For this walk, the girl even turned off her mobile phone, so nobody bothered her and distracted her from walking at this place. She does not have a wish to talk to someone. She does not have a wish to see someone. She just wants to stay alone. She wants to be where it’s absolutely silent. Where birds could help her relax thanks to singing, which does not make her ear hurt but vice versa, makes her feel something nice and warm.
At some moment, Raquelle gets to reach a small, crystal-clear lake, the nice sounds of which were heard a few miles away from here. The girl slowly comes closer to it, gets down on her knees in front of this lake, and runs her hand over the surface of the water a little hesitantly. That’s why ripples show up on the surface. The water starts wiggling, and some small waves appear on this one. It makes the girl smile slightly and watch them disappear like charmed. It should be noted that she forgets about all the bad things at this moment and looks not as tense and irritated as she did some time ago.
But while Raquelle is slowly walking in this place and completely enjoying this unplanned walk, she does not suspect that a certain person wearing black clothes and dark glasses is following her tracks, trying to be invisible and hiding every time she may catch him. It seems like he is about to take a gun from his coat or a knife and kill Raquelle. Or he may just push her into the water and drown her… And it should be noted that the look of this mysterious man does not cause trust in him. He would make anyone think only of one thing – to run away as far as possible…
Raquelle spends a lot of time enjoying the wonderful weather and beauty of this place, going slowly where her eyes look. But when the girl decides to get up, step away from the lake, and go somewhere else, this man quietly comes to the girl from behind with a sly smile when she takes quite a long distance away from the water. After choosing a good moment, he pushes her in the back strongly enough. Because of such a strong hit, the girl almost loses balance but stands on her feet thanks to a miracle. After quickly coming to herself, Raquelle sharply turns on and moves her eyes to the man, who makes her shake and pray to everyone, understanding that she may expect anything now, when she is at such a quiet, desert place.
“Who are you?” Raquelle jabs with scare in her widely open eyes and steps back from the questionable fellow as far as possible. “What do you need from me?”
The man smiles slyly when he starts speaking in a nauseous-delightful voice that causes a wish to close ears and not to listen to the one:
“Hello, my dear girl. We have not met for a long enough time.”
“I don’t know you!”
“Oh, come on?” The man comes closer to Raquelle. “I don’t think so.”
“Leave!” Raquelle steps back sharply. “Step away from me now!”
“So, you and I have finally met. And I think now it’s your time to give me your debt.”
“Debt?” Raquelle wonders loudly, starting to breathe heavily from fear. “What kind of debt?”
“M-m-m…” the stranger man smiles mysteriously and looks at the girl, who got instantly white from fear, from head to foot. “I see you forgot… Or you are pretending that you do not understand me.”
“I don’t understand what you are talking about!” Raquelle jabs with dumbfounded eyes. “Who are you?”
“So, you forgot…”
“Go away!” Raquelle shouts, starting to breathe heavier and harder and strongly shaking from fear of what might happen to her. “Go away now! Or I will call the police! I will scream!”
“Are you serious?” the man smirks contemptuously. “Ha! You can scream as much as you want. You can do this until you lose your voice! I would not mind it! I would at least do anything to you, and you would not even give a squeak.”
“No, don’t do this!” Raquelle exclaims with horror in her widely open eyes.
“How lucky I am…” the man smiles slyly and comes confidently much closer to Raquelle, while she steps back from him as far as possible. “Lucky to find you here… At the place where there is nobody… Maybe, only birds sing, and the wind makes leaves move.”
“What do you want from me?” Raquelle cries excitedly. “I will give you everything you want… Just do not kill me… Please…”
“You are scared…” The man confidently nods and looks at Raquelle from head to foot. “You are… I can feel it.”
“For God’s sake, don’t kill me! Don’t hurt me…” Raquelle swallows up nervously. “I want to live…”
“You ruined my life, Raquelle Allison Cameron,” the man replies in a rude, low voice. “And I will ruin yours as soon as possible!”
While Raquelle tries to realize something, the man attacks her with an irritated growl and starts generously giving her slaps. The girl did not really expect this turn of events, and she screams at the top of her lungs from fear. From the realization that she is alone here, and nobody can help her.
“No!” Raquelle screams. “No, stop this!”
“Come here, bitch!” the man hisses through his teeth.
“Please, don’t do this!”
“You will pay me for everything…”
Nevertheless, two seconds later, Raquelle braces herself and starts fighting off this person to defend herself somehow because there is nobody that could protect her from the one, who attacked her for a reason and definitely wants something from her. As it turned out, the man attacked her for nothing because he was much weaker than Raquelle. However, this stranger man gets to scratch the girl’s cheek with his nails and leave a couple of big scars on it.
“Ugh, it hurts!” Raquelle winces strongly, grabbing her cheek after getting another scar.
“Do not dare to resist, bitch!” the man demands rudely and growls irritably. “You will not run away from me!”
“Leave me alone! NO!”
The man literally going crazy gives the poor Raquelle strong slaps again and again and pulls her strongly by the hair. The girl tries to defend herself so hard, even if she does not have much strength to do it. And she often screams from the pain caused by the way this man tries to leave deep scars on her face. A few attempts to run away from him as far as possible do not lead to a positive result, and the man catches her, grabbing her by the shirt or the jacket, and gives her strong slaps in the face, which are three times stronger, and literally fights with a wish to pull the girl’s hair out.
“Stop!” Raquelle screams at the top of her lungs and strongly shakes after the man’s one more slap of the man. “NO! STOP! I FEEL PAIN!”
Raquelle fights with this person for a long time, while he strikes her down to the ground at some moment. The girl is breathing heavily enough, trying to defend herself from the attacks of this man, who literally gets pleasure from shamelessly beating her and sometimes trying to strangle her, squeezing her throat tightly and smiling slyly while she tries to catch some air and strongly beats her offender on his arms to make him let her go.
And when he comes up with the idea of touching her body in all possible areas, as if he is planning to literally rape her, Raquelle gets to take his dark glasses off him, which she tried to reach earlier multiple times. And after seeing the face of her offender, the girl instantly recognizes him and falls into a stupor, setting her widely open eyes on the one to attack her.
“Simon Ringer?” Raquelle gets horrified, feeling how fast her heart starts beating.
The tiredness and mild pain in her hand from the fight are instantly gone after she sees this man. The man named Simon Ringer. Who came into her life again.
“My gosh…” Raquelle shakes her head and slowly gets up on her feet, which are shaking slightly. “No… No… It can’t be the truth…”
It's impossible to recognize Simon at once because he has changed so much since Raquelle saw him last time. On the photoshoot with Terrence MacClife, which was not quite good. When she did not even know that such a gentle man could have something against her. The present Simon has an overgrown beard, his greasy hair also grew up and reaches his scapula, and it's gathered into a small tall. And he is dressed up as if he borrowed clothes from homeless people or very poor people, who wear old stuff until it gets holes.
“I can’t believe it…” Raquelle pronounces in a little shaking voice. “I… Erm… No… Erm…”
Raquelle becomes speechless for a few seconds and cannot say a word. Even if she got quite many questions. For example, how this man ended up here and managed to find her…
While the girl tries to come to herself and believe that her eyes do not lie to her, Simon quickly gets up on his feet, crosses his arms over his chest, and starts speaking as if he is mocking Raquelle, who he is looking at with great disgust in his eyes.
“So what, queen of the runway, are you famous again?” Simon smirks contemptuously. “You got more famous than before and are working a few hours per day without a break!” Simon loudly claps his hands. “Well done! I appreciate your wish to reach much more!”
“What do you need from me?” Raquelle asks quietly.
“M-m-m… I see you forgot me at all. And you did not think that I could show up one beautiful day again.”
“Are you going to ruin my life again? Do my best to drive me crazy?”
“Well, in my latest email, I said there would be a day when we would meet again. When I would be back and do something much crueler.”
“I can’t believe it…”
“You know how happy I was when watching everyone… Watching everyone hate you… Everyone wish to know who allegedly opened their eyes. It was so nice to watch all of that.”
“Do you know how many tears I cried out because of you?” Raquelle wonders loudly. “How many nerves I lost! How much I was worried about what people said about me! They published such terrible things about me that I got my hair gray! Everyone turned their back on me! Everyone believed I was mean!”
“But one beautiful day, all the good things were over,” Simon keeps speaking confidently. “People got a new piece of news, and they changed their mind. And then you became a victim, whom everyone got down on knees for, begging for forgiveness and feeling sorry about believing that absolute lie. So, who did I become? I became a stinker! Bastard! A shameless liar that is still being showered with mud by absolutely everyone. Who everyone hates to death. Your fans hate me, especially much. They wish me to die! Wish me to burn in hell!”
“You thought they’d thank you? You thought the truth would never come to light? You thought everyone would believe I was an egoist, who suffered from a star-struck until the last day of my life. Who allegedly behaved badly on the set. Who was literally taken to a mental hospital because she wasn’t allegedly able to control herself.”
“They would not have showered me with mud if not for you, bitch!”
Simon points at Raquelle sharply with a finger.
“Because of you and your friends, who did their best to make me ashamed, my plans were ruined,” Simon adds with anger in his voice. “Because of you, everyone hates me now. EVERYONE! HATES ME! BECAUSE OF YOU! Yes, nobody still knows it was my work. But I hear people insulting the one, who dared to do that to you. I hear them swearing to turn my life into hell after finding out who was the one to do that.”
“I will be grateful to them for what they did to me until the last day of my life,” Raquelle says confidently. “For believing I was innocent and doing their best to open the eyes of people and make them realize I was guilty of nothing.”
“You did deserve what happened to you. It’s your payback for daring to slander me and make me a disgrace to the whole world. I managed to restore justice and get my kind name back.”
“No, Raquelle, you did not restore justice,” Simon protests confidently. “You destroyed me! I wanted my wishes and goals to come true. I was sure I would do that! But they did not! Nothing came of that…”
“Which goals? Revenge on me for what I did not do? I have done NOTHING to you to make you mock me like that and make me shamelessly move my eyes down when someone was insulting and humiliating me because of what you told everyone,”
“Everything would have been alright… If not for you, bitch.” Simon sharply points at Raquelle with his finger. “Because of you, my plans were ruined to the fuck.”
“You’re crazy, Simon. Crazy.”
“Bitch… Because of you… Because of you, I became a loser. BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE TO BE GUILTY OF ALL MY PROBLEMS! I HATE YOU, BITCH! HATE! I CURSE YOU!”
“And I hate you!” Raquelle throws rudely. “I will never forget it. And I will not forgive you for that. Never! For everything I had to take when everyone turned their backs on me. I mean, I thought they did. But it was not true.”
Raquelle shakes her head.
“And I also blamed the other person for everything. Even if he was guilty of nothing.”
“Sorry that not everyone believed you were not the angel you wanted to be for people.” Simon smirks evilly. “Sorry that everyone did not turn their backs on you. Your family did not believe what they said about you… Your loyal friends did not hurry to believe and did cover you so hard… And many friends of yours were also by your side.”
Simon frowns slightly and crosses his arms over his chest.
“And thanks to them, you became a star again,” Simon notices. “Thanks to them, everyone got love for you again. They began to show you everywhere. You are working like crazy. Just to make everyone talk about your works. Not the scandal I provoked.”
“And I got what I wanted!” Raquelle proudly raises her head up.
“Right, you’re a headstrong girl and got what you wanted. Besides, you also got a man. Started to date the one, who made little girls lick screens of TVs and hang posters with his face on the walls of their rooms. The one to get actually famous thanks to running naked in front of cameras and showing everyone his body, which little girls wanted to touch so badly.”
“And you are mad because everything is fine with me, and I am very happy,” Raquelle replies rudely.
“Yes, I am mad!” Simon exclaims. “I am mad because you got off that so easily. I am mad that not everyone turned their backs on you. Including your sweetheart.”
“What do you mean?”
“One day, I made a stupid mistake when I confessed to that hysterical man that I was the one to spread those false rumors about you. He went mad, insulted me, and immediately fired me.”
“Should he have kept working with you?”
“Terry was thinking of you too much and swore he would not calm down until you belonged to him. And when you ran away somewhere, he called all of his familiars. He managed to find you. And he eventually told you about his love. Also, he proved that he did not have to do with what happened.”
Raquelle says nothing and just rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.
“You know, sweetie, I could ruin Terrence’s life, as well,” Simon smiles shyly. “But I am not very interested in it now. Even if I do not exclude that everything might happen later. I could make his life very hard one day. And make him pay for betraying me.”
“Alright, stop saying this bullshit!” Raquelle replies sharply and rudely. “Tell me what you want to get from me now. And I will do that. To make you leave me alone. Once and forever.”
“I need only one thing, Raquelle: I want to destroy you and your whole family. Only after that, I can calm down and say that my life is getting better. That’s the goal of mine.”
“Yeah?” Raquelle crosses her arms over the chest and looks at Simon amazingly. “So, how are you going to do it? Would you like to call your friend and ask him to publish a false article about me and make everyone sure that all my celebrity friends allegedly said terrible things about me? Or would you go further and make me think my family says bad things about me?”
“M-m-m…” Simon smiles mysteriously and laughs quietly, while Raquelle looks at him gloomily. “You will know everything soon, my sweet girl. I can only say that everything will turn upside down in your life very soon. Be sure, you will not forget what is going to happen to you. I will be chasing you in your most horrible nightmares. You will be begging me for mercy… I swear, Raquelle!”
“You can stop trying, Simon. Now, nobody will believe any sort of fake article. Because I do not doubt what my friends and relatives think about me. They do believe me and know who I really am.”
“We will see,” Simon smiles slyly. “Maybe, the last time, I failed it a little and did not make everyone turn their backs on you. But this time, you will really stay alone. I shall do my best for everything to happen. I will do my best for you to suffer from loneliness and helplessness.”
“Don’t worry, I will find a way to punish you. And if I have to, I will personally ask everybody and find out if someone said something like that. If I see a quote allegedly by someone from my friends and close people.”
“My gosh…” Simon smirks evilly and laughs with his open mouth, showing his quite decayed teeth. “Are you really such a silly girl that you seriously thought I would do the same thing for the second time? Do you really think I would do something twice? No… I shall go another way. No paid articles.”
“Yeah, and what can you do?” Raquelle wonders, crossing her arms over her chest. “I doubt someone will just look at you after that scandal. I think now you know what might happen to those, who try to get famous thanks to the name of another famous person. You felt it on your back.”
“You decided to threaten me?”
“Didn’t you forget that I wanted to sue one somehow, but then refused to do that? But I could start this case again and make you pay for slandering me.”
“You can prove nothing.”
“Oh, no… I know excellent lawyers, who would easily make the judge sure to stand by my side.”
“No, my dear, I am absolutely sure it’s just your words. You think you can scare me. But it’s worthless. Worth-le-ss.”
“Well, you know, I’m not afraid of your threats, either,” Raquelle says with her head proudly raised, trying to look as confident as possible but shaking from a fear deep inside. “And this time, I will not be sitting and doing nothing while watching people showering me with mud and someone earning money and getting famous thanks to my name.”
“You? Not afraid?” Simon laughs very loudly, showing his terrible teeth again. “Do not make me laugh, Raquelle! I am begging you! I would believe you more if you said you would like to quit your modeling career.”
Simon stops laughing and shakes his head, still looking at Raquelle being white from fear with a sly smile and not believing she is really not afraid of him.
“Oh, your claim is so funny,” Simon says confidently. “Sometimes words do not fit what your body may say… And now it says that you are terribly afraid of me and shaking from fear… Besides, you look kind of green… You are about to lose consciousness.”
“It seems to you, Simon,” Raquelle lies in a little shaking voice and swallows up nervously.
“No-o-o-o, it does not, my baby. You are afraid of me.”
“I am afraid?”
“I do not exclude that you were afraid of me even when you and I talked on the photoshoot. On which you and MacClife fought as hard as a cat and a dog.”
Honestly, Raquelle has nothing to say because she really felt mild coldness when being next to him during the first meeting with Simon but did not show it and kept communicating with the man as if everything was alright. However, the man does not need to hear something because he literally reads the girl like a favorite book and knows he is absolutely right in this case.
“You can say nothing, my dear, I know everything,” Simon says confidently and touches the scratched cheek of Raquelle with a sly smile, while she shakes sharply, feels immediately how she gets obsessed with strong coldness and anxiety, and moves off his hand. “You are like a book that I know heart by heart. So, I can surely say what would happen, and what a character of any story feels. I see you through and know what you are thinking of, what you are afraid of, what you are dreaming, what you got through… On your face, in your wonderful eyes that are a little sad and tired now, everything is clearly written… I see everything very well…”
“Leave me alone,” Raquelle demands quietly. “If you do not hurt me, I will not think of meeting you. I am going to say more, I will not even tell anyone about our meeting.”
“Oh, no, my sweetie, now you will not get off me easily,” Simon shakes his head with a sly smile. “This time, I will go until the end. And I will start by turning your life into an endless hell. Maybe, I will get you so exhausted that I will not have to work on the next step of my plan.”
“Listen, Simon…”
“And yeah…” Simon comes to Raquelle much closer and looks into her eyes. “I want you to remember only one thing… Just one… You will not hide from me. I know everything about you. I know your phone number, know the address of the house where you are living with Terrence, and know where your grandfather is living. Moreover, I do even know the home address of your beloved aunt in London. And I also have the addresses of some of your friends. I can easily visit you or your closest people to drink tea at any time. So, tell me to always keep a pack of cookies and coffee in the kitchen because I could easily visit them at any time.”
“You’re lying…” Raquelle replies confidently. “You have nothing. You just want to scare me.”
“Not at all, my girl. I know everything about you and your family.”
“How did you know it, then?”
“Hey, hey…” Simon pronounces quietly. “Not everything at once. Someday, I shall tell you everything. But not now. Now you better get ready for a terrible life that is waiting for you and would hardly let you survive.”
“Do not dare to hurt my friends and family, Simon,” Raquelle threatens with a finger, trying to pretend that she is not afraid of Simon and his threats but actually being afraid of him like the most cowardly bunny. “Do not dare to get them involved in our business.”
“Oh, I shall dare to do it!” Simon smirks evilly.
“They do not have to do with what’s happening between us.”
“Right, they do not do. But they are also a part of my plan. So, they would not hide from me, either.”
“Don’t dare, Ringer, DO NOT DARE!”
“Remember, girl… I will do everything… Hear me? Everything to turn your life into real hell! I will do my best for you to never forget everything that’s going to happen to you. So, you wake up with a cold sweat when I come to your dreams. Trust me, it will happen.”
“You’re crazy, Simon…” Raquelle shakes her head. “Just crazy…”
“And something else…” Simon threatens Raquelle with a finger. “I will never forgive you. Hear me? I shall never forgive you for everything that’s happened to me.”
“And I will never forgive you for what you did to me,” Raquelle says confidently, crossing her arms over her chest. “I will not forget how hard it was for me after I checked the Internet and saw articles about the things I would never dare to do.”
“You know, sweetie, everything has a little bit of the truth,” Simon smiles falsely. “I am sure you are not as holy as you think. As all your close people think. Your fans… The whole world…”
“Stop, Simon!” Raquelle cuts off sharply. “I am sick of listening to your bullshit.”
“You listen! Listen and remember! And get ready for the fact that your life will turn to real hell at the nearest time.”
“You will do nothing to me.”
“Do not be a stupid, naive idiot, Raquelle,” Simon smiles slyly, putting his hands on his hips. “If you think you can run away from New York to any other place, you are deeply wrong. I swear, I will get you from the ground. As well as I will get your family and your friends from it.”
“From this time on, I will not let you live a peaceful life. I do promise.”
“Do not dare to hurt at least someone…” Raquelle hisses through her teeth, tightly clenching her hands into fists. “Or you will regret it much!”
“Remember, I always watch you, my darling. And I still could do very much.”
“We will see it.”
“Watch out, Raquelle Allison Cameron. From this time on, your peaceful life is going to turn into a hellish hell. You will regret deciding to stand in my way.”
“No, you will regret starting this whole game! I will not leave it unnoticed!”
Simon says nothing and puts on dark glasses with a sly smirk, goes two steps back from Raquelle breathing heavily, and turns on the girl.
“I want to say it again: do not try to run away from the city or the country,” Simon says confidently. “I will find you at any point on the globe and will always be following your track. Wherever you are.”
Simon raises his head proudly.
“Goodbye, my darling, see you very soon,” Simon waves his hand. “Expect surprises from me at the nearest time. And remember… You will never forget what I am going to do. It’s time to end this protracted calm.”
Simon turns around and quickly leaves this place, while the embarrassed and scared Raquelle stays alone. The girl watches the man leave for a long time, thinking about what is going to happen to her at the nearest time and what she should do. It's very hard for her to believe it's all really happening. Hard to believe Simon has shown up again and promised to mock her again.
Raquelle is standing in the same place for a few seconds, looking into the distance with dumbfounded eyes and breathing quite heavily. She calls the memories of everything said by that man, who made her feel fear, coldness, and disgust, and also all the letters he sent her a few months ago. The girl naively believed she would forget Simon and everything that happened to her because of him once and forever. But as it turned out, all the problems are just going to happen! And she cannot exclude that all of her current problems may be nothing unlike what may expect her and those she knows at the nearest time.
“I can't believe it…” Raquelle shakes her head with horror in her widely open eyes, sits on the stump placed not far from her, and doubles over. “He has shown up… Simon wants to revenge on me again… He didn’t leave me alone…”
Raquelle swallows up nervously.
“God…” Raquelle pronounces in a little shaking voice. “I thought he was far away from here and wouldn't come into my life anymore. I hoped he bluffed when promising to come back again and turn my life to hell. But no… Ringer is back! And he’s gonna destroy me.”
Raquelle shakes her head.
“I’m dead…” Raquelle blunts under her breath. “His threats will come true. That man is gonna get what he wants early or late and drive me crazy.”
Raquelle exhales slowly with her eyes closed and lifts her head up to the sky, either asking God to help her or just trying to hold down the tears that are coming to her eyes.
“Gosh, why was it him?” Raquelle wonders. “Why did he show up right now? When everything got more or less better in my life! When I began to live more or less quietly! Why? Why is it happening to me? What did I do to Simon that he couldn't leave me alone?”
After closing her eyes for a few seconds again and making a couple of quiet sobs, Raquelle barely touches her cheek, on which there are the scars she got after fighting with Simon.
“Could that person really hurt me, my family, and all my friends?” Raquelle asks herself. “And how is he gonna do it? Ringer hardly bluffed! I am sure he was talking about it seriously! And if it's so, something horrible is gonna happen at the nearest time.”
Raquelle sighs heavily and shakes her head, starting to understand that Simon would hardly leave her alone and would mock the girl literally much harder than the last time.
“What do I do now?” Raquelle asks herself. “What do I do? What? I don't want anyone to suffer because of me… If that stinker dares to hurt at least one of them, I don’t know what I’m gonna do…”
Raquelle puts her hand on her forehead.
“Gosh…” Raquelle pronounces quietly with a heavy breath. “What do I do? How do I protect my close people? How do I save myself? What could I do against that man? What? Why’s he doing all of that? I don’t understand anything!”
Raquelle runs her hands over the top of her head to the nape of her neck.
“The trouble is coming…” Raquelle assumes in a little shaking voice. “Something’s gonna happen very soon. I can feel it. I feel that I'm gonna regret something very soon. Regret actually starting a talk with that man. Oh, God…”
What do people usually do when they are in despair? Cry? Pull their hair out? Want to hide from everyone and not to look into their eyes? Probably, that’s what Raquelle wants more than anything! She is in such a strong shock after this fateful meeting that she can do nothing for some time but to sit and look into the distance with her dumbfounded eyes, silently repeat that great trouble is coming, and ask herself why Simon actually wanted to mock her like that, even if she did nothing bad to him.
But a little later, Raquelle does her best to brace herself and decides that she better go home as soon as possible for her own safety.
“Okay, I…” Raquelle whispers in a shaking voice. “I’d better go home… Before I get attacked by someone… Brought to me by Simon…”
Raquelle puts her hand on the heart, which is beating fast.
“Damn…” Raquelle pronounces excitedly. “It seems like I shouldn't have gone here… If everything had been otherwise, that man would’ve killed me right here. And nobody would’ve understood anything… Nobody would’ve known who and how did it…”
Raquelle sighs heavily.
“Oh, no…” Raquelle shakes her head. “It seems like I'm really gonna see Simon in my most horrible nightmares. He’s gonna be chasing me in my dreams… Turning them to real hell… Do his best for me not to be able to sleep well… I don’t doubt it's gonna happen…”
Raquelle makes a couple of quiet sobs and carefully wipes tears off under her eyes.
“Okay, okay…” Raquelle pronounces in a shaking voice. “I’ve gotta go… Gotta go home… And stay there… It would be much safer… At least, the house is located in the territory, which is under the view of security. So, Simon wouldn’t reach it so easily… Yeah… I’ve gotta go… Gotta go…”
Raquelle gets up from the stump, wipes tears off her face again, and runs to her car. On the way, she takes the keys from a pocket on her jacket, gets in a driver’s seat, starts a motor, and drops the pedal as strongly as possible, barely holding tears down and wishing to be back home as soon as possible.
Yes, Raquelle does not completely believe Simon and thinks he could say something like that to terrify her and make her afraid of him. But something makes her seriously worried. It does not mean the girl is not afraid of that man, who has already framed her somehow. Moreover, the brunette is sure that her offender could really do something to her family and mock her friends somehow. She already understood that Simon would not talk to the wind and would always keep his promise. So, all of her close people should be careful because they may expect anything from that man.
Nobody knows how much Raquelle's life is going to change after such an awful man like Simon Ringer has shown up again. But now one thing is clear: while the man walks on the streets of the city freely, the life of the girl, her family, and her friends will not be the same for a long time, and this nightmare is just getting started. Who knows what might happen today, tomorrow, or another day, and whether everybody stays alive after what might happen to them… And this type of suspense does scare Raquelle. She is scared because she does not know what Simon would come up with, and she would not be able to save herself and her close people from the threat that is threatening them now.